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  1. Akari

    Akaris Challenge

    Mache einen Plan, sei ein großes Licht. Mache einen zweiten Plan, doch gehen tun sie beide nicht! (Bertold Brecht) One of my fellow students loved these words and never tired of repeating them. Englisch translation: Make a plan, be a great light. Make a second plan, but they aren’t working both. 1. Find a room to rent. Because I do an apprenticeship in a town to farm away from my parent’s house to drive each day, I have to find a room where I can stay. Currently I live in a student’s home, but have to leave at the end of this month. Don’t laugh about this quest. It’s really difficult to find anything in this damn city. Either there are at least 20 other who want to rent exactly the same room you want or it’s simply too expensive. 2. Japanese I do the Rosetta Stone course to learn Japanese. Love the concept of learning with pictures, spoken word, written word and no translation. I have to admit that I’m cheating by using the content of the english course too. It’s not always clear understandable what is meant, so this helps a lot. Quest: 2 Chapters per week (that’s around 4 hours work) 3. Learn Touch Typing I’m forced to do this, because my company wants it. Each week I have to do a 1 min typing test and show that I improved. I learned typing through Learning-by-doing and always used just the right hand, while looking on the keyboard. When I type what I think then I have more than 200 keystrokes per minute. In a typing test where I have to type a text that I can see, I do 175 keys/min with one hand. I already improved my two hand writing. I am now at 160 keys/min, but with looking sometimes on the keyboard. (For comparison: Physical border is at 750 keys/ min and a good writer can do 200 – 400 key/min.) My fellow apprentice manages to do 250 keys/min. So the goal for now is to get at least as good as him. Quest: 20 min practice per day Btw: I’m not typing this text with 10 fingers. Yes I should, but I can’t concentrate atm at my fingers AND on what I want to type. 4. Tim Ferriss’ Slow Carb Diet I’m curious if this diet is really working, so I try it out now. It hurts that I’m not allowed to eat fresh bread, but I will survive it. Once in a week I’m allowed to eat everything. What I don’t survive is drinking coffee without milk. One positive effect this diet had already: I’m eating regularly. (I started it Sunday.) Quest: Sa-Do Slow Carb Food Fr Eat what u want 5. Workout I’ve found a little app with a 30 day challenge. The workouts are similar to Steve’s beginner workout and each day has a couple of repetitions more. Quest: Each day 1 workout 6. Running The goal is 3 km without stop. In Order to do so I use the free workouts of the Freeletics Running App. For somebody with literally no condition like me the workouts are good to start somewhere. And because they track the time of each run, you see a progress. Quest: Running 3 days per week 7. English I want to improve my English. When I bought the books for my apprenticeship, I bought a used English practice book too. It’s for the 9th year of school and has a lot of exercises, mainly for the tenses. I always had problems with English grammar. Actually, I hated English in school. Now I hate to watch original English series in german. Quest: 1/2-1hour per week doing exercises 8. Swedish I know I’m crazy, but I rly want to learn this language too. Quest: 1 chapter per week 9. Learn for apprenticeship 28.09. Great Homework in English (that’s 20% of the final result at the end of the year) Done 28.10. Class test in “Production” 10. Keep the room tidy My room was always a mess since childhood. I tend to let everything fall at the first free place I see, not where it would make sense to put it. When I had stopped studying I needed to move back home and take my whole household with me. Some time before I found Marie Kondos concept of tidying up. In one sentence: Throw everything away what doesn’t spark joy. (what makes you happy, or what isn’t important, like contracts.) Before I moved I did exactly what she told. Back at home, I had fewer items than before and still the same messy room. Then our WLAN router said goodbye and I had 3 days no real internet. (I had just my Smartphone left without enough data volume to watch movies or League of Legends streams). So I cleaned my room while listening to the 4-hour audiobook “The Life-changing Magic of tidying up”. (It’s still on YouTube, if somebody is curious.) My room in Göttingen is currently tidy. Quest: Keep it! All at a glance: Tasks: - Find a room to rent Done. - Learn for apprenticeship Daily: - Touch typing (20 min per day) - Workout Habit: - Slow Carb Diet (6 days slow carb, 1 day all u want to eat) - Keep the room tidy. Weekly: - Japanese (2 Chapters per week) - Swedish (1 Chapter per week) - Running (3 times in a week) - English (1/2-1hour) I’ll see if I can do this all or if I want too many things at once. At the end of each week, I’ll give a report.
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