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  1. Well 2017 has been a nice year, but also a struggle. I've done two challenges since getting back on NF and I'm ready to start the new year strong!! I wish to use these few days before January 1st to set a baseline for my goals this challenge. So here are my goals: #1 Intermittent fasting I don't know what my baseline is at the moment, hence my statement above. I also don't know for how many hours to aim. It's gonna be between 14-16 hours probably. I wish to focus on eating 3 meals and no snacks regardless. Some sweets here and there on occasion so I don't falter. If I go 14 hours it'll be like 9-19 feasting and that sounds really normal to me. Sooooooo I need to figure out my eating schedule as it is right now and then adjust. #2 Drink 2 bottles of water Different from my previous drinking goal, I wish to focus on drinking 2 bottles of water regardless of other intakes. So no more counting mugs of tea and glasses of water. I have a bottle and I need to empty it twice each day. #3 Walking This is still a 1 time a week goal. Other exercise goals are for later. #4 Therapy exercises I will keep this goal till I'm nailing it XD I will be happy if I get a 25% on this one #5 Take medication Most importantly laxatives. But also my supplements. Let's see how I do this time [emoji3] As always I'll be tracking things in more detail on my Google sheet. (Link in my signature) I made a handy progress sheet to see how I do over multiple challenges ^^
  2. I know what I'm doing! Kicking it off with the first Nerd Fitness Challenge! I attempted a challenge last month in the midst of the holiday craziness, and it didn't turn out well. There was just too much going on at once, and attempting to juggle a challenge? I was driving myself insane. But I'm not giving up! I never want to give up and stop trying. I will continue to come back, push through challenges, ask for help and motivation, and keep my chin up until I have built a concrete and successful routine to better my lifestyle. I did a lot of reflecting on what I need to do in a Respawn Point post, and I plan to dutifully stick to everything as much as I can. I can say that, on an emotional/mental level, I've been doing pretty good! I have been doing things to keep a smile on my face. I'm still learning to accept that being a sensitive individual is NOT a bad thing. I'm no longer pushing myself into social situations that I absolutely do NOT want to be in. Would it be nice to have a few folks to hang out with outside my family? Maybe, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I don't need to do that. The times I have gone out in an attempt to meet folks, I just didn't enjoy it. I tried to tell myself and others that I did, but I was trying to make my self-conscious believe it so that I would keep trying I guess. Our brain works in funny ways like that. I've also been fighting with a lot of past events that I still seem to fall back on at the oddest of times. Bad ex-roommate/friend situations, bad job situations, and just bad or sad things in general. I'm not sure why, but it happens every now and again. There were times when I felt guilty about the roommate/friend ordeal, but I have started down the path that I cannot and should not carry blame. I know, in my heart, that I did everything and anything I could for said group of people. I was there when they needed me, took care of them when they needed it, and gave far more than I should have. In the end, I was labeled as the bad friend, but I know the truth. I know what really happened, and that is what I'm going to remember. As for my work situation, I was not happy with my job. I didn't really like my job. It was stressful (probably too stressful for what I was getting into mentally) and just put a lot of pressure on me. I stayed there because it paid very well, offered me a lot of perks, and I was able to work remotely. I was able to visit family during holidays, and stay for a long period of time. In the end, I just couldn't handle it. Not in the state that I was. I am letting go of these things - these feelings and regrets - and not looking back. I am going to continue to look forward. I am going to learn from these lessons and work to be a better me! ALL OF THAT SAID: 2016? And now I move on! QUEST ONE: YOU BETTER WORK, WORK IT GIRL! I found three workouts that I wanted to do in order to start building up some stamina, muscle, endurance, and what not on Darebees. I plan on revisiting these three workouts as they are good for beginners. This quest is going to help me get back into a exercise routine while burning some calories, greasing up rusty muscles, and hopefully boosting my energy levels! I am also going to incorporate one day of yoga a week. This should help me work on my flexibility, maintain some good energy vibes, and possibly help with some lower back pain. THREE TIMES A WEEK: cardio inc workout | slow burn workout | mermaid workout ONCE A WEEK: various beginner yoga sequences QUEST TWO: MILLIONS OF PEACHES, PEACHES FOR ME! TRACK YO FOOD. That is literally what my second quest is going to be. When I was tracking my food, I was eating better. I was junk fooding less. I was just feeling better because I wasn't eating so much. I know that, in the past so many months, I have gained a lot of weight from overeating. Some of it has been stress eating. Some has been eating out of boredom (which is the WORST). There are a lot of things, but the most important thing