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Found 5 results

  1. POV around the world First of all, what does POV mean? The term "Point of View" describes first person video, stories or games. For a few month now I tried to create interesting POV videos by 'simply' cutting short video sequences together to make it looks like one fluent movement. Since I train Parkour, it was reasonable to create POV Parkour videos. Here you can see some of my latest work: Short Example (For Instagram) Long Example (For Youtube) - Product will be longer But then I got an idea: What if I cut together different persons in different areas around the world? At first people would not notice because they can't see the performer. The movement will be seen as one long run, all over the world with various styles and techniques! And that is where you can take part. If you like this idea, you can send me your POV video clips and I will collect them and try to create a video. BUT your video needs to - In the best case use a mouth mount, but a head - or chest mount will do similar results - It has to be a Parkour/ Freerunning Video. I have never filmed Tricking or Breakdancing, but if it looks good in first person, you can send these too! -> If you have interesting non Parkour POV clips I can try to bring them in. That could mean driving a scooter, cooking food in an exotic surrounding - If you have fillers, for example a normal shot of the surroundings or a shot of a scene (someone cooking, sunrise, birds flying ) = clips you see in travel videos - send them with the POV footage! - Movements at the beginning and the end of the video clips! This is the most important! You need to start your run with an extra movement to make it possible to connect the clips. I mostly use rolls or precisions with my hands on the ground (check this in the videos) since I can do that on flat earth. Kongs, Drops and normal jumps are easy to edit too, but may not be possible everywhere. You could move your head too, maybe look straight into the sky and looks fast down. Try to keep the beginning basic so I can use as much clips as possible. If you think that the beginning or end NEEDS to be this or that movement just do it, I will try my best. What am I going to do with given clips? I will try to create an awesome video for sure! BUT I am just a human beeing, learning and loving. So it might not turn out how you imagined it to be - but if the number of people taking part stays small I can show you wip worl I will create one long version for youtube and similar shorter ones for instagram. I will give credits by adding your links, names and social media in the describtion and/or tag you in the video. If you took part in the video, I will send you the movies too so you can upload them aswell if you give credit. If you are sending a clip, please write a short sentence in your email that you loose the right on this footage and that it can be uploaded on the internet. Otherwise I can't accept it. Still interested? send the footage (youtube link or drop box) of your high quality footage to ikarus.pictures.offical@gmail.com If you have any feedback, I would love to hear it below this post ~IkarusPictures (well I'm named Gurkour since I can't change my name so yeah)
  2. Readin about someone lifting more than they ever could is great - But seeing the person lifting more than they ever could and then seeing their happy faces is even better! Reading about someone doing his first 10 pull ups is great - But seeing the pullups, seeing the fight at the last pull up and the happy face after succeeding is even more awesome! Reading about using the 20 seconds courage to jump out of the plane is epic - But seeing the jump itself is more epic! I guess you understand what I want to say - some things are better to be seen So now its time to show your film about archieving your thing! Or maybe creating the film itself is the success! Have fun
  3. Saw the premier last night. Did not expect that ending, that's for sure!
  4. I'm a big movie guy, so the films Hollywood's got pegged in for the next couple of years have me as excited as Gollum holding the One Ring-- minus the evil undertones. Whether it's 'The Hobbit: There and Back Again', 'Star Wars VII', the new Avengers, Batman vs. Superman, or 'Finding Dory', tell me what movie you can't wait to see!
  5. At my gym they have a movie theater room where there's stationary bikes, treadmills, elliptical machines etc. Anyway, the movie they had playing last night was called Beastly ( http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1152398/?ref_=sr_4 ), and although it was very rudimentary as far as plots go; it brings up an interesting topic. Self-image, how we see ourselves vs. how others see us. Everyone here has different opinions about this topic (at least from what I've read thus far here on NF), but what I'm interested in is getting perspective of people's own hang ups involving their own self-image. The whole point of "leveling up" is to become the best person we can possible be (not just about fitness but other aspects as well), yet that doesn't account for the current state of mind that we have as a result of our past experiences no matter how far we've come. Case in point, I'll admit I still have "fat mentality". I'll be walking around, strutting my stuff, feeling awesome and BAM, it hits me like a ton of bricks "You still need to lose X amount of pounds, you aint' shit". Granted when that happens, I beat the living hell out of that bitch voice (mentally of course) and move on but eventually it will still come back to yell at me again and another round we go. I've learned my triggers and have changed the way I handled my emotions regarding this issue, but I feel like the voice will always be there. The only thing I can control is how I react to those thoughts and to keep going. Comments, experiences, viewpoints, opinions, etc?
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