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  1. I'm coming over to the druids for this challenge since it's mostly about self refection and improvement. I have lost my muchness and I need to find it again. EAT ME, DRINK ME Maintain Calories in the Green Zone tracking with MyFitnessPal and my FitBit I cannot outrun my fork. I cannot get healthy by over OR under eating. I need to eat the proper amount to fuel my body. I will also try to limit my fast food and junk food by eating at least 1 homecooked meal a day. Slimfast shakes for lunch at work will help me feel full and satisfy my sweet tooth. Eat a minimum of 1 veggie a day, preferably with dinner. Need to get better about eating my veggies. Will work to include at least 1 portion of veggies at 1 meal a day. Start small, and achievable. FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT “My dear, here we must run as fast as we can, just to stay in place. And if you wish to go anywhere you must run twice as fast as that.” Complete NF Beginner Bodyweight Workout Lvl 1 3x/Week. Try to Lvl up to Lvl 2 by the end of the challenge, but this is not required to pass. I rocked out this workout last challenge and I hope to continue the momentum. The scale and clothes don't lie! My knees have been giving me a lot of problems, so I have forgone the Bodyweight Workouts this challenge. Do FUN activity thrice a week This can be yoga, walking, darebee apocalypse, hula hoop, jumping rope, wrestling with the boys, etc. Whatever is fun and gets me moving! Even extreme cleaning can count! Walk An Average of 5 Miles a Day (35 per week) Gotta walk to Mordor! REGAINING MY MUCHNESS “Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?" "That depends a good deal on where you want to get to." "I don't much care where –" "Then it doesn't matter which way you go.” Organize 1 Bin of Unused Items Every Week To Donate To Charity I have a house filled with extra knick nacks and clothes and stuff that I do not use and do not need. It is wasted extra that need to be donated to others who may use it. I will focus on deep cleaning/organizing one area of the house every week and in the process collect at least one box (generally going to use the big pampers diaper box) of goodies I don't use/need to donate to a local charity. Meditate with my Mantra Daily Over the last challenge I worked on a mantra for myself that I could memorize and practice daily to keep me mindful of what I want to be and do. While I wont list the actual mantra here for personal reasons, I have memorized it and will practice in daily in my sacred altar space as I meditate on the energy I wish to manifest in myself. No excuses, no skipping. Work to figure out which way I want to go.
  2. Another challenge similar goals. This time around things will be a little different due to trying out new programming. Previously Stronglifts worked great but work and life would interfere terribly with workouts so will be trying Jonnie Candito's Linear strength program to continue to squeeze out those noob gains and continually work on form. Main goal To get bigger and stronger. Finally at 170+ weight now so will continue to slow bulk up to 175-180 and then do a recomp. Goal 1 Lift at least 3x weekly (Tracking this in excell or printed excel sheets) Goal 2 Sleep at least 7.5hrs each night.( Tracked using sleebot app) Goal 3 Eat at least 3000 calories each day. (Tracked by MFP) Will try to start adding some cardio to my program on an off day. Will try to learn jump roping and progressing to HIT jump roping later on. Goal weights this challenge 1RM Squat 300lb Bench 200lbs and Deadlift 315+ lbs OHP 135lbs
  3. Cheechoe's Flying Circus FEATURING... A Cheechoe A Challenge... ...Annnd A Bunch Of Nerds To Help Her Keep Her Head.. (pssst. That's you guys...) 1. MFP Tracking Track ALL THE FOOD 1800 cal/day as a baseline. I add in my exercise and my caloric allotment are adjust from there I get ONE CHEAT DAY A WEEK where I can go to 2500. ONE. TRACK EVERYDAY 2. Eat Primal No Processed Carbs No Nut Butters unless it's a cheat day and within my caloric allotment No Junk Food. I'll allow myself dark chocolate on my cheat days within '' '' '' My cheat days will NOT be cheats on Primal diet, only caloric intake Stop That. 3. Teach and Learn Admittedly, since I have bowed out of competing at the World Championships Tournament in Italy this year, I have fallen away from instructing. Some was travel, some was other life distractions, some was just being lazy; no more. I need to get back to sharing my knowledge and my passion. Teach TKD 2x/week On the same note, recently I have fallen out of the habit of attending the advanced classes. Pretty much since April I've been training at my DoJung only by myself on Saturday mornings. As much as I love my alone raining, I need to be around my instructor more. Now this will be tricky since I usually end up teaching the advanced class as soon as my instructor sees me walk in, but I always end up learning something from him or me those nights. Train in TKD 3x/week. Note: these will probably be on the same night of back to back classes; teach the first one or two, then take the last. Totally doable in a week's time. ****** ****** 4. Keep on Moving Barbell Strength Training 3x weekTKD training 3x week per #3 goalBike ride or rollerblade 2x weekOne long run per week (Long run = 5+ miles) ** Each week will include this laundry list of activities Punishment: Burpees (for the week) Reward: Being awesome (Another NF shirt if all 6 week go without failing) Life Quest: One personal "Adult Task" daily(Shamelessly stolen from Spezzy) Nononononooo.. >.> <.< Adult task here meaning: Laundry, paying bills, batch cooking, washing car, ....all those boring adult tasks that are all simple individually, but when stacked up during the work week make you want to throw a temper tantrum. Those ones. I want to do them daily so they don't all pile up at the end of the week and take up an entire day off.
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