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  1. This really should have been a theme for my last challenge, but whatever. Yawara! A Fashionable Judo Girl was a very long running manga series in Japan from 1986 to 1993. It was also adapted into an anime. I've read the first 20ish issues (~3 volumes) of the manga and it's funny. I should finish the rest (see below). Compete in the Kata Competition This one is pass/fail, though if for whatever reason my partner ends up bowing out and I can't go with anyone else, I will void the goal. He's pretty motivated so that shouldn't be a problem. I am wary of goals that depend on someone else. The tournament is in March so we're spending March break working on kata until we dream about it. Try to do some randori with someone significantly stronger/larger than me at least once per week x/5 I'm excepting March Break from this. There are no formal classes over March Break and we'll be working on Kata only. This one perhaps requires explanation. I tend to either work with the younger ones closer to my size or shy away from working with the big guys in Randori. I'll go in for ne waza with the big guys anytime but I really don't work with the bigger guys in Randori. People bigger than me force me to use technique instead of muscling them around like I can with some of the people closer to my size. Burpee Challenge with the Judo Guys (x/2015) 4 of them have signed on so far :-) Read at least 3 times per week (x/18) The last challenge has demonstrated that I really do not make the time to read anymore. I'm not even putting a time limit on this. Suggested reading: Kodokan Judo, Mind Over Muscle, Yawara Manga for something lighter. Bonus goal: Practice Guitar 4x/week for 15 min. Decide whether to continue and look into getting my own. The course I'm taking recommends this for beginners. Had to borrow Yui from K-On! For this one.
  2. Hi there <3 Whoever you are, I am VERY glad that you are here! I've decided to make the switch from challenging back to a battle log for the time being. I think that having short term goals with the pressure of a challenge isn't the best formula for me right now. I think that I need the accountability of something far more long-term and flexible. I need to be able to focus on whatever goals I think are necessary at the time, and I need to be able to change my goals in a time frame that I decide, but most importantly, I need a longer commitment than just 6 weeks. This battle log will hopefully stand as a constant reminder to me that being healthy and fit and successful and peaceful and happy is a lifelong journey. To give you a little background on what's going in my life right now, I am 22, currently living in a suburb of Sacramento, and working in another suburb of Sacramento. I am in management on a Congressional campaign here in the area, and I work 75 hours a week currently. Election Day is 8 days away, and life is crazy! I live in a house with a 32 year old woman who has become my newest best friend and sister, and I'm loving Cali. I'm moving home on November 5th and feeling very bittersweet about that. I'm interviewing for a couple new positions, and I will update you when things are more concrete. I'm not sure where I'll move next, but it looks like D.C. is the main possibility. As far as health and goals and such, I have been TERRIBLE. I've been eating lots of non-paleo things, and too much of them. I've been drinking a lot, and I haven't run in 3 weeks. I've stopped doing yoga, and reading the Bible, and generally anything that isn't working or partying with my colleagues, roommate and friends. Although I absolutely love my job and it's a complete dream to work on a winning Congressional campaign (we're absolutely smashing the opposition and it was never truly a contest), they're super draining and consuming and life-sucking I'm having a hard time finding time to do everything I need to do, or the willpower to stay on track. Politics is the #2 least healthy field in the professional world, and I understand why! Here are my goals for rght now: 1. I must eat/track my calories on MFP and eat between my BMR and TDEE of mostly paleo food. As far as priorities go, I am going to prioritize eating exactly my calorie goal rather than making everything absolutely paleo. If I'm eating 85% paleo and not eating under or over my calories, that's fine with me. The only thing completely not allowed is sugar..... except for alcoholic beverages I don't have a scale with me, so I'm going to guesstimate my weight to calculate my BMR and TDEE. If you would like to friend me on MFP, I'm politicosnow Consequence: I have realized that I am a sneaky, self-justifying, tricky bastard, so I am going to have consequences for not staying on track for each goal. My consequence for not eating within a range of calories (which I will re-determine every 2 weeks) is that I MUST eat entirely paleo the next day; no cheats allowed. 2. I must drink 100 oz of water each day. This one's pretty obvious. Consequence: I can't have any other type of beverage (besides coffee and tea) until I have done so. 3. I must exercise 3x a week. With my crazy schedule right now, I'm not going to specify what type of exercise or when or anything. I will plan it out week by week and try to get it in whenever I can. It could be a run before work, walking during my lunch break (if I get one that day), or body weight exercises after work, or riding my bike once I get home. I just need to do something active 3x a week! Consequence: No Grey's Anatomy for the week. It's my guilty pleasure binge show right now that is my stress reliever when nothing else works. If I fail to work out 3x by next Monday, I can't watch Grey's until the following Monday. 4. I must read my Bible every day and read from a career-related book every 2 days. I had a schedule ALL worked out for this and I was doing great, until I wasn't.... haha....so here's the new plan. I will read 2 chapters from the Bible every single night after work. There is NO EXCUSE for being able to take half an hour or less every night to read the Word before bed. And every two days, I need to get an hour of reading done. That's just an hour. And I can find time every two days to do that. So I need to have an hour of reading done in Political Confrontations by Wednesday morning. Consequence: I must perform a random act of kindness! 5. Every morning, I must post on this battle log: 1. One positive thing about my body 2. One positive thing about food 3. Three things that I am thankful for 4. Someone in my life that I am going to reach out to (and then actually reach out and either text, Facebook, call, message, etc them) 5. Things I want to accomplish that day Consequence: I cannot use any social media each day until I complete all of this. Thanks for reading! I'm grateful you're here on NF! -Snow <3
  3. I'b back for my second challenge! As I was celebrating New Year's with the family I saw a commercial come on for some health apps to start the new year. But one stuck out to me the most; the couch to 5k app. I thought to myself "why not?" what do I have to lose? Nothing, but weight. I already use most of the other health apps the commercial mentioned since they were free and could sync with the health fit app the iphone already has. In my last challenge I learned to build new and better habits. I work out more, make healthier eating choices, track my calorie intake and sleep schedule, and keep up with a daily to do list. I've been gaining weight because of the stress of college, recently changing majors, and taking care of the family after my grandmother passed. I'd love to lose that weight by summer. So 40 pounds by June or 20 weeks. That's about 2 pounds per week which is completely doable. (Shout out to rebel stillskies for her lovely last challenge. It was completely awesome, extremely nerdy, and very inspirational. And I think I'll follow suit with hers.) Main quest Learn to master Earth bending! To do this, I’m going to need to be able to travel around to find a earthbender teacher, actually train with said teacher and bend some earth, and have energy to spare. (and after that maybe find a hidden spirit library in the desert for vacation) Quest 1 Find an Earth Bender Teacher(+4 STA, +1 DEX) It's gonna take some exploring to find an earth bender teacher. I've got a lot of ground air to cover. CHALLENGE 1: run three days a week outside (weather permitting) and follow the couch to 5k apps regimen. A: 100% 3 day run completed, B: 67% 2 day run completed; C: 33% 1 day run completed CHALLENGE 2: Take time to stretch out for at least 5 minutes after my runs. I’m really bad at this if all I’m doing is running. A: 100% complete/stretched for 5+ minutes after both runs, B: 50% completed/stretched for 5+ minutes after one run Quest 2 Earth Bending Training (+4 STR, +1 CHA) Earth bending is tough. CHALLENGE: Lift three days a week following the Stronglifts program. [Edit: I'm changing workouts since I don't have the proper equipment for the program] CHALLENGE: Complete the Beginner Body Weight Workout three times a week 20 body weight squats10 push ups20 walking lunges10 dumbbell rows (using a gallon milk jug)15 second plank20 reverse crunches (or) ab roller 30 Jumping JacksA: 100% completion three days, B: 67% completion two days, C: 33% completion one day Quest 3 Eating healthy (+4 CON) Food is so tasty. It's hard not to overdo it. Stay within my calorie limit. I've been very bad and going over my daily limit on MyFitnessPal. I'd like to stay within the limit recommended A: Met weekly goal, B: Went over 1 or 2 days, C: Went over 3 or 4 days Life Quest Secret Spirit Library(+1 WIS) CHALLENGE: read. I just started reading again over the Christmas break and I haven't stopped since. I started reading Harry Potter and half way through the third book. I plan to read at least three books over this challenge and keep this momentum going. A: three or more books read, B: two books read, C: One book read Point breakdown LEVEL 2: STR : 4 (A=4, B=3, C=2) DEX : 1 (A=1, B=.5, C=.25) STA : 4 (A=4, B=3) CON : 4 (A=4, B=3, C=2) WIS : 1 (A=1, B=.5, C=.25) CHA : 1 (A=1, B=.5, C=.25) Measurements: Neck: 16 Chest: 40 Waist: 35 Hips: 45 Thigh: R: 23.5 L: 23.5 Calf: R: 16 L: 16 Bicep: R: 13.7 L: 13.7 Weight: 194.6 Dress/pants size: 16
