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  1. It's a story as old as time... Respawning! I am starting this challenge a little late, so I will use it to build up good tools and habits, so I can be at 100% for the next challenge! I am really working on myself right now, focusing on building out a better person both at work and in my personal life, and while learning about growth mindset, realized that I had gone into a place where I had neglected my body, and moved back to thinking that "nothing could be changed, I will stay this shape forever, this is my destiny". But how can I hope to change my mental habits and think I cannot change my physical aspect as well? So, I am trying again! I will start slow, build habits, focus on not being miserable, doing thing for ME and having an actually inspirational goal, not something I think I may be able to achieve but not really want. So for this time, I am deeply focusing on myself and thinking about what I REALLY WANT, versus what I hide myself behind. 3 goals for these 2 weeks to prep (goals 1 are for week 3, to be done by May 12th and goals 2 by the end of the challenge!). 1- Get inspired - really think about what I want to look like. The styles I like (not the styles I have to wear because of my body shape), the clothes I always wanted to wear. Also think about makeup, hair and nails, which I can start doing immediately! ---> Goal 1: identify styles I like in magazines - cut out 5-7 pictures ---> Goal 2: find pictures of people I like and want to emulate - cut out and put on the walls 2-3 pictures 2- Establish habits - for nutrition and for moving. I've let my diet go, to the point that my diet is now "whatever I want to eat". Let me tell you, I want to eat chocolate more often than vegetables. So this is where I start watching meal-prep videos and how to swap carbs-heavy meals with healthier (but still happy) alternatives. ---> Goal 1: Re-balance diet: go back to eating from noon (1145) to 10pm, and eat vegetables and/or fruits with every meal ---> Goal 2: start meal prepping again, in order to eat outside less and facilitate goal 1 3- Track things and adjust, in order to stay happy - The best indicator of me actually investing in myself is the time I dedicate to thinking about it and tracking to make sure I actually do the things, but don't get too crazy. And I know that if I start slow and build momentum, I will continue and actually get to a great place. 4 years ago I was eating paleo and mostly carb-free. This seems far away from an all choco diet, but I can slowly go back to it. I KNOW I CAN. ---> Goal 1: track all that I eat and my workouts in a Google spreadsheet (the sheet is built!) ---> Goal 2: Establish goals for eating (using Weight Watchers Points) and for exercising (keeping in mind all of the things that Staci told me AND my preferences) Let's start our journey again - this time I am bringing with me a positive spirit and a desire to celebrate small wins. Let's go!
  2. JK it’s me Jonesy! Netflix finally added Moana to their streaming and I think I’ve watched this movie 3 times in the last week, It’s like I’m 5. Since the songs have been stuck in my head, I decided to use it for my challenge theme. I’m also going to incorporate my game into this challenge. The points for activities at least. Overall Passing Points Goal = 584 Stronger than you think I like improving on my dead hangs so I want to keep that going. For other workouts, I need to do at least 2 a week. I failed pretty hard at having regular workouts last challenge. Dead Hangs (PR 10s) Bodyweight Workouts Cardio Workouts Wayfinding for the soul I love the idea of a routine but I struggle following them. I want to change this. Part of me wants the structure but the other part wants to do what I feel like I want to do...not necessarily what I NEED to do. Again, I want to change this. So for both zero weeks I’m going to work on creating some routines and then seeing how well I follow them for the challenge. create a workout routine to follow create a morning routine to follow create a nightly routine to follow create a household routine to follow Week 1-4 TBD Points awarded for routines Don’t be tricked by shiny things With the increased Regional transit authority (RTA) tax for my car this year ($250 more than last year) I really need to save up for my Sept/October bill. I also realized that I spent WAAAAY too much money on take out. Like embarrassingly too much. Zero week I’ll spend some time, not money, creating a monthly budget and possible the weekly ones. Create a Monthly and Weekly budget Bills identified and paid Set spending for week and stay equal or under Unplanned spending on food will result in negative points
  3. "OK! This time will be it! I'm going to do it!" Red exclaims to himself! Chest puffed out, hands raised determinedly in the air, ready to take on the world! "Hey you! Get back to work!" a voice cries out from behind him! "Y-yes, Mistress!" He shrieks as he resumes his job As the days pass, Red notices that the weeks fly by, rather quickly. The general labor is tough, and he has gotten somewhat stronger, but something is missing. This strength is... Raw, unrefined, incomplete. Red understands far too well that the muscle that goes forgotten shrinks and withers away. Friends and companions that he doesn't put the effort into maintaining communication will leave him behind. Knowledge that isn't constantly refreshed will be lost in time. "But not this time!" Red says to himself, "I will not let this happen!" Tired as he was from his work, Red was determined to not let his other stats fall, not while he has a chance! Armed with items that'll help him improve in some areas of his life, he starts his challenge armed with high hopes and seemingly random stuff! Practice Guitar 3 times a week! (for at least 30 minutes) Pts - Cha +3 Dex +2 Build up to working out 3 times a week (Advanced Bodyweight routine by Steve) Pts - Sta +3 Str +1 Check Nerdfitness community once a week (to update the community and check on others if there's enough time) Pts - Cha +2 Reading every day for 30 minutes! Pts - Wis +3 Cha +1 Monday: Comic books (Starting with Marvel's Civil War) Tuesday: Catholic Bible (Student's version) Wednesday: Physics of the Human Body Thursday: Art of War (then Marcus Aurelius' Meditations, then something else philosophical) Friday: Human Anatomy: Descriptive and Surgical
