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  1. Hi, I'm brand new to the forums although I've been a long time NF reader. I'm a bit late to the party for this month's challenge but I'd rather start now than wait two weeks. A little background - I'm currently in India on a 7 month 'holiday', in February I'll be completing an intensive Yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh. My usual routine in the UK involves a yoga class 3/4 times a week, daily swimming, and weights. I mainly eat a paleo diet, although I've been gradually moving towards not eating land animals every day. So, here in India it's been really tough to eat paleo - especially my first month as I was volunteering at a school and had rice and veg curry for every meal. It's also extremely hot over here - so exercise is tough, think bikram yoga but worse for the sweat factor. Anyway here's my goals: 1. 75 mins Ashtanga yoga every day except Saturdays - I have been doing this but not daily and not to full potential. My goal is to start practising around 6:30-7:00 am when it's cooler so I don't collapse in a puddle halfway through. 2. 90 mins Hatha/Yin yoga every evening at sunset - I'm currently doing 3/4 times a week but would like daily, so I'll practice before lunch. 3. Eat paleo for the next two weeks - Over here it's a bit harder to find compliant dishes, but not at all impossible. I need to stop making excuses for eating foods that don't make me feel healthy. 4. Walk for at least 1 hour a day - I've already got a pretty cool route that takes me down onto the beach. It's too hot to be doing anything other than a gently stroll in the sun, but anything's better than nothing, right? Wish me luck! Liz x
  2. Contained in the following pages are the epic quest of Neila, a wood elf who is very far from home. She is physically weak, but aspires to protect herself, without the help of her dedicated partner. She will update her quest daily, focusing on her physical activity and successes with her attempts to better herself. Long term goals: Be able to complete 10 handstand pushups. Weigh ~140 lbs. Be emotionally confidant, and comfortable in her body. She will be focusing on her diet, and completing NerdFitness Bodyweight workouts to begin this journey.
  3. At some point I will go back and wrap up my last challenge, but wanted to at least get a placeholder in before week zero was totally gone... This week 0 starts with me starting a new job, having some areas of life running smoothly as far as nutrition and learning to live in this RV...I debated even doing a challenge this time because I am so tired of starting over every 4 weeks...so I decided since there were only 3 challenges left this year, and they encompass my birthday, thanksgiving, christmas, etc...I'm just going to take the rest of the year to get everything in place to knock 2017 out of the park! (I work for a minor league baseball team, you can expect more bad puns like this...) Immediate goal is to pay off/down debt...when my wife was 'restructured' this year it was a huge challenge to find the money to move and keep up with the bills, we both have student loans that are affecting our debt/credit ratio that we need to address, I would also like to pay off the vehicles early since having two car payments is a struggle right now. Once I have a better idea what I'll be bringing home on a regular basis this should be a simple matter of budgeting... (I)nvigorate - my movement and strength training goal, aiming for 5 days a week (V)ariety - social goal, aiming for getting out and doing something 'fun' once a week (Y)in and Yang - balance goal, work on getting enough sleep, work, fun, etc...without letting myself feel overwhelmed I don't do nutrition goals anymore because honestly, I don't need to...I plan menus and my shopping list for the week and stick to it, with my current cash flow situation I've had no choice...I know how crappy it makes me feel when I cheat and it's not worth it... I enjoy power walking, kettlebells, and yoga...I don't like stressing over getting a certain number of these in a week so as long as there is something done five days a week I'm okay with that...I'm just trying not to gain right now, I'll work on losing in the future, it's not a focus right now...I'm trying to stay sane Time to get ready for work! I'll catch up with everyone later!