  4. I started my first version of this back in the middle of the last quest of 2014. I did well for about a week, but then the holidays happened and we went out of town, and the preparation for that got me completely off track. (Not to mention my husband's pay-schedule changed and we were scrambling to reschedule all our bill payments and still be able to afford groceries.) We were surviving mostly on rice, ground beef and Little Caesar's $5 pizza for a while, which made focus and motivation difficult. We're back on track financially now so it will be a lot easier to afford healthy food going forward. I've also simplified my workout process, as I realized by making it more complicated than it needed to be I was psyching myself out. Three SMART goals Workout, both strength training and High Intensity Interval Training, at least 5 times a week. This will involve: Strength Training at least 3 times a week HIIT at least 2 times a week Individual goals within this step: establish full-body strength training routine and be comfortable with it by the end of the challenge - this should include increasing weight, time and/or reps for each exercise every week; increase to 10 intervals at a time when doing my HIIT workout. Continue to wear my Fitbit daily (taking one night off a week to charge it) and track all exercise, food intake, and sleep each day. I have a food plan on my Fitbit account aimed for a 500 calorie deficit every day. The best way to measure whether I’m tracking accurately and being honest will be by my weight; my hope is to lose 1.5-2.5 pounds per week (weighing on Sunday mornings). Strive for a 40% protein, 40% fat, 20% carbohydrates balance, following Paleo guidelines as much as possible. Limit my eating out to three times a week, and avoid eating out at lunch as much as possible. It’s harder to find good food for lunch that meets my current dietary needs, while if I eat out for dinner with my husband we tend to eat healthier and be more careful. (This will also help financially.) Life Quest: Take steps to boost my confidence in three other ways by the end of the challenge: Complete application process to UIU so I can start working towards my bachelor degree again. Start tracking how much time I spend each week reading, watching TV, playing on the computer, writing and doing chores - this is so I can start making improvements on how much time I spend idle and how much time I spend productive. I’m an introvert, so some idle time is a necessity for me to recharge my batteries, but I know I spend too much time being idle right now. Start taking better care of my appearance so I appear more professional at work. I don’t want to become vain, but I do want to look like I take care of myself. This means occasionally ensuring I have the time to put on make-up and do more than brush my hair in the mornings. Ultimately, this comes down to getting enough sleep during the week so I can wake up in time to do a little “grooming†in the mornings. Motivation: I want to improve my health so I can start a family, sometime later this year is the goal. I want to build good habits before then so I can be the best person I can be for my kids and give them a good example. A more immediate Motivation: my cousin is getting married on February 7th. Even if I don’t look at that different by then, I want to FEEL different and more confident in myself by her wedding, knowing that I’m well on my way towards building good habits that can continue for the rest of my life. No Attribute points at this time for me, but I do want to outline how I want to measure each of my Quest steps at the end of the challenge. Workouts A = 10-12 Strength Training workouts, and 7-8 HIIT workouts completed by February 15th B = 8-9 Strength Training workouts, and 6 HIIT workouts completed by February 15th C = 7 Strength Training workouts, and 5 HIIT workouts completed by February 15th D = 6 Strength Training workouts, and 4 HIIT workouts completed by February 15th F = 5 or less Strength Training workouts, and 3 or less HIIT workouts completed by February 15th Fitbit and Weight A = 26-31 days tracked on my Fitbit, and 9 or more pounds lost by February 15th B = 21-25 days tracked on my Fitbit, and 7-8 pounds lost by February 15th C = 16-20 days tracked on my Fitbit, and 6-5 pounds lost by February 15th D = 12-15 days tracked on my Fitbit, and 4 pounds lost by February 15th F = 11 days or less tracked on my Fitbit, and 3 pounds or less lost by February 15th Eating Out A = Eating out 12 or less times B = Eating out 14 times C = Eating out 15 times D = Eating out 16 times F = Eating out 17 or more times Life Quests Completing UIU Application = Pass/Fail Tracking Idle and Productive Time A = Track all 4 weeks, and show at least 10% reduction in Idle time B = Track all 4 weeks, and show 5% or less reduction in Idle time C = Track 3 weeks or less D = Track 2 weeks or less F = Track 1 week or less Appearance/Grooming A = Get 8 hours of sleep 90% of the time, and do hair/makeup 8 or more times during the work week B = Get 8 hours of sleep 75% of the time and do hair/makeup 6-7 times during the work week C = Get 8 hours of sleep 60% of the time and do hair/makeup 4-5 times during the work week D = Get 8 hours of sleep 50% of the time and do hair/makeup 2-3 times during the work week F = Get 8 hours of sleep less than 50% of the time and do hair/makeup 1 or less times during the work week
  5. Hey Guys, I am Adel, an absolute newbie. I am a 25 year old geek who spends most of his time on a computer. I am here because I want to change and I want people to help me and kick me if I deviate from my path. I have been doing some weight training with machines and I hate it for many reasons including, paying each month for a Gym membership, injuries, etc. My goals for this challenge will build up as I go, but for starters here are my two fitness and diet related goals : - Become a master at body weight training (this goal will be divided in smaller sub goals each week) - Change my Diet (remove Sugar and Dairy) My life goal is simply to READ, READ and READ. I have tons of books, I keep buying them every now and then but I NEVER read them because I am a lazy nerd. So I want to do something about that, For that, I set a minimum of 30 minutes of reading (non-work related stuff) per day. May the power of will be with us. "SPARTANS! What is YOUR profession? AOOH, AOOH, AOOH!" ============================= Fitness & Diet Progress (06/01/2015) ============================= 5%5% - I am 4 days in with the Paleo diet, I am not full aware of the recepies but I am putting the effort, I think it will be taking time. I usually have enough time for launch / dinner cooking but not enough time in the morning as I wake up super early and have to catch up with an early Bus. - Bodyweight training is awesome, I feel better already. My whole body is sore (didn't expect that without machines), I have more time and money to do other things instead of going to the Gym so often. I have bought an excercise ball and a Trex which will make things much more interesting. ================= Reading (06/01/2015) ================= 5%5% Here are the list of books until now: - The happiness mindset
  6. So, I really don't have much to detail my challenges because I'm at work. BUT I wanted to add a quick bookmark thread to save my place and let you guys know I'm here! In a nut-shell my current Master Quest is to complete 1 unassisted pull-up. Challenge 1: Stay on pull-up program on phone doing band-assisted pull-ups. If I can stay on track this will garner me 3.0 Strength. Challenge 2: AMRAP dips every day. If I can stay on track, this will garner me 3.0 Stamina. Challenge 3: Sit-ups program on phone. I've decided I'm going to work on planks. Every day. Initially, I might just see how long I can hold it and then (hopefully) progress up to wall-planks! For this I have 3.0 dexterity points on the line. I will give myself whatever percentage of 3.0 points based on the percentage of days I did this. I'm really just getting back to basics with this challenge. Fitness Quest: Get back on track with protein & veggies! Keep protein over 100g/day and keep sugar under 30g/day. I will track this on the LoseIt! app (feel free to friend me, send me a PM). I will give myself 3.0 Constitution points. Again this will be a percentage of 3.0 based on the number days I kept my numbers between those lines. Life Quest: Finish the biography on Rutherford B. Hayes. (Part of epic quest that I really need a thread for!) I will give myself 3.0 Wisdom points for this one. I'm starting the challenge already on page 225 and I have 340 left! To keep track of my progress, I'm keeping a spreadsheet on Google Docs. I <heart> spreadsheets!
  7. Main Quest: Find balance with all the things I must do in this life. As life responsibilities increase I will learn to handle all that is on my plate now and then some. Hypothesis: If I balance out my daily routine to include smaller time slots of more things, then I will become more balanced and well rounded in life, therefore making myself more productive and building more discipline to accomplish my major goals in life Notes: I am really good at going 110% into something and neglecting other things in the process. I just got a second job, started rehabbing the SLAP tear in my left shoulder, getting more involved with some career based networking groups here in town, and starting a some new projects at home. I need balance, not all out with one thing while neglecting the rest Goals: Complete the tasks set forth below... Quest 1: Meditate Hypothesis: If I mediate for a short period once a day, over time I will ingrain the mindset of meditation and calm neurologically into my brain, and will be more peaceful and focused with less mind chatter. Goal: 7 minutes a day, 6 days a week (because every needs a day off here and there). Notes: This should be easy right? So far I have never hit this goal, tried twice. Third time is the charm. Quest 2: Read for the Commonplace Hypothesis: If I start to keep a commonplace book, then I will become way more badass and smarter and start to accumulate knowledge that I can then draw upon later. Goal #1: Finish 2 books by the end of the challenge. I'm almost done with Education of a BodyBuilder (amazing book!), then I will choose and finish one more book by the end. Goal #2: Have 50 notecards for the Commonplace book by the end of the challenge. Don't care what they are about or where they come from (book or quotes or nuggets of information from the interwebs), as long as they are there. Notes: Reading > Netflix (in most cases). when I do read, I will start to take notes on index cards that I keep in each book that I am reading so that I can begin to put together a commonplace book so that I can draw upon that knowledge later, instead of just having a hundred books with highlighting in them that I can never find the information when I want it, like I have now Quest 3: Shoulder Rehab Hypothesis: If I do what my physical therapist says, my shoulder will get better . Goals: Hit the gym 3 times a week while maintaining a routine that has my physical therapists stamp of approval. Notes: I've had this injury for a while, and while it hasn't got worse, it hasn't got any better either. So I went to a physical therapist and go a list of no-no's and yes's for my routine I can: do anything with my arms in front of me, ideally around the heart area. This includes: deadlift, rows, pushups, front squat, handstands, L-sits, ring supports I can not: Do involves my shoulders being stretched out of my arms behind me. This includes: dips, squats, muscle ups, back levers, and stretching with my arms behind me. New Gym Goals: 350 lb deadlift 160 lb bench 185 lb front squat 20 sec handstand 30 pullups Life Quest: Nutrition System Hypothesis: If I develop a system a nutrition system, with a schedule, recipes, grocery lists, and meal prepping times, then I will make my life so much easier it's ridiculous. Goal: Have a full blown "This is Brice's system for eating healthy in a efficient, non time consuming manner" complete with meal times, sample meal plans, recipes, grocery lists, the whole 9 yards that I can use as a blueprint for the next 6WC. Notes: The bane of my gains is my eating habits. I eat pretty healthy in terms of substance. I also miss meals, allocate too much time (work from home + not meal prep = too many hours in the kitchen), and make myself frustrated constantly. I need a system. I have no organization. I got to get this shit under control. The way I'm doing it isn't working for me so I need to create something better and more efficient or as my time with other things increases my nutrition will suffer immensely. I'm giving myself 6 weeks of research to come up with a plan, this should be sufficient. Motivation: Self-development is an essential skill in life. Being weak and complacent is not an option.