  4. Hi everyone!! This is my first quest with the assassins and I’m really excited to be here!! From the beginning I've really waffled between the Rangers and the Assassins, and I think that lack of focus will kind of show in my goals for the challenge. I ultimately chose assassins thanks to the helpful advice of our assassin ambassadors -- mostly because bodyweight workouts are part of my long term goals, and while I am working on weight loss, quite of my few personal/long-term goals for the next year land me squarely in this category over the more cross-fitty training of the Rangers. I'm spending the next ten weeks working in lovely Ireland and am going to have access to gyms, which I want to take advantage of. So even though I’m training with you lovely assassins, I’m have some freeweight & running related goals this challenge! Current Main Quest: Lose 15 pounds (drop from 150 to 135) before I move to London in September 2015. Build enough core & upper body strength through regular body weight or free weight exercise that I no longer have back pain when sitting for prolonged periods of time. Enroll in dance lessons sometime in the next year. Maintain a regular running schedule and begin training for my first half-marathon in fall of 2015, hopefully run the big 26.2 in April of 2016. Some goals for future challenges will include: Swing Dance Lessons & Practice Run A Half Marathon Pushup Challenge -- 20, 30, and beyond Tai Chi Classes NOW. I want to post my progress pics from the last quest to help inspire myself when the going gets tough. Possibly NSFW as I am wearing a sports bra/pants: Challenge 1 start: 148 lbs One, Two Challenge 1 finish: 142 lbs One, Two Challenge 2 start: 140 lbs Challenge 2 finish: To give you an idea of my trajectory, observe my high weight (192 lbs) almost eight years ago.... I have fluctuated back and forth a bit, but for the most part I have been steadily losing in small increments. I went gluten-free six years ago and cut all sodas/most sugar etc in the last three years. I'm hoping that by the end of this challenge I'll be just that much closer to a solid healthy weight (not to mention healthy cholesterol levels!!)! In short, I want to complete my SUPERHERO TRANSFORMATION! In addition to fitness, I love to travel, I crochet, I am addicted to Harvest Moon on my DS and I'm moving to London in September. I'm hoping to make some friends amongst the assassins this challenge!! Please feel free to follow or comment if you have similar goals or think we'd get along & be able to support one another! GOAL ONE: Running Wild Last challenge I focused on working out 5x weekly, and I want to continue that goal.... with that in mind, I rewarded myself for a job well done in my first challenge with a fancy new hydration belt! Ohhhhh, ahhhhh! SO. I am beginning to train for my first half-marathon this summer, intending to run in October. I’m using the Galloway Method for run/walk training and I need to get serious about my longer runs in particular. This isn't about speed or times, just about STAMINA! I am varying between 1/1 minute run/walks and 2/1 minute run/walks. I intend to run at 2/1 or 3/1 in October, depending on how my training goes. Cardio 3x weekly: Run/walk according to the half-marathon training schedule here, slightly modified as I am aiming to race in October: Short runs Monday and Saturday, long run on Wednesday afternoon/evenings. WEEK ONE: 30 minute run 2X weekly, 4 mile run 1X weekly. (30 x 2 complete, 4 mile complete) \o/ WEEK TWO: 30 minute run 2X weekly, 5 mile run 1X weekly. (30 x 2 complete, 5 mile complete) \o/ WEEK THREE: 30 minute run 2X weekly, 2.5 mile run 1X weekly. (30 x 2 complete, 2.5 mile complete) \o/ WEEK FOUR: 30 minute run 2X weekly, 6.5 mile run 1X weekly. (30 x 1 complete, 6.5 x 1 complete) WEEK FIVE: 30 minute run 2X weekly, 3 mile run 1X weekly. WEEK SIX: 30 minute run 2X weekly, 8 mile run 1X weekly. Earning +3 STA +2 DEX upon completion. Full point docked for non-attempts each week, partial points docked for non-completion of attempted runs. GOAL TWO: Weighty Goals For my second goal I'm hoping to roll free weights into my workout routine this summer. Weights 2x - 3x weekly 3x weekly is an option IF and only if I can double up on a short run day. I want to give myself two off days for recovery, work and my life quest each week. My routine: 3x sets of 12 barbell rows 3x sets of 10 military presses 3x sets of 12 curls 3x sets of 12 lateral pull-downs (where possible) In addition I want to practice my four Assassin mini body-weight moves plus the 20 squats and lunges from my body weight workout. I will try to raise my AMRAP on these on each weight day: Bent knee inverted rows Pushups Wall sit Lying leg raises I also want to work towards doing reps of full pushups rather than kneeling pushups as a continuation of my pushup-related goal in my last challenge. WEEK ONE: 2/2 WEEK TWO: 2/2 WEEK THREE: 2/2 WEEK FOUR: 0/2 WEEK FIVE: 0/2 WEEK SIX: 0/2 Completion guarantees +3 STR + 2 CHA GOAL THREE - Victory Over Vices: