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  1. This challenge is based on one of my favorite articles of all time, “The Alot is Better Than You At Everything”. If you haven’t already, I highly suggest you read those before you move on to read the rest here Full disclaimer: I stole all of these images from there and edited them to fit my challenge. So credit where credit is due So as many of you know, back in November, I dropped 155lbs of barbell wonderfulness on my leg. I did a lot of damage and I’m still working on healing and bringing back strength. I’m struggling a lot with my IT band and movements that used to be easy are now quite difficult. I’ve had to completely change up my training as I can’t really lift the same as I used to, for a very long time I couldn’t do anything that even touched my leg (so most barbell movements were out) or used my leg. I’ve been trying to work around it and focus on my upper body weaknesses and gymnastics, but that’s left my upper body and my good leg overused and tired. I kind of let the whole injury thing depress me in the worst kind of way and realized that I’m most likely out of competition for the 2013 CrossFit season and most definitely won’t be hitting any crazy powerlifting total anytime soon. So everything in my life has kind of been upside down - my diet, my living, my training, everything. But now I’ve come to accept all of this, I’m in a really good place mentally, and it’s time to move on and heal up better than I was when I started. So how do I do that? Well, I need to get a lot better at a few things in order to do that. And what better than to keep my spirits high than the alot. So I bring you all: Spezzy’s Alot Better Challenge Something you would have known if you read the article, is that alots are known for their superior swimming capabilities. In fact, alot better at swimming than Michael Phelps. See? So I started wondering - what else can alots do? Lets find out... Goal One I need to figure out a way to get stronger without putting too much stress on my leg. I still can’t do high rep work on a few things, but I can do heavy and less reps. Also, I have to be super picky with my CrossFit workouts because I can’t afford to lose any bit of form (plus the no super high rep restriction). But you know what I can do right now with my leg all mangled? Focus on technique. So I’m stepping things back and focusing on just that. But not just basics on technique - I want to know the science behind why my body is doing what it’s doing at any given moment, why my weak spots are what they are, and how to fix them. JDanger knows all of these things, and I think it's part of the reason why he's so freaking strong - so this is why we have chosen him for this part of the challenge So! The plan: Focus on technique. Tape my lifting sessions so that I can critique them after. I got a tripod for my phone that came in the mail yesterday - this should help big time.Focus on mobility and stretching 30 minutes every day. This could be mobility work, yoga, etc. Swimming once a week to help with recovery. (and alots really do enjoy swimming)Do some reading, most likely something from this thread. I have the Verkhoshanskys, I just need to read them. 2 hours a week for this, split up however.Use what I learn about programming to develop a program for when I’m healed. Incorporate what I’m learning into what I’m doing as I go Do not get angry when I can’t lift the numbers I used to. As soon as form breaks down, stop and stay there.Another huge side benefit of doing this is that it will make me a better coach and a better leader here on Nerd Fitness. And yes, until my leg heals I’ve pretty much eliminated wide stance low bar powerlifting back squats (too tough on the IT Band). So high bar back squats it is Goal Two I HATE running. Like, more than anything. I’m terrible at it, it hurts my everything, and it bores me to tears. So obviously, I need to do it. I’m choosing barefoot dawsy for a few big reasons here. 1) When I started running again a few weeks ago, I told him he would be my accountabilibuddy with it and not only did he not protest, but he made a tracking spreadsheet. 2) He’s the master of the running. 3) He’s coming off of an injury so he gets that. Now, one of my biggest problems with running is that when I run, I actually DO look like the Alot shown above. So we’re going to need to work on technique on that too. So! The Plan: *Read the Rebel Running Guide (at least the running technique parts) *Run three times a week - at least two sprint days and one distance day. *Note that “distance” for me means anything 1+ mile without stopping. Goal Three So I need to really hone in and perfect my diet. I’m hanging out at about 85% paleo the last week or so, normally hang out at about 97%, but have just gotten off the horse here. I’m eating not only way too much, but way too much sugar. I’d like to actually once and for all cut my weight down to my lower weight class (I know, I’ve been talking about this FOREVER) but have gained back all I lost in the last few weeks (at least I’m assuming, I haven’t stepped foot on a scale but will Monday). Before this all happened, I was experimenting