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  1. Creeping, lurking ... ready to devour. Hanging over every minute, every hour. My foe is there, but victory's mine, Remember my light - and let it shine. Stealing a bit of Vampire the Masquerade Floon for this one. I am still super hyped and into that game and using that for inspiration here. The Beast - for vampires, it's the monster within. For me, it's the gloom of autumn and winter, combined with growing feelings of being stuck where I am. I have to re-frame this perspective because if I keep focusing on the negatives, and the "not yet's", or the not where I wanted to be's, I fail to see what I do have. Comparison to other perceived 'better' views is a joy stealer. And I want to stop doing this. Goals are going to be largely based on mental and emotional health this time around. Sure I'll have my other things to keep track of because seeing consistency is GOOD for my brain. And I am still very much thriving on the music endeavors, so that's been great and I want to keep up with that. (The #backtomusic2022 has lasted, ALL year, so this feels legit!) Goal 1: Use Gratitude App Daily - Follow prompts. Make time. Do it. No excuses. The point is to get it done daily to teach your mind how to look past the negatives. If I do it only when I feel good and have a thing immediately come to mind to be thankful for, then I am not learning a new perspective, I am letting the old one dictate my choices. Daily Gratitude on App Goal 2: Track Calories - but Stop Being So Militant about it! - Tracking has worked great the past 6 weeks, and I dropped about 4-5 pounds. I have to stop freaking out for those occasions where I can't really track them. Because that's making me a tyrant. No one wants a raging calorie tracker at an outing. 😛 Track Daily (except for untrackable outings, just enjoy those on occasion) Goal 3: Create! It brings Joy! - I found a really coo, tracker called TimeLog - and it lets me keep track of the hours I spend on various hobbies. I originally did it to keep track of music specifically, but I've also used it for art. Keep doing the music and art. I had it set for 4x a week each thing. And that almost happens. But I find that even if it's 4x/week - I almost always get 2 hours a week on each thing. Which is 4 x 30 minutes. So 4x or 2 hours / week is a doable amount on my stuff. So I'll keep it there for now. 4x / Week or 2 Hours Each Minimum: Bass - Guitar - Piano - Art Goal Eh: Keep exercising. - I thought to take this off as a goal because I am in such a good routine with it, but with winter here it will actually be harder for me to get my move days in - so this might serve as a reminder to focus on the effort. 2-3 Strength / week 2-3 Move / week Finally, a challenge long list of things I want to remember to try and get done. We're calling it a Side Quest list. Side Quests Oil Change Tire Rotation Purge Unused Items from Closet Reorganize Closet Purge Unused Items from TV Stand Cabinet Purge Unused Items from all Drawers in Room Go through Clothes, Donate Items no longer Worn Find Room Arrangement to Allow for easier Creative Outlets (might require getting rid of some furnishings / replacing with new ideas) Research music recording software. Research music notation software. Purchase / ask for Christmas - items needed for above. Look up theory classes to brush up on music theory. Bass lessons? Look into this. Continue watching house market / look at ones that might be doable. Make appt with financial advisor / budget helper. Finish Dad/Daughter Pic
  2. JOIN ME IN A ZERO WEEK SPECIAL GRATITUDE THING! Gratitude practice is a beautiful thing. It gives us perspective, grounding, and is quick and easy. All you have to do is list three things here you are grateful for. You can do it once, or come back - even everyday - if you find the practice useful for you! And I'm gonna go ahead and say... bonus points if you add a GIF everyone else will be grateful for having seen Why not. Silly, adorable, funny, thoughtful, whatever. Have at it!
  3. *record scratch* *freeze frame* Yep, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got here. I’m TiogaGirl and I’m here because I dig the warm and fun and supportive environment, not to mention the structure of challenges! I’ve started more challenges than I’ve completed, but when I do stick with it I end up feeling good and making some progress. I have a job I love (that can get pretty all-consuming and stressful, so it sometimes drives me crazy), great husband and kids, and an alarming number of pets ... 2 big dogs, a cat and 4 birds. I am also a shameless fan of musical theatre and one of my biggest accomplishments in 2019 was to audition for a show choir — turns out to be a LOT of work, although absolutely fun as well. Steve’s “wake up excited / go to bed proud” language has always really resonated with me, and I have a pretty good idea of how I want to feel at the end of each day of this challenge. Muscles pleasantly tired, body feeling good about the day’s food intake, brain feeling smug about the day’s accomplishments, emotionally topped-up from having laughed with and connected with the people I love, and looking forward to what the next day has to offer. Goals: Track food in MFP for 18 full days (the other 3 days can be partials, ie losing track in the evenings at social events) Hit an average caloric deficit in the 250-500 range each week Finish 219 workouts in 2019 challenge (I have 20 more to go, so pretty much daily workouts on the horizon, but these can be as quick as a darebee session — just something intentional BEYOND walking to work which I do on the reg anyway) 8 yoga classes — more is great, but 8 works out to almost 3/week, which will help keep me strong and bendy and stretchy and zen Prep turkey meatballs so I have high protein snacks on hand Look into physio and book a first appointment (knee injury) No alcohol! Messes with my sleep and my willpower, and the fun I have is not worth the next-day dragginess! Check in here daily, report on the above, and also identify one thing I’m proud about for the day plus something to look forward to Scoring: tba!
