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  1. I have thought about how to get out of my funk and found an easy cure: new beginnings are what I live for. so today I start a new challenge. the game is to get out of different wards in a hospital, win and move in with the girls or lose and dissolve slowly at "Shady Pines" orthopedic goals: walk a minimum of 30km each week. Do this just like last challenge, by hiking 2 to 3 times with dogs and friend and moving the dog daily. do an early evening session 3x/week of the NF bw circuit or kettlebell workout. I may be alternating those ... psychiatric goals ( addictions): back to the old game of limiting the cigarettes to 25 each day. bonus if I get down to 20 again! have 2 alcohol free nights per week, 5 days with little to moderate drinking 1-3 glasses of bubbly/wine eat veggies daily and stay in your caloric budget. neurological goals ( brain function ) do Duolingo French every day whenever you feel upset or hyper: meditate sleep 9 hours/ night ( this might seem a lot but Im taking medication that makes this necessary ) the cafeteria and garden goals: do something fun and creative 3x/week.. keep looking for a creative project tend to your garden see you guys tomorrow! ❤️
  2. I have four goals this challenge. - Stay hydrated - Take meds - Go walking - Do kettlebell workouts I’m using Plant Nanny to track my water, and going with their suggestion of how much to drink. I have morning meds to take, and evening meds to take. And a pill container to keep track of them. I’m still trying to figure out the walking goal. But I need to be able to handle all the walking I’ll do once I’m working. For the kettlebell workout, I’m going to do that Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I found one online that starts at complete beginner and progresses to harder workouts. One problem I’ve come across with the kettlebell is that the workout I picked, and all the other beginner workouts I’ve found, have a shoulder Halo exercise. Which I can’t do at all. It involves moving the kettlebell around your head, and that type of movement make my shoulders pop, which hurts. I’m pretty sure I have some kind of joint hypermobility condition/syndrome, and I think that’s what’s causing it.
  3. To continue with the acronym… Those that have been following for a while know that in 2019 I was doing really good hitting my goals, so I went back to see what I was doing then that was working so well. I've been more lax this year on the food aspect (thanks Covid) With D cooking her fair share making a detailed plan is a little more difficult, but that's only one meal a day every other week so it shouldn't derail me as much as I've been letting it. Making sure I stop eating when I'm supposed to is the biggest challenge with food, since what I eat is generally good. I'm doing better at making sure my workouts happen, I have a treadmill and workout equipment at home, there is no good reason for this not to be a priority, until I feel comfortable going to the gym again. (I live in FL, my governor is an idiot, this will probably not happen soon) Reminding myself how good I feel and not letting my brain make excuses are helping...my much needed motivation is I have a birthday cruise to prepare for and I need to be in shape for season. Running around a ballpark is probably not going to be easy with a mask on, so cardio is important! The Plan... Cardio - Three interval runs/bicycle rides/HITT Workout, and one strength training a week. Update - Post in thread three times a week. Track - Sleep (at least 7 hours a night) Food (eat on plan when hungry, stop when full) Extra - Rides, 5k's, events, and any other random stuff goes here Done - 🌈 Not Done - ❄️
  4. Hi hey howdy ever-body! Hope you're doing all right. I'm sorry I didn't step up sooner, but after last challenge, I didn't really know where to go. I know I wanted to do another challenge, but everything had got so well locked in place at the end that I didn't really know what to do. I wanted to take some time, if not to think, then to observe and consider, and try to figure out what next steps were necessary, if any. It took all week for me to figure out where I wanted to go next. Basically, things didn't stumble into clicking just right until I made a point of scheduling things. I responded well to that - swings every hour actually turned out to be a good way to break up the day and get my other training done. I'm pleased to report that it hasn't caused me to hurt worse. If anything, I'm feeling better. I want to keep that going, and with diet and exercise mostly under control, it's time to turn to sleep and mental stuff. Goal 1: Honor My Bedtime Basically, I want to start getting more sleep. I know I do better when I have a concrete bedtime, but for too long I've been letting it be dictated by my waking time. I want to break that if I can. Bedtime for me is most realistically 01:55 for now. Further edits to be made as needed but for now, let's start with something that'll be easy for me to keep. Goal 2: Wim Hof Method This is a breathing technique by Wim "The Iceman" Hof, a famed figure for feats of inhuman endurance. I've done this before with good results, and I want to get back to it. Goal is to actually take my lunch break (since I'm writing first thing in the morning, still making sure that's locked in) and to go do my practice. It's not exactly lengthy work or anything, but it'll take long enough that doing it in the morning would be prohibitive. Goal 3: Meditate Want to come back to this again. I'm a better me when I do this. So! Goal is to do this at the end of the working day. It fits in well there when I've done it before; the reason I haven't been is because I've been too wrapped up in trying to get other stuff done. Gonna start at 1:00 per day for the first week and add a minute per week. And that should do it, I think. Sci Fi got moved to Tuesday Nights, which in the long run is good for me because when I'm cleared to get back on the mats again, the MMA place will be having strike work on Wednesdays, so it'll be nice to have that time open. That's the way it's gonna be. Today's goals will be something of a wash on account of just really only having crystallized this stuff in the past 20 minutes, but what can you do? BTW, quick shoutouts to @Tanktimus the Encourager, @Rurik Harrgath, @Mistr, @WhiteGhost, @Treva, @Kyellan and anyone else I missed for stopping by last challenge to cheer me on. I appreciate the work as always, although I'm not always good at saying so. Let's get to it.
