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Found 2 results

  1. So, time to finish this challenge trilogy that started on Feb 5 - to go out of my comfort zone into the unknown and run the Wings for Life World Run as fast as I can. It wasn't easy for Luke to turn himself in to two most powerful Sith in the Death Star II in a desperate effort to restore freedom to the galaxy in that final battle. And it was quite a duel, both physically and even more psychologically, just like every good race. So, the main quest again stays the same (though I am rising the minimum to 12 km instead of 10 km) and it will hopefully and finally be fulfilled during this challenge. Subquests are also very similar, with upgrades/increases (marked purple). Why? I don't want to experiment too much before the race; I just want to hold myself accountable and improve on those things that work for me. Subquest 4 is entirely the same since I failed it last time. Decided to put to an end to those hurried devotions by designating at least 20 min of uninterrupted devotions, which means I'll have to be really disciplined in going to bed in time (Subquest 4) so that I can also get up in time to do the devotions before the day kicks in. Main quest: Run between 12 and 15 km in the Wings for Life World Run (Zadar location) on May 6 Subquest 1: do: (a) >6500 steps each day; (b) 1 weekly long run (>12 km, but shorter in the taper week); (c) 1 weekly speedwork with <5:30 min/km. -> 3 STA + 2 DEX Subquest 2: strength train 3 times a week with a weekly increase of the reps in a set on the pull-up bar (+1 rep each week - starting from 5 half pull-ups and 10 half chin-ups). -> 2 STR Subquest 3: have a: (a) vegan protein powder after each workout and (b) an IF three times a week. -> 1 CON: facilitates muscle gain & repair and fat loss + 1 CHA: increases attractiveness and confidence Subquest 4: go to bed between 10:45pm and 11:15pm, without internet; only devotions and time with wife permitted. -> 2 CON + 1 STA: boosts my immunity and energy levels Subquest 5: start the day with at least 20 min of uninterrupted devotions (incl. Scripture study, meditation and prayer), and end it with at least prayer. -> 2 WIS: helps me make wiser decisions + 1 CHA: makes me peaceful and better with people Let's bring freedom to the galaxy!
  2. Hi all, I’m a library director, a high school French teacher, a dad of two toddler-aged kids (son & daughter), and a lucky husband of a wife who is a huge support for getting fit – actually, I started because she took Mi Band 2’s stats seriously and began daily workouts. I followed because – competitiveness. And we figured we can’t afford becoming Jabbas in our 30s. I’m a huge Star Wars fan; also love Tolkien’s legendarium, Star Trek and Stargate. Used to play games; figured it took way too much of my time while not leaving meaningful trace. That’s why I now prefer writing SW fanfic. Huge lover of running – I just enjoy moving through landscape, reaching milestones and beautiful places by foot (I live in a scenic hilly part of Croatia). I do dumbbell and body-weight workouts to increase strength. I’m a non-Porg-eating vegan Chewie, in good company with Patrik Baboumian. As you can see on my character page, my long-term fitness goals are: being lighter (170lbs), leaner (cut that gross belly!), stronger (esp. in the arms & chest), getting much more sleep (increase from 6 to 8 hours) and having deeper endurance. My shorter-term (3 month) goal quest is the following: Main quest: Run between 10 and 15 km in the Wings for Life World Run (Zadar location) in May 6 Subquest 1: Increase weekly long distance run by 1 km each week so that it becomes 15k on March 11 [today, I ran 11k] <– daily steps for achieving it: follow the 7-day workout cycle (posted on my character page) Subquest 2: Go to bed AND off the internet by 11pm –> because that will help me have more energy and endurance, give greater chance for my muscles to rebuild and, yes, increase the rate of losing belly fat Subquest 3: Instead of checking phone or worrying about the day, start each of the following 28 days with Scripture study, meditation and prayer –> because that gives me peace, guidance and trust, and beats stress So, let it begin! P.S. I already told that in other posts, but I'm super excited about the NF movement. Fitness culture always looked dull and shallow to me. But with NF, I can retain all my dreamy nerdness and quirky geekness in the quest to be fit. Amazing!
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