  4. Hello Rebels! I'm annyshay. I'm a single, thirty-something physician that just moved across the country to start a new job and life in Albany NY. My cat's name is Dragon. I've been at this Nerd Fitness thing for quite some time and recently became an ambassador for the Adventurers. I've had an injury in my right foot that I'm slowly nursing back to health. I eat intuitively and have sworn off diet mentality. I've learned a ton about stress management and work to prioritize sleep. I love meeting new rebels, so say hello if you wander in. To all my friends and old followers, welcome back! As I resettle into my new life, I'm going to refocus on some of my core habits to make sure that I strengthen my foundation. I will aim to do these things regularly and report on them often! Cook Walk Reach Out Grateful Wins
  5. Annyshay blinked in shock as the outline of the Old Man faded into blue flames that disappeared just as suddenly as he had done. Who on earth was this Old Man that had been guiding her around the Great Plateau? She shook her head, half expecting to hear an answer from the strange disembodied voice that had started her on this journey by urging her to pick up the Sheikah Slate that hung from her hip. No answer was forth coming, so she was left alone with her thoughts. The Old Man had told her to head to the point where lines through the shrines that she had found would intersect. Looking at the map on her Sheikah Slate, it was clear that he meant the old, broken temple close to the cave where she had awoken in nothing but her undergarments just a few short weeks ago. Annyshay could remember nothing prior to waking up in that cave. She couldn't remember anything about who she was or how she had found herself in this strange wilderness. She didn't know much, but she knew that she wanted to help the princess that was fighting that Beast called Calamity Ganon. To do that, she needed to get off of this Plateau and out into the wider world of Hyrule. The paraglider that the Old Man offered was the only way that she knew how to do that. Well, sitting around staring at the Sheikah Slate and ruminating on what had happened to her in the last few weeks wasn't moving her any closer to getting the paraglider from the Old Man. She returned the Sheikah Slate to her hip, and climbed a nearby wall. She would have to be careful not to get into too many more battles on the way back to the temple as she was running out of weapons.
  6. December of 2017 was my first time in 51 years of life doing a formal year-end inventory, and I am using the data I gleaned from that experience to formulate my goals for 2018. I modified the categories from Level 10 Life, and came up with what I want to focus my attention on for this year. I'm stashing these here so I have a place to look for inspiration to create my four-week challenge goals more intentionally vice haphazardly as I have been doing. Spirituality: Add a daily prayer focus to the beginning of every day; add a brief gratitude bullet at the end of every day (record in BuJo) Re-boot prayer journalling habit, using The Power of Prayer Journal because that actually worked out great for me when I used to use it Physical Health: Participate in my gym's annual 3-month nutrition Transformation Challenge, starting Jan 13 Figure out what my actual maintenance calories are Learn to do unassisted chin-ups Squat my bodyweight Add HIIT sessions to strength workouts 3x/week Marriage: Verbally express gratitude/appreciation at least daily Environment: Convert horribly cluttered and neglected bonus room/junk storage room to cozy, welcoming Hobbit Hole/library/writer's sanctuary Incorporate Weekly Home Blessings into weekly routine (FlyLady quickie whole-house-cleaning) Commit at least 15 minutes/day to de-cluttering and tidying up using combination of FlyLady and Marie Kondo methods Relationships: Commit at least two days a month to face-to-face time with friends (women's ministry events, coffee dates, Wednesday studies) Call at least two out-of-town family members (mom, one of the sisters, eldest) every month Career: Schedule specific daily times for records maintenance and reporting Use Pomodoro technique for mundane tasks Finances: Pay of three smallest of remaining student loans using snowball method Replenish emergency savings used during recent emergency veterinary surgery Pay off medical/veterinary bills by July Helping: Volunteer at domestic violence shelter Take supplies to DV shelter at least monthly Buy at least one thing for food pantry at every weekly grocery trip Mental: Take another Coursera course, possibly Stanford's "Mathematical Thinking" Learn contact juggling "Butterfly" Finish Duolingo French, start Duolingo Welsh Complete BookRiot 2018 Read Harder challenge Read 120 books (Goodreads goal) Emotional/Personal Development: Continue daily meditation Write Morning Pages Finish rough draft of novel The BIG THREE goals for the year are officially: Finish novel Create library/writer's sanctuary Pay off three student loans I plan to re-visit these at least quarterly, modify or add to as needed.
  7. Welcome to SPRING! As we stretch out of the darker season, let’s join together in gratitude. Science has shown that being actively grateful can have tremendous positive effects on our health and well being, and the more we study gratitude, the more benefits we find. The basic takeaway is very simple: Be thankful to be happy. “People who regularly practice gratitude by taking time to notice and reflect upon the things they're thankful for experience more positive emotions, feel more alive, sleep better, express more compassion and kindness, and even have stronger immune systems.” Being thankful, genuinely grateful for what we have, has an immediate and profound impact on our sense of well being. It even helps increase our financial balances, by making us less inclined to spend. “Grateful people report themselves as being less materialist and less envious. In particular, grateful people report being more willing to part with their possessions, more generous with them, less envious of the material wealth of others, less committed to the idea that material wealth brings happiness. Apparently, material success is not a very important factor in the happiness of highly grateful people.” Robert Emmons, author of Thanks!: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier, shows that simply keeping a gratitude journal—regularly writing brief reflections on moments for which we’re thankful—can significantly increase well-being and life satisfaction. Let’s focus on gratitude this spring, and find balance at the equinox. Want to join in the fun? Post something you are grateful for and why it matters to you. Start today, and post at least one thing. Aim for one thing a day, but don’t let a missed day stop you from coming back and posting. Keep track of how many posts you made by number each successive post. We’re going to do this for the coming three weeks, so add the suffix “/21” to each number, so that we can keep it in context. I’ll post prompts along the way, but listen to your inner voice. People report that the continuity of gratitude and the depth of emotion are the real key to success here. So post away! At the end of the mini-challenge, we’ll talk about what you noticed, and what these insights have led to, if anything. !