  8. I've been sat staring at my computer screen for the last 20 minutes unsure of what I want to achieve out of this six week challenge but then I started thinking about the past two weeks and I knew what I wanted to do. Last challenge I started and then disappeared of the face of the earth to the point where I became really unhappy with what I was doing with regards to Fitness and Health. So I started up my blog and restarted the Academy. I went through all the quests again and it has helped me take a step back and understand how to start fixing the problems I have created. I am at the end of my initial 2 weeks where I get myself back into a routine and then assess what I am doing right and where I may need to change things. And that is why I am back here again for another six week challenge. I need the accountability and the support these forums offer to make sure I stay on track. Sometimes all it takes is for me to browse through other people's challenges, see what they are achieving and it gives me a small kick up the backside if I am slacking. Last challenge I rarely logged on (instead putting my time into browsing the internet aimlessly) and I want to change that. So this challenge will be: No Nonsense or Excuses. 1) I will exercise two times a week Complete a pull upRun in the NF Pumpkin Pi 5k Virtual Challenge2) I will eat well one sweet a daycook two meals for my family3) I will be less dependent on my computer Read 6 booksCreate a scrapbook journalSide Quest: 4) I do not waste my money a pool of money to spend on non-necessities (e.g. music, dvds, geeky stuff). In the past I've found I make things too complicated by trying to achieve too much. So I'm tried to simplify things a bit this time round. I've also jumped back into my Ultimate Quest! Got a lot to start crossing off!
  9. Sorry, my sloth brethren. I'm going team corgi this time, because corgi Assassins are awesome. For those who've never followed my threads, I'm a notorious shiny object chaser in the guild. I rock climb 2-3 times per week, do yoga another 3 times, and then fill in the rest of my time with playground parkour, gymnastic rings workouts, hand balancing (flying crow, side crow, 8 angle, elbow lever. yay), hooping, martial arts weapons stuff, and whatever else strikes my fancy. And I'm okay with that. I'm also 8 months out from an ACL reconstruction (horrible climbing accident in December), so I'm still somewhat rehabbing that. I've had a pattern over the last many challenges of picking a flavor-of-the-month skill, working on it to a point where I'm burned out and no longer care, getting frustrated because my benchmark was either too easy or entirely unreasonable, and then half-assing it the last week or two. I've come to the realization that I don't need any motivation to exercise. I already exercise 1+ hours/day. It's also okay to be a shiny object chaser. My main thing is the rock climbing, and I do that 2-3 times per week. Everything else is just filler, and it's perfectly fine to just do whatever exercises I feel like doing. So, I'm not going to have strong exercise goals. Instead, I'm focusing more on developing some wisdom or inner peace. Yeah, I probably should be in the Druids for this one, but I like it here. I'll still log my exercises, post training videos, and the like, just as I have for previous challenges. The goals will be kind of weird this time... Goal 1: Reduce the alcohol consumption. Only 1 drink/week is allowed. I'm not particularly concerned with losing weight or fat, but if I did wish to do so, my best approach would be eliminating the alcohol or calorie bearing drinks. Either way, it would be healthier to cut back a bit. Goal 2: Electronics off at 10 pm on Sunday-Thursday evening. No iPhone. No computer. No tv. After 10, it's reading time and then sleeping time. This will hopefully lead to an easier time falling asleep, less tiredness, and more reading. Should be wins all around. Goal 3: Stop taking life too seriously. Sometimes, I just get agitated or grumpy over minor things and just can't shake the funk. Other times, I hold back from doing things I want to do out of fear of looking silly or stupid. So, this is a two part goal: a) create a happiness folder on my computer of videos, pictures, or whatever that always make me chuckle. Whenever I'm feeling stressed or grumpy, look through the folder and get a good laugh. b.) I'm only permitted 1 time for the entire challenge where I don't do something out of fear of looking silly. Usually, this happens when I get the itch to work on hand balancing while at the gym or when I want to do some playground parkour, but I'm worried that people are looking at me. Goal 4: Cleaning. How can I find some degree of inner peace when my home is a disaster? Between my 2 young kids and the fact that both my husband and I are prone to clutter, the house is always a disaster. Goal is 10 cleaning tasks/week (excluding dishes and laundry, since there's a never ending stream of those). Goal 5: proper maintenance. My mobility isn't great. And my shoulders and wrists take a beating between the hand balancing, climbing, and rings. And I'm still quasi-rehabbing from the knee surgery. Goal is 2 hours of mobility work per week. I already do a decent amount of yoga, but I'm hoping to develop a habit of doing some brief mobility work when I'm waiting at the bus stop, cooking, or even during commercial breaks.
  10. Main Quest To live a healthy and balanced life by exercising and trying to eat healthy. For my fifth challenge, I need to get back to going to the gym on a regular basis. I grew lazy during the warm summer months and slacked off going on a regular basis and I need the gym again. I had hoped to join the Warriors Guild for this challenge, but I don’t feel I’m worthy yet since I haven’t done any serious weight lifting all summer. So I’m going back to the basics by walking and doing easier weights to start with. Motivation I've successfully dropped weight by counting calories so my diet will be staying the same with 1200 calories per day M-F and then blow meals on the weekends. I managed to put on some muscle during my second challenge as a Warrior, but since that has lagged, I’m going back to the basics. One of my favorite (and earliest!) memories of my childhood is of watching the Wizard of Oz with my dad. It’s one of his all time favorite movies as well as mine; and it’s a classic! It teaches us, among many other things, that what we’re often looking for isn’t farther than our own backyards. Plus Dorothy does an awful lot of walking around Oz! Quests 1. Follow the Yellow Brick Road I want to walk more often. It’s an easy exercise that I can accomplish most anywhere. My easy/slightly sweaty pace seems to be about 3 miles per hour. L. Frank Baum didn’t specify how long the road of yellow brick was, so I’ll have to settle for walking a portion of it. Scoring: x/65 miles in 6 weeks (11 miles per week) as part of the Walk to Rivendell Accountabillibuddy group. Reward: +3 to STA & +3 to DEX 2. If I Only Had A Brain The Scarecrow wouldn’t have gotten anywhere if he hadn’t been smart enough to ask for help. I love reading, but I want to challenge myself to read even more. I’ve successfully read about two books per month this year so far but I want to read even more since there’s just so much out there I want to sink into my brain! I want to try reading 3 books in 6 weeks. Scoring: x/3 books Reward: +4 to WIS 3. If I Only Had A Heart I intend to continue to cut down on processed junk food by only having sugary snacks on the weekends with my blow means. I’ve done this for the past two challenges and I know it’s been good for my body, my cholesterol for certain. Since I want to keep a healthy heart like the Tin Man, I think I can do better this challenge. Scoring: x/30 days Reward: +2 to CON & +2 to CHA 4. King of the Forest (‘da nerve!) Like the Cowardly Lion, strength is sometimes hidden deep within. I need to dig deep for this one so I can finally be king (er, queen) by achieving my first pull-up. Continue working towards 1 pull-up or 1 chin up. Scoring: x/1 Reward: +1 to STR “There’s No Place Like Home.†-Dorothy, The Wizard of Oz Accountabillibuddy: Currently undecided
  11. So much has changed for Snow in the past season..... she lives in an entirely different region of the Enchanted Forest, she has found new work to afford her enough gold to trade for the few necessities she can't make, hunt or find herself, she has a few new friends, and she has a new game plan for defeating the Evil Queen. But with all the change that remains, Snow can't seem to shake what has always plagued her.... worry that consumes her, regrets that follow her around like her shadow and an unquenchable thirst for victory over her lifelong foe, Regina, the Evil Queen. With all the success she's had recently at outwitting the Evil Queen, forging alliances, finding work, sustaining her life and making friends, she is very restless, anxious, troubled, and constantly on overdrive, never taking a break from the work and worry of finding vengeance, redemption, a future, love, a family, everything she is desperately craving. Snow has come to a point in her own life where she realizes that she needs to find ways to channel all of these nerves and all this pent-up aggression, and she needs to make sure she takes care of herself, or else she will not be able to carry out her plans and achieve her destiny. Snow has decided that it's time to make some changes; she knows that she cannot live with this level of stress, fear and worry every day. She knows that, if she does not defeat her fears now, that fear will become a greater foe than even the Evil Queen. She has finally made a plan to take care of herself, do things that will calm her mind and her heart, and build up discipline, creating habits that will make her a stronger, wiser, kinder, more disciplined warrior and, someday, Queen. (To break through the crypticness, I moved to El Dorado Hills, a suburb of Sacramento, CA, on September 2nd, because I was hired as the Volunteer Director