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  1. So I am putting good vibes out for my house to sell ASAP, so in the title it goes! I have completed all the work I wanted to on the place, and really it's an adorable small house in a great location so I don't think I will have any issues getting it sold. And now that all that crazyness is over I can re-focus on my nutrition, and fitness. Goal 1 - 5 workouts per week (3 weight days, 1 orange theory day, 1 event training day) stepping it up even though the competition I registered for may fall through. Goal 2 - Follow my nutritionists orders, prep cook twice a week minimum, and measure everything for breakfast and lunch. Goal 3 - Taking Care of Business - This is a 3 part-er A. Take care of my body - drink water, stretch, work on wrist tendinitis because it's only getting worse) B. Take care of the house - do at least 1 chore daily + dishes C. Take care of business - I worked really hard to get a T-shirt startup going and due to both my friend and my life going for loops we fizzled out, I need to get a formal schedule going again so that by the time I move to my hermit hideaway I will have a somewhat stable income stream.
  2. Time for the new challenge! Really, it’s ridiculous how excited I get about these things. I am going to start a 3-part challenge cycle, in part because I had such a good run with my “Predator” series at the beginning of the year, when I was prepping to go on my trip to the keys. It was a good mix of short- and long-term goals, and since I have three months to prep for my next big athletic event, it fits perfectly. The whole series will be organized around the concept of “taking control” of some of the areas of my life that just constantly go spinning off the rails. I need to get a firmer grip on some of the fundamentals; I sometimes agonize over stuff like should I be taking certain supplements, should I go gluten free, should I take up meditation, etc; I’m usually pondering these things while stuffing my face with nachos, so you can perhaps appreciate the irony. I need to go after the low-hanging fruit, before I stress about esoteric ingredients in my protein powder. Also I thought it would be fun to do a challenge that was filled with dominatrix memes. So for this first segment, I want to focus on my nutrition, which is the lowest-hanging fruit of all. l mean, I am terrible. I whipsaw between super-clean paleo eating and utter binge-o-rama, and it’s a testament to my love for my workout routine that I do not resemble the stay-puft marshmallow man. Which is not to say I’m not still 40 pounds overweight, but I live in a much healthier body than I did a couple of years ago. It deserves to be fed better, so I need to untangle my relationship with food. THE GUIDELINES: - Allow “natural” sweets back into my diet. This probably requires some explanation. I tend to cut ALL sweets - not just pastries and such but things like fruit and honey- out of my diet, and then I rebound by eating shit like frosting out of the can. Seriously. I wish I were making that up. So I am going to start eating more fruit, with my meals and as snacks, to see if it calms my sugar cravings down. - Unleash the carb hound. I already eat a ton of carbs, but in a very roller-coaster manner - almost no carbs some days, then way too much others. And not good ones. I’m about to start building my biking mileage up, and I need to feed the machine, so I’m setting my carb-o-meter at 200 grams a day - as in, I have to eat that much. It doesn’t all have to be from powerbars and croissants - wouldn’t that be great, though - but I have to hit that number. I may - I cannot believe I am saying this out loud - begin to eat noodles again, without guilt. I feel dirty just saying that. - No skipped meals or self-punishments with food I’ve played around with intermittent fasting, but it seems to make me more likely to binge-eat, and there’s a growing body of research that indicates women don’t respond to it as well as men, and that it can cause the body to hold on to fat, because it freaks out your hormones. I’m 47 years old and on the edge of menopause, so my hormones don’t need any help freaking out. No more skipped meals. Likewise, no sending myself to bed without dinner because I slipped up during the day. I’m not a child, refusing to eat their brussel sprouts. I’m a grown woman. Mistakes will be made. I will deal with it in an adult manner, and not cry and throw my toys. Meal Prep Standby of bodybuilders, overworked moms, and obsessive-compulsives everywhere. Just do it. THE PLAN: Set (repeated) Meals: I’m trying to eat smaller meals, more often, but the thing that always hangs me up with that is coming up with all these meals and counting the calories, macros, etc. I’m going to experiment with eating the same meal consistently for my first and second meal of the day, to see if taking the brain work out of it makes it easier. Especially for my first breakfast, I don’t care what I eat; I’m a fucking zombie in the morning and I spend the first hour stumbling around and bumping into walls, so it hardly matters what I stuff in my face as long as coffee is included. First meal: 8 AM Two hard boiled eggs, 1/4 sweet potato (roasted cubes; I do a big pan of these on Sunday). Coffee w cream. Calories: 306 (approx) Carbs: 15g Second Meal: 11 AM 3/4 cup chili (homemade; again, made on Sunday), plus fruit. Calories: about 400, depending on the fruit. Carbs: 25-ish, again depends on fruit Third Meal: 2 PM Light lunch. Chicken and vegetable combo of some sort - I cook a bunch of chicken breast or thighs for meal prep, so using that. Fruit. Calories: 400 Carbs: 25 OR A meal replacement of some sort (Kind bar, protein shake) I know that this sounds incredibly boring, and it likely will BE incredibly boring, but I’m hoping that by taking the “decision fatigue” out of the menu planning, I can be more consistently nutritious. Dinner can be free-form, as long as it’s not stuffed crust pizza or something. I’m very partial to yummy things made in the crockpot so I’ll use my culinary creativity points for that meal. Snack: 100 calories worth of protein/fat before bed. Probably a bit of ricotta cheese with fruit - I know that cottage cheese is the snack of bodybuilders everywhere, but it’s disgusting and I can’t make myself eat it. All my workouts will stay the same, except I'm starting to increase my bike mileage and I'm working up to 4 rounds of my circuit training (which I managed for the first time yesterday). Additional Challenge Thingy: I know everyone says you have to "win the morning" or "control your first 60 minutes" or whatever organizational shiz they want to phrase it as, and I just. Cannot. Do it. I am literally a mental defective until I have been awake for at least an hour. If I want to "hit the ground running" I have to get up at 4 am just to shake out the cobwebs. But it IS true that a more organized morning is better. So I am going to revive my "Evening Routine" concept that I used a few challenges back to make my morning less disastrous. All of these things need to be checked off the list before I call it a night. They don't all have to be DONE right before bed - I'm usually pretty wiped by the end of the day** - but just checked off gradually thru the afternoon. EVENING CHECKLIST: - prep coffee (I have an automatic coffeemaker that my be my most prized possesion. Getting up and the coffee is already made makes me feel like I have house elves.) - Feed birds (outdoor bird feeders) and fish (in tank) - 10-minute clean up, empty dishwasher, laundry away (I am the WORST at what a friend calls "leaving a trail"... discarded books, clothes, dishes everywhere) - put all electronics on to charge (I hate going to use my ipad and the battery's dead) - make next day's to-do list If I can do most of those things every night I can be productive much sooner the next day. (At least I think so...) GOALS: World domination. I mean, obviously. **possibly one of my future challenges should be finding out why I'm so tired all the time. Low iron? Thyroid? Rabies? Who knows. I'm kinda willing to bet it's just the 40lbs overweight thing, though.