  8. I'm pushing the boundaries of my comfort zone on this challenge which makes me pretty excited. Last challenge I was very broad with my expectations, but this time I'm being specific. The more details the less room for error right? Focus 1: Mind Meditate for 5 minutes every day. Take time to enjoy the quiet and the stillness. Focus 2: Body Fitness: Practice Yoga for 15 minutes every Tuesday and Thursday (non-class days) and attend EVERY class Monday, Wednesday and Friday NO EXCUSES Food: No snacks after dinner. This is where I ALWAYS trip myself up. I will have an awesome day, but then binge late at night and ruin my progress. Focus 3: Soul Write in my gratitude and prayer journal each day. Even if it's just a sentence or two take time to reflect on the things and people that bless my life I'm excited for this next step in my journey and I look forward to walking it out among you new friends.
  9. My 2016 -- by all measures -- has been a very stressful year. The first half of the year was dominated by my mother's declining health and her passing in June. The second half of the year has been a process of putting the pieces back together again, only to have them fall apart in November with sickness and my son's learning difficulties. At one point, I had managed to handle all of that stress with consistent exercise and had dropped 12 pounds since January and was running my fastest 5K's in a very long time. Unfortunately, the last scale measurement showed 6 of those pounds had come back. But, the last week-ish of the last challenge proved to me that it's not over until it's over. I accomplished half of my challenge goals in those last 10 days. That and @mr_willes comment of have provided the theme for my last challenge of 2016. I'm going to do my best to bring that 2016 total weight loss number back to the 12 pounds it was previously. I'm going to finish out 2016 with such a kick ass challenge that come New Year's Eve, I might even look back on 2016 somewhat fondly. How? Goal #1: Lift heavy things. The biggest weight loss I experienced this last year was when I was lifting heavy things and running sprints. So, I'm going to lift heavy things, at least 3x per week. This shouldn't be that hard. That's not that much time. I know the holidays and everything, but those holidays are SUPER stressful to because...family. I be much less stressed by lifting heavy things. Goal #2: Sprint. This is partly because the weather around here is going to make it more difficult to run long distances and partly because it helped with fat loss in the past. Plus, long runs on a treadmill inside bore the hell out of me. So, sprints. Twice a week. Goal #3: Gratitude Journal. I started this last challenge and I think it has made me a more positive person. I certain have a lot to be grateful for when I stop and think about it. So, I'm prioritizing the stopping and thinking. I'm going to remain positive through these holidays and work on getting shit done. Every day. Goal #4: Paleo-ish. I really love training and feel like something is missing when I don't exercise. Unfortunately, I really love eating and feel like something is missing when I don't eat all kinds of crap. So, building on my diet hacking of the last challenge, I'm adding some guidelines on how I grade my meals. Instead of a gut reaction to what I ate, I'm going to grade it on whether or not it fits the Primal guidelines of eating. It's time to stop collecting underpants and be specific about diet. I can't out train my fork no matter how much I want or think I can. So, I'm going to start doing this for realz to finish 2016 with a bang and setup 2017 for some kickass success. I think that should do it. I will probably still go for a longer run on weekends because I like running. But, the distance running will take a backseat to lifting this winter starting now. If it doesn't have the success I'm looking for, I'll revisit and tweak in January. I also plan on taking some body measurements tonight to use those as part of the judging criteria for success rather than leaving it all up to the scale.
  10. I still haven't really thought of a coherent challenge idea, but I know it starts today, so.... here's a thread. One thing I know I want to do this month is list three things I am grateful/thankful for every day. They can be repeats from day to day. I am hoping that by focusing on the good things in my life it will help with the depression. I am totally open to challenge suggestions. I'm at a point where I feel like I'm on routine with tracking and step goals, those things aren't really "challenging". I may do the shower/taking care of myself challenge again, that is something I struggle with the more depressed I get. I may do a recipe challenge again. I'm honestly not sure what to work on the next four weeks! Edited to add: I set some goals, you can see them in my spreadsheet. I'm mostly focusing this month on taking care of myself. I feel like they are slacker goals, but they are good things to work on. I am still open to suggestions on how to improve my challenges because I feel like I'm on total newbie mode. Spreadsheet here!
