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Found 8 results

  1. Writing out my training plan in my first post last challenge worked really well for me. I'll still keep my analog log of what I've actually done, but I'd like to use this topic for planning and evaluating my training for 2023.
  2. Not quite up to challenges right now, so... a battle log! Will update soon with goals and such. Sneak preview: lift all the kettlebells, win all the competitions and celebrate by standing upside down! For those that don't know me or my sport, this is what I do: Lots of those.. occasionally (on competition days) as many as I can in 10 minutes
  3. "Work capacity is, essentially, the total amount of work you can perform, recover from and adapt positively to." Main goal 1: be all sorts of awesome at kettlebellsport, as an athlete, coach, gym owner and nerd. Main goal 2: be generally awesome and a good example by being seriously strong, skilled, mobile, energetic and playful. Since joining NF in 2013 I've gone from someone who barely knew how to hold a kettlebell to earning my trainers certificate, won nationals twice, found a team crazy enough to work with me... in 2015 competed as a professional at worlds and finally, finally finished my thesis so I never have to go to school again. In the first half of 2016 I hope to grow my business (a strength & conditioning gym), get results for our members and my kettlebell team AND compete in the european championships (top 3?!?). To reach my main goals I will need to lay a strong foundation, keep building the base of my pyramid. (Because as Ido Portal says, the bigger the base of the pyramid, the higher the top!) This goes for both my physical base and also the foundations on which I build my life. Thus the topic of this challenge, increase work capacity. Goal 1: do all the training Some mandatory basics, but other than that, just do stuff. More stuff. Have some fun while I'm at it. A nice shiny list of things I want to be able to do behind the spoiler tag: Goal 2: slow weight cut Have to fuel all the training, but also want to get to a walking around with of max ~69kg so it's easy to get to my weight class for competitions (-68kg). Doing this by counting intake and aiming for a weekly amount. Nerdy excel sheet here: link Goal 3: manage my to do lists, daily routines and projects There is an insane amount of projects going on, which comes with building a business I suppose. There is also a pretty huge to do list with all the paperwork that comes with owning a business and then there are all my clients (training and food) that I've got to keep up with. It should be very manageable, it's just giving me a stress-headache because I feel overwhelmed and lose my overview. Smart versions: Goal 1: every week = 60 minutes KB training, 120 minutes other strength/skill work and 60 minutes non-kb endurancy stuff. Goal 2: log in the excel sheet, every single day. Goal 3: have an overview of all the things after the first week, keep actually using/updating the next 3 weeks, review at the end.
  4. Hi! I'm KB Girl, 27 y/o, based in the Netherlands. I normally lift kettlebells, as many clean & jerks or snatches as I can fit in 10 minutes. But only on competition days, because 10 minutes makes for a lot of d*mn reps. (My best set so far. Will need to do twice this to achieve my goals.) As always my main focus will be the world championships of kettlebell lifting in November (+qualifying in september obviously). However that's still a couple months away so I can still blissfully ignore working on endurance and explore other hobbies that involve STRENGHT! Woot! Goal 1: Weightlifting with barbells \o/ Careful not to over do it, i'll work on clean&jerk once a week and on the snatch once a week. No PRing or anything, just drills. Lots of drills. Or as jdanger said; "Find ways to load and spend time in the problem positions and drill/strengthen the crap out of it until it's the new normal." Since twice a week is so little, I'll just have to spend the rest of my time geeking out on all things weightlifting. That's what I do best anyways. Goal 2: Gots to do the kb work. I'm a stubborn piece of shit. Coaching yourself never works optimally, but I don't trust anyone else to do it for me. I always think I know better when it comes to KB's..... so I'll actually have to try and do as I say! I've finished writing the next 2 cycles, now I gotta do it. NO FIDDLING, NO REWRITING. Only thing I can do is tiny adjustments like weight and pace as appropriate. Goal 3: Recover? Still need to somehow increase my workload which means increase recovery. Not sure how to do this. This'll be a goal of discovery and telling tales! Goal 4: Keep on growing as a coach. My team is doing well, we did great at nationals. They work really really hard and I try to keep up with them. I'm sure I could do better, therefore I will; Log all the things. Keep track of what I do and why and what the results are. (I won't bore you guys with the details)Start writing a mock-book to organise all my thoughts on this coaching for KB's. Cover 1 topic a week.Spy on other sports coaches, especially weightlifting. Steal all the things o/
