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  1. Where was she? The drow’s red eyes scanned the dark, still horizon. She slowly turned on her heel, watching for movement, looking for clues. “Kevralyn.†The voice came from behind. It was a voice she recognised. “Lady?†The High Priestess came into her field of vision. “You may be wondering what you’re doing here, I understand. You have expressed an interest in following the Dark Maiden. But some fell power binds you still, something that masks your true self. “Here – †the statuesque, silver-haired drow made a sweeping, graceful gesture with her arm. “we stand in, shall we call it, the Realm of Shadows.†She took a step closer and gazed intently at Kevralyn’s face. “You are as you see yourself.†Kevralyn wrinkled her brow, trying to puzzle the meaning behind this cryptic statement. She looked down at her arms, her clothes, her palms. Shadows were known to distort reality, to cast an alternative version of ‘what is’: the truth, some might call it. But with drow, nothing was ever black and white. What exactly – “Are you saying, if I saw myself in a different way, I might appear differently here?†The High Priestess inclined her head with a smile. Kevralyn tried to imagine herself twice the size. She inhaled and opened her eyes. Nothing seemed to be different. She pulled a wry face. “It’s difficult.†Illiamdra’s smile softened with sympathy. “To one who has not had practice, yes.†Her visage reverted to a focused expression. “We cannot spend much time here: events are moving quickly. You said you were willing to face your enemies, is that true?†A challenge! There was only ever one answer. “Of course.†Illiamdra gave a swift nod. “Good. Prepare yourself. This may be painful.†Kevralyn shifted her feet to a fighting stance, bracing herself. She tried to imagine a short-sword, a dagger, any weapon! in her hand, but the shadowy world didn’t oblige. Frustrated, she frowned, and tightened her fists. Eilistraee’s High Priestess started to chant, a lyrical song with a darkened melody. Kevralyn found herself holding her breath, apprehension building in her chest. The song continued, dropping lower and lower. The spellsong wound to a climax. Kevralyn screamed. A myriad of shadows burst from her body and arrayed around her in a dense circle. Each shadow wore a cruel or mocking face. Each shadow moved restlessly, looking to strike. Each shadow was a person from her past. Kevralyn tensed. The hate radiating from the shadows was overwhelming. She already felt the life sucking out of her, the evil dark faces greedily consuming her willpower. The drow’s tiny fists trembled. A few shadows stepped forward with an air of menace. “Kevralyn!†Illiamdra’s voice cut through to her consciousness. “Concentrate! These shadows do not need to hold power over you. They will only harm you if you let them!†The Underdark drow screwed up her eyes, trying to block out the horrific sight, wanting to arrest their advance. They will only harm me if I let them… I am strong. I AM strong. I have overcome more than they will ever know. Get back. Get BACK! She looked around again, relieved to see that the predatory shadows were circling at a further distance. She turned to the High Priestess. “What do I do?†“This is the Realm of Shadow. What do you want to do?†Kevralyn stared ahead, feeling a rising anger to match the shadows' hatred towards her. “I want them gone. I want to defeat them. I want these shadows DEAD!†Illiamdra’s enchanting voice rose again, lilting in a fairer melody than the last. “In the darkness, moonlight’s shining So to pierce the shadow bindings Upon a beam of moonlight pure Your shadow fears will not endure†A bright white light momentarily flooded the sky. Within the High Priestess’s left hand, a luminous songsword materialised. The shadow figures fanned out into a larger circle, moving away from the bright blade. “You want to defeat your shadows?†Illiamdra held out the radiant sword. “Then fight!â€
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