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Found 3 results

  1. Hello and welcome to a new challenge! To end the summer season, I will try to improve the things that didn’t work these past months. This means that: · meditation, eating freggies in every meal, and daily technique practice are not goals anymore, because after several months, they’re habits now. Yay! · PvP push-up challenge is over, so no more inclined push-ups everyday -and my arms do need that rest- but will be taking part on the dead hang challenge if it finally becomes a thing. Also waiting to see if there is a PvP abs challenge, in which case, I’m in. The remaining goals -plus a new one- are: Exercise I’m finding it difficult to keep a routine this summer, and I’d like to improve this before classes start again. 4 workouts a week, doesn’t matter which one, the ultimate goal being to move everyday. For 1-3 workouts a week I get nothing. For 4 workouts a week I get 4 points, to choose between STA, STR and DEX, depending on the type of exercise I’ve done. If besides this I do some active recovery days (walking, easy floor routine, stretching…) I can go up to 6 points (STA, STR, DEX) + 1 CON point. Icelandic Apparently, saying I’d sit and practice doesn’t work, who’d have guessed? Specific goal: 2-3 articles a week. 1 article a week: nothing. 2 articles a week: 0.5 CHA. 3 articles a week: 1 CHA Wim Hof course This is the big goal for next months. Things I hope I will get from it: improved tolerance to cold, to better enjoy the upcoming winter season; improved blood circulation (goodbye to cold feet!); lower breathing rate, to reduce floating anxiety and fatigue; and finally, having fun being a weirdo. This is a yes or no goal. If I quit, I get no points. I can miss some days if there is a reasonable excuse, and of course I can extend any week of the course if I consider I need it. If I stick to the task until september 10th (but the course won’t be finished, it is 10 weeks long), I get 0.5 STR (the course also involves physical exercise), 0.5 DEX (course involves some yoga/stretching), 0.5 WIS (meditation also present) and 0.5 CON (for cold exposure). That's it. Now let's see how it goes
  2. As @deftona said in her new challenge, it is about seeing just how much progress I can make in such a short time frame. I found this very inspiring the moment I read it, and decided to go for it too. Then, this challenge is about making the most of the summer and working hard to improve myself. There is maintenance: everyday meditation, eating lots of freggies, daily music practice. There is consolidation and improvement: cross country run, parallettes and floor work, self-defence, sink push-ups. There is novelty: stop visiting my favourite news site to stop being so angry and frustrated; taking all my supplements everyday (recent events at home have caused a huge rise in anxiety). And even one old friend: icelandic. How will this work? Simple enough: For the next 6 weeks, I will give myself permission to rest when needed but also will give the best of myself when I am active. And this is a long challenge, so I go back to a 15 points reward system. Everyday meditation: +2 WIS Lots of freggies and supplements: +2 CON Daily music practice: +1 CHA Cross country run: +1 STA Parallettes: +2 STR Floor: +1 DEX Sink push-ups: +1 STR Self-defence: +1 DEX ; +1 STA Stop reading the news: +2 WIS Icelandic: + 1CHA I need at least half the points to achieve level 23.
  3. Midsummer in Middle Earth Main goals Black riders have diverted and obstructed Lara and her friends. They weren't able to arrive to the Midgewater Marshes, but they have an iron will. There are only 58 miles left, and skinnyLara can cover them in 6 weeks, that's for sure. Destroy the one ring! Crow pose! Rolls! Cartwheels! Real Wall Handstands! (and not the usual inclined crap). And maybe daunting push ups! Be amazing! Try to accomplish The Impossible: gain TWO kilos! Life quest An assassin without self control is worth nothing. skinnyLara has been imprisonated against her will these last weeks, and that helped her to see what the priorities are when things go wrong. skinnyLara will keep on meditating regularly (4d/w at least), retake her stage fright work, and try to improve even more her sleep. The language of the olden days. Lara is confused and captivated by the sound of that enigmatic and silvery language elves talk. skinnyLara will build a basic vocabulary of 500 icelandic words, will look for short easy texts to read and will listen to some audios. Character points. Destroy the one ring! Up to 1 STA points, and 1 DEX point. Be amazing! Up to 2 STR points, up to 2 DEX points and 1 STA point. The impossible! Up to 2 CON points. Self control. Up to 2 WIS points. The language of the olden days. Up to 1 WIS and 1 CHA points. Bonus: if skinnyLara gets all her points for STR, DEX, STA, CON and WIS, she'll also get 2 extra CHA points. If she gets half the points, then she'll have 1 extra CHA point. And what else? new shorts after the second week of the challenge; a box of raspberries if she keeps on during the 4th week; another box of raspberries if she finally does her first push up; a meal in a restaurant of her choice if she manages to do a real wall handstand (a big reward because this is scary); a book for the end of the challenge: Thinking, fast and slow by Daniel Kahneman.
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