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  1. Balance, in my life, has always been that elusive friend watching you from afar, giggling as you struggle, giving you a mischievous nudge when all goes well but also lifting you up in the darkest nights, when a rain of thin and sharp icicles pierces your heart. It is the fox from St-Ex's Little Prince, waiting to be befriended but running away when I try too hard. This round, I'll keep coming to see it every day, at the same time, and we'll see if we get closer by the end of it. I've got intermediate life goals: Be at home. I've gone from crappy appartment to good appartment with crappy landlord to crappy appartment for way too long. If I'm ever going to find balance, I need to be a master of what gets in my kitchen and in my washing room. I want to find pleasure in cooking and showering again, that means choosing the exact appliances I am willing to use. I'm tired of bowing under a ceiling too low and having meals cooking either too quick or too slow and I think I'm ready for choices and consequences and not having anybody to blame for my housing problems but myself. The goal is buying a (small) flat. For the first time ever, I've got a positive budget balance and I'm able to save. My net worth is above 0 (yay!) so I can work toward a down payment. That's a twelve months goal, I've got a progress bar and a preplanned path: Get ready for Space! So, that's silly but during my studies and since then, I could always picture myself as a resources manager/cartographer. This is one of the paths were my life is leading me so, why not try for it in Space? The ESA is recruiting, giving me a shot at just that. I'm not making it a life goal and won't cry a tear if I'm rejected right off the bat but I'm still going to lie down, take a good aim and shoot my bullet. I must: take a medical exam. write down an awesome résumé. write down an even more awesome cover letter. get in shape. Keep on hiking I'm still planning to fulfill my hiking guide course and get ready to launch some survivalism seminars (survivalism in the broader sense as in, surviving in nature, of course, but also building the confidence to say no and make choices, building toward financial independance, stress management, relationship management and others). For that, I need to: register to the hiking guide association and get the proper insurance. get a proper first aid kit. accomplish 2 internships. build up an internet site. put together a first hike - target is an historical themed hike somewhere in the neighborhood. get clients. start hiking. Longer term goals like building relationships and actually living a balanced life will come later. For now, I'll focus on that. That means: Daily eat 2 meals (1 pre-cooked, 1 cooked). drink 1l of water (water bottle at work). sleep with the lights off and the windows open (no duration target). Every other day go out and get a small workout. Start with 4x5 squats, push-ups, hollow-holds, inverted rows. Workdays get to work by 6:30 am. Week 0: registering to the hiking guide association. get the proper insurances. get the first aid kit. Week 1: get my résumé ready. Week 2: medical exam on May 19 - 2 pm. get my cover letter ready. Week 3: finalize my postulation application for the esa. Week 4: get in touch for my internships. Monthly: follow my IPS, save and build the downpayment. Stretch goals: go to the vineyard, relax, have a beer, make sure it doesn't turn into a jungle. declutter the house. start working on the internet site. hike. This calls for a different kind of theme music: See you all on the way and may Balance watch your path. It's got room for more friendships than one.
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