  3. First 4 Week Challenge 4 Me! I'm excited. This is my first challenge, but I've been doing the NF thang for a few months now and have leveled up to Diet Level 6 and Bodyweight Workout 3A, so i sort of took the sample challenges and beefed them up a bit. The below quests are long term habits I want to build, and this seems like the opportune time to start! I've been binging a lot of Doctor Who lately, particularly during workouts, so I've decided to tailor my first 4 week story based on the wonderful wibbly wobbly stuff. 11th Doctor/Amy & Rory will be the stars of this one (along with my Wolfie alter-ego, of course). I may go a little overboard with the story, but I love writing and don't get a chance to do it often. So apologies in advance! -~-~-~-~-~-~- The Doctor peered at the creature, not at all frightened by its matted, bloody fur and frothing jaws. Rory, on the other hand, was shaking like a leaf. "Are -- are you sure it's not dangerous?" Rory stuttered. The Doctor scoffed and pulled out his sonic screwdriver, making a few passes at the heavy breathing animal. "No, this here boy's just a wolf --" he paused and squinted at the screwdriver, puzzled. " -- with some very strange additives in the soup, I must say..." He spun around suddenly, startling Rory, and declared "Not dangerous at all, but quite ill, quite ill indeed. Very weak. I should be able to get him fixed up in no time, and he can be off on his merry way, howling at the moon and scaring peasants -- " He stopped as he caught Rory glaring at him -- "Sorry. Anyway. what shall we call him, hmm? I've never had a pet on the TARDIS before!" He grinned and excitedly rubbed his hands together. As Rory and The Doctor regarded the wolf, it drew itself into a tall, proud posture, lifted its head, and stared unwaveringly at the Time Lord. "I am a female," she snarled, "and I don't... howl." As Rory's jaw hit the floor, a wide smile crept over The Doctor's face. "Hello," he said softly. "I'm The Doctor. What's your name?" The wolf hesitated, but was already starting to tremble from holding posture for so long. She lowered her head slightly. "Roo." "Nice to meet you, Roo. What say we have a look at those injuries, hm?" The Doctor held out his hand, and after a long, unsure pause, Roo reluctantly padded towards him. -~-~-~-~-~- As The Doctor calmly worked on treated the many wounds plaguing the lonely wolf, he explained to her why he had come to her planet. "And then Amy says 'well sorry if you boys can't handle the heat, I'm going to go out and get myself a lavender tan from this lavender sun!'" He chuckled and shook his head. Rory rolled his eyes, bouncing nervously. He watched The Doctor heal a particularly nasty gash with the screwdriver. "What happened to you?" He asked. Roo winced as the screwdriver moved over a piece of raw flesh on her rib cage. "A few days ago, strange creatures started invading our clearings." The Doctor giggled with delight, never taking his eyes from the wound. "Oooooh strange creatures! I love strange creatures, don't you love strange creatures, Rory?" Rory rolled his eyes again. "What kind of strange creatures? You mean like other... animal people?" Roo sucked in air through her teeth as a jolt of pain hit her. "No. Not flesh. They were sort of like the work robots they keep on the southern continent. Except they are powerful, and evil." The Doctor turned off his screwdriver and slowly brought his gaze to meet Roo's. He bored into her, suddenly more serious than he had been during their entire encounter. "What kind of robots? What did they look like?" Roo seemed a bit taken aback by the sudden change in The Doctor's countenance. "I don't know what kind. They were metal, shiny, and they had powerful weapons hidden inside of them. They kept repeating a word --" "What word." The Doctor was now slowly rising to his feet, his voice cold and measured, as though he already knew the answer. She looked at him and sort of shrugged. "Exterminate." Rory's eyes widened as The Doctor turned to him. "Amy!" He shouted. They took off towards the door and The Doctor held out his hand towards Roo. "I've sewed up most of your wounds; are you well enough to run? We need your help." The wolf was flabbergasted. "My help?" The Doctor stopped just short of the door as Rory bolted outside. "We need you to take us to your clearing. Are you well enough?" Roo got to her feet, shaky but determined. Her tail wagged slowly from side to side. "You helped me. It's only fair I help you." The Doctor smiled, then ran out the door, his new... Wolf Person friend trotting at his side. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To successfully complete this 4 week challenge and help The Doctor and Rory find Amy and defeat the Daleks, The Lonely Wolf must complete the following four quests with increasing difficulty each week (aside from the running goal, which is overall): DIET - NAVIGATE THE FOREST. Maps, strategies, and planning will help get through the thick wooded areas in the dark. Week 1: Meal plan (AND STICK TO) lunches at work. 5+ days. | # MEALS PLANNED: - - - - - A - 5+; B - 4; C - 3; D - 2; F - 1 or 0 Week 2: Meal plan for work lunches AND dinners at least 3x. | # MEALS PLANNED: - - - - - - - - A - 8+; B - 6 or 7; C - 4 or 5; D - 2 or 3; F - 1 or 0 Week 3: All of the above, plus 3 more dinners for total of 6. | # MEALS PLANNED: - - - - - - - - - - - A - 11+; B - 8-10; C - 5-7; D - 2-4; F - 0-1 Week 4: All of the above, plus at least 3 weekend meals. | # MEALS PLANNED: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FITNESS - WORK THROUGH THE PAIN. Though her wounds aren't all healed, Roo can feel strength returning to her ravaged body as she jumps and dodges through the forest. Week 1: In addition to regular workouts, add 25 box jumps this week. | # BOX JUMPS ______ Week 2: In addition to regular workouts, add 50 box jumps this week. | # BOX JUMPS ______ Week 3: In addition to regular workouts, add 75 box jumps this week. | # BOX JUMPS ______ Week 4: In addition to regular workouts, add 100 box jumps this week. | # BOX JUMPS ______ Cumulative grades: A - 250; B - 200; C - 150; D - 100; F - 99 or less FITNESS - ARRIVE AT THE CLEARING. Faster running will increase the odds of finding Amy before the Daleks harm her. The Daleks have erected a device that prevents organic lifeforms from sleeping. Complete the first four weeks of C25K and log miles. | LAST DAY COMPLETED _________ A - C25K Week 4; B - Week 3; C - Week 2; D - Week 1; F - None LIFE - CONFRONT THE DALEKS. The evil little cans of hate have trapped Roo's pack, along with Amy Pond, and have not allowed them to sleep in days. Defeat the Daleks, destroy their REM Disruptor Array, and help the wolves and the Girl Who Waited get much needed rest. Go to bed 10 minutes earlier each week. BONUS: Use of new sleep mask/earplugs every night will bring one other grade up one level. | SUCCESS: _________ OUTCOME: Average grade - A. The Daleks are screaming and running, the wolves and Amy get some blissful shuteye, and The Doctor and his new friend talk about time and space. Average grade - B. The Daleks are defeated, but the REM Disruptor Array still sends out pulses every few hours. The wolves are getting testy. Average grade - C. The Daleks are defeated, but Rory must sacrifice himself in order to destroy the REM Disruptor Array. Amy hates The Doctor now. Average grade - D. The Daleks win, enslave the wolf pack, and the time travelers only just manage to escape with their lives. Average grade - F. The Daleks win, and they blast searing lasers into both of The Doctor's hearts. This basically means I have singlehandedly destroyed my hero by not honoring a commitment. GERONIMOOOOOOO!