  4. I haven't been on the forums here in over 5 months. And I'm going to be honest: posting a new thread on here is terrifying. I'm not sure why, but it just is. I had a baby 3 months ago and used NF to help keep me in shape during my pregnancy. I gave birth to a healthy baby via c-section. I had to wait until my body healed enough for me to work out again. I was given the ok to exercise 6 weeks postpartum but I haven't felt like I was capable of completing a workout until recently. I'm out of shape and have to take things slow. So here's to getting back into the swing of things! 1. Get into the habit of exercising 2-3 times a week. I honestly don't care how long I can exercise. I may not be able to complete a workout for a long time. The goal is to get up and MOVE. I will either be walking or doing mom & baby yoga. I can try adding more difficult exercises later. 2. Log my water intake. I simply need to log how much water I drink. I'm supposed to drink plenty of water while I'm breastfeeding and I honestly don't know how much I'm drinking. So I'm going to start using my Fitbit app to track my water consumption. 3. Eat Paleo 2x a day. This one is going to be difficult. My husband recently made a decision to go Paleo after going to Camp Nerd Fitness this year. I'm proud of him and I'm trying to be supportive by keeping grains out of the house. But I currently need the extra carbs to keep my blood sugar up while I'm breastfeeding the baby. So the goal is for me to eat carbs once a day until I can wean myself off of them. But I can't buy any carbs that my husband would want (unless I eat out... which doesn't help our finances).
  5. Dusk

    Shadri + Noms

    ...I can't think of a theme!!! D: Well, my goals are pretty simple anyway. I gotta get my eating under control. The best success I've ever seen was when I did strict paleo, a year or two ago I think. I'm not looking to do strict paleo, but I'm definitely leaning in that direction. The main things to remember will be: 1. No grains (except for occasional rice/granola) 2. No dairy (except for cheese, mmm) I also need to focus on the quantity I eat. I tend to eat a looot sometimes. I'm gonna do my best to be strict to my two rules, but if a situation simply won't allow for it, I'll do the best I can and move on. FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD~
  6. The Last Stand This time around my challenge will be themed after Sabaton's last album, mainly because of the hype for their show on November the 5th. The goals will be the same as last challenge and, just as I did with Arnie's characters, there will be no correlation whatsoever between the theme and the goals themselves. The Goals: Sparta We all know the story of the 300 spartans that faced the persian army in the Thermopylae. The source of inspiration for this song seems to be the movie more than anything else. Sparta represents CrossFit. 3 times a week for a total of 12 classes. Rorke's Drift In January of 1879, just over 150 british and colonial troops under command of Lt. John Chard and Lt. Gonville Bromhead defended the Rorke's Drift outpost against a horde of 3000-4000 Zulu warriors. Whether one does condone british imperialism or not, this 150 brave stood as brothers against all odds, defeating their enemy. Rorke's Drift represents Nutrition. Eat full paleo, with 2 weekly variances. Shiroyama RL counterpart of events depicted in the movie "The Last Samurai", the battle of Shiroyama marked the end of the Satsuma rebellion. 500 samurais(the only remnant of an army of ~20000) made their last stand against the rifles of the Imperial Japanese Army. Knowing that they were marching to their graves, the samurai charged downhill through the bulletstorm to break havoc on the poorly trained lines of imperial infantry. Swords clashed against bayonets on these brave men's last stand, making them part of history. Shiroyama represents study. 1440 minutes total, about 6 hours a week using pomodoro technique. Bonus Track I realiced I tend to go all in on the variances, especially when drinking at the same time. Then I watched this video by PictureFit: and thought "What if I'm throwing my hard work down the pipe on my cheat days?" Let's recap last saturday night out with the guys: a "Cuba Libre", a burrito, a taco, like 4 beers, nachos... yep, that can't be good. I must learn to take variances for what they are: small deviations from my normal paleo diet, not full out feasts. I will reduce booze to the bare minimum and write down all my variances to keep them sort of accountable. That way I expect to see slightly better results. BTW I measured my waist at navel hight today and it was 95cm. That's 0.5cm less than last month