with a modified leangains/carb backloading that was also paleo. Well, guess what Catspaw does? So this is perfect. The Plan: *Read Robb Wolf’s book. I never have. *Re-read lean gains and Carb Backloading *Focus on eating differently depending on the day and what I’m doing. So if it’s a lifting day, a rest day, etc. I have a feeling I’m going to take a lot of inspiration from here. *Be 99.9% perfect about eating. One small cheat per week. I’m going to start with week one doing what I was doing end of last challenge 100% paleo minus sweetener in my tea. Not allowing fruit here either.Fasting from 11pm - 2pm every dayFirst meal very few carbs , around 3-500 calories.Eating from post workout-11pm every night, including carbs though I want to keep my carbs under a certain amount. For now we’re going to say under 100g.I will adjust as I go and get more reading in. Side eating goals: Plan ahead, and only go to the grocery store 3 times a week. This does not include if I need to get food because I'm out and don't want to go to fast food. This is for normal food shopping. I'm currently doing this every day.Use the food in my freezer when I can instead of buying new food. No eating in the car, unless its in the car between the gym and starbucks (read: unless that's the only place I can eat). This has been a goal before that I have failed.And who knows, maybe I'll even have my cat go paleo. Goal Four So I’ve got a lot going on, and it always seems that I don’t have enough time to do it. Well, guess what - I do have enough time to do it, I just need to learn to properly use that time. I LOVE Chanda’s productivity plan from her last challenge, which she totally rocked. I’m copying this straight from Chanda’s challenge, only editing to fit me. Some items are a complete copy over. Do the following items regularly. It doesn’t have to take long, just make sure its done! Time spent on it/quality/content are not being assessed unless otherwise specified. Hotspot Patrol This means a quick look through the house and putting things back in their place. (43 possible)To Do list at work. Start making a to do list again. For a day to count as done: either finish the 3 MITs (most important tasks) or do at least half the items on the todo list. Unless there is some major crisis. In that case re-prioritize and face the crisis head on to count the day as done. (43 possible)Regular contact with other family and friends. Contact someone on average 4 times per week. Contact can take any form: phone/online/in person/write/etc. (24 possible)Write to my grandmother at least once a week. (6 possible)Answer all personal emails. Don't put them on the backburner to NF stuff. Every day. (43 possible)Kitchen is clean at the end of each day. Dishes are 100% done. (43 possible)Twice a week sit down and work on personal tasks. 1 hour, three times a week, completely dedicated. This could be paperwork, organizing stuff, taxes, or website stuff. (18 Possible)Quality Me Time at least 2 times per week. This is when I take the time to do something I really enjoy and to be fully present while doing it: learn, read, design, self care, etc. (12 possible)Sleep at least 7-8 hours a night, preferably 8. Bed by 3AM every single night no matter what. (I'm not productive if I'm overtired)To keep me able to do all of this stuff, I plan on implementing ideas from this article. Implement the use of the self control app, and stay off of Facebook and Twitter most of the day unless on my phone.Shut off IM when I’m working unless I need it for something.Remember headphones when I work. I'm way more productive listening to music.Follow the rest of the tips and tricks from Steve’s article here. Bonus Goal I’m constantly impressed with KnightWatch and how he puts others before him. So this part of my challenge is the alot kinder than KW goal. Bonus Charity Challenge: I need to get rid of a lot of my stuff. I'll be selling a lot of it, but 1 item a day, to charity, even if I could sell it and get money from it. That's 43 items throughout the challenge.Complete one other volunteer or charity event.Bonus "Take Care of Someone other than Yourself" Challenge: Don’t kill Dick Dick (my cat) recently followed me home from my mom’s house. He’s 15. While he’s in really amazing health, I need to make sure I take extra good care of him because he does have a few issues that happen when you get old. Clean litterbox twice a weekfeed and water him BEFORE he asksgive him the meds he needs on time and without anyone reminding me.keep toilet seat down and bathroom door shut. Dick tends to like to swim in the toilet, and I was using one of those blue water toilet tablets, and if he drinks it, he could die.Take out the trash/make sure it's away at night so he won't go rummaging for noms.Somehow convince him it’s a good idea to brush him without him tearing all of my skin off.Aaaaaand that's it! First challenge I've actually been excited and ready to go for in a while. Note: I picked these rebels because I think they're awesome at what they do, and I learn a lot from them and what they contribute here. I don't actually think I can ever be better than any of them
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