Last challenge I cut down on alcohol consumption, and just like with goal 1 I want to continue that goal and add a second. My goal is to drink only at work related functions and drink no more than two glasses of wine per night, maxing at six per week. I have no days off this challenge, so I’m not adding any caveats – though on the one day I may be meeting friends in early July I will waive this rule. Part B, though. Part b is going to be killer, because I freaking LOVE salt/salty foods/bitter/vinegary foods, ugh. I tend to add salt even before I taste food, which is a ridiculously stupid habit to maintain. Part A -- Drink only at work related functions and drink no more than two glasses of wine per night -- or the caloric equivalent (250 cal) in other booze! Part B -- NO ADDED SALT TO MEALS. Earning +2 CON +2 WIS upon completion. Dock .25 points per daily failure. Week 3 -- -.25 for added salt Week 4 -- -.25 for extra booze Bonus! Life Quest: I completely failed this my first challenge, so I am going to repeat the goal with actual time-management requirements built in. Read 2 self-improvement books on interpersonal communications - for this challenge I've selected "Thanks for the Feedback: The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well" and "How to Speak, How To Listen". Earn .5 charisma points per book! During my second challenge I will read from 30 – 45 minutes on each rest-day during the week. If I manage to finish both books I will add a third (my Galloway method marathon training guide) with no points bonus.
  5. Being late seems to become a second nature for me . I'm not sure that I like this... Anyway, here are my targets. Actually I have started at the right time last monday, but no online free-time until now. Earth, the place where the foundations should be. Earth is solid, is stable, it does not change and it it at the base of every thing else. For me earth is my "long life" routine: meditate 15-30 minuteskarate outdoor (30 minutes) or walk (2 hours)sleep 50 hours per week (7 hours/day, but I use the average per week to give me some room)eat daily according to plan (2 meals per week are free)CON +2, STA +2, WIS +1 Fire is the destroyer, the bringer of emptiness and new order. Decluttering is the key word decluttering 15 minutes every dayCHA +3 Water is always moving, always changing, always adapting. It is something that takes always new forms. I need the agility to move like water follow GMB F1 progressionDEX +2. STR +2 Air is freedom, it is growing and expanding. As should my knowledge as a martial artist have at least 3 sessions with my Sensei or a more experience studentWIS +2, DEX+1 Edit: the mighty tracker
  6. Moving right along, footloose and fancy free Alright, so for the viewers just turning in.... I'm PrincessHeather and I'm one of the Warrior guild leaders. I was once a severe calorie restricter and cardio punisher, but I have since see the light and I try to eat a mostly clean diet (paleo/primal/WAP mix) and lift heavy things. I started with completing the New Rules of Lifting for Women program, and then as life got busy things have sort of gotten off track and I'm finally in a place to get things back on the road, so to speak. I have about 1 month to finalize all elements of my final grad school project (after some major hiccups), and will graduate before the end of this challenge. I have also been unhappy in my job for the past 3 years, and I just this week left that job and started someplace new, which so far is just awesome! And I'm pretty happy and comfortable and adjusted to life in Alaska now, it's like 35 degrees and I'm not even cold! So things have fallen into place after all being thrown into overdrive last fall, and my hope is that will new focus and routine and the weight of grad school lifting off my shoulders, I'm going to be able to get my health in check and be better equipped to handle whatever new stuff life throws at me. GOAL #1: SURVIVE FINAL MONTH OF GRAD SCHOOL This is pretty simple, its pass/fail, as in GRADUATE OR ELSE. Final presentation is on May 13th. MEEP! GOAL #2: Get into routine with fitness again. I need to establish a new routine, as my job is in a completely different part of town and I'm already learning a new commute and job routine. Its, the perfect time to get things established. I was NO good at planning my own workouts either, and if left to my own devices I completely neglect upper body work. SO, I have embarked on going through the New Rules of Lifting Supercharged program. I know that Stronglifts and such are far more popular on the boards, but honestly that method has alwasy devolved in me doing squats or deadlifts and then going home, so it's just not righ for me. Supercharged has "basic training" up first which is split up into A and B workouts. Goal is one A and one B a week. Summer is also approaching fast, which means that GOAL #3: Stop eating like a crazy person! When we moved, all my habits and meal planning and cooking routines sort of got ruined... moving across the country will do that. I got hooked on junky stuff while travelling, and I'm really only now being more discplined and/or deliberate in the things that are worth it in terms of junk food or less than ideal choices. I'm trying to meal plan for real now, since that should also mean having more leftovers around for lunches, and keeping our grocery budget in check in a place where produce is super pricey. Let the internet hilarity ensue, like Statler and Waldorf here! TL;DR Version: 1. Graduate, it's that simple. 2. Lift 2x/week, at least one bonus activity (hiking/zumba/yoga/etc). 3. Rough meal planning is a must, and eat well. Starting Stats TBD
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