  7. Greetings fellow Scoutlings, I am a brand new newbie to this site, as in, yes, I just joined today. Since I have a competitive streak a mile wide and an overachiever streak 3 miles wide (why settle for 1), I have decided to not only jump from the frying pan into the fire, but to leap from said fire and extinguish myself in a boiling pot of water. My goals for this 4 week challenge shall read thusly: 1. Fitness: I have a marathon training plan. I am in week two of the said plan. I will stick with said plan. Every run, every REST DAY!!!! (I fail epically when it comes to adhering to rest days) and every, single cotton-picking cross training day (yuck). I am quite notorious in my running group for ditching my training plan long about....oh, let's say.... week 3??? Yeah. That bad. I'm a free spirit, what can I say. So - that's goal number 1. 2. Fitness: So let's talk about my least favorite aspect of fitness - cross training. I abhor weight training and I am allergic to going to a gym. In my estimation, if you force me to enter a building to run on a belt followed by grabbing a couple handles and pulling with all my might and fury, that is something akin to being both grounded and subjected to corporal punishment. So.....I'm committing to body weight conditioning for my cross training, which I can do outside along side my beloved Mother Nature. Thank goodness it's only once a week. 3. Fitness: In addition to my extreme distaste for weight training, I am no particular fan of attempting to place my rather vertically challenged and horizontally broad self in a physical predicament akin to a pretzel. Yeah, I can't stand flexibility training. I know, I know, I know..."IT IS NECESSARY!" Okay. Got it. Darth Vader is also my father, I got that, too. Doesn't mean I have to be happy about it. That's my third fitness goal. To employ some flexibility training into my routines every week - still not going full-out pretzel - just saying. 4. Diet: I am logging absolutely every ounce of food into MyFitnessPal. That's become habit - what has not become habit is tracking my water intake. So...I am committing to tracking not only my food on a daily, mouthful-by-mouthful basis, but my beverage/water consumption as well. If anyone is up for holding me accountable to this, let me know and we can hook up on MFP and I will give you access to my diary. 5. Diet: I have managed to shed 53 pounds since last October, so I am bit paranoid about consuming all of my calories in a day for fear of stalling my continued weight loss. However, now that I am back in training, I do recognize the need to consume calories appropriate to my exertion level. So, I am committing to a deficit of not more than 200 calories daily, even on long run days. 6. Diet: Finally, I love my fruits and veggies, but have not been consuming as much as I should as of late. So, for this challenge period I am committing to eating at least 5 serving of fruits/veggies daily - and at least 3 of those to be raw and whole. 7. Leveling Up. My life schedule is insane. My family and I live a homesteading, off-grid lifestyle. HOWEVER, until we can achieve complete or mostly complete self sustainability, I work on the grid. I also work 2 hours away from our little slice of heaven. Yes, I spend 4 hours every single day in my vehicle. PRO: I listen to a TON of books. CON: I am sitting on my ass for 2 hours at a time. Life, at the moment, is get up, drive, work, run over lunch hour, work, drive, chores at home, bed. For my leveling up, I am going to invest in some quiet meditation and breathing time - literal breathing time, employing Prana breathing techniques for at least 10 minutes each day....probably locked in a bathroom with the lights off and meditation music playing...but I will make the time and find the place. So, (dusts of her hands and offers a humble salute) there you have it. My first challenge on the table.
  8. Hello there I was just introduced to NF about two weeks ago and have found it as a great tool and resource so far, despite not being in the academy. Started cleaning up my diet towards the Paleo direction a week ago and wondered: -Can I drink black coffee? (I think this is a 'yes' from others' comments I've read) -Can I eat honey? -Is a little salt on the veggies ok? Thanks for any input! To other new-to-Paleo friends, what other foods have you had questions on?
  9. Title kinda says it all, and I'm sure it's been addressed on here but my search bar isn't wanting to show me anything, so...I'm looking for suggestions for a great mild paleo chili. I say mild because my wife has terrible stomach issues and spice kills her, so I can always spice mine up afterwards. PLEASE HELP!
  10. I'm shifting into battle mode for a 100 day transformation. I had a pretty horrifying DEXA scan which put me at 26% bodyfat, I've put on a ton of weight since my last scan 8 months ago. 5kg of fat and 3kg of muscle. The muscle is obviously great but the fat is not good so I'm hitting a 100 challenge to transform this. Dates: 1 April to 11 July Motivation: I'm going on holiday to Europe for 5 weeks, I want to be in great shape for that. Nutrition Goals: 1. See the nutritionist every 2 weeks 2. No Alcohol for the first month 3. Count calories, stick to what the nutritionist advises 4. Get a DEXA scan once a month for accurate progress check 5. Get below 20% Bodyfat / drop 6-7kg of fat. Fitness goals 1. Achieve 10 chained Double Unders ( I may PvP this) - Practice for at least 5 mins before each PT session. - - Try to get 10 DU's in 5 mins, only chained DU's count and they ladder not add up, i.e. 2,3,4 so the best number i get is what i count for that session i.e. 2+2 is not 4 it's 2. 2. Get a bar muscle up - Coach will program this for me. 3. Walk 100 miles (160km) - Average 12km a week, should be easily achievable. 4. Bodyweight Clean - I haven't discussed this with my coach yet but I want it.... Rewards: Month 1 If I get the whole month with no alcohol and have a good DEXA result I'll book a diving trip. There are 2 I have my eye on... Month 2 TBA Month 3 TBA That's it for now, more later....
