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  1. After a less than stellar last challenge where I learned a lot about myself, here's my next go at this. A couple important things before I get to the goals. March 15th will be my last day at my day job. Those of you who've followed my challenges in the past know that I work far more hours than any human being should. I'm finally figuring out how to deal with this and am taking steps to make my workload more manageable. About 2/3 of the way through the challenge, I'll be going on a week-long road trip. I'll try to keep my goals going (and am structuring them specifically for this reason), but it'll be a bit of a free week. It's a chance to drive across 3 or 4 states and visit friends every step of the way, so if I slack on the healthy eating or don't get all of my workouts in, I'm not going to sweat it. On May 11, I'll be leaving for my summer job. This job involves literally running up and down a mountain, among other things. What is this crazy job, you ask? I'm an actor/costumer for Tecumseh! Outdoor Drama. (tecumsehdrama.com if you want more info) So, as this will be my last full challenge before I leave, my focus is very much on preparing for the physical shape I'll need to be in for the summer. On to the goals! 1) This is a repeat from last time. I want to be able to run a mile without stopping. There was a time years ago when this was possible and it hasn't been for awhile. I happen to know that the first two days of rehearsals start with a run that's about 3/4 of a mile with some steep hills and I don't want to finish last! 2) I want to get stronger so that I can do the heavy lifting required of me this summer and ensure that my leg muscles are up for the intense dance rehearsals that will be happening. So, I'm committing to three beginner bodyweight workouts a week. I'm not putting any specifics on this. Obviously every other day is best, but I need some flexibility or they'll never happen. 3) I'm going to track my water intake. I'm pretty good at drinking water, except for if I'm drinking a lot of coffee or something because I have a long day. However, I need to be more aware of exactly how much so that I can survive a summer of no air conditioning without getting sick. 4) As part of my contract, I'm understudying the three biggest female parts, which means I have a lot of lines to memorize. By the end of the challenge, I want to have all of Rebekah Galloway's lines memorized. She not only has the most, but there'll also ones that I don't know as well from last summer because I was never in her scenes. I also have a tour script to memorize at some point, so if I can get her lines out of the way, it'll be a good chunk. So there we go. I'll assign attribute points later, my brain's too tired from work to figure those out right now. Let me know if you have any advice or encouragement for any of these! After really only have success on my life goal last time around, any advice on how to get back on the fitness wagon again would be super helpful.
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