is that I get back into tracking what I'm eating. Whether it's through My Fitness Pal, in a notebook, in a Google Doc; RECORD IT. Also, record how much water I'm drinking. I was drinking LOTS of water, but have been slacking. I also need to cut back on my soda drinking. It hasn't gotten out of hand, but I want to go down to one a week. I was down to drinking no soda, but I do enjoy Ginger Ale or Sprite every now and again. TRACK ALL FOOD. ONE SODA A WEEK. MORE WATER. QUEST THREE: OOH-OO CHILD, THINGS ARE GONNA GET EASIER! This one contains a WHOLE LOT of things that, I think, will make life EASIER and BRIGHTER. I may also have been watching Guardians of the Galaxy while writing this up. EITHER WAY? IT WORKS. I want to take time out to just make ME feel better. I want to make OTHERS feel better. I want to take better care of myself and not feel so G R O S S in so many words. Whether it's painting my nails, doing one of my Craftsy classes, working on crafts, or watching a silly movie that I love, I NEED TO DO THIS. I also want to do all of this with MY MOM. She needs lots of laughter and smiles right now and always. If I can keep my spirits up and keep myself in a good place, that will help HER be in a good place. See? IT WILL GET EASIER AND BRIGHTER! DO FUN THINGS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. (Once a day, a few times a week, WHATEVER! Just do it.) GET OUT OF YOUR JIMMYJAMS. (Even if it's to put on sweatpants or leggings or whatever! Brush your hair, take a few minutes to reflect, and smile!) YOU ARE IMPORTANT. (Take better care of yourself, girlfriend. You deserve it!) EXTRA: YOU CAN COLOR MY WORLD WITH HAPPINESS ALL THE WAY! As my extra, I keep picking up and putting down my sketch pads with little to nothing to show for it. My creativity and inspiration is very low almost like that weird snow you get on bad channels. STATIC! It's very frustrating because it use to be on HIGH ALERT for a long time. Apparently anti-depression medication (and medication that messes with your head in general) can cause this to happen. I don't want to force it because then it's not fun, but I want to get SOMETHING going. I've been poking around in my "ADULT" coloring books and working with color palettes. I need to find something to give me a bit of a jump start. There are a lot of challenges, inspirations, and what not on Pinterest and Instagram that I might look through. See what speaks to me and everything. I am ALSO trying to do a silly selfie a day through 2017 on Instagram! I just want to bring happiness and smiles to others, and remind myself not to take everything too seriously. I'm having a lot of fun with it so far. I'm even using some great Snapchat filters to add a little VA VA VOOM to them. It's great because the feeling of laughing just makes the day better. I'm very excited about really taking this challenge and owning it like a champ! I know I have a lot of great folks here to help me along the way, and to help me keep my rear in gear!
  3. The end of 2015 and the beginning of 2016 were very trying. The overload of emotional stress was overwhelming, and it took a lot to dig myself back out of the hole I was sitting in. I haven't quite reached the top yet, but I am getting closer to the opening. I am so happy to be jumping back into the challenge routine. I am keeping things very simple, but effective. Quest One: Eat Three Balanced Meals Every Day I'm really terrible at making sure I eat a breakfast and a lunch. I usually end up either not having breakfast and going right to lunch, or I eat a very late breakfast (brunch?) which means I skip lunch. By dinner time, I'm starving. This goes hand in hand, in my opinion, to making sure you're eating the right amount of calories/fat/sugar/etc. If you're not eating, you're not getting the amount your body needs, which doesn't help in the health and nutrition field. Did I have a breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day during the challenge? Yes or No Quest Two: Drink 8 Glasses of Water Every Day I had gone almost 300 days without drinking Soda until the second week of December 2015. I drank a total of five sodas, and I regretted it afterward. I felt so sick since I had not had any soda for so long. Needless to say, I have been successfully cruising along the No Soda road since then. However, I am not drinking nearly enough water, or I am trying to cram all glasses at one time in the evening. This should not be difficult because water = feeling good, no headaches, and no body aches. Among other healthy positives of course! Did I drink 8 glasses of water every day during the challenge? Yes or No Quest Three: Yoga for 10-20 Minutes I feel off my yoga train as well, which is very sad. I keep saying that I am going to get back into the routine, but I need to push myself to do it. I have been doing a lot of re-reading in the Academy, and I want to make this commitment to myself. I want to show myself that I am worth those few minutes every day. Even if it's every other day, I am allowed to take that time for myself to work on a better lifestyle. Did I do 10-20 minutes of Yoga for, at least, three days a week during the challenge? Yes or No Quest Four: 15 Minute Sketching To work on leveling up my life, I am going to take 15 minutes every day to sketch something. It does not have to be perfect or complete, but something will have to be on the paper. It can be anything! Rather than continuing to say I need to get back into drawing and art, I will do it.