  11. I'm a frequent poster on Mark's Daily Apple, but I've been wanting a change of scenery. For now, I'll just post stuff about food & workouts. Goals: get strong. Be able to run around & lift things without much hindrance. Be able to do a pull-up. Deadlift my own bodyweight (closest I ever got was within 25 pounds). Carry my husband on my back 50m (I was able to do this when I did CrossFit, so I know I can get back to it). Food history: Started eating primal 4 years ago, switched to paleo when I realized that dairy wasn't doing me any favors (RIP). I'm about 90% adherent. I have a tendency to undereat and that always messes me up mood-wise. Physical history: I was not super active as a kid, but naturally very thin. I'm well within a normal/healthy weight range now. I've felt tired for years (since puberty hit? around age 13), no answers to that. I bicycled to work (7 miles per day) for 2 summers, but was unable to this year. I did CrossFit over the winter and that started an interest in barbell training. I got Carpal Tunnel Syndrome & bilateral tendonitis in my wrists this winter from shoveling, then weakened my wrists and shoulders during that healing period. Now doing PT for my shoulders, my wrists are healing up finally w/ very light wrist workouts (3lb hand weights). It's been a very slow process. Mental history: Generalized anxiety disorder and depression. Mostly under control these days, but I used 5-HTP periodically to get through bad episodes. I prefer not to use prescription meds, I've been down that road before and I'm not a fan. Nerd history: I'm a Linux systems admin, as of last November, so still relatively new to it. Prior to that, lots of Windows work. I'm a PC gamer, love Fallout III & NV, Elder Scrolls Oblivion & Skyrim, Diablo III, used to play WoW. Started playing Witcher 3 and am hooked, even despite the rampant gross sexism. Star Wars, Star Trek, LotR, Hellboy... all that good stuff --- I have a free week membership at the gym closest to my office. Sadly, the barbell area only has Olympic bars, which I can't use yet. 45 pounds is too heavy for me except to deadlift. I made due with kettlebells. 5 min Warm-up w/ some kind of elliptical thing (plus warm-ups with lighter weights before each lift) Squat 5x3 25# 5x2 35# OHP 5x3 20# 5x2 25# DL 2x5 45# 4 min on the rowing machine I'll go again on Wednesday morning as long as my wrists feel okay. They're a bit sore/tired today and I don't want to set myself back in this very slow recovery. I'll do some kind of dumbbell bench press instead of the overhead press. After I finish reading Starting Strength, I'm going to join a local weight lifting club that has a lot more equipment. They're right up the street from my apartment, only open on weeknights. --- Food so far today Breakfast: shredded chicken & green beans Lunch: pork chop, mixed veg, sweet potato Snack: two Larabars Dinner: will probably be more pork chop, veg, & sweet potato I don't like to count food, so that seems a bit light, but I really have no idea. I'll be prepping for some beef stew tonight. I think I'll use russet potatoes, since my husband doesn't like sweet potatoes.
