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Found 2 results

  1. I fell off the wagon in the middle of last challenge. Honestly I'm not sure I was on the wagon to begin with, but I digress. TENTATIVE WEEKLY SCHEDULE: Monday - work 8h Tuesday - classes maybe, evening church group Wednesday - work 8h split Thursday - moar classes maybe, evening church group Friday - work 4h, maybe class Saturday - ???, church in evening (online ofc) Sunday - ??? probably housecleaning tbh TO-DO: Cooking Lunch duty M Dinner duty TWRF probably (dinner by 5 or 5:30 because that's when Mom gets off) Weekends are always up in the air Regain my gainzzz 100 Knee Pushups Challenge Split lunges and goblet squats (10 lb unless I can come up with something heavier. No, my cat doesn't count.) I guess inverted rows? 5-minute ab workout (crunches 1 min, plank 1 min, side plank 1 min/side, some kind of boat pose 1 min) Walk/bike with Mom when schedule allows (it mostly doesn't). Schooling Send in those forms so I can sign up for the stupid classes on May 7 Read Dune. Finish before Mom finishes Anne of Green Gables Pick up the alto clarinet at least 1x/wk for 40+ minutes (assembly and maintenance times not included) Bonus points for breathing exercises Bonus points for playing anything in boat pose. Don't waste all my free time on Animal Crossing. (Wild World - don't ask for my friend code.) 1 hour of gameplay per day, max. Spend some time outside in the sun! If I think of anything else I'll add it. Have a spreadsheet.
  2. Hey guys, I was surprised at the amount of people in my life that didn't know why I was looking for a walker to work out with. I found a fold-able one for 10 bucks at the thrift store and it can be used for dips, knee stucks, inverted rows, push ups, squats (throw it on your shoulders), side hurdles, you name it. Here's some youtube links I've found that demonstrate some things. The best part of course being that it's fold-able so it can go under the bed or in the closet. I plan to incorporate it in my normal workouts in addition to push ups for an extra pushing exercise to work that upper body. Cheaper than a dip station and more versatile, go to your local goodwill or arc thrift store and find one for yourself! http://instagram.com/p/ay3zS8mpvK/ - my walker, standard walker, supports up to 300lb - standard dips - inverted rows with swiss ball assist http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AK1RhWLP-Y8 - the walker workout circuit - hilarious "crip dip" video which does show you standard dip and knee tuck exercises
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