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  1. WARNING: SPOILERS FOR STEVEN UNIVERSE. The world of Steven Universe has many facets (lol pun) which need to be balanced and addressed. Here are my goals missions to become a well-rounded Gem Fusion It's very important to be able to physically synchronize through dancing in order to perform fusion. I can work on this through various means: Zumba (Mondays and Wednesdays when I don't have orchestra or practice) Other cardio dance routines Swing dance (Tuesday night class) In addition to physical synchronicity, I must be mentally and emotionally sound in order to maintain stability. Meditation (3*30m/week) (Basically I just sit down somewhere with my hands doing like Stevonnie in the episode Mindful Education. Which happens to be the sacral chakra mudra, which I only know because I randomly looked it up years ago and I had to look it up again just now. Interesting that they chose that one. But anyway. I mostly zone out. Feels good.) Music http://66.media.tumblr.com/edeab642c38d9c1536cf0a01734307ff/tumblr_inline_o0lj4d2f4O1sirzhl_500.png[/img] Steven is something of a musical prodigy. He and most of the other Gems have use song as a means of expression and have done it well. Practice clarinet: 1h/day Exception: amount of ensemble rehearsal exceeds 5h Exception: amount of performance exceeds 2h, does not include pep band game performances Bonus points: practice 2h without neglecting homework Negative points: practice does not include Kroepsch Finger Studies Negative points: practice does not include use of a metronome or tuner During practice, to improve shaping and expressivity Record myself singing etudes and literature and technical exercises Listen to said recordings Emulate the shaping naturally made by the voice on the clarinet. Exaggerate, then reel it in. Studies http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/5b5ddad38ff36cf3d5e6b79fab8cb61c.jpg[/img] Just because Steven doesn’t go to school doesn’t mean I can neglect my habits. After all, look at Connie! Assignments will be completed on time. Homework will take precedence over physical activity and entertainment. Even if I have to block YouTube (I usually don’t due to listening assignments). Addition: longer, less straightforward assignments receive an index card with an outlined process Negative points: homework turned in late or not at all Negative points: homework turned in incomplete Negative points: 30m+ spent on YouTube goofing Negative points: homework neglected for the day (I have plenty of long assignments I could be working on) Negative points: losing sleep in order to complete an assignment I procrastinated on Combat https://cdn1.lockerdome.com/uploads/0819ffd867baacf6f194598fdedae100445e55c77e849a40fee05f21996630b4_large[/img] The Gems are almost always fighting. While I prefer a more peaceful, non-confrontational lifestyle, it is still important that I am physically fit and able to take care of myself. Beginner bodyweight circuit Build one set beyond the requirements of the basic exercises, then split into multiple sets and build those up. Never run a circuit for 2 days in a row. I can, however, run individual exercises (i.e. push-ups) as long as I don’t hurt myself and don’t run individual exercises more than 3 days in a row. Sonic mini-challenge: complete the various acts and challenges for points. The Gems work as a team. Food Gems don't need to eat, but I do. I can't live on fish pizza, donuts, fry bits, and Cookie Cats alone! Heck, even Amethyst is affected by the various things she eats (cloud, rotten burrito) Points for each meal that follows the paleo and Whole30 guidelines Negative points: a meal does not contain any “healthy” element (fresh fruit, fresh vegetable, meat). I.e. No meals consisting entirely of pasta with salt and maybe sauce from a jar! Breakfast instant oatmeal is neutral. Negative points: allowing fresh foods to rot and having to throw them away. Food for social outings will be considered on a case by case basis. Report It’s important to log my thoughts and things I’ve done. Just because I’m not a Homeworld Gem doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t be filing reports for my own sake. Detailed daily reports will continue as in log_Snickie [exercise], but with the physicality categories changed from Guild type to Goal type as designated above. Weekly reports will continue here with summaries under each category. I will keep a written journal by my bed and journal in it when the world isn’t out to drown me in homework from teachers who think theirs is the only class that matters. This doesn’t have to be updated daily but it should be updated at least weekly. Clarinet practice journal falls under Music. This should be updated with each practice session and lesson. Pearl Points. Pearl Points will be awarded or detracted with every weekly update according to how I did with each facet of the challenge. Rewards TBD after doing some math as to how many I can earn, lose, and how to reward them. It'll probably end up on a GPA scale and each letter grade will be.... something. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1i_0LP-2zByg-QIV-SzoKOzroJlblX3ut6NjZfAF3VfQ/edit?usp=drive_web
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