  12. This challenge won't have a theme per se (we know it's going to hell after 3 days any way) but will be channeling characters played by the one, the only Arnold "the austrian Oak" Schwarzenegger. Alright, the Governator is not the best actor ever. That said, I have a pretty basic taste in movies! The characters representing each goal will have no sense or correlation (kind of like Arbold's movies). It's only to add some fun to the same goals as last challenge (I'm going full Tanktimus from now on) Conan - Conan the Barbarian/the Destroyer Conan will represent CrossFit. I shall attend 3 weekly CF classes Jericho Cane - End of Days Jericho will represent nutrition. Full paleo with 2 variances/week. Macros tracking and food pics could be used if needed. Det. John Kimble - Kindergarten Cop Detective Kimble represents study. Study 7,5 hours a week increasing productivity via pomodoro technique (it's been working fine so far). Total study time goal could change depending on week zero results. Since progress bars have gone outta comission with the forums update, and outsourcing them has proven to be impractical; I'll be making my own bars out of "=" simbols. It's a lil' ghetto but as long as it suites my needs I'm ok with it. Conan |====================| 0% Jericho |====================| 0% John |====================| 0%
  13. After a couple years of spinning in circles, I need to "respawn" again. I will focus on getting my diet in line, and now that the hot local summer is sliding away, I will spend more time walking and running outside. Mission: Run in the Cotton Row Run 10K in May 2017 in a better time than I did it the last time in 2012 (54:50). While I rebuild my running habit, in the short term I need to start eating to train. I read a blog post a few years ago that really stuck with me as a way to measure how well my diet was dialed in. It seems that author is not as active online any more, but the framework is still available in an archive: "Archevore Blog - Getting Started". (More of his thoughts on the paleo movement are found on the Psychology Today website HERE.) I plan to count points each day based on how "dialed in" I keep my diet. I plan to use the "80%" solution as taught by Mark Sisson, so if I slip a little one day I will not let it mess with my relentless forward progress. This is the daily point scale I intend to use, based on Kurt Harris's "Archevore - Getting Started" blog post linked above: 1. Get plenty of sleep and deal with any non-food addictions. Less than 7 hours of sleep, then no points for the day. That means controlling social media (especially before bed), probably one of my worst current non-food addictions. 2. Eliminate sugar and all caloric drinks. Drink water. No sodas, sports drinks, juices, or milk. Don't add sugar to your food or eat things made with sugar or high fructose corn syrup. 3. Eliminate gluten grains and wheat flour. No cake, cookies or pastries. No bread or pasta, whole grain or otherwise. This rule and rule #2 pretty much eliminate anything that comes in a box. 4. 2 or 3 meals a day is best. No snacking. 5. Exclusively whole foods from animals and vegetables. I have completely stopped running for the past six months while I was getting over Achilles tendon pain and avoiding heat exhaustion, so even though I finished a half marathon a couple years ago, I will be in a "Couch to 5K" mode for a little while. The daily point scale I will use for walking and running is simpler: 1. Walk/run one mile. 2. Walk/run two miles. 3. Walk/run three miles. My goal for the challenge is to get 21 points per week, more is better.
  14. The short summary: How do those of you who try and eat higher carb paleo manage to get enough carbs? What about rice? I'm thinking of adding it in after workouts for the carbs. Longer story: I was low carb Paleo to lose weight, and then just Paleo to maintain. When I just focus on eating a Paleo diet, my carbs normally range between 50 grams -100 grams. Now I am trying to gain muscle. Research seems to show that more carbs help build more muscle. So, I decided to experiment and have upped my carbs to 150-200 grams a day. Strength wise, I have noticed the difference, so I want to keep doing that. I eat more sweet potatoes and regular potatoes, and added quinoa and oatmeal to my diet. Then last week, I developed a cold sore that is not healing. Looking it up, I see that seeds (quinoa is a seed) and oatmeal can aggravate cold sores. So, I need to temporarily cut them out of my diet , and then add them back in smaller quantity. But now I am left with how to get a good amount of carbs. Sweet potatoes are kind of expensive, plus monotonous to eat three a day. I mean. I really like sweet potatoes, but not that many. Carbs from fruit aren't supposed to be as good fro muscle building. I'm thinking rice after my workout. Easy to digest, not any real nutritional value, but overall pretty good. I figured some of you would have figured this out.