for Congressman Tom McClintock's re-election campaign! I'm living with a supporter and his wife, and trying to get used to a new place, new coworkers, new job, new everything. I will be moving home on November 5th, so this will be the longest I've ever been away from home. I am interviewing with a potential employer for November, and dealing with a lot of stress due to the campaign, being away from everyone and everything I love, unfinished business from the past year, finances, all kinds of things....) My goals are: 1. Daily Yoga - I will be spending 20 minutes every day doing an online yoga video or doing whatever yoga poses my body needs. For the first 30 days, I will be doing the 30 Day Yoga Challenge on doyouyoga.com with DarkRaven as my accountability partner, and then the rest of the time, I will find whatever videos I want to do each day. This will create peace, relieve my stress and tension, and calm my mind and heart. I am allotting 3 STA points for a successful challenge. I will rate my success by how many days I miss doing yoga: A = 0-2 days missed = 3 STA points B = 3-4 days = 2.5 C = 5-6 days = 2 D = 7-9 = 1 F = 10+ = 0 2. Couch to 5K Program - I will be running 3x a week for the allotted 25 minutes of the C2K program. I love running, but my endurance is TERRIBLE. I hope to just successfully complete the program, and in doing so, I hope to prepare for my first 5K, which is September 27th. It's really soon and I won't be ready to run all of it, but it's for an incredibly good cause and I couldn't pass up doing it. Running makes me feel powerful, accomplished and focused. It clears my mind and takes all of my worries and fears away. Since running is so hard for me and so important to me, I'm allotting 3 DEX and 3 STA points for a total of 6. I will rate my success by how many runs I miss: A = 0-2 runs missed = 3 DEX, 3 STA B = 3-4 days = 2.5 DEX, 2.5 STA C = 5-6 days = 2 DEX, 2 STA D = 7-9 days = 1 DEX, 1 STA F = 10+ days = 0 3. Daily Bible/intelligent reading - I recently read Genesis to Joshua, so I have broken Judges-Revelations up into readable chunks every day, with 1-3 chapters of each the Old and New Testament each day. I have also been working on reading something intelligent every day; right now, they're all political books that will aid me in my new position as the Volunteer Director on a Congressional campaign and in my new position (hopefully) in November on a pre-presidential campaign PAC. This will increase my wisdom and knowledge, and build discipline. It will also improve my confidence on and off the job. I am allotting 2 WIS points and 1 CHA point. I will rate my success by how many nights I don't read: A = 0-2 nights missed = 2 WIS, 1 CHA B = 3-4 days = 1.5 WIS, .75 CHA C = 5-6 days = 1 WIS, .5 CHA D = 7-9 days = .5 WIS, .25 CHA F= 10+ days = 0 Please bear with me on how long this next one is.... It's really important to me to share info about eating disorders. There is not enough awareness about them, so I think it's well worth my time typing it, and hopefully your time reading it. I am still struggling with my OSFED (Otherwise Specified Feeding or Eating Disorder, formerly known as EDNOS). It can manifest itself in many forms; it is a blanket category to capture everyone whose eating disorder doesn't fit neatly into the box of anorexia or bulimia. Mine is severe atypical anorexia. I have all of the symptoms and habits of anorexia, but I am not underweight and have not lost my period yet. My body is still starving itself and my organs are under constant stress and damage due to my under-eating. Some of the signs of anorexia or atypical anorexia: Obsessive calorie counting and knowledge of calories in almost all foods. Purging, or attempting to get rid of eaten food by inducing vomiting or taking laxatives or diuretics. Hiding eating habits due to shame or embarrassment. Hiding the food reserved for binges. Showing excessive interest in weight, body image and fasting. Hiding items such as laxatives or diuretics. Skipping meals, often eating only small snacks instead. Ingesting an excessive amount of food, even when not hungry. Lying about having eaten in an attempt to avoid a meal or snack. Eating until uncomfortable or sick. Eating only a limited number or type of food. Binging, or eating a great amount of food in one sitting. Exercising excessively, particularly after or “to make up for†eating. “Grazing†for as long as food is available. “Playing†with or pushing food around a plate rather than eating it. Hiding food (in a napkin, under a plate, etc.) to avoid eating it. Some of the symptoms and results of (atypical) anorexia: Organ damage Abnormally slow heart rate Unusually low blood pressure Abnormal heart rhythms Heart failure Abdominal painConstipation Absence of menstrual periods Trouble getting pregnantIncreased risk of miscarriage or C-section Decreased urination Potassium deficiencyBone density loss Bone fractures OsteoporosisKidney stones, kidney failure Electrolyte imbalances AnemiaHigh cholesterol levels Dry, flaky, yellowish skin Fine downy hair on the face, back, arms and legsLoss of hair on the head Brittle nails Trouble maintaining core body temperatureBruising easily Depression Social IsolationIrritability Difficulty with social interactions FatigueFainting Chronic Dizziness or Lightheadedness Poor memory, change in brain chemistryDecreased attention span Decreased concentration Compulsive eating ritualsObsessive about food Mood disorders Anxiety disordersPersonality disorders Perfectionism Suicidal tendenciesAddictions to gambling, alcohol, or drugs Compulsions relating to sex, housework, exercising, and/or shopping Death I'm dealing with some of the listed habits and quite a few of the symptoms, and I want, not to mention need, to get this under control. I'm tired of feeling scared and sick. I'm tired of it affecting every piece of my life; my relationship with God, my family, friends and guys, my work, running, my social life, everything. I want to reach a healthy place with my body and food. Eating disorders are the most fatal mental health disorder; 10-20% of us die from our condition. I refuse to be in that statistic. It's up to me to fight this with everything I have. 4. Eating my BMR every day and tracking it on MFP - I need to eat my BMR of calories every day and consistently track it on MFP. Currently, that's 1426 calories and I'm really struggling to eat them. I am allotting 2 CON points and 1 CHA point. I will rate my success by how many days I don't meet this goal: A = 0-2 days missed = 2 CON, 1 CHA B = 3-4 days = 1.5 CON, .75 CHA C = 5-6 days = 1 CON, .5 CHA D = 7-9 days = .5 CON, .25 CHA F= 10+ days = 0 Thank you so much for reading my challenge and supporting me in this endeavor! I am grateful for your companionship and I wish you the best of luck in your own quest! -Snow <3 "And though she be but little, she is fierce." -William Shakespeare
  12. "uhhhnnn..." "Sire! He's awake!" "Hmm? Well then, it appears Rosa's efforts aren't in vain, after all." "Who dat? Who's dere?..." "Easy, friend, you're among comrades." Red sits up to see who's talking, "Comrades?... GASP! My brothers! Where are they?!" Red looks around frantically. "Your brothers? I'm sorry, but we just found you, no one else... But there was a smashed teleporter." Red mutters to himself, "I hope they got away in time... Hey, who are you guys?" The guard steps forward "How DARE you speak to the King that way!?" "Heh heh, that's enough Biggs, he is a stranger to these parts, we can't blame him for not knowing who I am." Biggs clears his throat "You are in the Presence of the Lunarian King, Cecil Harvey, Lord of the Kingdom of Baron, Savior of the Blue Planet, Paladin King, Commander of the Baron Army, former Commander of the Red Wings." Red jests "That's a mouthful." "WHAT?!" The soldier exclaimed. "Ha ha ha! Yes, it is sometimes! You should hear the title of my friend, the King of Fabul, He's got belts in nearly every martial art! One time, he--" Another soldier runs in, "My Lord, we're under attack!" "Then we must go! To Victory!" He shouts as he leaves the tent, The soldiers rally behind him, "TO VICTORY!" they all yell, as they follow their King. "You stay here, Stranger!" Biggs shouts as he leaves. "Stay here? Yeah right!" Red says to himself as he jumps out of the bed In the Fog of war, Red sees the soldiers fighting against an army of monsters, his eyes spot King Cecil surrounded by monsters, and they're closing in fast. "I've gotta do something!" Red leaps in the middle of the battle! "What the--?" Cecil exclaims. "You're kidding me right? A Knight who uses a White sword? How can I not help you?" "Alright then, I must admit, your resolve is inspiring. Here, take this!" Red receives Echo Grass! "If you're going to fight with us, you're going to need to communicate with our scouts, just speak into it and they'll hear you." "Huh, thanks! Now, let's do this!" BATTLE!! "Are you alright? You're slower than you look." "Heh, Life has been interesting to me lately, but I'll be fine, I just need time for my body to remember how strong it used to be." "I see, well then, how about I help you? Using your Past, Present, and Future." "Remember your Past, the routine you used to follow!" I am going to workout three times a week, every week! I will be doing the Advanced Bodyweight workout given to us by Steve Kamb. 1 point per workout, 18 total; Points given: Str +2 & Sta +2 "Now face the Present at hand!" I am going to increase my shoulder strength. I am going to lift heavy things over my head in sets, Using my old textbooks and nearby objects, I'll be doing something like a Shoulder Press but holding for a set amount of time. Goal Time: 3 Minutes Weight: TBD Points given: Str +1 & Sta +3 "Get ready for the Futur--" "..lo? Hello?" "AHHHH!!! WHO SAID THAT?!" "... ahh... my ears... *ahem* Hello, This is Baron Scout, Cami. I've been informed to help you help our King." "Oh, right, The Echoy Grass thing!." "...*Ahem* Well, there are many obstacles and heavy objects ahead of you, you'll need to push them out of the way." "How many would you say there are?" "...43... 