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  1. Part of me loves this time of year, and part of me dreads it. I love the cold, clear days, the colors of the leaves, and the crunching sound they make as I tromp on them. The shorter days, rainier weather, and the looming aspect of even shorter days tend to give me less energy, and tend to make me just want to hibernate. The best way I've found to conquer the hard part is to embrace it. I realize that in the spring and summer I have more energy, so I tend to stay up later ,and do more things in the evening. Fall is a time for coziness, reading,watching TV, gaming , or crafting in the evening. However, I am not a bear, so I can't fully hibernate. Which is why I made a challenge: Monday Musings Write out top things to do to win week Write out guidelines for food, place them where I can see them (this is continuing my goals for Lean And Strong; Eating Skills) Embracing Fall My goal is to focus on turning my light on. I'm writing down other things that help with SAD too. I know they help. so I want to do them , but I'm keeping focus on priority.Some of them are already habits, so I'm just writing them to remind myself that they are important too. Turn on Light therapy light 30 minutes Bonus: these things help too, and I would like to do some of them Blue light blocker glasses on at 8:00 Turn off computer/tv at 9:30 Go to sleep 11:00 or earlier (pretty much a habit) Go outside first thing in the morning Go outside during the day Take vitamin D ( this is a win as it’s pretty much a habit now) reading my Bible ( this is pretty much habit by now ) if weather is decent read outside Breakfast Break One of the food guideline is to use 5 senses when eating. For both breakfast and lunch, I eat while staring at my phone or computer. I think it would be helpful for me to do this less, as I could more fully enjoy my meal and focus on it. I also spend way too much time on the computer.so this will cut some of that out. Hopefully, I will also feel more like a had a break after I ate. It's a hard habit to break. I'm starting out slow. Weeks 0 and 1: 2 breakfasts a week without screen (kindle is fine) week 2 and 3: 3 breakfasts a week week 4 :4 breakfasts a week week 5; maybe 5 or 4 if I'm struggling with it still Other stuff: My super powers (values) with food and fitness are family, joy, and self discipline, with the guiding force behind that being my faith and obdience to God. I will try and make mindful decisions with those super powers in mind. conconddition I am doing the NF academy bodyweight workouts. I am putting extra time on the wall walks, and the pistol squats, as that is where I need the most improvement.And I am doing kettlebell swings for conditioning. I am also participating in the mobility challenge. Nice to be doing the mobility challenge with others, but I find stretching boring, so hopefully I can stick with it.
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