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  1. Hi Everyone! I have been reading today as a reward for finishing NaNo yesterday and I stumbled across my word for 2023 in this article: Lagom. It is Swedish, and means "just enough" as in the Goldilocks philosophy of things being "just right". This concept feels like exactly what I need right now and I am glad that I crossed paths with it while I was in an open-hearted mentality. My goals for this mini challenge are "just enough" Movement: Aiming for 15-30 minutes of moving around a day. This can be cleaning, Supernatural, walking, dancing, pacing, anything as long as I am not sitting. Food: Aiming for 2-3 meals a day, or two meals and a snack. Giving up on breakfast for now because it just doesn't seem to be working. Plants: Aiming for a decent sized portion of non-starch plant foods in two meals a day. Creativity: Aiming for 30+ minutes of creative work a day. This can be continuing Halcyon, prepping D&D, painting minis, working with my new Tarot, starting up a new journal/sketchbook, baking, etc, as long as I am creating something. Expansion: Looking for other jobs as they come up in the job search database and applying to the ones I am interested in. Luxury: It is the holidays! So there will be lovely food and drink, movies, hot baths, good music, time with friends... all the celebratory things. But I need to be sure that I am having just enough and not too much of the delicious, sedentary, or social. My Gramparents are coming up to see us and the house either December 11th or December 18th and then my Parents will come up after Christmas for two days. I want the house to be presentable and to have some baking done that I can share. I need to make and action plans for those things to happen. I also would like to get my holiday cards sorted out sooner rather than later. I think that is it! Looking forward to celebrating the season with you! Let me know if you want a card!
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