  5. Na regen komt zonneschijn, after darkness comes light! Hi, I'm KB Girl. Lamest name ever, but it's appropriate because my main quest is still competitive kettlebell lifting, with during this challenge the dutch national championships (July 5th)! My bestest set with the 24kg bell; https://youtu.be/gggR0Rlsycg Besides trying to be an athlete, i'm also a trainer/coach, gym owner, just opened my own dietitian practice, got a job on the side to pay the bills and i'm still jumping through the last of the uni's hoops so I can get my diploma. Needless to say i'm completely overwhelmed, spread thin, out of my element and just a bit depressed.. So this challenge will focus on getting me to stop hiding in a book and actually trying to make the best of this life instead of living through whichever main character. Because all those things ARE things I want. Leveling up by experience points: This will be a stacking challenge, my four goals will be aspects of my life that need improvement and each week I will pick a habit/mini-goal to work on. Every action earns me xp, I need 30 for my first lvlup, 60 for my second, 90 for my third, etc. There will be rewards per level up, I'll post them as soon as I know. It'll be sort of like a new challenge every week, might do wonders for keeping motivation high. -Taking care of myself- My diet has been mostly chocolate based, i'm averaging 5 hours of sleep but 10 hours of being in bed and I hardly pay attention to my appearance: time to change. week 0: no reading in bed (1xp), two servings of veggies a day (1xp) -Moving and training- Either lying or sitting around most of the time and only teaching instead of training myself is really regressing my fitness. Next competition is only 5 weeks away so GOGO! week 0: walk the dog at least once a day (1xp), 3 kettlebell training sessions (1xp each) -Habits and routines- Stress is not so much from doing a lot of things, but having a lot of things to do and not doing them and not being sure what exactly you need to do. This can be handled better! week 0: build a to-do list system that works for me (3xp) -Improving my environement- Not having clean workout clothes, not being able to find my stuff, having to clean pans before I can cook... so done with that! week 0: make a very basic weekly chores list (1xp), clean out my bedside cabinet (2xp)
  6. Main goal: be a professional competitive kettlebeller! Last challenge ended in a dud.. I do have good 'excuses' but I am still disappointed. Being here is good for me, not least because of all the awesome people that help keep things in perspective. My main goals during this challenge will be working towards the national championships in my sport and running my own business(es) full-time for a trial period. (Yes, I decided to give it a shot!) So here I am again, hoping you guys will give me another chance https://youtu.be/kTecD5Bd5kA A progress video with 24kg, still working on that lineair progression. As usual I will post about my kettlebell training and other random things, but I will update on the following goals at least three times a week; Goal 1: Keep up the training log The log is actually really important, but when i'm busy I forgot about it. Since I really want to work on making this a habit I will write in my log every day for the next 6 weeks. Goal 2: The fun stuff; hand balancing and ringwork It's important to have some fun with training to keep me from burning out, but it's not fun anymore when there is a lack of progress... so work on both at least once a week. (and have fun doing it!) Goal 3: A morning routine When working from home I've noticed that I really have trouble getting going with doing useful stuff, so over the next 6 weeks I want to work on creating a morning routine for myself that's doable and will help with that. And maybe I can have it help me keep the house in something resembling order too
  7. Main goal: be a professional competitive kettlebeller! It's been a while since my last challenge! In the meantime I've finished my internship (which kept me away from here) and I also competed at the amateur level at the world championships of kettlebellsport. It was awesome. And I want more! And I want to do better. So here I am, with a very simple challenge setup! Progress video with 24kg, only need to do 50 extra reps per hand for a spot on the podium! Simple because I just need to get back into training a lot. It doesn't really matter yet what I do, as long as I'm doing stuff! So my first goal is related to just doing something; Goal 1: Dance dance! If I don't feel like training at all, I just have to put on the clothes, put on some music and then dance. If after 5 minutes of dancing I still don't feel like training I get to go home. Goal 2: Log the progress It's important to log so I can have proper progression, it's important to take some videos to check technique progress... and doing so here is extra fun! Bonus Goal: Fix all the things All the things that cause me stress. Stress is bad for training recovery. And the list of things is long. But I'm not writing down any specific goals because that'll put on pressure and add to the stress Complicated yes? The goal is only here so I can brag about it if I do something useful.
  8. Main Goal: Become world champion in kettlebell sport. (shooting for the stars!) Where I'm at: Since joining NF in june last year I went to my first international competition, finished my kettlebell-trainer degree + physical tests, set up a small group training, found 12 people crazy enough to train with me and won the dutch national championships. Unfortunately lately I've been struggling a lot and my challenges have been suffering. Therefore this challenge will be focused on getting back on track! Goal 1: 90% of success is showing up! Though it's been an important step to plan and obsess over my training setup, now it's time to just show up and do the work. #do the work 7 days a week, #get used to RPE for logging, #do handstands for fun Goal 2: gotta make weight! Currently I weigh 72kg but I would like to compete in the -68kg. The challenge will be getting there without going absolutely bonkers/crazy/obsessed. Oh and without sacrificing any training or muscle. The plan; #start tracking intake, #100 grams of protein, #shoot for 1700-2000 calories. Goal 3: consistency and support yo. Best training results coincide with good challenge participation and regularly updated threads. The goal is; #update thread 5 times a week. #use it to log training, not just chitchat Finally got a new phone, it has a slowmotion camera!
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