  5. I love Advent season. My family has lots of traditions and we try to make it a special time of year. Some of our traditions this year are not happening, though thankfully some still can. I will hopefully think of other things we can do to make this time of year a special time. I'm going to keep my goals simple. Goal 1 Ignite my Superpowers; My superpowers are the values I have pertaining to food and fitness (and other things too) I use them to help me make decisions. My superpowers are Joy, family, and self control. These are really helpful this time of year. Self control reminds me to use skills such as eating slowly, choosing whole foods to fill me up, delaying a snack to see if I'm hungry. Joy reminds me that I need to enjoy my food. This means to slow down and eat it. It means that the holidays are a wonderful time of year, filled with many sweet treats that remind me how sweet my life is. I need to enjoy those times and treats with my family(no guilt for eating the 'wrong food) I can also use my self control to stop me from being overfull, which does not bring me joy. Goal 2 Christmas Cheer Lots of things going on. I have several plans to make Christmas joyous. I am doing a scrapbook for my inlaws, plans to reserve a spot at driver through Christmas lights, baking. Usually I'm an Amazon gift shopper.This year I'd like to buy more local gifts at our stores. This is going to take more planning, so I need to get on it. Best way to handle this is to make a plan for each week, and follow through Goal 3 Song; I'd like Mr. Incredible and I to sing a Christmas song before dinner each night, so I'm going to try and remember that. Goal 4; Light; Same as last time ; Read my Bible in the morning, turn on Sunlamp, use blueblocker glasses at night Bonus: be the light to others, see how many people I can bring just a bit of cheer to. Edit to add fitness stuff: Doing the kettlebell program on the NF app- 3 days a week also doing Vitamin- this is recovery day, so if I feel the need to move, if I don't have time or don't want to, that's a fine option walking- being outside , even on gray days helps with SAD, so I'm going to try for at least 15 minutes a day , unless the weather is absolutely dreadful) rowing- I'm enjoying the rowing workouts from Dark Horse Rowing, so those will probably happen too. The KB program is my main goal, so these fit in as time and energy allow pistol : I decided I'm still going to work on getting the pistol squat. so I will do that at least 2 x a week
  6. Part of me loves this time of year, and part of me dreads it. I love the cold, clear days, the colors of the leaves, and the crunching sound they make as I tromp on them. The shorter days, rainier weather, and the looming aspect of even shorter days tend to give me less energy, and tend to make me just want to hibernate. The best way I've found to conquer the hard part is to embrace it. I realize that in the spring and summer I have more energy, so I tend to stay up later ,and do more things in the evening. Fall is a time for coziness, reading,watching TV, gaming , or crafting in the evening. However, I am not a bear, so I can't fully hibernate. Which is why I made a challenge: Monday Musings Write out top things to do to win week Write out guidelines for food, place them where I can see them (this is continuing my goals for Lean And Strong; Eating Skills) Embracing Fall My goal is to focus on turning my light on. I'm writing down other things that help with SAD too. I know they help. so I want to do them , but I'm keeping focus on priority.Some of them are already habits, so I'm just writing them to remind myself that they are important too. Turn on Light therapy light 30 minutes Bonus: these things help too, and I would like to do some of them Blue light blocker glasses on at 8:00 Turn off computer/tv at 9:30 Go to sleep 11:00 or earlier (pretty much a habit) Go outside first thing in the morning Go outside during the day Take vitamin D ( this is a win as it’s pretty much a habit now) reading my Bible ( this is pretty much habit by now ) if weather is decent read outside Breakfast Break One of the food guideline is to use 5 senses when eating. For both breakfast and lunch, I eat while staring at my phone or computer. I think it would be helpful for me to do this less, as I could more fully enjoy my meal and focus on it. I also spend way too much time on the computer.so this will cut some of that out. Hopefully, I will also feel more like a had a break after I ate. It's a hard habit to break. I'm starting out slow. Weeks 0 and 1: 2 breakfasts a week without screen (kindle is fine) week 2 and 3: 3 breakfasts a week week 4 :4 breakfasts a week week 5; maybe 5 or 4 if I'm struggling with it still Other stuff: My super powers (values) with food and fitness are family, joy, and self discipline, with the guiding force behind that being my faith and obdience to God. I will try and make mindful decisions with those super powers in mind. conconddition I am doing the NF academy bodyweight workouts. I am putting extra time on the wall walks, and the pistol squats, as that is where I need the most improvement.And I am doing kettlebell swings for conditioning. I am also participating in the mobility challenge. Nice to be doing the mobility challenge with others, but I find stretching boring, so hopefully I can stick with it.