  4. HI ALL!! Life has calmed down and I finally feel recharged! I actually have the luxury of free time to reel in some things I haven’t had some time to expressly focus on lately, namely FOOD. I did not have time to cook for the majority of the past few months and I miss 1) having a firmer grasp on my food intake and 2) I JUST MISS COOKING. My diet is actually pretty decent, but I’d like to take the time while I have it to zoom in on my macros a bit more and also track what I am eating. I am really really determined to dial in ways to get more veggies AND to increase protein intake significantly w/out going nuts with fats! -----GOALS----- GOAL 1: Track food intake daily for a snapshot of general overall calorie intake and macros. I am playing around with what exactly I am shooting for. Running some basic TDEE calculators over at IIFYM, maintenance would be 2039 calories or so and ideally I’d like to aim for slightly under that and do a slight cut (I’m thinking 1900-ish calories per day, except deadlift days & deadlift recovery because GIVE ME ALL THE FOOD DAMMIT.) Also, my Vegas birthday-cation I am eating as much as I please!!! I really need to get my actual body fat percentage tested some day, but by looking at articles comparing the way different fat percentages look my body looks close to the pictures for 25%, or maybe even slightly less fluffy than 25% but estimate is OK with me as I am just starting in this figuring out Macros game! Estimating out 1g of protein per lb of lean mass leaves me at 108.8 g of protein, which I am going to round up to 109 g. calculator on IIFYM for maintenance (2042 calories per day)= 116G protein (1g protein = 4 calories) 464 calories 22.7% 51 G fat (1g fat = 9 calories) 459 calories 22.5% 280 G carb (1g carb = 4 calories) 1120 calories 54.8 using same percentages, shooting for 1900 calories = protein = 431.4 calories = 107 g fat = 427.5 calories = 47.5 g carbs = 1041.2 calories = 260.3 g Tweaking slightly to adjust for my lean mass calculation — my goal macros: protein - 109g per day, 436 calories fat - 48g per day, 432 calories carbohydrates - 259g per day, 1036 calories Total = 1904 calories GOAL 2: Meal prep! Prep meals at least once per week for your lunches and breakfasts at work. I will also add as part of this goal — making more veggie related snacks to up my veggie intake -- that would be most excellent! To have a more specific quantifiable thing - bring or make at least one veggie related snack from home to bring to work per week. Goal 3: Maintain current training schedule (or even add a bit!) Strength train 3 times per week including once per week with trainer & at least one cardio work out per week (ideally a run or hike, but a lunch walk is better than nothing!) And do some GTG type training every day! (this could mean frequently throughout the day, or it could mean just a few sets here and there when I have time!) Goal 4/ Life Goal - DECLUTTER & CLEAN I am currently dealing with the result of 6 months+ of not having enough extra energy to put into cleaning and decluttering. The clutter in my room especially is SO BAD YOU GUYS I HATE IT. On days when I have at least 2 hours of free time spend at least 5 minutes cleaning! (Once I get started I usually go for more like 10-20+ minutes, but it’s the getting STARTED and doing something I struggle with.)
  5. Hi!...I’m back….again…. I’ve been wanting something/someone to hold me accountable on the things that I plan to do in my head. However, in my head, the idea stays. Which means, I’ve had slow progress over the past year or so since I was last active in the forums. I’ve become even more of an underpants gnome. So I thought now was as good a time as any to write it all out and follow through. *Edit 3/31/16 Looked at this again and realized it was a bit long winded. Been sick and I tend to ramble. So I'm hiding the original goals and doing a TL;DR version with a spreadsheet idea borrowed from sylph. Spreadsheet can be found here. Goal 1: Self Care/Do things for me I tend to not do the things I want to do. I just let my wants slide by, ignored. So I want to work on this. Some of these things will be daily or weekly. Others will be more of a one-time thing. Things will probably be added throughout challenge. Also, keep up with my gratitude journal. It's the one thing I've really kept up with over the years. Goal 2: Do the Work Exercise...I've been wanting to make this a habit for a while now. I know I enjoy it. I know it's good to do. It's fun. It's just a matter of doing it. So I'm going to do the work. Mainly this is to create a habit of movement. So most things are considered movement. Make it easy to get into a routine. This is vague because something is better than nothing right? Goal 3: Plan the Meals In order to start cooking at home more, I need to start planning my meals. Currently, I just think of what I want to make the day of and then gather what I need to make it. On the days I don’t know what to make, some form of delivery gets ordered and it's never as good as a home cooked meal. So for this goal, I need to make a plan each week and stick to it as closely as possible.This will eventually morph into batch cooking for weekday lunches and then into freezer meals. I want to start fool-proofing my fitness and eating adventure Goal 4: Adulting Adding this because I saw Sylph's sheet and realized there were things that I needed to do that I don't do. Like clean and vacuuming....I dread the vacuum. A bit like a dog...And I always forget to clean the cat's litter box...poor kitty. And I have a few big projects that haven't been done. Like go through the boxes from when I moved across the country. (It's been over 4 years and I still have unopened boxes.)
