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Found 3 results

  1. Ayyyyyo, Jumping on the boat late here. But, better late than never. It's go time. I am excited, I am pumped, and generally freaking out. But thats okay. To begin, this is my first challenge, and I couldn't be more excited. This is going to be a great 6 weeks. 6 weeks of just day after day of commitment and dedication. I have been committed before during my football days in High school and college, but since then I have always been one of those get excited for 3 days and then stop guys. Not this time. My goals for these 6 weeks. 1. Eating Paleo. Im diving right in. Cold turkey. It's gotta happen. 2. Workout 4 days a week. Generally some basic movements and then some sort of crossfit WOD to finish it off. 3. Be able to do one measly pull up. Never have been able to before. 4. Lose 30 pounds (Current weight 285) 5. And finally, just be more adventurous and more daring in my life. Or as Steve would call it, level up my life. Rewards: - I can't even begin to imagine how great my life would be if I was able to accomplish these feats. That alone would be a reward and what drives me. What tips do you guys have for me to accomplish these goals? I need you guys and your support. My support system where I live doesn't exist. Just a constant barrage of bringing me down and influence of bad eating habits. You guys are my support system. (Sidenote, but my reward for a total of 50 pounds weight loss would be the Star Lord jacket Chris Pratt wears is Guardians of The Galaxy.) Give me 2 claps and a Ric Flair, WOO! Clax The Destroyer.
  2. I did it! I got my first muscle-up! W00t!!!!
  3. Hello, Rebellion. I'm back again with my fifth challenge! Yes, I'm aware that I'm late to the party but better to be late than sorry! Or is it better to be sorry than late? I'm actually not too familiar with that saying. Main Quest! ~ Work on my fitness! Side Quests: ~ Gain a new skill to add to my CrossFit repertoire! Whether it's butterfly pull-up, a muscle up (gasp!), or Double-Unders, I'm going to learn something new! ~ Complete the 2014 CrossFit Games Open Workout each week! ~ Get in (at least) a three mile run weekly! I used to run a minimum of one mile, but now I'm stepping up my game. ~ Weigh myself weekly and keep track of my progress. I plan to weigh myself once a week and see where I'm heading. (Currently at 197 lbs) Life Quest! ~ Make plans to go to Chicago Comic-Con, Houston's own Comicpalooza, and Tough Mudder. I need to request those days off from work and make the necessary arrangements to attend. Here are the links for those conventions: C2E2: http://www.c2e2.com Comicpalooza: http://www.comicpalooza.com [iNSERT GIF OF WOLVERINE "DOING WHAT HE DOES BEST" HERE]
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