  15. I didn't do the best job on my last challenge, so I've basically decided to do it over again. The Fairy Glen is another destination I want to check out in the Highlands. It's not too long, but I figure I'll use all the motivation I can get. While I’m trying to get ready for all the UK fun, I’m also trying to get ready for a timed 5K in September. This will also contribute to fun and adventure in the UK. Goal #1 - 5K Training Walk at least 3 days a week Improve on my baseline time. I took a slow, easy 5K walk this morning as a baseline. The time was 1:14. Goal #2 - Hill Training Hill walking at least once a week I’ll probably just walk to the top of the hill in my neighborhood and back down. Rinse and repeat for 30 minutes. Goal #3 - Foods Intermittent fasting (Lean Gains seems to work well for me) Eat all the food between Noon and 8pm Meal Prep Prep lunches for the week so I'm not starving when I get home and eating all the food all night long. Weekends Stick to Lean Gains schedule. No pigging out on whatever is around Goal #4 - Feed My Brain Complete SQL Course at Khan Academy
  16. Enough said for now. More to come. Quick recap of missing time. Got a job as a cook working 5am to 2pm 4-5 days a week. Big change. Enough sleep is a challenge. working out is a challenge. I just needed to improvise, adapt and overcome! good news.....I am starting this challenge at 195 pounds. I finially broke the fluctuations between 198 and 204 I was stuck on all spring. I have been getting 10,000 plus steps a day ( thanks @Jarric @Heidi @RES And Chris (someone help me with his name on here) for doing challenges with me on Fitbit. It really helped. That and I don't sit down at all on my 5-2 shift. Also not working from home has keep my eating in check. Even though I eat healthy and almost 90% paleo, I still ate too much for my activity level. I skip breakfast now ( I don't suggest this for everyone, it just has worked for me) and eat lunch when I get off work. Then a dinner of meat, 2 vegtables and maybe 1/4 carbs if I didn't have carbs at lunch. I don't track on MFP. goals this challenge nutrition........stay doing what I am doing. exercise.......10,000 steps a day, everyday strength.......BBWW 3 times a week and lift on universal gym 2 X a week. simple, easy and just adding in one thing. Will work on some life stuff ( big changes in hubby's job coming) and pampering myself but no goals this time around. Swampling, Wild Wolf, RES and 10 others like this
  17. A blow requires follow through to produce power. I've never properly followed a training plan approaching a race, but working towards my first full marathon I can't afford to slack off. Inspired by awesome women, yet again. Goal #1: Marathon training 3x/week Following the Jeff Galloway plan, with walking intervals. Goal #2: Meal prep, continued This worked really well for me last challenge. Goal #3: Support the training Multiple things here: Stronglifts 1-2x/week (1x if I have soccer that week) Would also like to hit 1x/week active alternative -- could be a walk, rock climbing, swimming. Whatever I feel like. Bonus Goal #1: 8 hours sleep/night Because I'm still struggling with this one. Bonus Goal #2: Abstain from alcohol 4 days/wk As the stress at work gets to me, I'm finding myself wanting to drink more. But I know it affects my sleep quality and detracts from my workouts. Especially my Saturday morning run. Bonus Goal #3: Post on mine +2 threads daily Want to get more engaged with the community this time around.
  18. It's an awesome theme, I promise. Stay with me. Old friends, welcome. New rebels, be welcome as well! Annyshay is a hobbit. She likes to have quiet time in her hobbit hole drinking tea with her Dragon (my orange fluffy cat's name). Annyshay is a very busy doctor and does not get as much time in her hobbit hole as she would like. Also, Annyshay tends to use sitting and sweets more than is good for her, especially when her crazy work stresses her out. Last challenge, Annyshay respawned and started from the beginning working on excellent habits with the help of the Nerd Fitness Academy. What better foundation for a healthy body is there than hobbit feet? Main Quest: Be Resilient and Radiant Goal the First Level Up with NFA Diet. After all, healthy feet are made in the kitchen. I've got a consistent habit of tracking my calories in My Fitness Pal going. Next goal is two weeks of Level 3, which is "no liquid calories". I've been on a roll since Friday and I plan to keep it up! Once I beat that level, I'll set my sites on Level 4 (details to come once we get there...). Goal the Second Walk This has gotten significantly more exciting now that Pokemon Go is out. Planning to catch 'em all and walk all the steps! Goal the Third Self care for my feet. My plantar fascitis is acting up again. No more of this shenanigans. Alphabet tracing in the morning, lacrosse ball, and whatever other kindness and love I can give my feet will count towards this goal. In addition, I'm working on maintaining lots of other things... meditation, good sleep habits, etc. I'll probably go on a ramble from time to time talking about more parts of my journey and as always, you can follow my weekly process in my battle log. Be welcome here, rebels!