  6. Between grad school, wedding planning, report cards, testing, and a million things, I had to sit February and March out. But it's spring! Days are longer! Snow is wetter and heavier! Green has begun to appear! And I am back for a new challenge (one which I have already started... shhh) Quest 1: STR ↑ I will attend the gym 3x or more a week. Days of the week will change, but I plan to do at least 2-3 days of Stronglifts and at least 1-2 days of cardio (Zombies Run!) Quest 2: Food LVL ↑ I am using Staci's level 1 lunch plan I already did it this week, but I have some ideas for how to make next week better. Anyway this goal is to do chicken, veggie, sweet potato lunches on work days. Quest 3: Hydration ↑ I don't drink enough water, so instead of complicated ounce goals that I will probably fail at, this one is simple: I will start each morning with a glass of water. Quest 4: LUYL I'm getting married this summer so there are so many fun things I could do for this! Unfortunately I am really disorganized and my formal observation is coming up this month. So my goal for this one is to clear off the long counter around my classroom and either organize its contents, or put them away, or discard them. That's all ETA: measurements:
  7. I've been doing lots of research on the Middle Ages, and have been thoroughly enjoying all the wonderful manuscript illuminations and marginalia. And so, I want to share them! I have three big goals for the next 5 weeks (starting now!), so with no further ado... Polgara Goes Medieval! Run Like You're Being Chased by Creepy Marginalia! One of my big yearly goals was the run the Zombies, Run Virtual Race 10k in the next 2 weeks. Actually, the goal was to train for the 10k. However, work and life has been really crazy, and I haven't been doing it. I will likely still run the 10k vr, but I will not be well prepared. To further complicate matters, I'm having some foot pain. My left foot, on the top has been very tender. I sort of suspect extensor tendonitis, except it doesn't hurt to raise my toes - it hurts to curl my foot down and around (very hard to explain). Anyways. I suspect one of my daily pairs of shoes, so will be avoiding them, and icing the foot. Hopefully it doesn't sideline me too much. So, the goal for the next 5 weeks is to complete 4 weeks of the 10K training plan, and 1 week of 10k race and recovery! (to be modified due to injury as required). Week 0 : 1, 2, 3 Week 1: Zombies, Run Virtual 10k !!! - recovery run? Week 2: 1, 2, 3 Week 3: 1, 2, 3 Week 4: 1, 2, 3 Shop So You Don't Have to Carry It On Your Back The other thing that has really suffered due to my crazy work schedule has been proper grocery shopping and meal planning. I know how to do this, but I'm not making it a priority. So. This is a priority. And to make it clear to myself, I am giving myself a sa-weet prize if I meal plan and shop all 5 weeks! If I meal plan and do one big shop, I get to buy myself either or This is happening! Don't Get Chased By The Honey Bear! Sweets are my downfall. I have had luck with a couple of different strategies in the past, but they haven't proved sustainable. For this challenge, every serving of sweets I eat need to be paid for with push ups. The first serving a day costs 10 push ups, the second costs 20, and it escalates from there!
  8. Beach season is coming. 1. Punch stuff/workout: (56 Pts total challenge) +3 STR +1 STA I am still deciding how best to do this one. 2 pt each workout Workout before work? +1 extra credit point 2. Handstand practice/classes: (28 Pts Total Challenge) +4 Dex Goals: Attend at least 1 handstand class at Circus School of Philadelphia. (10 Pts) Practice handstands, and handstand strengthening exercises for 1 hour on weeks you do not attend the handstand class. I figure, If I do this the same 3x week that I do the splits things, About 20 minutes a day of focus. Seems doable. (2pts each time) 3. Splits: (24 pts Total Challenge) +4 Dex Work on Splits for a total of an hour per week. I would like to focus on middle splits since I technically have the other two, though they could be better. Breakdown: 30 Minutes Middle splits. (10 minutes 3x/week?) 1pts each time 15 Minutes other splits. (5 minutes 3x/week?) 1pt each time both legs combined 4.Foodstuff: (64 Pts Total Challenge) +1 STA +1 WIS +1 CON Food stuff is going to be my primary focus, I know its last, but It's gonna have the most points to give, so it's weighted to food stuff which is my struggle above all else. Each goal is included in the next week as well. Week 1 Goal: Wear FitBit Every day. (7pts/ week) Week 2 Goals: Bring lunch every day at work + Week 1. (12pts/ week) Week 3 Goals: Eat a Protein Rich Breakfast every day + Week 2 (19pts/ week) Week 4 Goals: Track food intake on FitBit + Week 3 (26pts/ week) Ate Lunch from meal plan? +1 Extra credit point. Try not to be tempted by all the snacks. LG: Build Or Start Building a Ty Lee Cosplay! Not for points. Surprise $500 vet bill on day 2 of challenge makes me believe this will not happen soon. Total Points: 17/172 - 10% Week 1: 17/33 - 51% Week 2: 0/38 Week 3: 0/49 Week 4: 0/52
  10. I decided my challenge needed a totem animal this month. So I chose my biggest rooster. According to the infinite knowledge of the internet, the Rooster represents a number of positive traits like: never giving upbeginningsself-expressiontime keeperwake-up callsun energylack of fear time managementthe opposite of depression and lack of energy These seem like great things for me to focus on right now. Quest 1: Flapping my Wings Develop a daily yoga practice. Most days this will be a 20 minute relaxing/stretching online yoga before bed. I will also continue my Wednesday evening strength and balance yoga class. Quest 2: Kitchen Scraps Create a meal plan and then update it daily based on what needs to be eaten in the fridge. I just started reading a book on reducing food waste and how much water and land is wasted by growing food that is not eaten. I’m going to use this extra environmental motivation (and the tips in the book) to help me stick with my meal plans, save money, and eat healthier. Quest 3: Greet the Sun Get up at 7am daily. I’m going to try this out for a few days and then evaluate and modify. The sun isn’t up until after 7:30am right now so I may change this to get up with the sun if getting up in the dark is not helpful, either way I really want to get up early and take full advantage of my days! Quest 4: Crow! Earn 30 xp daily on duolingo. I have started and stopped my Spanish studying many times over the years. I want to really make some progress and learn this language! I may occasionally sub in other activities that still move me towards fluency like watching a Spanish movie or perhaps dinner out with a native speaker (if I get really brave! Although “conversation†at this point may be me listening and smiling and nodding). In addition to my Rooster challenge, I will be keeping up my routines from last month: drink at least 9 glasses of water each daywalk with my dog every morningstrength train daily (5/7) Note: I will be going on vacation from the 5th to the 13th. I will post quest adjustments before I go.