75... About 100 obstacles here that would require you to use upper body strength. Yep, you're going to have to attempt 100 Push(up)s." ​​Following this program: http://www.hundredpushups.com/ Currently at 30 Pushups Points given: Str +3 & Sta +1 "Hey! Focus! The enemies that we'll be facing are a difficult bunch! Each of them requires different means to defeat them! - This monster feeds off of the dirt and mold around us, to defeat it, we'll need to cleanse the area! (At least one cleaning activity a day.) Wis +1 & Con +1 - This foe feeds off of your mind, If you keep your wits about you, you'll be able to stave off his attacks! (Read a Chapter every Tuesday and Thurs; Book: To Kill a Mockingbird) Wis +2 - This creature uses a foreign language to cast spells upon the soldiers, if you can learn it's language you can interrupt the casting! (Study Spanish using Duolingo, a section every Monday, Wednesday, Friday) Wis +2 & Cha +1 "Huh, there's that music again..." "You can hear that? That song can decrease the strength of the Spirit beasts if you can find a way to amplify it, even if it's only a part." - (Play Moonlight Sonata part 2) Wis +2 Alright, So with this challenge, it's going to be interesting because of lots of Life things. My summer course is ending this week (thurs is my last day), my nieces start their school soon (Aug 11th and Aug 13th), Still looking for a job, Planning on going to University in the fall, and I still have visiting relatives that'll be here for about 2-3 weeks.
  13. Introduction: Hello, my name is Britt, and I decided to join the rebellion after I went to the doctor and weighed in at 295 lbs. Something's got to give. I'm a college graduate who loves to laugh (and making people laugh), and I also want to do that on this earth for a very, very, long time. Main Quest: Turning Paleo eating and working out into a habit. (I can't eat vs. I don't eat) Goal 1: Sunday - Friday Paleo. I'm following the slow-carb diet's method of allowing cheat days, and this tends to be working for me. Strict paleo 6 days of the week and f--- all on Saturday. Stuff I used to love is beginning to taste weird. Goal 2: Kettlebell workouts 3 times a week. Find workouts that will increase with difficulty. Goal 3: Weigh thyself one-time a week. I'm all about instant gratification and I've been weighing myself each morning. To break this habit, I will weigh myself once a week - every Friday. EDIT: I will not weigh myself until the final day of the challenge. Mini Quest: Finish Mindless Eating and Permission Marketing, and Screenplay: The Foundations of Writing.
  14. Late Bloomer here! WYOGIRL Starting today 8/5/2014 need to have daily accountability created point system to help MAIN QUEST lose weight to #180 (17#'s) GOALS excersise 2x a week log in daily eat paleo way MOTIVATION not feel bloated all the time LIFE QUEST emotionally at peace with self My accountability point system 34 days left of challenge x 10 points a day) = 340-350 total challenge points for complete success logging in daily- 2 posting daily- 3 eating complete paleo daily-5 excersise-5 bonus points **on a side note, I will be logging in daily to myfitnesspal to track my food, this is just for me to see how well the paleo living is doing health and number wise** Grading system A= 350 total points...join the next step up in the challenge series B= 340 total points...do another newbie challenge C= 330 total points...re-read, re-write and re-focus on goals, do another newbie challenge Starting numbers weight 197.5 waist 46" breast 45" NO WAY!! Im a block!! EEEK... don't look at the pics unless you have a strong stomach!! sorry but I need the motivation!! Get ready for lots of blah..blah..blah.. that's the way I roll
  15. Has anyone read this fantastic book? I LOVE it. I've loved it since it came out. It really spoke to me. I didn't like the second book, Insurgent, quite as much, but Divergent is one of my all time favorites. When I read it, I decided I wanted to be more Dauntless. Not 100% Dauntless because that's not my style. But I was a little Dauntless. I went bungee jumping and didn't scream or make any noise at all. It was awesome. I also love it because I have a son named Tobias (born before the book came out though - I'm not THAT much of a nerd.) What faction would you choose to be in? I'd choose Erudite.
  16. This is a place-holder post. Extra points if you watch this entire 1 hour video.
  17. That's right, the Conquer The Fort Mud Run is July 12 which happens to be the end of week 5 of this challenge. I've completed 4 obstacle races in the last 3 years and I have slowly been getting better at it. I rarely have issues with the obstacles but the running is the part that really slows me down, especially the 1st-ish kilometer until I get in my zone. I like trail running but have never made running a real priority. Now I can't just focus on running this challenge. I have to make sure I keep working on getting stronger in order to master any obstacle that is set in front of me. Also, in order to run and get stronger I have to eat properly to make sure I have the fire power to keep going. I also need to read books...because books are COOL! Soooo..........for this, my second challenge (1st with the Rangers) here are my goals. Goal 1. (STA:3 DEX:1) Increase my stamina. Run 3x per week It doesn't matter what kind of running as long as I get out there and do it! I am thinking hill sprints, a long trail run, and a 2-3km speed session (intervals?) of some kind. I am thinking Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday mornings. I was going to do evenings but it's "Sunny and 75" most evenings now and I don't want to run at all then....just barbecue. Goal 2. (STR:2) Get my barbell exercises under control. Lift 3x per week I have simplified my gym workouts over the past two weeks so I can focus on my bench press, deadlifts, OHPs, and Squats. I've been doing barbell workouts for about 2 months now and I've been doing most of them with improper form. I love weightlifting and want to get really good at it so I can lift really heavy things, so I need to really work on form. Goal 3. (CON:2 CHA:1) Eat groceries first 6/7 days per week. I go grocery shopping and do my food prep for the week every Sunday. I need to work on not buying latte's and junk food snacks. I need to work on saying "no" to going out for lunch or finding the newest food truck (that does all things barbecued). I am going to write down everything I eat in my journal everyday. I am not worrying about calories or weights, I just want to be a little more conscious of what I am eating. Ok so re-writing this goal....sort of...it just feels to broad or open ended or something for me. I am going to grocery shop 1 day each week (Saturday or Sunday) and I won't buy ANY food/snacks for the remainder of the week, allowing, for example, pizza Saturdays or wine and cheese Fridays. Does that make sense? Only 1 big grocery purchase per week and 1 extra food purchase per weekend. 6 days must be "extra food purchase" free. Goal 4. (WIS:1) Finish Total Recall and get started on The 4-Hour Work Week. Read 3 hours per week. I got these books for Christmas, along with others that I need to finish reading before I move to New Zealand. I've started reading Total Recall and am enjoying it. I need to read first and play games later. I am excited to work through this challenge with you all! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So I am going to use the space below to keep track of my goals and post weekly updates and things. Week 1 Completed Goal 1 Running: 2/3 Goal 2 Weight Training: 3/3 Goal 3 No buying extra food: 5/6 Goal 4 Reading: 3/3 WEEK 1 UPDATE! Week one went really well, learned, changed, and realized many things. Goal 1 Running: I got 2 out of 3 runs in. It was a full week and I did some form of intense activity Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday morning. I needed Thursday to rest from my three days in a row and I needed Sunday to recoup from my long run. In order to get my three runs in I am going to do one in the evening once a week. I will aim for Wednesday night so that I still have 2 full rest days per week. Goal 2 Weight Training: 3 out of 3 easy peasy because it's my favorite thing! Week 2 will see me adding some more weight to each exercise. Goal 3 No buying extra food: 5 out of 6. Since I have one day I am "allowed off" that would have been Friday. I lost a day because I bought Subway for lunch on the trip home this weekend. I forgot the watermelon in my fridge and was super hungry. This week I don't plan on buying any foods during the work week, I may plan to do something for Saturday or Sunday but as of right now I am NOT planning to. I think I get more upset with myself when I have "unplanned" food purchases. If I plan to buy lunch one day I am ok with it, but if I plan to NOT buy lunch then end up doing just that I feel like I fail. So I need to plan a little more in order to be prepared! Goal 4 Reading: 3 out of 3. Got all my reading hours in and am really enjoying the book so far. It will be easy to get another three hours in this week. At the end of week 1 and the beginning of week 2 I am feeling good about my goals and progress. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Week 2 Completed Goal 1 Running: 3/3 Goal 2 Weight Training: 3/3 Goal 3 No buying extra food: 4/6 Goal 4 Reading: 3.05/3 WEEK 2 UPDATE! So week to went really well in most areas, except my food. I got all three runs, and gym sessions in as well as my "required" reading. I am most happy with getting all my runs in because this is the fitness area I need to work on most. Food, it's such a pain in the ass! Well my lack of willpower is anyways and it's really not even that. After work lunch on Friday, I got pizza on Saturday and drank some beers with a friend from out of town and my cousin. So -2 for goal #3. I am going to really work on goal 3 during week 3 because I want to build better habits! