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Found 2 results

  1. This would be the second challenge for me. In the first one, I didn't reach most of my goal, but I got to know the goodness of fitness. Also, there is always a way to break through! Challenge two I'm going to work more on my attitude, in which case I will focus on my way of thinking. If you don't think in the right way, you will never get there. Main Quest: 5 pound weight loss 1. Cut down eating amount by 1/3, and eat 80% Paleo 2. Go to the gym at least 3 times a week 3. Meditation to stay positive at least 3 times a week Mini Quest: improve spoken English 1. Keep watching shows everyday 2. Talk whenever have a chance 3. Pay attention to conversation skills Motivation: Everyone is his own worst enemy Desire and greediness erode our mind and sole day by day No one should lose the battle with themselves Nor should I Control my own mind and heart, I know that's what I want Nobody should see themselves as enemies We should be friends with ourselves Fighting and war is not the solution Control is not the end Get to know the needs and get along with the soul inside We will eventually know Who we are Where we will be and Win Progress Tracking 1. Weight every week on Friday, not everyday, log progress. If no progress, make changes to diet and workout plan. 2. Log food list and amount on challenge treads everyday 3. Log workout One day I woke up and found that I'm totally alone That was the time that I realized I'm totally free and I should be fully responsible for the future me What kind of person I would be? Where I would go? What I should do? It's totally up to me There is no transition between a child and adult You just grow up in one night and found everything changed Because your attitude has changed One day I woke up and found that Life is not TV shows We cannot just give it new starts by shooting another season It's a continuous process And everything matters and counts for the future It's an gradual accumulation Which makes the future me But you also found that even if you have a bad history you can still be good now Better late than never Since it's never too late to quest goodness in life Gao, sooner or later you will appreciate that you did what you should.
  2. Great things hardly success before thousands of failures, good thing is that we never stop trying. One day we would find that those little things that we used to ignore will make a big difference if we try! I'm a dreamer, rather than a practitioner. After high school, seems like I never really keep one thing as habit, especially for exercise. I'm always thinking of losing weight, but never fulfill my goal. I hate my laziness and weakness to challenge myself and control myself. While when I look the girl in the mirror, I know there is a brave Gao inside me, she knows what she want and are ready for change, and try a new life! So here I am, I want to remember my history and failures as reminder, I also want to tell myself this time is the last time to say give up! I summarize the reasons for former failure to my weight loss goal: 1) want things to go fast, while in real life, small things accumulate to big success. 2) a big thinker, small practitioner. 3) care too much about how others think about myself, while what really matters is your own feeling 4) always compare self with other girls, while what I should really do is to compare only with myself! 5) bad eating habits 6)never record little steps Based on those reasons, the following changes are listed 1) record little things online 2) find a group to challenge together 3) do it!!! This is a MUST, not a Should or COULD! Main Quest: fitness for both body and life Goals: 1) lose 3 pounds in 6 week 2) 2 time fast food or grains per month 3) no vendor machine food at work Life Quest: sufficient self-esteem Goals: 1) speak up at least one time in business meetings, be brave to show ideas 2) save at least $500 per month 3) shopping at least one time per month for beauty (as a girl, I'm really proud that I'm not a shopping fun...) Motivation: Hey Gao, just look back your life, have you ever succeeded in challenging anything?
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