  11. So I wasn't sure if this is where I should start, because I've had Nerd Fitness for about a year and I tried it, and failed miserably at sticking with it, so I guess this is technically a respawn? I did track and cross country all 4 years in high school, (about 6 years ago from graduation) and I took a year off, then did it again for a year or 2 at a junior college. Since then I've stopped consistently working out like I used to. I've tried several workout plans and "diets" and nothings worked, I end up fizzling out. So I thought Nerd Fitness would be great because it's so focused on small changes over time. But my dilemma is that I won't see the changes as quickly as I'd like, and I think my motivation just dies. So I thought about trying the 6 week program, but I feel like I'll just fizzle out on that too.... plus it's against the normal nerd fitness philosophy. I guess what I'm looking for is advice on what I should do? I'm super lost on the meal planning and nutrition, because I've never had to really think about what I eat because I'd just work it off at practice the next day. Maybe I need a coach again? I just can't afford things like a personal trainer =\ I'm also in need of motivation advice. Sorry for the long rant/explanation, any help is appreciated
  12. I had our beautiful daughter 4 months ago, and now I've reached a point where it's time for me to start working on improving things. I'm not so much in a 'rut', as that I'm coming out of the fog of new-parenthood and there are things not going so well which I want to do something about. Special shout-outs to Teros, DarK_RaideR, ShadowLion and Phayze, who each in their own way inspired me to come back for another challenge, and also inspired how I approached this challenge differently to others I've done. This challenge fits more with the Adventurers than my usual Assassins guild stuff, it's not fitness focused at all but is about getting my mind and body back to a state where I can later go back to some more fitness-based goals. My 4 goals are focused on improving things I am unhappy with which I have control over - and to ignoring everything else for the time being. Main Quest: Build a foundation of basic mental and physical wellbeing, from which I can reach for fitness goals in the future. Goal 1: Nutrition a. Make a list of foods I will and will not consume over the next 6 weeks, based on my histamine sensitivity requirements. b. Plan meals for 2-3 weeks in advance (and maybe repeat the same meal plan(s) for the rest of the challenge, if it's easier and I'm not too bored with them). c. Plan my shopping trips for the week and put in my calendar (with a baby, it's hard to get to the shops sometimes!) d. Plot all 'off-plan' days/meals/treats at least 2 weeks in advance. This goal is to address issues I've been having with my skin, as well as overall health and energy levels. Because I'm breastfeeding, I can pretty much eat whatever and not put on weight, however this eating pattern has led to some persistent eczema which has officially driven me to the wall. It must be stopped, and I know from experience that eating well will be my best strategy! Goal 2: Sleep a. Prepare for sleep coaching, following sleep plan instructions in weeks 1 and 2; give simple instructions to my partner so he can help. b. Take a nap during the day at least three times per week, for at least 60 minutes, in a separate room from Baby. c. Go for a walk of at least 10 mins every day. d. Start sleep coaching from week 3 or 4 of the challenge. As other parents can understand, my sleep is shithouse at the moment. Baby girl is still little, and will likely wake up 2-3 times a night for the next couple of months. What I want to work on is getting her to go to sleep on her own, instead of while she is breastfeeding - that's what sleep coaching is. If she can fall asleep on her own, I will save both of us 30-60min every nap and at bedtime, because that's how long the current routine is taking us and it's driving me batty! I'll also be taking naps to try and address my sleep deficit and going for walks to ensure my body clock stays mostly on track. Goal 3: Mood a. Write in journal every day, including gratitude exercise. b. Continue to do 4-7-8 breathing exercise 2+ times per day. c. Do re-framing activities and other strategies from psychologist to help improve mood and outlook on life. d. Engage "quiet berzerker mode" to summon courage to raise issues which are bothering me, with relevant people. This is probably a bit of an unusual goal, but I've been wavering close to the edge of depression off and on for a while now, and I need to take charge and do something about it. Most days are good, some days (nights, mainly!) are truly awful, so proactive steps are what I need to stay ahead of the Black Dog and not let it spoil this wonderful time of my life. Goal 4: Personhood a. Organise time to myself - 3 or more 30+ minute blocks each week (ALL by myself, without baby, doing whatever I want to do, not housework). b. Book/organise/plan activities in advance so I don't waste time deciding what to do, even if it's only the day or morning before. c. Do the Things, and enjoy myself! It's true what many say, for me at least, that when I became a mother I felt like I died - the old me is gone, she's never coming back, and since I came out of the newborn-sleep-deprived fog I've felt like I don't know who I am. I need to take time to do what I want to do, again, so I can find out who this new person is, other than just a mother. That's a worthy thing to be, don't get me wrong! But it definitely isn't all I am, either, and it's very important for me to give time to myself in other ways. Not all of these goals are track-able, and I'm not going to determine stat point allocation now - I'll decide at the end of the challenge what I feel I deserve to award myself. I'm going to do my best to keep updating here on the forums, as well as following a few people. I usually do this on Tapatalk on my phone while breastfeeding for what feels like 12 hours a day, so there may be a lot of short, one-hand typed mini updates! Now it's time for me to start down the path to Wellbeing. Will you join me?
