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Found 2 results

  1. There's been a murder on the tracks! My weight loss has been cut down in a brutal attack of parties and sugar cravings. So the obvious answer is to stop eating... Right? Ok. Ok. bad idea. Maybe I could talk to the steward for some assistance? Shit no. That bowtie just screams evil. Alright, I guess I have to do this myself. Fine. Using Spell Slots I have a finite number of calories I should be consuming in a day. 2312 to be exact. (I did like 8 TDEE calculators and that was the mean of all of them) I'm pretty good at tracking, but not so good at tracking on time. I end up doing a lot of it at the end of the day. And while I have a pretty solid grasp on what most things will cost me, I still get sidetracked and miss some stuff or don't add everything in, especially with recipes, and my calorie totals end up being a lie. So my goal for this is to track my calories as they happen instead of grouped together and suddenly I'm 1500 calories over. I am including parties. So everything I eat will be tracked and once I am at cap I'm done whether I want to eat or not. Scuttle Buddy: @Taddea Zhaan has kindly offered to bug me and let me bug her to remind to track as appropriate, so I will be noting every time I get bugged after I have missed tracking as expected. Getting Rid of Old Silverware Continuing my Year of Clean, Mrs G and I have come to the conclusion that we don't schedule well. I'm kind of an impulsive cleaner, and I don't deal well with scheduling cleaning. She is the same way, but she can clean longer while I just clean bigger. What's been happening so far has been working, at least for me, and I am going to continue that path until something breaks. Bringing the Murderer to Justice Things I am not good at. Following through. In an interesting note, doing a full year of these challenges has really helped me with that particular aspect of my life. But it's still got a ways to go. I do it with work, school, home projects, even video games and tv shows. These next 4 weeks I will be writing down things I need to do in my commonplace book and leaving reminders in my calendar to follow up on them.
  2. Go here first, IF YOU DARE. Hey it's Grumble. Your best friend, your guild leader, and your...hexplate lifter. Magnus Rushes In I wanted to start the new year off clean(er). Cause it ended dirty and delicious. So while the cut wandered away while I played with PHUL, but I'm bringing it back with a vengeance this challenge (and will continue through the next two challenges as well). To that end, I have enlisted the help of the B.U.F.F. Dudes once again (new year, new Buff). This time I will be partaking of their cutting plan which is 4 phases, plus a 5x5 prep phase I will only do for two weeks, in which I will use this time to get my diet adjusted. Additionally I will be doing photos at each phase. Plus doing all the measurements. Taako's good out here I'm still not taking time to step back and observe. Especially at work. I'm constantly going, and while it's good to be busy, I make little mistakes and forget to note things. So this challenge will be a kind of follow on with the note taking I did previously, but instead of stream of consciousness or a feelings and emotions thing, this will be a notebook that will entail ideas and thoughts that I have as they occur to help improve... something. It's a little nebulous, but just go with me. Abraca Fuck you! This will be my year long challenge. Mrs Grumble and I have declared this year as Our Year Of Clean. We've got piles. Not big ones, but little bits here and there, garage and guest room excepted (those are minor disaster zones). So this year we will go through everything. Room by room. Probably about a challenge per room, so this month will start in the master bedroom.
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