  7. BODY I just realized how out-of-shape I am when I was out of breath I was while I was cutting weeds in the yard. I almost passed out from the heat after mowing the lawn the other day, and I have to deal with what reminds me of the beginnings of an asthma attack from my youth. This is bad. I also recently did blood tests, and I have a horrendous cholesterol profile (high LDL, low HDL), high liver enzymes, terrible kidney health, constant borderline hypertension, and total Testosterone of like 300. Though it's tempting to "hack" my T levels to get teh gainz, I'm thinking the best way would be to get healthy first. I just need to let go of my ego, disassociate, and assess and coach myself as I would as a new person I'm working with. Client Profile: Male, 33, married, sedentary, former athlete, has not exercised at all in 4 months, has access to kettlebells,and a nearby gym. Medicated for major depression, currently unemployed and highly stressed (which leads to entire days of productivity shutdowns). Mostly eats takeout, has substituted diet sodas instead of regular. Takes daily vitamins and meds 99% of the time. First steps: Exercise: Tracy Reifkind's 15 to 20-minute swing workout twice a week, after a quick priming warm-up and hip + shoulder + t spine mobility. Nutrition: Eat a serving of vegetables each day. MIND I scheduled a Technical Admissions Assessment for a coding bootcamp two weeks from now, so the pressure's on. I think if I total 40 hours I'll be as ready as I can be for it, so a little over 3 hours a day starting today would be reasonable, though I tend to get in the zone sometimes. So the Program Minimum: Swing twice a week One serving of veg 3 hours of coding ======================================================================================================================================= 13 JUL, Mon - 2h 47m 14 JUL, Tue - 1h 21m, veggies, workout 15 JUL, Wed - veggies 16 JUL, Thu - veggies 17 JUL, Fri - veggies 18 JUL, Sat - veggies 19 JUL, Sun 20 JUL, Mon - workout 21 JUL, Tue - veggies, coding 22 JUL, Wed - veggies, coding 23 JUL, Thu - veggies, coding 24 JUL, Fri - veggies 25 JUL, Sat - veggies
  8. Hiro, hero for hire. Ruthless, intelligent, efficient. You have an impossible problem, then he's the man to call. Slim, trim, cocky grin, completely self contained and self assured. He stays in peak physical condition through training and daily activity. His body looks like it was carved out of wood, strong and capable, lean and hard, without bulk, but flexible and defined. He has more than enough energy to run, jump, and play all day, with energy to burn, never stopping and never quitting until he is done. He has a warrior heart. Being a Warrior is standing up for you and yours. It is being willing to fight even when you know that you are going to lose. A warrior protects, a warrior stands up for what is right, and pray you never find yourself on the wrong side against him. ------------------------------ So this is my 12th straight challenge in a row! A solid year! That's crazy, I didn't realize it had been so long. Training wise I have progressed a lot. Side quests and other areas of my life I have not really focused on much but going forward in future challenges I will start to branch out with other things than just training. JUNE CHALLENGE Summer is here. Goals for this challenge will pretty much stay the same as last challenge to build upon them. I want a summer body. I've never had ab definition before but I am pretty close right now. I'm not sure if I can do it by the 4th of July but I am going to try. I want to take my shirt off and strut. Starting weight: 195 lbs #1 Training Right now I am sticking with mostly a kettlebell program. Looking at a 6 day a week routine. SUN / WED - Vanity workout Abs and Arms MON / THUR - Lower body squats and swings TUE / FRI - Upper body presses, flys, cleans #2 Mobility My mobility still sucks. Keep focus on opening the hips with post workout stretching. 90/90 stretch Pigeon pose #3 Diet Not going crazy here. Going to stick with the atkins low carb type diet I have been running for the last few weeks with a occasional cheat meal for mental sanity. I dropped 5 lbs last challenge. I don't think I can repeat it but will target it to be 190 lbs at the end of the challenge. #4 Adventure This one is hard to define. I feel so pent up between the quarantine and working from home and covid anxiety. I need some excitement in my life. I need to get out of the house since I never leave. The cabin fever is real. Obviously due to logistics I am not rushing off for a African safari (I wish) right now but I am picturing mini adventures to local locations even if it is just a park or wooded area. Goal is one mini adventure per week.