  13. Two goals. The first is to account for every day with housework, food, and play. The second is to check my master list of things I should be doing instead of futzing away on the internet. Master list of things I should be doing: Misc Routines:Know what's for dinnerGroomed and dressed (Earrings today?)Do artWrite down art and writing ideasCheck on the busywork preparationsHousework Laundry put away Tables cleared KitchenPut dishwasher on dirty, run if fullCutting boards cleanKnives cleanLarge pan and lid cleanCounters wipedSink drains clearedPlayOrigami and paper starsCross-stitchColoring pagesWooden blocksPhysical puzzlesBoard game solitaire (Tsuro, Quirkle, or Dominoes)Play preparation, have these things ready and waiting for fussy moments.Cross-stitch projects chosen and aida cloth cut to sizeOrigami paper and star strips already cutColoring book pages photocopiedArt
  14. Hello, friends! I've made it back for another challenge, and with the calm I've found in the many life changes I've had recently, I'm ready for it to be a good one. Hold on to your hats, because I'm going to blow you away. (I hope.) My first six-week challenge was a moderate success. Probably most successful in what I learned about setting goals and being able to stick to them. My life is a lot simpler now than it was last challenge, and these goals are realistic in their specificity. In my first challenge, I thought I was giving myself wiggle room with things to allow for flexibility, but I should have made more specific, simple goals. Here are my quests for the next six weeks and the grading scale (something I didn't use last time). I will get into why I choose each as the challenge progresses. Main Quest: Challenge my body to be better every day. We're each such beautiful machines capable of amazing feats. I want my body to move with grace, strength, and kindness. Quest 1 - Beginner's Body Weight Workout Objective: Perform 3 times a week for a total of 18 workouts. A = 3 B = 2 D = 1 F = 0 Quest 2 - Yoga with an emphasis on balance poses I'm confused as to why she is wearing capris, but no shirt. Anybody else? Objective: Perform 3 4 times a week for a total of 18 24 sessions with an aim to complete 3 hours of yoga each week. The grading here will have to get a little creative, but the following is a general guide. A = 3 4 sessions totaling 3+ hours B = 3 sessions totaling 2-2.85 hours C = 2 sessions totaling 2-2.5 hours D = 1 session, any amount of time F = 0 sessions Quest 3 - Brown bag it Objective: Bring my lunch to work ever single work day. Accounting for the Fourth of July and 3 days of work I'll be out of town, this should total 26 packed lunches. A = 26 B = 23 C = 20 D = 17 F = 16 or less Life quest: Be a more active member of the Rebellion. Objective: With the exception of weekends, check in at least every other day.
  15. So the Bye Weeks Challenge have made me realise something. Six weeks is too big a period of time for me to deal with in one go. It's like when I used to be at uni and would be given a huge assignment months in advance, I would do sod all for months and then live in the library for the last couple of weeks up until the deadline. Two weeks however is a much more manageable chunk. I feel like I can 'make a special effort for two weeks' in a way that sounds mentally exhausting to commit to for six weeks. Also with the usual six week format if I fuck up in the first couple of weeks I then feel like I have ruined the whole challenge so there is no point anyway. SO this time around I am breaking my challenge down in to 2 weeks blocks, starting unofficially over in the Bye Weeks Challenge. I will set my goals for the following two weeks. based on what I have learned on the proceeding two weeks. I might end up doing the same thing for another two weeks or I might make a few little tweaks.
  16. Well, I'm back to try to get all the way through a challenge this time. This summer, I'm working on ballet with the goal of joining the Professional Division classes in the fall. I've been dancing in the adult classes since last summer and would really like a more challenging class, but I need to really work this summer in order to be ready to move up this fall. That said, most of this challenge is actually still trying to build some very basic good habits - you know, the ones most adults are already capable of doing? I'll be working on meal planning and getting my diet under control (I only have about 15 pounds to lose, but it really shows a lot on my frame, especially in a leotard ). Not only will this help me return to a good weight, but it will help me eat healthy on dance days, when there isn't time for making proper meals. I will also be starting some basic housekeeping routines, trying to get in the habit of keeping things in some semblance of order. I really think you feel better when your habitat is clean, but it's so easy to let it slide! Food Goals: 1.) Plan meals for each week Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack - you cannot depend on your own willpower to choose healthy meals when you're hungryKISS - rotate a couple options for each meal, don't pretend you're a gourmet chef with a prep crewBallet days will need a light dinner to eat before leaving the office, then a snack to eat after classInclude any prep work that needs to be done the night before or earlier in the week2.) Plan and eat healthy meals I plan to start the first two weeks with basic plate portions - half the plate is veggies, 1/4 to a 1/3 protein, the remaining starchesReview after two weeks - if excessive cheating (no, really, that one leaf took up 1/4 of the plate!) I will try a modified 21 Day Fix diet to track food better.I have noticed that the weekends are particularly bad for me, even when I have time and ingredients to cook. I think I'll try to plan for leftovers or making a casserole-type dish earlier in the week that I can eat as healthy leftovers to keep on track over the weekend. We'll see how it goes. 3.) Keep a food journal This probably seems like overkill when I'm already planning out each meal, but I have an extreme weakness for snacking, especially chocolate and sweets. I hope by tracking any extras I pick up during the day, it will help me see any patterns to when the worst breakdowns occur. (accurate depiction of my house, but with destructive cats instead of tiny animal helpers) Housekeeping Goals: 1.) Weekly cleaning tasks Monday - bedroom (change sheets, vacuum, put away clothes, tidy up)Friday - bathroom (clean mirror, wipe down sink and counter, clean toilet, sweep and mop floor)Saturday - kitchen and living room, laundry (wipe down counters, sweep and mop, vacuum rug, water plants, PUT AWAY clean laundry)The exact days may need to adjust, depending on the schedule. The bedroom and bathroom should both be quick, so they're weeknight tasks. No set rooms to clean on Bible study or ballet nights.2.) Complete nightly prep work Set out clothes/etc. for the next dayDo any prep work for the next day's meals (listed on meal plan)Prepare lunch and breakfast to grab and goClean the cat litter and sweep the bathroom and kitchen (seriously, you would not believe how far they track that litter!) Fitness Goals: 1.) Ballet or workout 4x per week I have ballet twice a week during the summer session, but I am on a family vacation for two weeks, plus there's a break in the summer classes.There is a great youtube ballet class (by a former NYCB soloist) that I'll use when ballet isn't in sessionFor workouts, I have modified the Beginner Bodyweight workout slightly (added a few special exercises that will be helpful for ballet)During vacation, we'll be camping part of that time, so hiking will be the workout