  11. I will edit this with more details, but I wanted to get this out here now before the challenge gets too far along. I liked some stuff that happened during the last challenge and I learned a lot more things about me and what makes me tick. So, my challenge won't be much different from an underlying plan, but the goals will be structured a little different as a way to keep me motivated. Run 40 miles - I know that number doesn't look like a whole lot, but as the temperatures dip I'm always less motivated to go outside and run. But, that number does require that I pretty much run 3x a week since it's rare that I run more than 4 miles at a time. 10 lifting sessions - I managed 8 last challenge, so I'm upping the ante to get to 10 this challenge. Gratitude journal - So, meditation helped me relax and not be so stressed about things last challenge. I'm getting better at it. But, I also want to turn that into action somehow. So, I've decided to start a gratitude journal. Each night (or at least 16 nights for the course of the challenge), I'll review how may day went focusing on the good things. Each morning, I'll write down what I'm hoping to accomplish for the day. Diet hacking - I'm not sure how I'm going to grade this one. But, I noticed my best success at not eating like an asshole came when I focused on the meal at hand. I had to set aside previous meals otherwise it was too easy to take one bad meal and let it spiral the rest of my day into lots of bad choices. Simply put, more plants, less crap, try to keep meats at the same or just a little less. It will all be based on the idea that each meal needs to be better than the previous. This will not always be so, but I will not beat myself up when it's not. Because that takes me longer to recover from than just putting it in the rearview. I do need a way to score this, but I haven't figured that out yet. That's it for now, but that's the general outline of this challenge.
  12. Intro: I had a productive first year in NF, and then the wheels came off. Amidst the perfect storm of mental and physical burnout, injuries and illness, family and work stresses, I went into a bit of a dark place. I went back to bad habits of eating like crap, making excuses not to exercise and isolating myself from everyone. It took longer than it should have for me to recognise and confront those issues, but I started to do that last challenge. This is somewhat of an extension of that as I continue to rehab my body, mind and spirit. QUEST 1: See a Grown Man Cry Try to re-establish some kind of fitness routine, whilst continuing to rehab my shoulder and neck. Make sure I do the daily stretches my doctor gave me. Try to get three light cardio sessions per week done at the gym. Walk more, regardless of the weather. It’s rain, not acid. I won’t die. Points available: +3 DEX, +1 STA QUEST 2: Black Coffee Blues Don’t Eat and Drink Like a DickheadTM. No more than one chocolate bar per week. No energy drinks. If you need caffeine, have some damn coffee. There’s a perfectly good coffee machine in the kitchen, you don’t need Rockstar. Drink water. It’s plentiful. Points available: +4 CON QUEST 3: Solipsist A healthy body must work in tandem with a healthy mind. Look after what’s upstairs, by any means necessary. Sleep, meditate, ASMR, sit under a tree, stroke a pet, cook, read a book, take a bath. I’ll try to finish Ken Costa’s “Know Your Why” during this challenge, but no pressure to do so. I’ll read if I feel like reading, but not going to force it. One “must do” task, is take a leaf out of Spooky’s book and list three things I’m grateful for on a daily basis. Points available: +4 WIS QUEST 4: Art to Choke Hearts Inspired in part by binge watching Bob Ross on Netflix, I decided to have a go at painting during the last challenge, and discovered that I really enjoy it. Keep at it, and share the results, good, bad or indifferent, on here. There’s also a tumblr here for the things I’ve done. Points available: +3 CHA
  13. “Energy can be neither created nor destroyed. Thus power generation processes and energy sources actually involve conversion of energy from one form to another, rather than creation of energy from nothing.” The law of conservation of energy. It’s an irrefutable fact of physics. We talk about it a lot in relation to weight loss. Calories in, calories out. But I wonder; what would this look like in terms of the way I spend my daily energy? The way I spend my life? I tend to think about some things as "requiring energy" while others don't. But that's not true. Everything requires energy, according to the first law. And I have all that energy already within me. So it's up to me to be conscious how I spend it. So this challenge I'll still be making my to do list. But I want to explore limiting it. And reflect on what gets done -- and what doesn't. How am I choosing to spend my energy?
  14. >> through the expanse of the boughs and the woodlands a wayward ranger comes; one that to some will have an unfamiliar face, unremarkable as many others that may pass through these parts, but to some still may make them take pause and go, "... oh. OH!" as of late she has been taciturn in traveling these lands - venturing alone into the wilds, experiencing their unfathomable lightness, unbearable darkness, their stony soils and airy depths. her victories and struggles both kept close to her chest. she is fatigued and dirty but yet she returns, to the greenery that embraces her heart, to the natural world that stirs her soul; to her home. Hey guys. It's been a while...but after a stint with the Assassins and a self-imposed forum break I'm returning to my Nerd Fitness roots (pun intended) to take up the mantle of Ranger again. <3 Let's be real, I'll never NOT be a Ranger (my last challenge was pretty much Rangerbrain in challenge form), and honestly this challenge is going to be part Ranger and part Druid because I need them both right now and I'll have 4 challenges - 2 physical, and 2 mental. So I've had a lot going on in my life - and when I say a lot I truly mean A LOT. I'm dealing with some sensitive issues (that I won't be posting about publicly yet due to the nature of it all; someday, but not yet) and on top of that life has been exceedingly difficult this year. I allowed myself some time away from the forums because I had been getting pretty overwhelmed with everything altogether but I think my time has come to get active again, as much as I can without my head exploding. I miss my friends and nerds and this amazingly supportive community like WHAT and I'm ready