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  1. And here we go again… I’m going to keep this simple, I am unhappy with who I am…And from this point forward every step I take is going to be in the direction to change that. I may move forward, I may move side to side, but I will no longer move backwards. There is one simple reason why this is a must, if I don’t I will die…it’s that simple; I am extremely overweight and out of shape, it has not caused any major health issues yet, but I am on the verge of that happening. This is the first step in what I am planning to be a string of continuous challenges that I will complete in order to help find myself. I plan on taking a challenge in each guild and changing my goals and challenges to fit that guild; to take the time to learn and experience new things. Along this path I’m sure there will be numerous things that I will not succeed at, but I will not take them as a failure, I will take them as lessons learned. In order to start this Walkabout I am looking to follow in the steps of 4 exceptional Nerds, each representing an aspect that I want to improve on and each provides an amazing example for me to follow. So let’s get to it: Fitness Goal: “One More Rep†– inspired by Staci (aka Spezzy), NFs Queen of Lifting heavy shit This is an amazingly simple concept, but when you truly break it down, to continually achieve this goal you must have more than just the physical strength to push that extra rep but the strength of mind and will to push yourself to that rep. To not just fold and say it was as good as last time, but to strive to be better every time every workout. This is a strength that I want more than anything else. During this challenge I will be doing the Level 1 Bodyweight Workout from the Nerd Fitness Academy, each day I will push for that one more rep. With 5 weeks I will being doing 4 3-workout weeks and 1 4-workout week, this will allow for 8 sessions of both workouts 1 and 2; this means by the end of the challenge I will have increased reps for each exercise by at least +7. Nutrition Goal: “Conquer the food beasts†– inspired by Super Destroyer, our most deserving NF ambassadors SD has an amazing story and if you have not read any of it you need to, he has been a major influence on many NFers and a great success story himself. Like him I fight a battle against food, it is a deep issue that I might get into later, but for now I will at least face it. During this challenge I will track my entire food intake on MFP, this is the primary goal. Without proof of what I am eating I cannot truly address my issues. I will focus on eating clean, but will report even when I have not. The major issue in this will be to avoid the emotional binge…I am currently working ideas on alternatives that will hopefully pull my focus off the desire to binge. Life Goals: “Do something you suck at†– ok Steve, challenge accepted (yes, as in our fearless overlord…um leader) If you have not read Steve’s last article, he challenged us to look at what we have always wanted to do but have never done out of fear of sucking at it. I took this article as a personal challenge since he did focus a little one something I have always wanted to be good at, drawing. Not does Steve help point out the obvious mental blocks that we frame ourselves in with, but he provides a challenge that will help you break those roadblocks. And like any other good leader he is leading by example by learning the violin, piano and banjo….and posting the videos of his progress! I don’t think the man knows fear. So I will draw at least 30 mins a day…it does not matter what I draw but I will draw every day. “Find the Joy in life, cause it is too short not to†– inspired by the amazing Guzzi If you have been on this forum for more than 2 days there is probably a 95% chance Guzzi has popped into a thread of yours and left some encourage and supportive remarks. Guzzi has an unbelievable story that is both heartbreaking and completely inspiring; I will not get into Guzzi’s story here (you can find it in the threads). Following in her footsteps I am going to look life as the gift it is and try to find the good in it, the people around me and most importantly in myself. This might actually be the hardest goal to achieve due to the complete lack of faith I have in myself and the disdain I fell towards me. But there is only one way to dig out of that pit and it has to start now! Each day I will post a thought, joke, personal insight, picture, song, basically anything that I find that makes me smile or uplifts me. So there it is, the road map to the beginning of my Walkabout. I am going to show myself how GREAT I AM!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6xLYt265ZM&feature=share&list=PLVe7n4-IkdPe-dHZurVsi0k6sZqhMpTdb&index=4 Edit: I think I have a plan for the future challenges and a rough order I will use: (guild: rough plans for now) Starting with this in the Adventurers as the step offDruids: learn to meditate, start “Fat Guy Yogaâ€, continue to find the good in life Assassins: up my bodyweight routine (harder variations), continue some yoga and work flexability Scouts: switch from yoga to 5K training using Zombies or C25K Rangers: continue running goals, start kettlebell training in place of full BW workouts Warriors: learn to lift, start the NF academy lifting or SL programs Monks: Switch all workouts to conditioning and strength training focused for BJJ and start ‘fight class’This may change some but I find that if I have a loose plan and that lays out the future I tend to follow through a little better.
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