  17. A new challenge! I haven’t been this excited about a challenge since last challenge when I stupidly decided not to participate. You know what else gets me super excited and it’s also coming back? That’s right. Dragon Ball Super! And to celebrate this comeback I decided that Dragonball is the theme of this challenge. Brace Yourselves: The Saiyans are coming! Whatdoyoumean Wrong Series? INTO THE HYPERBOLIC TIME CHAMBER! Goal One: I will head to The Hyperbolic Time Chamber three times a week. I will meet Mr. Piccolo twice a week. In my non-RPG, non-Nerd, boring life, The Hyperbolic Time Chamber used to be known before the DBZ excitement as The Danger Room. But, I'm more passionate about DBZ than the X-Men (Thanks, Fox), so I re-baptized the Functional Training Room I've got in my work. I have arranged my schedule to be able to attend three times per week. (Mon-Wed-Fri) even forcing me to stay until late on Tuesdays and Thursdays for my freelance tuition gigs. I need to make it worth the trouble; being the only one: It couldn't be closer to my job, it’s free, it’s got a trainer, and the other people besides me are a dozen of beautiful women whom I see every day and keep me accountable. Very hard to miss... But I still manage to do it from time to time. As some of you RisenPhoenix know, I decided to freeze my BBT Training. Why? Let's just say I didn't feel quite yet as a black belt and with Operation Save The Shogun going on I needed to focus my attention on more pressing matters (and spend way less money). But I am a Monk. I fight. That’s what a Monk does. Martial Arts are one of the things that define me. I need them or I will explode! That happens to me sometimes. So, I made a few calls and decided to retake my Wing Tzun Kung Fu lessons. This time, it will be only the instructor and me. This way it’s way cheaper, way closer and it won't distract me from my other noble pursuits. My goal is here is consistency, to make all the troubles and difficulties I have taken upon myself in order to have these benefits and never miss a day. This isn't even my final form! Goal Two: I will change my measurements for the better. A key element in the Dragon Ball Z series is the power of transformation. Almost every important character progressively transform themselves into something better. And what is the best way to transform in real life? Nutrition. I’m taking back control over my nutrition, planning my meals, hitting the farmer markets, prepping my bento boxes and making healthy choices. But that’s only a habit and a life style I need to constantly pursue. My goal here is to change my measurements for something I'll feel more satisfied and glad, no matter how small the change. That is the concession I make to myself. My measurements: WAIT FOR IT! And now that I mention numbers... My power levels are over 9000! Goal Three: I will learn to count my macros and apply that knowledge to my life. At the beginning of the series, Saiyan had this hipster Google Glass thingy with feed them with continuous feedback about everyone they encountered. I've been counting calories from time to time, keeping a food journal. And yes, while I can drop weight by counting calories and fasting, I’m not just interested in dropping weight. I want a good looking, athletic, healthy Saiyan body. Forget World Peace! Gohan needs to study Goal Four: I will focus on my professional pursuits at least one hour daily. I've been lazy regarding my studies. I constantly say myself I'm too tired to sit down to study but you can see me a few minutes later playing Clash of Clans or something similar. Also, I got a new and very important gig with two small international airline. I'll be in charge of the English section of their online training platform. It’s good money, good hours and I can work from home, during the hours almost no one use the servers. But, the gig requires me to work on the project at least one hour daily. I need to make the time for this, get all the Chichi’s attitude and say no to the rest of the world for at least one hour daily. The beginning of a very ambitious challenge and I can't wait to start. Let’s do this.
  18. Right to business, fellow assassins! The Mission: Lose 40 pounds by May 25 (sister's graduation). 5/40 Quest 1: Dare You to Move Attend boot camp/body weight workout at least 2x a week. Walk at least 2 of the off days. Stretch at least 1 of the off days. Quest 2: Food, Glorious Food Meal prep on Sudays. Eat like I've got some sense during the week. Post meal prep for extra accountability. Quest 3: Rise Get up and moving. No hitting snooze; no weekend all-day naps. Keep my body on a schedule.
  19. Still working on finishing writing my challenge, but here is at least a start Quest 1: Fitness: Do something active at least 4 days a week Quest 2: nutrition: 1 cheat meal/desert/thing a week Quest 3 Knowledge: spend at least 3 hours of "me" time a week. Can be reading, napping, anything that just focuses on me. Quest 4/Life quest: Finding balance I have always had an issue with over committing myself and getting too busy. Working the next 6 weeks to find a better balance. I have some commitments I can't change, but I will be trying to not add more than I can do, and working on better time management for what I have to do. Also Reading... maybe Races this Challenge: Spartan Super 1/24 Spartan Sprint 1/25 Mermaid race 2/7 (currently signed up for 10k, thinking of dropping to the 5k) Starting measurements Weight 171 Hips 41 Inches wist 33 inches chest 42 inches approx 35% body fat.
  20. Hi, everyone! We will be talking about good food, how to prepare it, how to buy it and how it fits with our fitness and nutrition goals. Also, how getting it in the house and onto the plate can be part of a real life schedule and not some three-day affair. Bring your questions and join the conversation.