to challenge myself again!!! This challenge is going to be WAY toned down compared to my previous endeavors - I'm still halfway through my gigantic FFXIV job quest battle - but I know I can't throw myself in full force yet. I'm giving myself some basic priorities that are starting to fall by the wayside, in hopes I will be able to regain my Forum Footing. I will, obvs, be sticking with the FFXIV theme - from the wiki Gridania is one of the three main city-states of Eorzea, and is home to vast, dense woodlands and coursing rivers. The cityscape is a mosaic of labyrinthine waterways and great wooden structures, so gracefully constructed they seem a part of the surrounding environment. It's a pretty fitting place for a Ranger to re-gain her bearings, no? (PS I made all these GIFS myself, YEAH!!!!!!!) I'm also naming all of these quests after FFXIV Bard talents because I'm a WICKED NERD, and bards are pretty Ranger-ly, and the class pretty much embodies my goals this go-around: "Upon hearing the word bard, most folk are like to be put in mind of those itinerant minstrels, fair of voice and nimble of finger, who earn their coin performing in taverns and the halls of great lords. Few know, however, that bards in fact trace their origins back to fierce bowmen who took to singing in the heat of battle, that they might fortify their spirits with anthems beseeching the gods for victory." 1. Enliven Easy peasy. At least 100g of protein per day. 110 would be optimal but at this point I'll settle for triple digits. My diet has actually been extremely efficient with few slip-ups overall but I really need to hone in on this to get the most out of my lifting (and recovery, ugghhh). A - 5+ days of 100+g B - 4 days of 100+g C - 3 or less days of 100+g 2. Iron Jaws This one's easy too - at least 4 days of activity. Right now I'm still hitting the gym 3 days a week to lift (which honestly is pretty amazing, through everything I still make this a priority, yaaaass) but that 4th day will be integral, especially on the weekends when I need it. It can be anything; walking, hiking, yoga, tree climbing... <3 A - 4 days of movement F - Less than 4, YOU DONE SCREWED UP 3. Manasong I've been battling my own personal Black Dog lately and it is equal parts - exhausting - maddening - introspective - fascinating - scary - frustrating - did I mention exhausting?? I'm pretty pro at dealing with life being a butt but lately it's been more consistently difficult than ever, and I find myself getting less present and more tuned out to everything, including taking care of myself. I need to fight for myself more and be mindful to do at least one kind thing for me each day; something that refreshes me and makes me smile and gives me a little boost to keep going. A - 7 days of kindness <3 B - 6 days of kindness C - 5 days of kindness 4. The Warden's Paean Lovingly borrowed from the ever-inspiring @spookyfoot, I'll be making a few gratitude lists each week to remind myself just how AWESOME things are! I won't let the bad things umbrella over all the good I've got going on. (Seriously Shaar stop listening to Sigur Rós and do this.) Ideally I'd love to write these out with colored pens and paper and photograph them to post here, something like a written meditation, but typed will work just as well. As long as I can get into my head and retrieve the comforts and victories, that is the goal, at least 3 times a week! A - 3 days of gratitude each week B - 2 days of gratitude each week C - 1 day or less of gratitude each week BONUS QUEST!!!! POST MORE SCREENSHOTS OF LOIC REMY!!! Ahem. Sorry. Anyways................. That's all I've got. *^_^* It's good to be home, guys. <3
  15. So, I know the first week of the challenge is almost over and I'm finally getting this posted. But, the last 10 days have been a perfect storm of crap that derailed all of my plans. As you can tell by the title this go 'round, my goals are pretty simple and expectations are not high. Why? Well, on the Monday of zero week I received word that after fighting various forms of cancer for 21 years, my cousin finally lost her battle at 53 years of age. 2 days later, doctors told my mother that they had exhausted everything they could do to halt her cancer and that there was nothing more to do but look into hospice care. Friday was a funeral in Virginia for my cousin, followed by Sunday's Mother's Day at my parents and a makeup Mother's Day for my wife on Monday. The last few days have been a matter of getting caught up at work. May has been a rough start, and given the prognosis the doc's gave to my mom, May is not going to get less hectic. I debated skipping this challenge altogether, but then I looked back on all the gains I made the last 4 months and decided my challenge will be to simply not lose any of the ground I've gained. I just don't want to sit here at the end of the month as summer starts and find myself back at the beginning again and I'm afraid if I don't have a challenge to keep me honest, I'll give in to what is the easier path. So, here's the plan: Goal #1: IF. I was finally successful with 16-8 Intermittent Fasting last challenge and it is something that I should be able to keep doing no matter what is going on. I believe I derived a lot of benefit last challenge so I'm going to keep it up. Eating only between 11 AM and 7 PM. Goal #2: 3 resistance workouts each week at night. Last night was the first one I've gotten in this week, but it felt so good to just get in touch with my muscles again and remind myself that I am capable of more than I think I am. 3 of these might be tough given what is sure to be a random schedule, but we'll see. Goal #3: Run when I can. 1 sprint workout and 1 run a week of 5K distance or more. Running is my form of meditation. This goal is as much for my sanity as it is anything else. For the sprints, it's about purging anything in my mind that's holding me back. For the pace runs, its about being alone in my head -- I don't care about the pace, just getting out in nature and breathing it in. Goal #4: But, one thing I'm going to add is a daily examination of conscience and expression of gratitude. Despite all the crap that is going on in my extended family, I live a blessed life. All too often, I've taken it for granted. No more. I think if I can manage to follow through on this, I'll come out of May better than I was when it started. But, even if I'm the same, I'll take that. So, if I can maintain my 7 hours of sleep each night and run my race with an 8:10 - 8:20 pace and my weight stays at 210 pounds, I'll take it.
