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Found 3 results

  1. Where should I start and what part of my body is not in the right posture. I have large rounded shoulder but not sure on the waist, I drop my short a little bit down to further see below the curve. If possible i would like to avoid heavy lifting and intensive stretching since I have a pacemaker attach to me.
  2. The Nerd Fitness Poet's Corner In this softly lit corner at The Nerd Fitness Pub, poets can gather to share and discuss their original writings. The poets corner is a safe space. Swears might fly without being censored, risky and controversial topics may be brought up: This is the nature of creative writing. So a fair warning to weary wanderers, some things posted here may not be child or work appropriate. But honestly, why are you even bringing your kid into The Pub, or drinking on company hours? Ideally, the corner can be used to keep writers accountable to producing new work. When you are posting your poetry: -It has to be your own work. Plagiarizing is lame and sad. If not your own work, please make that very clear. -Let readers know if you want your piece to be work-shopped, or if you would rather not hear suggestions. -Don't be worried about people judging you. This is an extremely open and understanding community. We would love to see your work. If you happen to know of a user who has writing as a goal, it would be great if you passed this along to them! So poets and poetry enthusiasts, grab a drink, sit down, and show us what you've got! Featured Poets Harnvin Ginn Lantana DinoBytes lolavictrola HalJordanGL
  3. Hi ladies, Recently, I was stumbling on tumblr and found a picture of a female nipple piercing and my reaction was: O.o, that looks interesting! I tend to be a very liberal girl trapped inside a conservative body (career, social scene, etc). But I casually mentioned nipple piercings to my significant other and his reply was overwhleming enthusiastic. I've done my research and read the pros and cons, but I still feel like I need that anecdotal evidence. Do any of y'all have nipple piercings (assuming you're willing to share that info)? Do you like them? Regret them? What's the scoop?! Also, sorry if this topic is scandalous and/or offensive.
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