  21. Brekke is back and ready for round 2 of the epic quest for AWESOME. I’ve had several motivations in the last year to stop complaining about not having the energy/strength/stamina/etc to do the activities I want. Undertaking my first 6 Week Challenge was the first long-term step toward changing my life and re-prioritizing my goals. The memory of refusing the opportunity to go on a cycling trip across Ireland because I was out of shape is a sharp reminder of why regular fitness is important if I’m going to PWN the Game of Life. Enter the first 6 Week Challenge, which was hard but which has set me on a path toward epic adventures, quests for awesome, and owning that I am the master (mistress!) of my fate. Although I injured my leg early on and had to re-vamp the entire fitness portion of my challenge goals (that was a challenge in and of itself) I came away stronger and with a stick-to-your-guns spirit. My current long-term goal is to train for a sprint triathlon (in June!), and I am going from basically Zero (well, level 2 now!) to triathlon ready. In the meantime, I am focusing on getting back into a regular running routine and slowly building up to a 5K (which is the running length for the triathlon). I’d like to get into a pool and start learning proper strokes, too. But that’s not the main focus. Getting back out and running and building up a regular body weight routine is the main focus of this quest. Main Quest Quest 1: Brekke Gets Stronger +2 STR, +2 STA I am also on Nerd Fitness Academy and my goal is to work through the first 3 levels of the body weight brigade. Each level has 2 workouts, and I plan on doing 3 workouts a week. So, every 2 weeks I’ll have accomplished 4 of each routine. A = 18, B = 15, C = 12, F = >12 Quest 2: Brekke Gets Faster +2 Dex I need to get back out and beginning running again. I’ve been really anxious since the injury, so I want to take this nice and slow. My goal is to get in either 1 mile of walk/running or 2+ miles of straight walking per week (and build up from there). Pass/Fail Quest 3: Brekke Cooks Better +2 CON I found that when I had prepped my meals at the beginning of the week, I kept to clean eating pretty closely. When I didn’t meal prep, I ate noticeably worse. So, my nutrition-focused quest is to create and stick to a clean-eating meal plan, with batch cooking over the weekend for my lunches (and hopefully dinners too!). A = 30 meals, B = 24 meals, C = 20 meals, F = >20 meals Life Quest: “Me†work +2 WIS, +2 CHA One of my last challenges was to go to a weekly Al-Anon meeting. I have found this to be a very helpful place to work through my mom’s alcoholism. I want to continue this work, by creating weekly space for internal work – Al-Anon, counseling, prayer/meditation, reading, etc. My goal is to set aside a moment every week, with a journaling reflection as a part of it. Pass/Fail Side Quests: A. Continue my Walk to Rivendel Challenge (track with fitbit & mapmyrun) (+1STA for getting over half way, and another +1 STA for finishing!) B. GET IN THE POOL (at least once) (+1 CON)
  22. Hello There! My name is Tiffany, and I am actually on the academy forums but I figured I would keep everything in the same place since the 6 week challenges are something I enjoy. As the new year is about to start for me I have reflected on what I did well and not so well over this current year. I have gotten stronger, I haven't lost weight, I have fought my bad eating habits a bit but I need to get better at consistency overall. Since I used to do the whole "get in shape" resolution every year I figured this time around I'm going to focus on something new. Becoming a Badass! lol... My goal this year is to deadlift my body weight (at least 3-5 reps). I just started deadlifts with dumbbells a few weeks ago, I am up to 12 reps of 50lbs, so it's a good start. I figure if I focus on the strength, the other changes I want will come along as well. And this is something I will see constant/consistent improvement in if I keep up with it. What I will need to do in order to hit that goal by the end of the year: - Eat the correct nutrients to gain muscle and lean up - I will be tracking meal's with My Fitness Pal - I will be aiming for an 80/20 eat healthy ratio, so as not to binge on horrible things because I say I can't have any - I will be planing and prepping breakfasts and lunches for my week, so going off plan will be less likely - WATER!!! At least 8 glasses a day - Weight Training 3 times a week - I have an online training coach through fitocracy that gives me a schedule which I will be following - I will be going to at least one extracurricular active activity once a week - I enjoy crossfit, want to learn more about MMA and enjoy ice skating, so I will be doing these once a week. If I got to AM crossfit it will count as a weight training session since it is a weight based crossfit class (and kicks my butt for 3 days after, lol). What I will be tracking here: How I feel I did for the day overall, my goals as they change and adapt, and overall thoughts on my journey.
  23. Name: Hammlin "Hammi" Race: Wood Elf | Class: Footpath Ranger Leader Level: 18 (STR):44.25 (DEX):37.25 (STA):30 (CON):31.25 (WIS):31.5 (CHA):25.25 Motivation: New job, new schedule, new coworkers. I don’t handle change well… Also, still upcoming is GORUCK Challenge next June… Main Quest: Defining a New Normal. (Nov 10 – Dec 21) Missions: 1. Schedule. Get into new routine- this will be hard. I have no idea what my future holds and I have been at the same job for the last almost 8 years... it's all that I know and it's what I'm used to. I need to make a schedule as best I can, once I see what the workflow of the new job seems like, and then work in and figure out how training can work in it. 1 Point for making the schedule that includes November Project (DEN) and a ruck each week. 1 Point for getting to bed by 9 at least 4 times per week. 1 Point for blocking AND using time Sunday for meal prepping. (+3 CHA) 2. Push Ups. Short and sweet. Need to do push-ups daily, in order to get better! Will decide on a plan by the time the challenge starts. 36-42 days = A 29-35 days = B 22-28 days = C 15-21 days = D 0-14 days = F (+4 WIS) 3. Water. Water, water, always water. Water goals always go by the wayside when the weather gets cold. Using. I need to be drinking 3 a day... 36-42 days = A 29-35 days = B 22-28 days = C 15-21 days = D 0-14 days = F (+4 STA) Life Quest: 4. Debt. Cruel evil four letter word. The new job is very timely, because Mr. Ham and I have been treading water… The plan is to use the snowball method to pay off the things that have been accumulating over the last couple of months. 2 Points for making the plan 2 Points for paying down whichever, according to the plan, fall in the challenge time line (+4 DEX) Tracking will be done on my closet calendar this time. My Story (challenge history- it's lengthy, feel free to ignore...):
  24. After a hiatus, I've decided that I need to return to the structure and discipline gained from partaking in challenges. I know that it's going to be during the holidays, but goals don't wait for those things to pass by, since they happen all the time. My mission, whether I can get to it or not, is to lose 15lb by my birthday, which is December 22nd. Here are the quests that I will undertake to accomplish the mission: 1. Eat clean, Paleo diet (complete Whole30 standards) for all meals, with only ONE exception per week. +5 CON 2. Workout three times per week. Workouts have been pre-planned, based on Steve's workout blueprint. +2 STR, +2 STA 3. APT (anterior pelvic tilt) therapy must be performed every day. This is a short body-weight movement and stretch routine that I've pre-planned as well, based on some simple research. +5 DEX My side quest has been difficult to decide on, but I think I will pick one that will help aid the above quests: 4. Learn how to plan meals for the week. +1 WIS I believe these quests will allow me to complete my mission by the deadline. I know that it seems like a bit much in such a short time, but I've been too relaxed during my hiatus. I wish to return to having plans and structure, to nurture my self-discipline. It will work; I love plans, schedules, and all sort of nerdy things like that. I also understand that using the Whole30 standards at once seems a bit tough and slightly against the habit-forming standard here of gradual elimination, but methodical elimination does not work with me. If I want one thing I shouldn't eat, I want all of the things I shouldn't eat at once. For me, holding myself to those standards all at once is the best way to keep me focused and make it easier for me to say "no" to things that otherwise might be questioned. It gives me some good black and white rules to follow. The one meal per week is a little window built in for those nights when I forget to plan ahead and need to hit the steakhouse for dinner (if the budget allows for such a thing). The point of that is to get me used to being okay to fall off once and roll back onto the plan after that moment without feeling sorry or guilty about it. I will post some pre-challenge stats, like measurements and maybe some before photos, later this weekend. I will also share the pre-planned workouts and therapy routine that I'll be doing, along with attribute points for completing my quests.
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