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Week 3 Completed Goal 1 Running: 3/3 Goal 2 Weight Training: 3/3 Goal 3 No buying extra food: 5/6 Goal 4 Reading: 1.5/3 So week 3 was fairly successful. I docked myself a day for goal #3 because even though I was still eating homemade foods, I didn't buy or make them. and there was still pancakes and a few other non-healthy things. I am not upset about it, I enjoyed the food and had a good weekend but it didn't correspond with my goal so I am docking myself points. Reading....I just didn't make it a priority. I had my book with me all weekend but I made visiting and socializing a priority over reading. I would have liked to get more reading time in but I am not going to stress about it. Overall I am really happy I got all my runs in, that was a major achievement for me. Weight training is always a given, as long as I have access to a gym I will lift weights. I really have to work on my healthy eating and my reading over the next couple weeks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Week 4 Completed Goal 1 Running: 2/3 Goal 2 Weight Training: 2/3 Goal 3 No buying extra food: 2/6 Goal 4 Reading: 0/3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Week 5 Completed Goal 1 Running: 3/3 Goal 2 Weight Training: 3/3 Goal 3 No buying extra food: 2/6 Goal 4 Reading: 0/3 Wow week 5 was almost as bad as week 4. My food sucked for most of the week....because I was lazy. I did get my runs in and my weight training sessions. No reading though.....because I was lazy again! I did have some epic wins regarding other things I did like my mud run! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Week 6 Complete Goal 1 Running: 2/3 Goal 2 Weight Training: 3/3 Goal 3 No buying extra food: 4/6 Goal 4 Reading: 1.5/3 It's done and over. Week 6 was tough, I was lazy, procrastinated, and allowed things like my birthday to lead me off track. Yes I know it was my birthday and blah, blah, blah, what ever. I didn't need the ice cream and doughnuts. Just ice cream would have been fine. It's a work in progress. Running was good. I missed my #3 run because I took Monday and Tuesday because I was lazy and made excuses. And I didn't read because of the same reasons. I've just had a lazy excuse filled week. Although I did have some great moments at the end with all the burpees and pull ups and running and stuff. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Challenge 1 Completed Goal 1 Running: 15/18 (83%) (STA:3 DEX:1) (STA:2.5 DEX:1) Goal 2 Weight Training: 14/18 (78%) (STR:2) (STR:1.5) Goal 3 No buying extra food: 22/36 (61%) (CON:2 CHA:1) (CON:1) Goal 4 Reading: 9.5/18 (53%) (WIS:1) (WIS:0.5) Ranger Mini Challenge: (STR:1) So it's done and over. This challenge wasn't too bad, but it didn't end up how I wanted it to. The same thing happened this challenge as last challenge, the first three weeks were great then I lost my mojo and started not caring as much as I should. I want to be hard on myself and to complain to the world about what went wrong and why. But it doesn't really matter now. The root of the problem is that I am lazy and don't have a lot of willpower. The solution? Just keep trying. You learn little things as you go, and even though I don't really have my "where and why" yet I want to (and will) get there eventually because......just because.
  18. I’m better than I was yesterday, but not as good as I will be tomorrow. My summer work hours have officially begun! I’m mere days away before I start feeling like a human being again! I get to focus on my work projects rather than fixing everyone else’s issues. No students, no teachers, no angry parent phone calls. The tension is draining already. Now that I feel I have the mental capacity to do more; I shall! I want to do ALL the things! Of course, if I tried doing all the things in one little challenge, I would become overwhelmed and just quit, so I’ve narrowed it down to some specifics: I’ve been a little too lax with the foods I’ve been eating as of late, so I’m going to clean it up again which seems easier for me during the spring/summer months because we use our barbeque quite frequently to do chicken, pork, and steak. I will allow oats, minimal dairy, minimal whole grains, and dark chocolate when I feel like I might die if I don’t get it. I’ve come to discover that if I try to cut out wheat (or chocolate) completely, I can usually make it about 2-2 ½ weeks before I start to feel deprived and binge. I’m still working towards being able to run a mile in 9 minutes or less and complete a 5k in 30 minutes or less, so I’ll continue focusing on getting faster. I just recently started doing some weight training. My form at this point is a little iffy, but my boyfriend has been helping me master that. I’d like to be able to do a decent amount of squats and lunges without suffering the inability to walk normally for the next 5 days. Haha! Also, I’d eventually like to reduce (if not eliminate) the “hail damage” on my glutes. As far as a life/side quest, I want to start reading again. I have approximately a jillion novels that I have yet to read, and about a gazillion more that I WANT to purchase. However, before I buy any more books, I must read the ones that have been sitting on my book shelf collecting dust. So let’s do this, yes? MAIN QUEST HARDER, BETTER, FASTER, STRONGER Run 2 times per week. <Continue improving speed.> Strength Train or Yoga 2 times per week. <Work specifically on mastering proper form.> “Fun-tivity” once per week. <Hiking, badminton, walking, horseshoes, etc...> Paleo/Primal Diet (~75% of the time). <Allow dairy, oats, and whole grain bread with max of one or two servings per day.> LIFE QUEST READ ALL THE BOOKS! For the 6 week challenge, I will finish the current book I’ve been reading (about half-way through) and at least one more. Plain and simple. GRADING My starting stats are as follows: RUNNING: Comfort Pace = ~11 min/mile Fastest Mile = 10'30" from last challenge (have yet to beat 9'56" all time best) Fastest 5k = 32'32" STRENGTH TRAINING (Just beginning and still trying to master proper form.) Sets = 3 Reps = 10 Weight = 10 lbs - Kickbacks, Bent, Arm, Dumbbell - Overhead Triceps Extension, Dumbbell -Lateral Raise, Side, Dumbbell - Standing Biceps Curl, Dumbbell - Lunges, Dumbbell - Squats, Dumbbell DIET: I’ll aim to keep it about 75-80% Paleo/Primal 5 days a week. MOTIVATION I want to look great and feel confident in a bathing suit. Especially since turtles spend a lot of time in the water!
  19. And since I just turned 45, let’s call it a mid-life crisis as well. The other day, I put on the Patagonia shorts that almost 2 years ago fit me like a sausage casing. They still fit the way they did 18 months ago – much better than when I joined the Rebellion, but still a tad snug. And I reviewed the weight stats from the last year and realize that I have made no progress at all. Granted, I have had a few injuries - the past couple of months I've been out with a tweaked back and stitches in my hand and has really set me back. I still feel that I should be further along than I am. I’m still in much better shape than I was 2 years ago, but I will get back to that point if I don't do something different. Life in general is good. I really like my life, but feel like I’ve gotten complacent and haven’t been working more on improving myself like I should. I have got to get out of this rut. I want to keep the 2014 goals, but must rethink my approach. 2014 Goal 1: Deadlift my bodyweight (170lbs/77kg)/do a pull-up. Currently deadlifting 125lbs/56.7kg/hanging 5 seconds Challenge Goal: It is not enough to aim towards getting in to the gym 3 times a week for weight lifting. This challenge, I will get up every morning at 5:30 and go get some exercise. I can stretch in my room when I get back, but I’ve got to get out of the house and work out. An early morning walk is acceptable a couple of times a week, but I’ll be in the gym at least 5 days a week. I’ll do some sort of weight workout 3 times a week. · Deadlift: January Start: 125 lbs; Challenge Start: 115 lbs · Squat: January Start: 105 lbs; Challenge Start: 95 lbs · Bench Press January Start: 75 lbs; Challenge Start: 70 lbs · Overhead press: January Start: 60 lbs; Challenge Start: 55 lbs Grading: A= 37-42 days (+2STR, +2CON); B= 31-36 days (+2STR, +1CON); C= 25-30 days (+1STR, +1CON); D= 19-24 days (+1STR) 2014 Goal 2: Make meditating a habit Take time to slow down and think daily. Meditating is fine, I guess. I don’t think I’ve been doing it long enough to see many benefits. I am rather captivated by James Altucher’s practice of coming up with and writing down 10 ideas daily. It makes sense to me that trying to come up with new thoughts (or at least getting old ones down in writing so I don’t have to keep coming up with them) has to be good for me. So, I think I’ll try it. On a sort of related note, I deleted Facebook and Twitter from my phone so I can get rid of those distractions when I’m not at a desk or laptop. Challenge Goal: Meditate for 10 minutes every day. Write down 10 ideas immediately following. Half a point if I do one without the other. Grading: A= 37-42 days (+2WIS, +2CHA); B= 31-36 (+2WIS, +1CHA); C= 25-30 (+1WIS, +1CHA); D= 19-24 (+1WIS) 2014 Goal 3: Complete a king-sized quilt. Machine or hand pieced, hand quilted. This is going fairly well, all told. I haven’t made much progress the last couple of weeks because I’ve had to rip out and re-stitch the same bit 3 different times. Frustrating. Challenge Goal: Work on a sewing project at least 10 minutes every day. Grading: A= 36-42 days (+2DEX, +2STA); B= 30-35 (+2DEX, +1STA); C= 24-29 (+1DEX, +1STA); D= 18-23 (+1DEX) 2014 Goal 4: Read one non-fiction book outside of my comfort zone every month. This is something else I want to keep up. June’s selection is Sister Wendy’s History of Painting, which I have yet to start. Pass/Fail Pass = +1WIS, +1STA, +1CHA Keeping up with the garden is still on my list – we’ve had a few hot days and the lettuce is starting to go bitter, but the sugar snaps are coming in, and there are a few tiny squash on the vines out there.