  19. Hello everyone! This challenge shall be themed after one of my favourite games evah, The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim. I’ll be channeling 3 in-game groups of characters: The companions, The Restoration Mages at the College of Winterhold and the Graybeards. The Companions: Tamriel's Fighters Guild has no presence in Skyrim. Instead, warriors seeking adventure and kinship may join the Companions, in Whiterun. The members of this brotherhood favour honor and physical prowess. The Companions represent training, 2 Crossfit classes and 2 Bodyweight sessions a week. The Restoration Mages: Restoration is a rather unpopular specialization among the wizards of Skyrim, especially novice ones, since the harnessing and conquer of nature’s destructive powers seems more appealing to them. Until they need a healing spell to save their lives, that is. Restoration represents nutrition, the most unpopular element of body recomposition. Sure, exercise is all nice and fun; harnessing and conquering the destructive powers of fitness. But no amount of exercise will recompose your sorry arse if you keep stuffing your face with pizza and cake. Eat paleo with a weekly variance allowed, making daily posts of macros and caloric intake as shown by MyFitnessPal The Greybeards: Masters of the Thu’um, the Way of the Voice. The Greybeards live in silent isolation atop Skyrim’s largest mountain called The Throat of the World. The Greybeards represent study. They study words of power to develop(in the course of a lifetime) a deep understanding of the words in Dovah-Zul, the language of dragons. Hopefully it will not take me that long to achieve sufficient understanding of the psychology textbooks to get my degree. I'll study for at least 2 pomodoros every day Companions(Training) Restoration Mages(Nutrition) Greybeards(Study) Got good news from the surgeon after a complete check, which I absolutely hated BTW TMI ALERT! He confirmed that the hernia was A-ok and the pain was caused by a swelling in the blood vessels around the area which would mimic the symptoms(pain, dissconfort,etc), probably due to a physical effort done with improper technique, causing to much preasure inside the abdomen while bracing. I descibed in detail to him what CF is and he cleared me to do it but sad to give it the rest of the week to rest, so I'm starting again just in time for week 1! Watch the sky travellers!
  20. Honestly, I'm not really sure about doing a challenge this time. The challenges just seems to have lost some of the spark it once had to me. Also just in general, motivation/moods/adulting has become pretty hard. Part of this challenge is just getting through it, some of it will be trying to find that spark again. Since I stopped doing mud runs, my motivation for working out has been lacking, and not sure where I want to go from here, but I need to find it. (although Pokemon Go has helped the last 2 days) Also a goal of posting on NF every day, either an update on mine, or a post on someone else's. Move every day: Can be getting 10k steps in, yoga, Kung Fu. Some sort of movement that is outside what I get in a normal day. (normal day with fitbit tends to be around 3-5k) Read every day: I really want to get back into reading more, and I have book club books I'm behind on. At least 10 mins a day. Need to finish Ready Player One, and Girl on the Train (Book club book) Nutrition: No buying anything that isn't Whole30 approved. Although we aren't truly doing the Whole30 until September, no reason to not start eating better again. MFP Tracking Optional. Goal of at least 64 oz of water/tea a day Adulting: Do one adulting thing a day. This can include but aren't limited to: Wash/dry/fold/put away laundry Empty/Reload dishes Swiffer floors in 1 room Vacuum 1 room Wipe down/clean bathroom Finish wedding thank you notes (to be done ASAP) End of month- Budget
  21. This will be the first time (I recall) not taking a break during Week Zero. I'm rolling with the same basic habits that I was working on last challenge (and practically forgot to keep tracking). I've added a few more ways to gain bonus points, but they're not really required. Just some things I would like to work on once the basics get easier. Eat Well: Continue brown bagging lunches on work days. Bonus points for eating at home on the weekends and in the mornings. Sleep Well: Be in bed by 10:30pm. Bonus points for staying up after alarm in the mornings. Move Daily: Continue to attend regular Mon & Wed classes consistently. Bonus points for any extra training. Love Daily: Track all food and drinks (including water). Bonus points for any time spent on the KonMari list. EDIT: Goals edited for a bit more simplicity and focus. Also, it's kinda dumb, in my opinion, to focus on getting up at a specific time when you don't go to bed at a specific time first, to make sure you get enough sleep.