  9. Hey, as my gym membership comes to an end in little more than a month I'm becoming more positive that it would be best to get some stuff and start lifting heavy, at home. Now, are there any specifics I have to pay attention to? I've been looking around on internet shops and found some nice gear but I'm not really sure what to look out for. The bench of my desire is adjustable in 3 different heights, 4 different positions (making it suitable for flat bench press, incline and even decline! ) with a max loadabilty of 250kg (conside my bw at roughly 80kg and that's more than enough for some time). The pricing should be fine with 80€ The squat rack is 87x120cm and 7x adjustable in the height between 100 and 170cm, weight 25kg itself and has a loadability of 350kg. There are also 3 holder on lower positions and you can put keep your weights on a mounting. Price 140€ and gummi feet. A 187cm barbell with 30mm. I don't have a lot of space but I was told that a long bar is important if you want to rack up weight. 30€ A neck pad 14€ a chair mat that covers the space where I'd lower the weight ~20€ regular weights 130kg; 170€ I already have some dumbbells with up to 15kg weight that would fit. The overall price would be little more than an other year in the gym and probably more worthwile. Are there things I have to consider purchasing these articles that I'm not aware of? It might be wort mentioning that my max bench press is roughly 85kg, with the deadlift at 80kg and the squat at 100 (although I have to go lower again to get better form). There's probably some imbalance between my lifts, I started squatting and dl-ing quite late. Thanks for any input, I can't provide links to these articles right now so I made the description. And sorry if there will be some inconvenience with the kg/ cm data
  10. . I got my ass whooped on the last challenge. But the good thing is that it's a video game, and we can always start over. It may not be where we left off, but you at least know where the traps are the second time around. What I've learned is that if I come home at night and it doesn't happen, it's probably not going to, especially if I have to cook dinner. So the goal is to get these Swings and Getups in early on during the day. WEEK 0 Sun - NO Mo - NO Tue - NO Wed - YES Thu - YES Fri - NO Sat - NO WEEK 1 Sun - NO Mon - YES Tue - NO Wed - NO Thu - YES Fri - NO Sat - NO WEEK 2 Sun - NO Mon - NO Tue - YES Wed - NO Thu - NO Fri - NO Sat - NO WEEK 3 Sun - YES Mon - NO Tue - NO Wed Thu Fri Sat WEEK 4 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
  11. Hiro, hero for hire. Ruthless, intelligent, efficient. You have an impossible problem, then he's the man to call. Slim, trim, cocky grin, completely self contained and self assured. He stays in peak physical condition through training and daily activity. His body looks like it was carved out of wood, strong and capable, lean and hard, without bulk, but flexible and defined.  He has more than enough energy to run, jump, and play all day, with energy to burn, never stopping and never quitting until he is done.  ------------------------------  FALL CHALLENGE A new challenge. I have spent the last few challenges building the exercise habit, zeroing in on what exercises and routines I like to do, and even had a mini bulk cycle. Now this challenge I want to become and feel athletic. That basically means being coordinated and conditioned, while staying strong. The theme for this challenge is Starlord. I love him and he is one of my favorite super heroes. Plus with my new dad bod I kind of feel like him right now. Let's go get that bread! Goals for this challenge: #1 Stay Strong Follow my weekly routine 3x week: Base BB exercise KB cycles (squat, press, and swing) #2 Conditioning I plan on getting good at the jump rope. I will play with it and see how I will plan this out 2-3 times a week. #3 Fuel I feel better when I get enough protein and water. Daily protein target: 150g Daily water target: 48oz
  12. This challenge is all about.... life after the kettlebell sport world championship. So while I'll be talking about that a lot, the main thing I want to do during this challenge is enjoying the freedom of not having an important competition to prep for! That means it's time to do some serious strength training AND lots of play I'm choosing a journaling theme because I want to reflect, practice my writing, practice sharing AND I'm just really enjoying my bullet journal.. it's been a bit life changing, so I want to share about that a bit too perhaps. Goals: 1. Journaling reflect on experiences at and leading up to this worlds share things about / from my bullet journal and why it's so good for me 2. Training keep track plan (and lift) a serious strength training cycle do something playful/different every week, chase some skills or other shinies (suggestions for this are VERY welcome!) 3. Finish my online course While it's all very interesting the video's I have to watch are SOOO dry and I already know a lot of this stuff which makes it really hard to concentrate and to find the motivation for it- but I want to finish this within this challenge.
