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Found 1 result

  1. Hi! For those who are new. I'm a 35 year old computer programmer from northern germany. I train chen style taijiquan. It's a martial art from china. The better known druidic tai chi orginiated from it. My introduction thread: http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/topic/65161-hello-from-germany/ My nickname is burrowed from a general. According to the historians he is guy who wrote the first text (in the 16th hundreds) about taiji. So as i like to geek out about china(been there 4 times), i thought a reference to sun tzu's classic would be a nice theme for my next challenge. Now the general who wins a battle makes many calculations in his temple ere the battle is fought. The general who loses a battle makes but few calculations beforehand. Thus do many calculations lead to victory, and few calculations to defeat: how much more no calculation at all! It is by attention to this point that I can foresee who is likely to win or lose. -Chapter 1 : Laying Plans I want to make daily and weekly plans about what to cook and when to shop for groceries and i will post these plans on sundays. I want to make at least 4 Meals per week by myself. Like in the last challenge i will post daily updates about how the day before went. With those updates i will post the goals for the next day. (As far as possible i will name specific times). On the next update i will report on the progress of those goals. During the last challenge i started budgeting with ynab. I will note every expense every day of the challenge in ynab und do a full budget for oktober and november. There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare.- Chapter 2 : Waging war During the Challenge i want to get all items on the following list done and of my mind, there were there for to long:1. I hang my heavy bag mostly on a roof beam with a rope. From there it has to be taken down, when we are having a party in our flat. After this it takes me ages to set it up again. It at least want to hang it up again. But i will look for a more permanent solution.2. Wrap up my Game of Thrones Tabletop RPG Campaign. 3. I need some new nice pictures of myself. Contact a photographer. 4. In November will be for a weekend in London and then travel to spain. I need to get this organized. 5. I need to move my desk at home a bit.6. I want attend a test lesson of an escrima school recently discovered. 7. My bookshelfs are completly full. I will comb through and sell books i don't need or read anymore.8. My wardrobe needs an upgrade. I will sort through it and throw away or donate anything thats not used anymore.9. I will take an exam for a specific programming certification.10. Reconnect with a friend. Call him up. Thus the energy developed by good fighting men is as the momentum of a round stone rolled down a mountain thousands of feet in height. So much on the subject of energy.- Chapter 5 : Energy To develop this energy i will need sleep, meditation and exercise. 1. I will sleep at least 7 hours everyday. Lights are out by 23:45. 2. I will meditate every day using headspace. At least 15 minutes. (This will be included in the daily goals).3. I will do one short handform per day. (This will be included in the daily goals).Also this last third point will be my focus area. If everything else fails i try to meditate everyday and to get my sleep. So lets go to work... (Until Monday i might change these goals, im quite happy with them but who knows)...
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