  16. I feel kinda burned out on the 6WCs. I slip up because of the gap between them, and the goals seem to be mostly the same. Not real drive behind some of them, either. Next year is also forming a major hurdle, too. I will not act upon my suicidal thoughts, no matter how tempting. 1) A plan for the remaining schoolwork. 2) 1 drawing a day. Small everyday objects, tackling bigger things as I develop skill. I wasn't comfortable with putting pictures I've drawn this far on a public album quite yet, so it's friends only. Can share them, if you ask. Open for articulated critique, of course. "I like this, but not this, because [reason]" 3) Zen Habits 1000 cuts, 3 things a day. 4) Gratitude statements every day. 4.12.2015 Fri I am grateful.. That I am still alive,as the Christmas is coming. I am dabbling in drawing after a half a year pause. At least I enjoy it, though it is not an 'useful' thing as such. That drawing is a skill, and can be trained. Relatively healthy is a good thing. 1000 cuts 10 push ups 2 pull ups 2 chin ups
  17. Hi!...I’m back….again…. I’ve been wanting something/someone to hold me accountable on the things that I plan to do in my head. However, in my head, the idea stays. Which means, I’ve had slow progress over the past year or so since I was last active in the forums. I’ve become even more of an underpants gnome. So I thought now was as good a time as any to write it all out and follow through. *Edit 3/31/16 Looked at this again and realized it was a bit long winded. Been sick and I tend to ramble. So I'm hiding the original goals and doing a TL;DR version with a spreadsheet idea borrowed from sylph. Spreadsheet can be found here. Goal 1: Self Care/Do things for me I tend to not do the things I want to do. I just let my wants slide by, ignored. So I want to work on this. Some of these things will be daily or weekly. Others will be more of a one-time thing. Things will probably be added throughout challenge. Also, keep up with my gratitude journal. It's the one thing I've really kept up with over the years. Goal 2: Do the Work Exercise...I've been wanting to make this a habit for a while now. I know I enjoy it. I know it's good to do. It's fun. It's just a matter of doing it. So I'm going to do the work. Mainly this is to create a habit of movement. So most things are considered movement. Make it easy to get into a routine. This is vague because something is better than nothing right? Goal 3: Plan the Meals In order to start cooking at home more, I need to start planning my meals. Currently, I just think of what I want to make the day of and then gather what I need to make it. On the days I don’t know what to make, some form of delivery gets ordered and it's never as good as a home cooked meal. So for this goal, I need to make a plan each week and stick to it as closely as possible.This will eventually morph into batch cooking for weekday lunches and then into freezer meals. I want to start fool-proofing my fitness and eating adventure Goal 4: Adulting Adding this because I saw Sylph's sheet and realized there were things that I needed to do that I don't do. Like clean and vacuuming....I dread the vacuum. A bit like a dog...And I always forget to clean the cat's litter box...poor kitty. And I have a few big projects that haven't been done. Like go through the boxes from when I moved across the country. (It's been over 4 years and I still have unopened boxes.)
  18. This is a continuation of the last month. Same write up for now with a few edits Feeling chunky! Especially my stomach and core! It may seem a bit vain but I really like having a fit and sexy curvy body. I want to enjoy it while I can. A "bikini" body is going to take a few challenges. I dream of walking along the beaches of italy wearing a great bikini, a sun hat, sunglasses and a great tan. I would love to get back into shape! I have been dealing with hormone issues which contrubuted to my weight gain (and the cookies, ice cream, chocolate bars and candy) So sugar has been an issue along with poor meal planning and little to no exercize. The only thing that works for me is to find things I enjoy and have fun doing. So finding a workout or activity I enjoy is going to be key. I would like to fit into a size 8. Right now I am wearing size 12. This is a short challenge and I am starting late, so one size for this challenge would be a good start. My plan Gratitude: I always love doing the gratitude statements. Itailan: practice 10 minutes each day. Mediation: daily. I have a really good program called holosync that I enjoy. I want to get back in the habit with that. Art: Some time working on art, something I enjoy to do. Going up to my studio and just playing would be a joy! Workout: Yoga daily and lifting once a week Water: 2 bottles per day Diet Plan: Avoid sugars, eat lots of veggies AM: shake or oatmeal & coffee Lunch: Soup and water or salad Snack: Smoothie or Tea Dinner: Salad and protein Evening: tea with stevia Pictures are always helpful and motivating. I will post some soon. I think they really help remind me of my goal and help me see progress Motivation: Buy a nice bikini and have a stronger body. Starting weight Jan 1 - 168# Feb 1 - 154# Template: Gratitude: Itailan: Meditation: Art: Workout: Water: Diet
  19. Ballad's Challenge [#2] “And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?†― Rumi 2016 Epic Quest: Develop mental fortitude, discipline, and kindness. I'm very excited to officially join the Druids for my second challenge. For this challenge, I'll continue to focus on mental health and wellness - this time, with more of a focus on gratitude and being present. All of my challenges will be ongoing throughout February. I hope to continue to cement habits that I've been working on and build up new ones. For those of you who followed along on my first challenge, this format may look familiar (why mess with a good thing?). Quest #1: Go to sleep by 11pm on weekdays (Sun-Thurs) and 2:30am on weekends/holidays (Fri-Sat). I'm still working on the sleep thing. My last challenge took me out of the sleep deprivation cycle. This challenge, I intend to continue building better sleep habits by getting to bed before midnight on a regular basis. A+: 26 days A: 22-25 days B: 18-21 days C: 14-17 days D: 13 days F: Less than 13 days Quest #2: Make breakfast at home 3 times/week. [exceptions