  4. Hello Rebels! (& Amira), I’m here as a newb and determined to give this my all. My best friend was talking about this site she found where you act as if you were a character in a real life video game and training to level up your stats like in an RPG. I’m a huge Zelda fan. In fact, if I said I loved Link, it might be an understatement. I wear a gold Triforce necklace every day of my life, my phone case is Link sitting in a pocket with a Triforce on it and I carry around a Kingdom of Hyrule bag as my purse. When she told me about all the references to Zelda on the site, I just had to give it a look. And let me tell you, I’m glad I did. This is my first challenge, obviously. I’ve been slowly getting my stuff together recently (…again) because I realized that I’ve put on 26 pounds since moving in with my boyfriend in October. I’ve always been a bigger girl, and I’ve been “trying†to reach my goal weight since I was 16. I’ve done okay up until this point. I used to be 218lbs, and I’m down to 177 right now. In October I was 153. I’m 5’5†and I’ve got a pretty average build, and I’ve always hid my weight well. Even now, people think I’m 150 and I’m like HAAAAAA, I wish. The last time I lost weight (June- October 2013) I did it by eating only lean cuisines and working out with Jillian Michaels and her 30-day shred, this time I plan to do it with homemade super-food breakfast smoothies, fresh – never frozen- meals, working out, and a lot of water. I’m here as a heroine on a quest and a supporter of my people. I won’t and can’t fail [myself] this time. More about my story --h-e-r-e--> http://rebellion.nerdfitness.com/index.php?/user/31030-mander110/ MAIN QUEST To get damn sexy and not have to refer to my calorie counter to see how much I’m still allowed to eat versus feeling full and knowing I don’t need to count calories to maintain or lose weight. I want to love working out and feeling like I’m living a healthy lifestyle while looking damn good doing it. GOALS 1) Work out 3x a week or 3hrs a week A: Work out Tuesday, Thursday, & Sunday B: Work out Tuesday & Thursday (1.5 hours each) C: Work out Tuesday & Thursday (1 hour each) I’ve been going to the local CC to walk their track and jog up their stadium stairs every Tuesday and Thursday with a friend of mine. On the first day I did 4 sets and was tapped out. I saw people doing 10 sets of these stadiums and I was in complete denial that I would ever be able to do more than 5. Yesterday, the start of my 3rd week going (5th workout) I was able to accomplish 8 sets of stairs. There’s 84 steps and halfway up the steps get bigger. I plan to up my set every other time I go, unless I can honestly feel like I can push myself enough to up my reps every time. I’m excited to reach 10 sets, I’ll totally feel like I’m making progress (not that I don’t feel that way already) but it’s something that is a bit of a milestone for me, I was so shocked when I saw people doing them on day 1… I’ll get there. I do a half mile on the track then 4 sets of stairs and then briskly walk track for half a mile and then stairs again. In between stair sets I try to stretch or do something to keep my heart pumping – jumping jacks, crunches, wall push-ups or leg lifts. I also want to start doing the BBWW that was given to us on NF because I think it would totally whoop my ass into shape. I’ll start that tomorrow before my CC workout. 2) Drink Mas Agua A: Drink 72oz all 42 days B: Drink 72oz for at least 35 days C: Drink 54oz all 42 days D: Drink 54oz for at least 35 days F: Drink 33oz all 42 days I’m a Massage Therapist (well, a CA State Certified Massage Practitioner) and with the amount of energy I use giving massages and releasing my clients tension, I should really be drinking more water. I also want to drink more water because I know how much it curbs your appetite, most of the time I do couch eating is because I’m bored and want to taste something, not because I’m hungry. I was reading something, and it was actually probably on NF somewhere, that bored eating happens when you’re actually thirsty, so I’m making it my side quest to drink more high quality (or regular quality) H2O! 3) Eat better. A: Paleo B: Home cooked every day, mostly vegetables, no bread C: Home cooked every day, smaller portions no bread D: Home cooked every day with salad side LIFE QUEST Become an advanced DT/Sports/Therapeutic Bodyworker who is healthy and plays the role of a model therapist. I want my clients to take what I say seriously and feel confident that I know what I’m talking about when I recommend certain stretches/habits because I look fit and healthy. Nobody wants to take advice from a fat trainer – right? Same concept. I need to reach my goal weight because it’s something that I’ve been on-again-off-again working at for 7 years. That’s long enough. Now is the time. MOTIVATION My dresses are collecting dust in the closet because they're too snug Looking good GREAT in less clothing or & no clothing Finally accomplish the mission I set out to do 7 years ago I want to turn myself on when I look in the mirror Can't let my best friends get sexy without me And let's be honest, I wanna look damn sexy for my boyfriend current weight: 177.6 lbs goal weight: 137-145 lbs waist: 35" hips: 43.5" bust: 41"
