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  1. I have really been sweating what to plan for this challenge. I mean, my best excuse...uh...I mean roadblock to success is gone now. I'll be working in the office, regular hours and all. So I was thinking, this challenge has to be perfect. Oh crap, there's the perfectionist self sabotage crap starting again. Couple that with an urge to do ALL the THINGS! and I'm setting up one more huge flop. Sometime yesterday evening it occurred to me, I don't have to be perfect and get the next 6 weeks scheduled in 15 minute increments right now. I just need to pick 3 things and for the sake of all that's holy do them consistently. I mean, it really is that simple right now. Once I get the basics down, then I can worry about dialing in to the nearest calorie and so on. So here goes... Goal 1) Boxing: 3 times per week. I've always left this as a vague 3 times per week goal which has allowed me to put it off at the beginning of the week and then at the end of the week announce that I would do better next week, lather, rinse, repeat. But I was also nervous about picking 3 specific days for the next 6 weeks. I do need some fluidity in my schedule to account for family time. I saw my friend karinajean is going to pick her days for exercise on a weekly basis. That sounds much more workable. On Sunday afternoons I will declare which 3 days it will be and then I will just have to stick to it. Goal 2) Food: The eternal bane of my existence. I'm going a completely different route this challenge. Getting most of my food from restaurants or convenience stores is really my biggest failure. When I eat at home, I don't do too bad. So I'm not declaring for an eating style or a calorie limit. Here's the plan: 3 nights per week I will cook dinner 4 work days I will pack a lunch 4 work mornings I will fix my own breakfast One dinner per week will include either a new vegetable or a new way of prepping a familiar veggie. I really need to get better about eating a fracking vegetable once in a while. We share more of the cooking duties at night so that's why only 3 nights for dinner. I just really need to take control of what I'm eating during the work week. Goal 3) Life: Continue working with my therapist on the self sabotaging not good enough voice. She's really helping me make progress. Here's a song about therapy! My therapist kind of looks like Dar Williams, so there's a big bonus. Another main theme of this challenge is no zero days like my friend WCG. If I fall off on food one day, bust out a home workout or a long walk to counter it. If I miss a boxing sesh, cut back on the food. Above all, don't beat myself up for mistakes. And for those of you just learning about the joedog brand, I'm a 39 year old female. Tall, broad and overweight. I live with my wife and our houseload of pets, 3 dogs and 5 cats at last count. I work in highway construction. I suffer from depression and anxiety although with help I'm getting that under control. I lost my Dad to cancer back in February and I just found out my best friend has cancer. I really hate cancer. I have a tendency to write walls of text. I have the best group of friends and support available here on NF!
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