  22. No, I won't leave, I want to try everything, I want to try even though I could fail~ In case it's not become clear over the last year and a half of being here on NF (wait, what? wow) I really, really love Disney. I worked there a decade ago as an intern, and it's kept a hold on me ever since. I love Zootopia for giving us a main character who gets told 'No' at every turn of her path. 'No', her parents tell her. 'No', says the academy. 'No', says her new friend. But our beloved Carrots does. Not. Quit. She doesn't care if she might get hurt, or look foolish, or make mistakes. She wants to keep going. I do, too. I've tried several things over my challenges, and when goals or activities don't work, I try not to let the failure hold me back. I just look to see what the next thing is that I want to try. Of course, successful framework helps even out any potential mistakes, so I've also got several goals on here that have really worked in the past. Eat Like an Animal: stick to paleo 2x meals a day at minimum. Don't Be Clawhauser: 1 sweet snack a day. Back-Up Tigers: one five minute dance party per day, at minimum. ZPD Academy Climbing, poses, inversion 2x week at minimum Suspended for accident recovery. Push-ups, lifts, rows, planks 2x week at minimum Yoga/stretching 1x minimum Go On Patrol: scooter ride 1/x week minimum Performing Arts Sewing 1x week
  23. "They're everywhere! The walkers are everywhere!" The shout reaches me from across the field where I see Russ sprinting over the horizon with terror on his face. Looks like we'll be moving on, and quick! Our little group has survived so far, some a bit worse for wear, but who knows how long that'll last. We even have a pregnant woman. I run into the farmhouse where we've been staying and alert the others. Our vehicles are always packed - we've learned that much over the last few months - so it's just a matter of getting everyone in as quickly as possible. We've loaded up just as Russ reaches us. I can see the walkers coming over the hill. A huge herd, bigger than any we've yet seen. I do a quick headcount as Russ catches his breath: He and I, Kathy, Nancy, Leigh, Brennan, and the Jean sisters. The older of the Jeans is pregnant. She lost her husband before we met. We drive as quickly as we can. I'll miss that farmhouse, but we never end up staying anywhere for long. We plan to drive away from the herd, then circle around and hopefully get out of their path. Just as we make the turn I hear a honk from the car behind us. What do they think they're doing! Don't they know the walkers are attracted to noise!? We stop the car, and as I get out I hear their's sputtering to a halt. Out of gas. There are no other cars on the road to siphon from. Looks like we're on foot from here on out. There's no hope of trying to circle around the herd now. We'll just have to hope that we got enough of a head start to out-walk them until we can find a safe place to hunker down and let them pass. We've done this before. We'll hunt for food, take care of any stray walkers we see along the way. Survive... *** Quests: Out-walk the Walkers - Walk 10,000 steps each day Smash Some Zombie Brain- Do the NFA level 3 body weight workout 3x/week Hunt for Food- Eat paleoish with 4 or less variances/week So I've been watching the walking dead recently, and got some inspiration for a quest! It's time for me to go back to basics a bit, as I've been having a hard time keeping up my challenge goals through the whole 4 weeks. I really want to change that this time. Otherwise I'll be eaten by zombies!!! I've been all over the place the past few months, but this next month is slightly more stable, so I'm hoping I can get back in the swing of body weight workouts, and remember why I'm eating healthy to overcome the sugar cravings. Here's to a great challenge, and surviving!!
  24. Hey guys! I finally decided to set up my battle log. Since I'm due soon- baby could be here in the next 2-5 weeks- I figured it would be a good time to start my battle log. I'm going to start off this log with weekly goals. For this first week, my goals are pretty simple. My main focus for this week is not to eat out once this week. If I'm not eating out, that means I'm cooking healthy, Paleo meals. Week 1 Goals Update thread 3x a week No eating out for the week Don't use my phone after 11:30 Do devos daily Read 1-20 Pages per day
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