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  1. If you'll indulge me, I've written this as the start of my 6WC thread. ============================================================================================= It is pitch dark. That’s more or less due to the blindfold and double sacks over my head but I don’t think these people are big on well-lit places, at least when it comes to what I'm assuming is their headquarters. I’ve been led this way and that, turned and spun, pushed and pulled so many times I wouldn’t be surprised if I found myself in the exact spot I was first taken from. With all the deception I’m finding it ironic that this group I am seeking initiation in is rumored to treasure honesty with its members and with one’s self. That thought is interrupted when finally, after what seemed like an all-day trek, we’ve come to a stop. The sacks and blindfold are taken off and I find myself seemingly alone in a darkened room with only one spot of light in which I am centered. The combination of the darkness surrounding me and the light I am enveloped in make it impossible to tell the size of the room I’m in. I clear my throat instead of speak so I can test the acoustics of the room and to not appear to be talking to myself in case I’m being watched. Don’t want to be thought of as a weirdo. There’s a decent echo so it’s a fairly large room, almost cavernous. “You wish to join our ranks, do you?†I nearly jump out of my skin! I didn’t get the sense that there were other people in here with me! Oh, these people are goooood. “Yes,†I reply rather simply. I’m told I have a tendency to ramble, but I gather that brevity would be better appreciated by all involved. “Why do you wish to join us?†Same voice, but different part of the room. Plus, whoever this person is, the amount of confidence in their voice is astounding. This is a well-seasoned pro. “I want to be a hero.†The other person paused. I could almost feel them bristle. “Don’t be foolish, boy. You would not be here if we didn’t already know everything there is to know about you. Lie to us again, and things will become… unpleasant for you.†Yet again, same voice but from a different part of the room. Am I being toyed with? It seems that the rumors are true! Alright then, honesty is the best policy. “I… †... Huh. Damn, this is harder than I thought it was going to be. Being honest with myself, it’s not something that comes quickly to me although I do eventually come around to it. “Allow me to explain why we value honesty between our members and with ourselves. In order to carry out your missions as an assassin you must be completely aware of your abilities, your strengths and your weaknesses. When you are able to identify them honestly and without bias you can accomplish anything you desire. When you are able to identify them honestly that makes you a valuable member of your guild. So I ask again: WHY?†“I… I want to better myself. I really feel like I’m on the right path and that I’ve begun to improve, but… “Go on.†“But I lack drive. Well, long-term drive. I started out really well, but I’ve petered off. Joining with you I think would provide the means with which I can find the reserves within myself to stay on target and become a model assassin.†Suddenly, the room is filled with laughter. Thanks to the echo, I can’t really tell how many more people are in the room with us, there are so many voices bouncing off of the walls over and over. Could be a few. Could be dozens. I didn’t realize I was such a comedian. I muster a nervous smirk and a “heh,†so at least I can pretend they are laughing with me, not at me. After a moment, the laughter subsides. “The council is entertained by you. More importantly, you have been truthful. You may join us.†Relief washes over me until… “Your training begins immediately.†I’m stunned. “What? Did you think you would simply answer a few questions and that was it? You have only begun, dear boy.†“I’m in my mid-thirties-“ “You’re but a child in the eyes of this council!†“Okay. Jeez.†“A true assassin is always monitoring their abilities and strengths and weaknesses. That is why we laughed at your ‘model’ assassin. There is no such thing. We always seek to better ourselves.†It’s all making sense to me now. “The path is long and arduous. Cliché though it may be, it truly is not about the destination. Rather, it is the journey. Your journey is only just beginning. Now, for your first test.†I tighten up, unsure of what the council’s idea of a test may be. “Look within yourself now. Identify for us four ways in which you can improve.†I stand in thought. Eyes closed. I breathe deep. And think. “I used to run, but the last winter was bitter and I stopped. It’s now been months and I’m back to square one, I’m sure of it. I want to not only return to my former ability but I want to surpass it.†“Good. Speed and endurance is important for an assassin. What else?†“Physical strength. It’s always been something I’ve lacked. I began working on that when I stopped running. But I have lapsed in the last few weeks. I’ve preferred using my own body for resistance and I saw improvement. But I need to commit to it once again.†“Building one’s strength using one’s own body is one of the tenets of our guild. Please continue.†“I know it is important to eat in the ways of our primal ancestors, by selecting meals that consist of what they hunted or what was readily growing in their area. I would like to transition into this way of nourishment-“ “You want to switch to a Paleo diet, we get it. Has anyone told you that you ramble?†“…yes.†“Okay then. Try again.†“I want to switch to a Paleo diet, but I have to ease my way into it. Maybe cutting dairy out of my diet?†“Of course. And lastly…?†“I’m tired a lot. I regularly fall asleep while I’m trying to watch the night’s entertainment. It’s almost a daily occurrence. I want to try to go to bed earlier and avoid this.†“Sleep is important. Without quality nights of sleep an assassin can hardly be effective. The council will take your words into consideration as we determine your challenges.†Then, it’s quiet. A little TOO quiet. How are they deliberating? I can’t hear so much as a whisper. “It is decided. Good luck.†Suddenly, the room is filled with light as curtains are drawn letting the sun into… my house?! My small abode that has ceilings barely tall enough to escape my fingertips when I stretch? Certainly not large enough for echoes. Not only that but I’m alone! Am I crazy? Did I just imagine the whole thing? I spin around and step on something. It’s a scroll of paper. Well, that's rather old timey of them. I pick it up and unroll it. It reads: Wow. This is really happening. I’m a part of something now. I can’t let the guild down. More importantly I can’t let myself down. ===================================================== *EDIT (15Apr13): I'm adjusting Goal #3 ever so slightly, as I use whey protein almost daily and I don't have ready access to a non-milk based alternative right now. So this goal will exclude my whey protein use.
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