made for travel] Because breakfast at home means more energy right when I wake up and less money spent. Win/win. Week 1: Pass/Fail Week 2: Pass Fail Week 3: Pass/Fail Week 4: Pass/Fail Bonus: Remove caffeinated coffee from my diet for the month of February. Quest #3: Do at least 5 minutes of meditation per day. I want to build the habit of meditation into my life. The goal is less stress, more mindfulness, and increased mental resilience. A+: 26 days A: 22-25 days B: 18-21 days C: 14-17 days D: 13 days F: Less than 13 days I've also included one life quest. I plan to link this to my meditation quest by writing the list after I meditate. Life Quest: Write a daily gratitude list containing at least 3 items. Sometimes, I get so caught up in the negatives that I forget to stop and be thankful for all of the goodness in my life. I'm looking forward to this daily practice of gratitude. A+: 26 days A: 22-25 days B: 18-21 days C: 14-17 days D: 13 days F: Less than 13 days So, what happens when I succeed? I get access to the treasure pile, where treasures stack. Complete all 4 quests: Book a massage + bragging rights. Complete 3 quests: Purchase The Design of Everyday Things by Donald A. Norman. Complete 2 quests: Buy a new lipstick from MAC. Complete 1 quest: Watch a movie/documentary from my Netflix list. Please feel free to follow along, cheer me on, and ask about my progress! Cheers, Meaghan
  20. Feeling chunky! Especially my stomach and core! It may seem a bit vain but I really like having a fit and sexy curvy body. I want to enjoy it while I can. A "bikini" body is going to take a few challenges. I dream of walking along the beaches of italy wearing a great bikini, a sun hat, sunglasses and a great tan. I would love to get back into shape! No heavy lifting doctors orders. So I can't do Strong Lifts. I have been dealing with hormone issues which contrubuted to my weight gain (and the cookies, ice cream, chocolate bars and candy) So sugar has been an issue along with poor meal planning and little to no exercize. The only thing that works for me is to find things I enjoy and have fun doing. So finding a workout or activity I enjoy is going to be key. I would like to fit into a size 8. Right now I am wearing size 12. This is a short challenge and I am starting late, so one size for this challenge would be a good start. My plan Gratitude: I always love doing the gratitude statements. Itailan: practice 10 minutes each day. Mediation: daily. I have a really good program called holosync that I enjoy. I want to get back in the habit with that. Art: Some time working on art, something I enjoy to do. Going up to my studio and just playing would be a joy! Workout: ? Researching some ideas; I think something simple to do daily Water: 2 bottles per day Diet Plan: Avoid sugars, eat lots of veggies AM: shake or oatmeal & coffee Lunch: Soup and water Snack: Smoothie or Tea Dinner: Salad and protein Evening: tea with stevia Pictures are always helpful and motivating. I will post some soon. I think they really help remind me of my goal and help me see progress Motivation: Buy a nice bikini and have a stronger body.
  21. Meet 90 strangers in 30-ish days As in https://www.reddit.com/r/socialskills/comments/1hv1ut/former_shy_here_i_recently_did_a_30day_social/ The when and how are still open. Paying attention, making an effort and visiting places ought to work. Online discussions also count, if they're audio or video calls. Other goals are from my battle log, to which I will also post my progress. (Trying to keep things simple.) http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/75226-a-long-chain-instead-of-snippets-fearkiller/ 1) A plan for the remaining schoolwork. Assign due dates for courses, mark them on a calendar sheet on the wall, create baby steps, and start working. 2) 1 drawing a day. Small everyday objects, tackling bigger things as I develop skill. 3) Zen Habits 1000 cuts, 3 things a day. 4) Gratitude statements every day.
  22. Challenge number the umphteenth. I am batting on a good wicket. Things are improving, even if it is slowly. My weight and eating habits are under control. I do some exercise every day. I meditate every day. But everything for me is a bit wishy-washy, I do not have any hard rules. James Clear talks about Bright-Line rules, so for this challenge: - I do the important things first. Challenge stuff that happens late at night is Wrong - Mondays and Wednesdays are input-deprivation days. I've done a week, and completely relapsed, so this is important. 1. Be kind and grateful My ongoing quest to have a happy mind. Kindness is almost natural now, but I have to start work on gratitude. 2. Be brave Don't sneak. I have become aware after watching this how often I hide things I do from people. Time to stop doing this. 3. Be strong Yoga is daily, even if it is only a mini session, but I have to get to the weights again. Since the power cage is 5 meters from my bedroom door I do not really have any excuses. My hip trouble seem to be past, and it is time. 4. NaNoWriMo That time of the year again. My fifth year of doing NaNo. Edit: And two I forgot about 5. Laptop of at 9, bed at 10 I've done this before, it was good. 6. Make one knife a week Just to stop me fiddling around.
  23. "You know nothing, Jon Snow." 41 year old married mom of one takes on the Night's Watch! This is the year I take care of me. I'm a hobbit, 5'1" and ultimately looking to lose 160lbs, down 18 so far. The weight is coming off a lot slower than I'd hoped, but this time it's coming off for good. Overall goal: To lose 10 more pounds. I'm the kind of person who: 1. Does a bodyweight workout 2x a week. I'm starting with Darbee's Night's Watch workout and working up to Level 1: 3 sets. So I will start with one set, and build up through the weeks. (#/2 + bonus points for progression to 3 sets by end of six weeks.) 2. Does 20+ mins of cardio 5 times a week. Gotta keep up the stamina to flee from the White Walkers. (#/5) 3. Gratitude Journal - write down 2 things I'm grateful for every day. (p/f) *I'm going to stick to the workouts I have, and save yoga for a future goal. I have some unwelcome visitors over the next few weeks and I'm going to need to keep a positive mindset. Life goal: I really want to do Nanowrimo, but I think i better sit this one out and stick to my 10 min of French daily goal.