  20. After a successful first challenge, it is time for my second challenge, which is easiest summarized as keep on moving! I'm coming back from a depression, and the inertia of my body and mind is still very strong. Moving means... 1) ...exercise every day for at least 30 minutes (+3 STA) This can be walking, biking, body weight training, kneading heavy dough or something else, as long as it gets me out of my chair and my heart rate goes up. It can be one activity for half an hour or several activities of at least 5 minutes during the day. 2) ...do the "Start bodyweight" routine 3 times a week (+3 STR) It is a workout which makes me stronger, and it progresses very naturally. Every training I'll add one rep to every exercise, and after 3x8 reps I will progress to the next level of that exercise. The progress seems relatively slow, but I think this will help me to not get injured and stronger at the same time. The reason I like this program is because it is moving forward automatically, and I don't have to worry about the progress myself. 3) ...add some dynamic postures or simple flows to my daily yoga workout (+2 DEX, +1 WIS) Last challenge I started with doing yoga every day and I really liked it. I will continue doing it for at least 10 minutes every day, and furthermore I want to improve the connection between movement and breath. This sounds very new-age-y, but with this I mean that I want to add some flows that do something on every breath in and every breath out. The simplest example is the cat-cow pose, but also the sun salutation is such a flow. I don't know any other flows like these, but I'm sure I can make something up or find something online. If you have any suggestions, please let me know . I will also add some meditation to my yoga practices to become more aware of my breath. 4) ...taking rest whenever it is needed (+3 CON) I will not exercise when my body can't handle it. On the first two days of my period I will not do any body weight training and in those weeks I may skip one workout. The week after my wisdom teeth will be pulled out, I will not do any body weight training and I will only do some other form of exercise after I don't need pain killers anymore. If I'm ill, injured, or need painkillers for any other reason, I will listen to my body and adapt my workouts appropriately. I get injured very easily, so this is necessary to keep myself healthy. side) ...reading at least 3 books (+3 WIS) I enjoy reading, mostly sf and fantasy, but it is always a big step for me to start reading a new book. I'm a member of a library that has a big collection of sf and fantasy, so I definitely have enough options. One book in two weeks is a really small amount, but I have to start with small steps .
  21. ...*cheesy soap opera narrator voice* .....When we last tuned in, Wandern was recovering from a mild tweak to what she assumes is her quadratus lumborum. She made great progress in her garden, some progress on her quilt, and had been meditating every day for the last 2 weeks of the last challenge. ....*/cheesy soap opera narrator voice* The past week was very lazy for me - the girls were on spring break, so I let myself sleep in and skip gym. So, the QL feels great, and it's back to the gym for me. I only managed to meditate 3 times this week, and didn't sew very much either. In the garden, the sugar snap peas are 4 inches high in the garden, some chard, lettuce and squash are starting to sprout. 2014 Goal 1: Deadlift my bodyweight (170lbs/77kg)/do a pull-up. Currently deadlifting 125lbs/56.7kg/hanging 5 seconds Challenge Goal: do some sort of weight workout 3x/week. Since it's been a couple weeks, and since I seem to be injury-prone, I'm going back to body weight workouts for at least the first week of the challenge. I'm starting to think that maybe I should only lift heavy once a week, and focus on bodyweight workouts the other two times. The weather has settled in nicely, so I know I'll be walking just about every day, so getting in some exercise won't be a challenge. Getting in to the gym and lifting something will be. I'm assuming my lifting weight is about the same as the beginning of last challenge, since it's been a couple weeks: Deadlift: January Start: 125 lbs; Challenge Start: 125 lbs Squat: January Start: 105 lbs; Challenge Start: 105 lbs Bench Press January Start: 75 lbs; Challenge Start: 75 lbs Overhead press: January Start: 60 lbs; Challenge Start: 55 lbs (yes, I went backwards. sigh) Grading: A= 15-18 days (+2STR, +2CON); B= 12-14 days (+2STR, +1CON); C= 9-11 days (+1STR, +1CON); D= 6-8days (+1STR) 2014 Goal 2: Make meditating a habit Challenge Goal: Meditate for 10 minutes every day. Grading: A= 36-42 days (+2WIS, +2CHA); B= 30-35 (+2WIS, +1CHA); C= 24-29 (+1WIS, +1CHA); D= 18-23 (+1WIS) 2014 Goal 3: Complete a king-sized quilt. Machine or hand pieced, hand quilted. Challenge Goal: Work on a sewing project at least 10 minutes every day. Grading: A= 36-42 days (+2DEX, +2STA); B= 30-35 (+2DEX, +1STA); C= 24-29 (+1DEX, +1STA); D= 18-23 (+1DEX) 2014 Goal 4: Read one non-fiction book outside of my comfort zone every month. For April it's A Short History of Byzantium by John Julius Norwich. I'm about 40 pages into it right now. May is still TBD.
  22. With one final heave Andador pulled himself over the ledge and allowed himself a moment of rest. Behind him was a world of ice and snow, and despite being a Nord accustomed to the cold he was happy to leave. The cave would allow him to sneak into the Southern Kingdoms while avoiding border patrols. Andador took the last swig from his waterskin and swished it about the dry roof of his mouth, a frequent reminder of the curse that plagued his body. This healer that lived in the South had better live up to his reputation, he thought as he began to trudge through the last bits of snow that made their way into the cave. At that moment the sound of rushing water pulled him from any thoughts of the future back to the necessities of his present circumstances. He had been told about this. The cave contained a flat stretch of 5 kilometers that could easily be run. The only catch was the geyser activity that regularly flooded this section of the cave. The flat stretch would only be open for 21 minutes, give or take, if Andador was to trust the information he had been given. As if that weren’t enough he’d been told to expect “resistance†on the other side, whatever that meant… This is my second challenge on NF. In case you did not follow my first challenge here are a couple quick facts to know about me. I’m a type 2 diabetic, diagnosed about 4 years ago. While I was able to control the disease well for the first couple years in the last year my A1C (long term measurement for diabetics) has gone from an admirable 6 to a not so good 9. My overarching goal is to get that back under control. Part of this includes working with my doctor, who I will see again in March, and the other part is making my lifestyle as healthy as possible. I tend to like setting performance goals rather than weight loss/body measurements and I will be following that pattern in this challenge. Goal 1: 21 min 5k Yes I know this isn’t necessarily the runners forum but Assassins have to be able to move right? This is a goal that has eluded me for a while. The closest I have ever come is 21:17, but I know I can’t hit that right now. I will run an official initial test before Feb 24. I will be following a modified version of this Intermediate 5k program. I will shift the days a bit, and only go for 5 runs a week rather than 6 so I can maintain my strength training. 1 Point - run completed that was less than the scheduled workout for that day 2 Points - run completed that meets the scheduled workout for the day 3 Points - run completed that exceeds the workout for the day Goal 2: 1 Handed Pushups Right now I can do around 5 of these on each arm. I will do an official test later this week to set a target goal. 1 Point - light or moderate bodyweight strength workout 2 Points - intense bodyweight workout, if a repeat of a previous workout the total reps must be greater than the previous try 3 Points - Ass kicking bodyweight workout, such as setting new PRs Goal 3: Handstands In my first challenge I rocked the handstand pushups, seeing some significant gains. Despite that, I can still barely hold a handstand without a wall. My goal is a 5 second free standing handstand (no wall or anything else nearby) 1 Point - less than 5 min handstand work 2 Points - 5-10 min solid handstand work 3 Points - More than 10 min handstand work Goal 4: Track the blood sugar You’d think I’d be better about this, but I tend to be pretty random about checking my sugar. I think that getting myself on a stricter schedule will help maintain my other routines. I’ll put out a schedule to follow later this week. 1 Point - Schedule is mostly followed with a few misses for 1 week 2 Points - Schedule is followed perfectly for 1 week 3 Points - Schedule is followed and numbers show improvement from previous week. Goal 5: Life Goal - The Daily 5 My school is switching to a new reading curriculum, and while I am not directly a reading teacher (I’m the Technology Specialist) I want to stay informed. I have joined a book study with some of the other teachers on a book called “The Daily 5â€. 1 Point - Complete some reading for the week 2 Points - Complete all assigned readings for the week and participate in discussion 3 Points - Complete all assigned readings and discussions and seek out additional related research/information