  13. Right after this challenge is the kettlebell sport world championship. It's in a giant sport complex just outside of Dublin on 23-26th of may. I'll be competing in second division, which for women uses 2x16kg kettlebells. (First division is 2x20kg, Pro devision is 2x24kg). I'll also be playing representative to my national federation and coaching my team. There'll be around 18 people from the Netherlands, at least 10 from my gym/team. We have no Pro lifters yet, but I do have 2 lifters in first division this year. So... challenge; 1. Train - every week; snatch 2x, jerk 2x, longcycle 1x, oly lift 1x, squat 1x, deadlift 1x - try to accumulate 100km of rowing over the 5 weeks - keep a lunges, push and pull counter 2. Sleep - keep folding laundry before bed - lower green bed time to 22:30, yellow to 23:30 3. Eat vegetables three times a day....... - at least one of which has to be green - and eat fatty fish every week Well I had to add a nutrition goal.. I have reasonably healthy habits that I have relied on for the past 3 years without making any kind of improvement.. I tried to drop some weight last challenge but I guess I'm just really not ready for that yet. I think I'll compete in a higher weight class for worlds and just focus on improving something small. Let's go!
  14. This is the last challenge before the challenge that includes the kettlebell sport world championship.. and it's a busy challenge in it's own right, I've got our own annual competition coming up (april 6th) a training camp hosted by yours truly right after and a terribly timed weekend away with family before all that. What's kettlebell sport you ask? Well.. doing this (first jerk, then snatch) for 10 minutes, for as many reps as possible without putting the bell down. Or switching hands more than once on snatch. What needs to happen is making sure my head doesn't explode from all the organisational stress, making sure that it's all actually sorted on time because I'll be going away AND I can't afford the all nighters anymore since having a child. I also of course have to put in the training hours, get some sleep to recover AND it would be really nice to get down to my competition weight this challenge so I won't have to worry about it in the last couple training weeks... UGH. Here is the plan; 1. Eat around 2000kcal a day using a rough guesstimated head count (I'm good at that, comes with the dietician job) actually meal plan and meal prep! I need to go from 78/79 kg to under 75 kg 2. Start preparing for bed before 23:00 no phone in bed, last challenge proved that this helps do some laundry before bed as part of the prep 3. Training Keep up the volume but keep a lot of freedom (this is necessary for me to actually do it) snatch 3x a week, jerk 2x, squat 2x, deadlift once, extra cardio 2x, GMB P1 2x Keep a running lunges and 'anything pull' counter Side project; Read up on diastasis recti and pelvic health (to improve my knowledge as a trainer and possibly maybe hopefully stop the peeing 6x every training session)
  15. I try to start building each challenge with an eye on my great big life Quest, which is to lengthen and enjoy my time on Earth. I've been thinking that the way to accomplish this is through building healthful habits as both the means and the end. This challenge will be about the daily work of cementing these habits of self-improvement. So here we go. Food. I want to eat mindfully every day. At this point I have a number of tools in my kit for making this happen, I just have to build the habit of using them. Fitness. I want to exercise more days than not, so the goal is 4 per week. Lately I've been investigating kettlebells, but any intentional exercise will count. Spirit. I want to have some kind of spiritual engagement every day. Being a Christian person sets the tone for this, but being a somewhat unconventional Christian person expands the possibilities. Life Enrichment. I want to do something with my brain every day. Right now I'm a college student, which does accomplish this goal some days. I'm also taking a few early steps in learning the guitar and I still sometimes play the ukulele. I always enjoy reading (in audiobook form these days), writing, and other arts. Any intentional brain engagement will count. Those are the four. I'm tracking them in my HabitBull, and I'll try to report on them daily, as well as posting up a pic of the app every week, although I realistically think that this won't always happen. Life is busy, after all. Happy Challenge!
  16. Hi guys. I'm just wondering If I should be doing the NF Kettlebell Routine on day A, and the Bodyweight Routine on day B. Repeat. Is that giving my muscles time to rest since they are body full body workouts?