  24. I do not apparently know how to cut back on stuff, so there's lot still. Gratitude, because it has become a kind of an habit, and helps. Zenhabits 1000 cuts, because even a little exercise is better than none. Not to mean there wouldn't be big workouts as well. Fearkiller, on 26 Feb 2014 - 11:46 PM, said: 5000 steps over 10k limit is one point. 5 min of streching is one point also. 200 points, and 3-4 points a day. Sort out the schoolmess - Continue study time to next spring - Take stock of all courses, assignments, and thesis steps that needs to be done - Spread out due dates, and mark them of a large calendar sheet - Schedule days, and follow the schedule First 2 this week, and start working. http://calnewport.co...lite-achievers/ Because, when I have done my schoolwork for the day, I want to: Expand comfort zone -interestme1 https://www.reddit.com/r/DecidingToBeBetter/comments/2i3tx6/i_lost_all_motivation_and_drive_that_i_once_had/ Quietly, he said, “If we’re not careful life becomes very small.†We walked the rest of the way home in silence. ~Dominic Smith, The Beautiful Miscellaneous Seriously. The computer, trip to school, library. Most of the time alone, reading or in the house alone. Comfort bubble. Constricting. Oh gods mine is a small one. Fuck I need something new.
  25. I am back on track, adjusted my diet to address hormone issues and starting to get back in shape. However, I need more inspiration to keep going down this road to wellness. It is nice to be a size 6. It is fun to turn heads when you walk by. It is nice to get compliments. It feels good to be able to be strong and feel comfortable in the gym. I need more than that to keep me going. So I need to flush out how this work I am doing fits into my life pursuits. Well I am back to being a size 12 so in some ways I feel like I am right back to where I started. Facebook sent me a picture from four years ago when I was at my thinnest. I stopped eating sugar and I was strict about my diet. I basically ate salads and yogurt. I got compliments everyday for the whole school year. I was fitting into a size 4. I couldn't maintain it, too restrictive and once I started eating sugar again the weight came back. I got bad skin breakouts and redness allover my face. In the past few years I have hormonal changes that can lead to weight gain and difficulty to lose weight. Instead of feeling I am back to where I started I want to acknowledge all the things I have learned during all the NF challenges so far. Although I am back to a size 12 I am not back to square one, I am wiser. I know what works and what doesn't. I figured out a few foods that lead to breakouts and I need to avoid. I am stronger (mentally & physically). I learned I could squat 125lbs. I never thought of myself as strong or athletic. I learned I can change my self-concept. I am not set in stone. I can be more than what I thought I should be. I am happier. My emotional well-being is my top priority. I am more confident. Even though I gained weight I know I still carry the confidence that I learned I had when I suddenly got all the attention you get as a thin woman (sometimes feel-good attention, sometimes unwanted attention) I am more secure. I have an ease and acceptance of my body and soul that I didn't have until I started take care of myself. People, even strangers, treat me differently now that I am comfortable with who I am. I am more appreciative. Daily gratitude is a joy and my main mindset. I see goodness all around me. I am have more lust for life. I have more energy and more interest to do new things. I have more joy. I know: It is a marathon not a sprint. Don't expect to major changes to stick if you try to change everything all at once. Be happy where you are and enjoy the process of making progress. Make change fun! It doesn't have to be boring, hard and tedious. It can be fun and interesting and joyful. Thinking back to my first few challenges I was doing some simple things that seemed to work that I want to try again. Daily squats are coming back. Honestly I loved what it did for my butt. I learned I could have a cute curvy butt! Another self-concept I got to reform. I learned Bulletproof coffee is good at filling you up, it improved my skin and helpful for intermittent fasting but not right for me, I have a feeling it contributed to my weight gain. I learned working from a template and a simple is very effective and efficient. I learn tracking my diet is helpful for me to reflect on the quality of nutrition with which I am expecting to function optimally. .. and it keeps me honest. Photos are helpful! I looked better than I thought looking back on the pics. My first few challenges I used my before photo as my phone wallpaper to remind me to stick to it. I need more recipes and I need to plan and cook more meals at home. Salads are so easy! I like simple dishes anyway. I want more good things happening in my life. I need to step up and make more of my day. Meditation has been awesome! A improved daily morning routine and improved weekend planning will help. I would like to take classes or do something to challenge myself. I need something big to get excited about. It would be nice to fit back into a size 6 but that is not exciting motivation. For this challenge: Gratitude - at least three gratitude statements per day. Exercise: - at least three x per week (lifting, running, yoga, etc.) Caffeine free: I am off caffeine, I might as well keep going. lb. of veggies: I liked this, it was a helpful way to eat healthier. Sugarfree: My downfall, I need the most motivation to address this issue. Meditation: I love doing this. Daily squats: 25 Meal Planning: I REALLY need to do a better job with this, so into my challenge it goes! Bliss/Inspiration: Writing down thoughts and possible directions to strive for. Diet: Tracking is helpful. B: L: S: D:
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