  23. Last time, I managed to swing a sword about fairly well (until I broke a ceiling light), prove I can keep going for much longer than I ever thought I could, and get back into my good jeans. Ultimately, my goal is to become a competent field ecologist. In the immediate future, this means shedding excess baggage. I wish to maintain a loss rate of about 1.5lbs a week. A quick glance at my food diary over the last couple of months shows a number of things I would like to alter, mostly my reliance on processed pretend-meat-products, my overconsumption of energy drinks and a daily Diet Irn Bru habit. For those yet to encounter this substance: Irn Bru is a vivid nuclear-waste-orange, is Scotland's most popular soft drink and contains such nutritional gems as Ponceau 4R, and the ammonium ferric citrate from which it can derive the "Irn" part of its name. It is a fantastic hangover cure. I am told it tastes like bubblegum by first-timers, but to me it just tastes like Irn Bru. Main Quest: Lose 9lbs (6 x 1.5lbs). (Starting weight will be posted on Monday) Missions: 1. Cut out all processed foods, except things like all-fruit smoothies, hemp protein powder, and natural canned tomatoes. - very specifically, cut out Quorn, Irn Bru, energy drinks, takeaway food and ready meals. Even if it's low-calorie. - To help, I will refer to this wonderful webpage of delicious Middle Earth recipes, because after all, I am a hobbit adventurer. I am very fond of Merry's Mushrooms, although I swap half the thyme for turmeric. - Because sometimes things happen, I am allowed two instances a week where I can eat birthday cake or go to lunch with old friends/family and not have to worry about additives as long as I'm reasonable about portion control. This does not mean I get to order takeaway twice a week. Emergency use only. 2. Walk the 2.8 miles to work every day unless there is torrential rain. - If you sleep in, walk home from work. Not that much more on top of last challenge. Daily walking intended to eventually just become part of normal daily routine. 3. Diligently and accurately monitor calorie intake, maintaining a reasonable level not too far above or below 1500kcal a day. - (+- 200kcal. I proved to myself last time that I can do this, but now I need to sustain it a little longer.) - If forced to make the choice between going over/under the calorie limit and managing to stay processed-food-free, go for the latter as long as it doesn't take you over 1800kcal. Side Quest: Last time this was related to swordfighting. That has to go on hold until about September for various reasons. Sniffle. This time, I want a quest that will not likely result in lightbulbicide and that I will definitely have space for. I have a mass of books I haven't read, and would like to read, and should read. Do you see where this is going? - Read one new book a week. The six books I have selected are: - Kraken (China Miéville) - The Beginning Place (Ursula K. Le Guin) - Neverwhere (Neil Gaiman) - Emma (Jane Austen) - Moby Dick (Herman Melville) - Rebecca (Daphne du Maurier) I am part of the way through a couple of these. This is technically cheating. But I'm only a page into Rebecca and Moby Dick is difficult for a biologist who got to Ishmael's classification of whales and just went "LOL NOPE" like a dismissive sausage. I am currently reading A Storm of Swords Pt. 1, so if I find myself without reading materials I have a whole lot of Martin to get through. So that's all pretty cut-and-dry, which is good for grading. Grading: Simple: if Missions 1-3 are completed for a day, I've passed that day. If I pass an average of 5/7 days a week where the missions have been accomplished, and I've read at least 4/6 books, I'll have passed the challenge. If I haven't lost 9lbs but have also passed the challenge, then the next challenge needs to be tougher or have a higher pass mark. If I fail, I will probably order pizza and grumble. And then re-evaluate my tactics. If I complete the challenge 100% and lose 9lbs, I will be progressing immediately to the Woot Room and wooting like an overenthusiastic owl and buying a celebratory mug or something. In preparation, I'm going to root through that recipe website, work out calories, buy ingredients and cook lots of food for the fridge. And maybe start on Kraken. Sneaky cheat. (Ssssneaking?! We wasn't sneaking! Was we, precious?!) *Cough* Good luck! Sarah
  24. Last Challenge was...challenging. And I did not rise to the occasion. Hopefully, the longer and warmer days will help me get out of my slump. That, and getting consistent with my "practice." Some things are best done every day. 2014 Goal 1: Deadlift my bodyweight (170lbs/77kg)/do a pull-up. Currently deadlifting 125lbs/56.7kg/hanging 5 seconds Challenge Goal: Exercise every day. Weights 3x/week, gym aerobics 2x/week, yoga or outside walking 2x/week. More than an hour of strenuous gardening can count as a weight work-out. Walking more than 1.5 hours can count as a gym aerobic work-out. Deadlift: January Start: 125 lbs; Challenge Start: 125 lbsSquat: January Start: 105 lbs; Challenge Start: 105 lbsBench Press January Start: 75 lbs; Challenge Start: 75 lbsOverhead press: January Start: 60 lbs; Challenge Start: 55 lbs (yes, I went backwards. sigh)Grading: A= 36-42 days (+2STR, +2CON); B= 30-35 days (+2STR, +1CON); C= 24-29 days (+1STR, +1CON); D= 18-23 days (+1STR) 2014 Goal 2: Make meditating a habit Challenge Goal: Meditate for 10 minutes every day. Grading: A= 36-42 days (+2WIS, +2CHA); B= 30-35 (+2WIS, +1CHA); C= 24-29 (+1WIS, +1CHA); D= 18-23 (+1WIS) 2014 Goal 3: Complete a king-sized quilt. Machine or hand pieced, hand quilted. Challenge Goal: Work on a sewing project at least 10 minutes every day. Grading: A= 36-42 days (+2DEX, +2STA); B= 30-35 (+2DEX, +1STA); C= 24-29 (+1DEX, +1STA); D= 18-23 (+1DEX) 2014 Goal 4: Read one non-fiction book outside of my comfort zone every month. Challenge Goal: Read a book. I still have to pick one. Grading: Pass (+1CHA, +1WIS, +1STA)
  25. Hello my name is Theatresara and I am a workaholic. This fact has driven the better part of my past year, especially the past few months. I've lost track of how to take care of myself, how to say no to work, and what it means to actually have a relationship with the people in my life except for the ones I work with day in and out. Because of all of this, it's back to basics for me. I need to not obsess over going paleo or working out all the time or anything like that. Right now, it's all about the small steps to build habits that'll stick with me, even when I'm working 100 hours/week. Theoretically, my life has currently taken a turn that will help with all of this My spring is a lot lighter than my fall and winter was (in fact, by the time the challenge starts, I may only be working one job! I can't remember the last time that happened) and I'm once again gearing up to run around a mountain portraying a frontier woman and a Shawnee maiden for four months (which requires a high level of fitness). MAIN QUEST: To build small habits that will last past the end of the challenge to make a better me Goal 1: Eat salads three times a week. My eating habits need to improve drastically. Lack of money lately has driven me to a very carb-heavy diet and I need to change that, but slowly. By eating three salads a week, I'll start to change my diet without a drastic, hard to maintain goal that costs a lot of money. I also will not judge myself for what I eat for my other meals. Feeling bad about food only leads to giving up and eating poorly. Goal 2: Stretch every day. This has been a goal before and I quickly fall out of practice. I have a ton of back and shoulder pain and stretching helps so much. Plus, if I do it in the morning, it's a good way to start my day positively. Goal 3: Some sort of cardio three times a week. I need to start getting back in Tecumseh! shape because that show involves a lot of running in rehearsals, onstage, and backstage. As there is currently quite a bit of snow on the ground and forecasters say there may be more coming, I'm not going to specify running, or even a certain length of time. What's important is that I start moving and start building up my endurance. If that means dancing around a room for 15 minutes, great. If that means taking advantage of a nice day and going for a long run or hike, even better. However, sex, while technically cardio, doesn't count (and yes, I need to clarify for myself because I'm that good at justifying things to make them count for my goals) Life Goal: Read everyday. I love reading. It's been one of my favorite activities for as long as I can remember. Lately, the tv (yay olympics!) and computer have taken over my life and, while I'm not going to stop either, I need a bit of a break from electronics. So, I'm going to commit to reading every night. I'm rereading A Song of Ice and Fire, have Shakespeare's Star Wars next on my list, and have several books relating to Tecumseh that I want to read or reread before I leave in May, so this particular goal should be super easy. As a bonus goal, I'm going to attempt to participate in all physical mini challenges. I see no reason why I shouldn't be able to, so if you don't see me chiming in, someone let me know about all the awesome things Assassins around me are doing!
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