  17. Local time is 11.13 pm. It's Sunday night. I should be asleep, but I'm not. I was in bed for an hour, wide awake. I finally got back up. This strategy often works for me. I'll go give it another try after I finish this post. Last challenge didn't go so well for me. I started pretty strong, but I lost all discipline in the middle. I became obsessed with one form of exercise, to the point of not wanting to do any other. Ironically, I had set out at the beginning of the challenge to avoid this very thing. In week four the obsession faded a bit, in part because my doctor and I have upped one of my meds and that seems to have shaken me out of it. So this challenge I'm trying it all again, basically with the same goals I had last time. Food - not exactly a measurable goal, because I'm still following Intuitive Eating principals. But I will do my best to report on how well I follow them each day. Even though there isn't a measurement to track, I still need to hold myself accountable here. It's not numbers, but it's still a healthy habit that needs work and requires discipline. Exercise - As with last challenge, I want to try to exercise every week day. Mostly this will be either taking a walk, doing a KB circuit workout, or doing sets of BW exercises. Any intentional exertion counts. I just have to try to do something every day. I have had really good discipline in the past, so this challenge I'm striving to regain that constancy. Daily Reading - I want to build a habit of hearing the Daily Reading every M-F when I get to work. There's no reason not to; I just have to build the habit. Guitar - this is my lowest priority but it is a self-care item that I want to keep in the mix. I want to practice at least three days each week. Any amount of time with it in my hands counts. I think that's enough to get on with. I'm still studenting, and it's still taking a lot of my time, although the work load in my current classes is less than I've had in the past, which is what will make it possible to take walks some days. I'm still working on my goodreads goal. I'm still striving to be engaged and present with my wife and kids and home and church and job. Good time management continues to be a necessary. If I want to achieve all of my goals, I don't have time to mess around being lazy. Roosevelt called it the Strenuous Life. I think it's good goals to have.
  18. The Forced Evolutionary Virus is used by The Master (in the form of vats of green goo) to turn humans into super mutants. The results are significant increases in muscle mass, but usually accompanied by decline in cognitive ability. And sterility. This is a good thing. I overthink things instead of just lifting heavy, so I'm just following a program without analyzing all the variables. I'm married, so I don't have sex anyway. And drinking my Greens will be my own form of gross daily exposure to FEV. HRV, BP, and Weight will be monitored of course because we're scientists, not animals. I've been swamped, and lazy at the same time. I have no idea what's going on. But I put a plan together, and hopefully I can stick to it. I either do it or I don't. There's a BJJ competition coming up and I might take a crack at it if my elbow feels good. Otherwise I'll wait for the next one. But right now I want to complete all of the Total Tension Kettlebell Complex sessions, and supplement with Hip Thrusts and Pull-ups. I feel I tolerate volume like a wuss. (I'm putting Hypertrophy and Work Capacity training under END.) 03 JAN Hip Thrust 6/3 (130kg); 2 Pull-ups every 30s/10 04 JAN TTC Squat; SL Hip Thrusts 8/3 05 JAN Feet Elevated Bridge 20/3; 06 JAN Hip Thrust 7/3; 3 Pull-ups every 30s/5, 2 Pull-ups every 30s/5 07 JAN TTC Press; SL Hip Thrust 8/3 08 JAN 09 JAN TTC Squat; Feet-elevated Bridge 20/3 10 JAN 11 JAN Hip Thrust 7/3; 3 Pull-ups every 30s/5, 2 Pull-ups every 30s/5 TOTAL TENSION COMPLEX Squat 6 Press 5 Squat 6 HIP THRUST Feet-elevated Bridge 20/3 Hip Thrust 8/3 SL Hip Thrust 8/4 Feet-elevated Bridge 20/3 Hip Thrust 8/3 SL Hip Thrust 10/3 Feet-elevated Bridge 20/2 Hip Thrust 9/3 SL Hip Thrust 10/3 Feet-elevated Bridge 20/3 PULL-UPS 3 Pull-ups every 30s/10 3 Pull-up every 30s/10 4 Pull-ups every 30s/5, 3 Pull-ups every 30s/5 4 Pull-ups every 30s/5, 3 Pull-ups every 30s/5 This period's habits will also be to track HRV and BP, and drink my greens. Trying to get YUGE. And Green.
  19. I wanted to start on date but as always, Monday came and went... and here I am, at least not a week late xD! First of all, hope you're having a great start of the year. South here we were having great summer, beach days until a polar front passed over. So we went from over 30ºC to almost 10ºC. Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless and add what is specifically your own. – Bruce Lee My mantra this month. Losing weight. I can't count calories, I've tried... but I've failed. So I'm sticking with dish sizes, portion and not having seconds. No alcohol on week days and checking my cravings, having healthier alternatives for those late night sugar wishes. Run, run, run. Once a week I'll go sprinting. Most likely hill sprints to make it easier on my knees. (Having run two 10k I know long ones make me bored so, fast and hard). Preferably, on Wednesday. Lift KTB workouts thrice a week (Is that how it's called three times?). Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdays. Yoga and mobility Having to deal with a pubalgia I'm having lots of mobility and strengthening exercises that I'll pair up with my personal yoga sessions. That will be every day. Write I want to write every day, and I've found many resources. I'm aiming high, I'm aiming big. I'll try journaling at night, to reflect on day. And writing 500-750 words during the day. The more the merrier. So... let's begin. This afternoon I'll make the first checking in.