  5. Challenge 10 -- June 9 to July 20 When left to my own devices, I often flounder and give up. BUT… Not Anymore! Firstly, I want to say thank you. Since I found Nerd Fitness - Feb 2013- I have never felt alone while trying to improve. I mean it, never. My staying power comes from this community: the individuals I chat with and trade support with; to the threads I read and enjoy but rarely speak up on. I will be more active in this community as this place is my key. You are my Key Master! *underpants thrown aside* Onto Action! Challenge 10 Goals - revised I am going to re-test myself, and the environment around me. Does that actually taste good or am I just assuming so, as I cram another swiss roll down my gullet? Do I like brussel sprouts? Hell no! Wait. Actually, I've assumed not for decades, because my parents made me eat them on vacation when I was a kid and I knew back then that I didn't like them. Now, however, I have no way of knowing if I don't try them. Goal 1: More Water and Solid Sleep; so my body can perform at its peak. For 2 points STA -- Drink 177 ozs of water per day, with one glass having sea salt for electrolytes. For 1 point CON -- To bed - no lights - before 11pm and up by 8am. The phone doesn't get used in bed, period. Goal 2: Strong Core Work; so I can do anything I darn well please, including free-running and parkour. For 4 points STR -- Complete Planks (get to 1 min.), Squat form with up to 45 lbs., and Push Ups (get to 5 regular pushups at one time). Goal 3: Better Food Intake; so I can enjoy and rely on healthy sustenance, which is what I truly crave, not sugar. For 5 points STA -- I will no longer consume desserts, candy, or other sugar-based items that cannot be considered a decent meal item. No packaged cookies, baked desserts or treats, no candy, and no maple syrup. The syrup is temporary until the sugar demons are settled enough to allow the occasional use of syrup - I don't use it much anyway, I just don't want to run to it, because it's not on the Forever List of Crap no longer allowed in my body at those quantities. Level Up Goal: will be to complete my business plan, apply for medicaid, and make my new curtains. For 3 points WIS -- I will: complete my business plan; enough financial support for continued therapy and money for food; and to post curtain porn? I will be using every trick in the book to reprogram my brain. I feel strong, confident, and angry enough to make this happen. Amazingly, the anger isn't pointed at me, but at those chemicals and neuro-pathways that need to change their tune and do it MY WAY. All goals, except Goal 3, will be graded according to how many days I complete the goal. Days -- 35/42 = A (100% of points) 28/42 = B (75%) 21/42 = C (50%) 14/42 = D (25%) < 14 days -- not going to happen! Goal 3 is pass or fail My guardian self...
  6. After a less than stellar last challenge where I learned a lot about myself, here's my next go at this. A couple important things before I get to the goals. March 15th will be my last day at my day job. Those of you who've followed my challenges in the past know that I work far more hours than any human being should. I'm finally figuring out how to deal with this and am taking steps to make my workload more manageable. About 2/3 of the way through the challenge, I'll be going on a week-long road trip. I'll try to keep my goals going (and am structuring them specifically for this reason), but it'll be a bit of a free week. It's a chance to drive across 3 or 4 states and visit friends every step of the way, so if I slack on the healthy eating or don't get all of my workouts in, I'm not going to sweat it. On May 11, I'll be leaving for my summer job. This job involves literally running up and down a mountain, among other things. What is this crazy job, you ask? I'm an actor/costumer for Tecumseh! Outdoor Drama. (tecumsehdrama.com if you want more info) So, as this will be my last full challenge before I leave, my focus is very much on preparing for the physical shape I'll need to be in for the summer. On to the goals! 1) This is a repeat from last time. I want to be able to run a mile without stopping. There was a time years ago when this was possible and it hasn't been for awhile. I happen to know that the first two days of rehearsals start with a run that's about 3/4 of a mile with some steep hills and I don't want to finish last! 2) I want to get stronger so that I can do the heavy lifting required of me this summer and ensure that my leg muscles are up for the intense dance rehearsals that will be happening. So, I'm committing to three beginner bodyweight workouts a week. I'm not putting any specifics on this. Obviously every other day is best, but I need some flexibility or they'll never happen. 3) I'm going to track my water intake. I'm pretty good at drinking water, except for if I'm drinking a lot of coffee or something because I have a long day. However, I need to be more aware of exactly how much so that I can survive a summer of no air conditioning without getting sick. 4) As part of my contract, I'm understudying the three biggest female parts, which means I have a lot of lines to memorize. By the end of the challenge, I want to have all of Rebekah Galloway's lines memorized. She not only has the most, but there'll also ones that I don't know as well from last summer because I was never in her scenes. I also have a tour script to memorize at some point, so if I can get her lines out of the way, it'll be a good chunk. So there we go. I'll assign attribute points later, my brain's too tired from work to figure those out right now. Let me know if you have any advice or encouragement for any of these! After really only have success on my life goal last time around, any advice on how to get back on the fitness wagon again would be super helpful.
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