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  1. I wasn't particularly looking forward to this challenge until I realized I could start now and roll the 2 week break into a proper 6 week challenge. 6 week challenge activate! Power I'll be starting Cycle II of 5/3/1. Spreadsheet is here. I'll be lifting approximately twice a week with 2 big lifts each day plus some accessory work, usually determined on the fly. Grace I'll be continuing with Jeff Galloway's running principles. The theory is every 2 weeks I test my 1 mile pace and use that to determine the training walk/run pace. Each week consists of 2 short runs and 1 'long' run. Every 2 weeks that long run will include a retest of the 1 mile pace. As part of Galloway's program, there are also 3 walk or cross train days. 2 of those cross train days will be my lifting days, the 3rd will be a hammer day. That leaves 1 rest day per week. I just completed my 1 mile test run this past weekend so I'll do that again in 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and then on the last weekend. I am hoping for improvement each time. The hammer workout will be some combination of Shovelglove, tire swings, or a short hammer run but the hammer will be neglected no more. Here is the tentative workout schedule for the challenge: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday off run 15-20min lift run 15-20 min lift Hammer 1.5 mile off run 15-20min lift run 15-20 min lift Hammer 1.5 mile* off run 20-25 min lift run 20-25 min lift Hammer 2 miles off run 20-25 min lift run 20-25 min lift Hammer 2 miles* off run 25-30 min lift run 25-30 min lift Hammer 2.5 miles off run 25-30 min lift run 25-30 min lift Hammer 2.5 miles* Wisdom My current goal is to be somewhere between logging food on MFP and intuitive eating. I have been logging food, with a 'goal' in mind but I'm not that concerned about the goal as long as I am making decent choices and eating when I am hungry. I usually go most of the day eating primal, paleo + dairy, and then add some grains to dinner. I'd like to have grains a bit less with dinner, either by having it less often, choosing better grain choices, or just smaller portions. Restricting them altogether isn't ideal. I tried tracking variances last challenge but the line between a variance and making a choice was getting blurry so I'm abandoning that. I do have some guidelines to follow: Plan the week's menu ahead and batch cook. Meal planning must include some veggies with dinner Eat all the freggies! Ideally no more than 1 meal without freggies a day but overall just keep track and aim for at least 3-5 freggies a day Edit for SMART goal: Get at least 4 servings of freggies a day. limit sweets. A little ice cream is OK some nights, maybe some chocolate, but stay in control and just don't go overboard. Edit for SMART goal: No more than 1 sweet treat a day. Focus on how food choices will make me feel. Will it satisfy my hunger? Will it make me feel bloated and full? I don't know why I make goals like this. I never stop and think about this when I am deciding on foods. My intention was to integrate some intuitive eating so I am not relying as heavily on the rules but it's not working. Wonder Does anyone else feel suffocated by time? It just keeps moving and there is no stopping it, whether you have something to hold onto or not. The summer is quickly coming to an end. This challenge ends a week and a half before the kids start school again and during that time is our family vacation. So the 6 weeks of this challenge mark what's left of my summer. I just don't want to squander it. I have a lot of crochet projects to work on for an online auction fundraiser I am planning but I also need to be present for others and take some time to relax. I've started a list in my bujo of some summer projects and to-dos. I'd like to look back the summer and have something to show for it and have experiences we can remember. EDITED: This goal isn't very SMART either. Now that I am consumed by crocheting for this fundraiser, I am not making much time for anything else, fun or adulting. I need to get back to filling in my bujo and making plans. Goal: Cross 3 things off my list each week. Do at least 1 fun activity per week with family - with the exception for the 1 week I am on my own.
  2. Power. Grace. Wisdom. Wonder. Guess who's back........!!! . . . No, not Slim Shady! Wonder Woman is back. The semester is over (or will be as soon as I finish grading) so it's time to pick myself up and get this year started properly. Is it coincidence or destiny that this coincides with the Wonder Woman movie release right at the beginning of this challenge? I will be taking an actual Week 0 this time around. I stil have a week of grading to finish up and I could really use a week off after my Whole30 last challenge. Power It's time to get back in that gym and lift some heavy shit and put it back down. I'll be starting up my 5/3/1 program again. I have a spreadsheet I developed the last time around on 5/3/1. I'll repopulate with my new numbers and share it here. The plan is to hit the gym 2 days a week and do 2 lifts each gym day. Day1: DL and OHP. Day 2: Squat and bench. I will use Week 0 to test 1RM. Grace Time to run. I didn't make the cut off to register for the 5k at the MN State Fair but we'll find some substitute plus I need to build some stamina for the HammerRace. I'll be using Jeff Galloway's running principles. The theory is every 2 weeks I test my 1 mile pace and use that to determine the training walk/run pace. I'll test my 1 mile pace during Week 0 so I can start in Week 1. Each week consists of 2 short runs and 1 'long' run. Every 2 weeks that long run will include a retest of the 1 mile pace. As part of Galloway's program, there are also 3 walk or cross train days. 2 of those cross train days will be my lifting days, the 3rd will be a ruck day. That leaves 1 rest day per week. Week 0 will consist of 1 ruck and the mile pace run. The schedule may change from week to week but basically the plan is something like this: M - Ruck T - Short run W - Lift R - Short Run F - Lift S - Rest S - 'long' run Wisdom This will be my food goal. It won't be that strict. I will use what I learned during Whole30 and find out what works best for me for a more sustainable paleo diet. This might be a certain number of variances a week, or counting freggies.. And I need to determine which Whole30 resticted foods I want to allow daily and which will be restricted. I'll likely just report my daily food log here and work it out as I go along. I will be logging food on MFP but I won't have a goal based on calories. Wonder Summer has arrived, at least according to the academic calendar. I have several weekends blocked off already to transport kids to grandparent's over the summer and all their various outings. I do not want to squander the remaining free summer weekends. I would like to plan something fun with the family each week and also spend some time on my hobbies that I have been neglecting. I think this summer I want to focus on some guitar practice and some crochet/quilting crafty stuff. Sims is a hobby too but I'd like to be able to produce something with my time other than a legendary Sim family.
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