  20. Hey All, I'm back. Last challenge went well, I didn't hit everything I wanted to, but life is a process. Big Picture *Current Weight: 240lbs *Goal Weight: 175lbs swinging for the fences here, I haven't seen this since high school 16 years ago *Short Term Goal: Weigh 235lbs by the end of the challenge. Adulting: *Two items from Flylady's detail cleaning per day *One more thing that is adultish here Movement: *Simple and Sinister 5 times a week *Fighter Pullup Program 5 times a week Eating: *Practice 16/8 Intermittent Fasting 5 out of 7 days *Track food using MyFitnessPal
  21. We have done a good job of keeping our town safe.For now anyway, Metropolis is free from villains. Which is great. But also, well, truthfully, kind of boring.What's a super hero to do when she doesn't have any villains to fight? I was sitting in my easy chair, reading a book, sipping on some pumpkin spice tea, secretly hoping I would be called out on a mission. So when my secret superhero phone beeped, I quickly darted over to check it. Hmm, it was a text from Jessie Graff. She and I had become buddies one day after I had saved her from the evil Villain Giganta. I opened the text and read: "Hey, EG, since you've scared all the villains away, how about competing on American Ninja Warrior? I'm sure everyone would love seeing a real super hero compete" Hmmm, I pondered it for about one minute. Then quickly typed back "Yep, I'm in" What a great way to train to fight villains! I quickly packed a travel bag and headed out the door. I was off to train with Jessie and the other Ninjas. I love American Ninja Warrior. I watch all the shows, and follow the Ninjas on Instagram. I find them super inspiring. So for this challenge ,I'm going to channel my inner Ninja. Over the spring and summer, I've gained muscle (yay) and also a small bit of fat. So this challenge will be about losing the fat before the dark days of winter set up. I've set up a game boar in my mostly forgotten Bullet Journal to keep track of my progress. In order to complete the challenge and win the level, I need to complete 4 obstacles 1 each week Obstacle 1: Quad Steps; 20 pts to complete Obstacle 2:Jump Hang : 22 pts to complete Obstacle 3:Flying Nunchucks 24 pts to complete Obstacle 4: Warped Wall 28 pts to complete Points: 2 points per day for drinking 64 oz of water/ 1 pt for 40 oz 2 points per day for tracking in MFP, and being fairly close to target deficit / 1 pt for tracking a good portion of the day Bonus points that can be saved for the next week : 1 point for recording all meals for the day prior to the day 1 point for 10,000 + steps Prize for completing the level https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BTBKLLF/?coliid=I3735BPMCGIC7B&colid=2FXN9I8R0TTC&psc=0&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it Other stuff: I will be doing other things to lose weight, I just didn't want to have to track a bunch, so I focused on the main ones. I will be eating slow, eating veggies, eating my weight in protein, and mostly eating food that will fuel me the best. I am also doing a kettlebell program, and the NF handstand program. So expect to hear a bunch about that. Mini challenge goals Home Economics: Put summer clothes in extra bedroom and organize closet; Also buy some pretty candles Science: Watch a video on kettlebell windmills and video myself Math: I'm in a jump rope PVP, so I'll just double duty and see how many jump reps I can get in History? undecided
  22. Hi All, A long while back I started my NF journey with the Monks. I took some time off of the forums and have bounced around between the different guilds and have found my way back here. Originally the family and I were attending classes at a Kajukenbo dojo but ended up stopping because it didn't fit into our schedule (Getting off work, driving a half hour home, pick up the miniBrowncoat, half hour back to the dojo, hour for class, half hour home plus homework, cooking, household chores, led to burnout right quick). I do miss the activity though, and the miniBrowncoat has been asking if he can go to karate class again. I have a lead on an instructor who lives in our town and would eliminate the driving back and forth. I'm hoping that he will work out and that he also teaches adult classes... And on to the goals Longterm Goal: Weigh less than 180 pounds. Right now I'm weighing in at 250, I want to get healthy to make sure that I can enjoy life with my family. That is the big goal, the short-term goal right now is to hit 240 by the end of the challenge. How to do this: *Fix the eating. I need to get my diet under control. Last challenge I had the goal of starting a Whole30 reset, but that didn't happen. The house wasn't set up enough to make it feasible. Eventually I will do one of these, but for now I'm going to try and focus on cleaner eating. I don't have to be perfect, but I do want to be better. I have the tendency to avoid fruits and vegetables. Eat at least 1 serving of fruit and 2 servings of vegetables each day. Use IF (16/8) at least 5 days a week. Stretch goal: Start tracking what I am eating using MyFitnessPal. This doesn't have to be a long term commitment, but I think it will help me be more mindful of what I am eating and reset my notions of what a normal size meal should be. Move more. I know that food is the main ingredient to losing weight, but being fit and capable is also important. Simple and Sinister 5 times a week. I am finally starting to use the kettlebell again. I started for awhile back in spring, but pushing too fast led to bursitis in my shoulder. I'm starting S&S again, but really trying to ease into it. Right now I am up to 70/100 swings (adding a set of 10 each week) and doing 1 getup on each side. I've also added armbars into the warmup to try and prehab my shoulders. Stretch Goal: Find a place to hang my gymnastic rings. I've got them but haven't used them. I tried hanging them off of my doorway pullup bar but kept slamming my knuckles into the door frame or banging my head into the pullup bar. Adulting. Get the house cleaned. We never really recovered getting the house clean since we got an evacuation notice for the wildfires this summer (we didn't actually have to evacuate, but it was a hectic 2 hours thinking we would have to and ransacking/pillaging the house and loading it into the car). Pick one chore to finish the next day. Actually do it. Totally stealing this concept from Machete. Donate stuff. We have two big boxes to donate of old clothes/toys/stuff that we don't think we can sell. Get it out of the house! Schedule shredding service. Lots of paperwork that has moved with us that needs to be shredded. Find a shredding service that will come to the house and get rid of it for us. Stretch Goal: Start selling stuff. Need to get crap out of the house. Any cash that comes of it is a bonus.
  23. WhitebeltBrowncoat Respawns Hi all, It's been a while since I have done one of these challenges, and the first time doing one with the Rangers. Here's a bit of background about me. I just turned 34, am married, and have an 8-year old Mini-Browncoat. The wife and I have decided that we need to get healthy. I did a handful of challenges with the Monks, did one with the Assassins, and now thought I would give the Rangers a try. Major Goal: Lose 60 Pounds Right now I'm tipping the scales at 245. Not the heaviest I've ever been, but getting close. My goal weight is 185. I was active throughout high school and college (swam, played water polo, roller hockey, and was a gym rat at the climbing gym), but after college, life got in the way and sports and activities have dwindled to nothing and the weight crept on. No better time than now to change this. Here is how I'm planning on doing this... Since you can't outrun your fork: The wife and I are going to start Whole30. This isn't going to be easy. Early preparation is going to be key for us to complete this. The plan will be to break this out by week and have a full meal plan done. That way we can prep everything in advance. We aren't starting Whole30 today, but it will be during this challenge. I'll let you all know when it does begin. Declutter the house: We have too much crap around the house. We finally made a space to exercise, but we really need to get rid of all the extra crud. Finish Cleaning the Office, Bedroom. Also, come up with a good cleaning schedule for the house and stick to it. Exercise: Simple and sinister — I got a 16kg kettlebell for Christmas, but haven't done a whole lot with it yet. I am going to do the Simple and Sinister routine three times a week. I jumped in a little too enthusiastically a couple months back and tweaked my shoulder doing Turkish Get Ups. This time around I am going to approach these more cautiously. I am thinking that instead of doing all 10 getups with the 16kg, I should start with a lighter weight; a 1-gallon water jug (~4kg) to start, then a 3 gallon (~11kg), then the 16kg kettlebell once everything feels good. Miscellaneous Life Goals: Get better at brushing and flossing. Brush twice a day, floss once a day. I've been avoiding going to the dentist because I know I will get scolded for not brushing and flossing as well as I should. Thanks for having me here. TLDR: GOAL: Lose 60 pounds STEPS: *Whole30 Meal Plans/Start Whole30 *Simple and Sinister 3x per week *Finish Cleaning the Office *Finish Cleaning the Bedroom *Create Cleaning Schedule *Brush 2x and Floss 1x per day
  24. Hey Rangers! This month, I'm following up with last month's theme, but a little different. Same questline, with 2 award levels, just different tasks. 1. Walking: Distance/frequency TBD 2. Kettlebell/weight workout: Frequency TBD 3. Chores: TBD Loot: TBD, but completing the Weightlifting quest snags a bonus Tuff N Tiny "Squattle" Tank Top
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