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  1. I'm back with a low-key challenge after disappearing due to a combination of illness, stressors, and having other priorities. Going to keep the challenge set up and design simple because the priority is just making progress. Things have been happening offline - I've greatly improved our garden (we have grass now!), mostly painted another room in the house, and we got a DOG! The latter has been both disruptive and helpful when it comes to routines. I need to get back into the habit of doing strength/skill sessions, but thanks to regular dog walks I am at least getting ~5-8k steps in most days. My endurance is definitely better and my weight is in a good place, too. The other big to-do in my life is career planning/development, as I will be job-searching this summer. Right now I'm focusing on picking up more skills (adjacent to my current ones) so I have more options. I also need to build a portfolio that demonstrates those skills. So, goals for this challenge will be Figure out new routines for strength/skill/mobility work. By the end of the challenge, I'd ideally like to be training 2-3x/week. Sessions can and will be short while I figure out how to allocate spoons. I will also experiment with making my walks more difficult by rucking (which is completely new territory for me), and I will count that as a strength training option for this challenge. Do skill or career development at least 4x/week, with at least two "creative" sessions (i.e., making something that's not an example/tutorial, although it can use those as a basis). Again, these sessions don't need to be long or arduous - I just need to make consistent progress. As usual I will use emojis to track my progress: 💪 bodyweight strength/skill session 📚 career skills session 🎨 creative career skills session Week 1 (starting Monday) ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ [Bodyweight strength and skills] 📚 ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ ⬜ [Career skills]
  2. Hey all, long time no see! Work went completely sideways on me, and I think I knew after last year I'd either have to wait to pick this back up until I either moved up in the company and got a normal M-F schedule, or left the company. The last 3+ years have been an educational experience - but it's time to leave the job that's been eating my life and making it difficult for me to develop routines in my life that didn't involve eating fast food. The experience I gained while there has opened a couple of doors for me, and I will be leaving my current company this Friday. Which is both really exciting, and really scary. I have learned a lot for my career, but my health (both mental and physical) has taken a hit - I am tired, stressed, and my breathing issues have gotten worse which I think is largely due to lack of exercise the last few years, but working in a powder production / chemical factory while also having a sensitive respiratory system to begin with probably also didn't help. I was getting my RHR lower most of last year but added stress currently have it hovering in the mid 80's, which... is not great. I'm giving myself a couple of weeks between ending this job and beginning the new one, for a couple of reasons - one is to give myself some time to decompress and process after leaving my current job, and the other is to give myself a chance to start developing some habits before getting to the new job. Main quest - reclaiming my health bar 1 - Flee the zoms: Picking back up with Zombies, Run! as a training program, going for walk/runs on a nearby trail when weather allows, and doing indoor training when it doesn't. Week 1 plan - Train today (Monday), Thursday and Saturday. 2 - Food planning - I'm actually doing a lot better on this than I had been when I still lived in nowheresville, but right now I'm having trouble with the actual food planning part - thankfully I have some back pocket recipes that are easy to throw together (I have some chicken noodle soup cooking in the Instant Pot right now due to lack of planning/executive disfunction issues) but I would like to get more to the point of actually having a set menu for the next week, get the list together, and get what I need for that. Mealime has been super helpful getting me partway there, so my goal is to get better at planning ahead for food. Week 1 plan - I have smoothie stuff for tomorrow morning, and ingredients for soup/salad lunches and shepherd's pie dinners Tue and Wed (work days), I'll have to go get groceries Thursday for the rest of the week. 3 - Unpack and reset apartment: I moved early last year, but never unpacked all the way - I would like to get the clutter dealt with, get some new shelves and other items I picked up put up, and generally just reset my home base to be a place that helps make my life easier and less stressful. I think step 1 of this is going to be making a list, since it's been too big of a thing to tackle on its own and needs to be broken down. Week 1 plan - take stock of what needs to be done, and write it down as a list. I'll reassess after the first week a bit and try to determine whether I need to adjust anything or not. I'll also try to post on here at least twice a week to help keep up motivation.
  3. For my 5 Week Challenge, I'm pursuing the following goals: 1. Meditation Station Clear a space in my office to put my yoga mat down. Complete a meditation each morning before getting on my computer. [Constraint] meditation can be no more than 5 minutes. Meditation can be guided or quiet. Find a good source of guided meditations. Spotify? 2. What is Superfluous? Background: One of my lessons I took from my cross-country bike tour is how to identify what is superfluous. When I moved out of my old apartment, I realized how much stuff I had accumulated since graduating college. Currently, the majority of my possessions live at my parents' house. My goal is to reduce the amount of stuff I have by about half over the next five weeks. Utilize the Marie Kondo Method of tidying up and letting go. Identify a good location to donate your stuff to. Clothes Find what doesn't fit, or hasn't been worn in more than a year. Donate. From what's left, decide how many of each article of clothing you need. Donate everything else. Books, Games, and Movies Books <No Strategy Yet> Movies If you haven't watched it in the past year, donate. Games <No Strategy Yet> 3. LeetCode it up Complete the Dynamic Programming Course from YouTube [Constraint] Can not watch more than 1 chapter per day Practice with LeetCode [Constraint] Can not attempt more than 1 problem per day EDIT: Forgot I have a major project I need to tackle over the next 5 weeks (What is Superfluous?) Replaced my workout quest with it since I'm still getting lots of exercise on my bike. Thank goodness for Week Zero!
  4. Hi there! Hope you're having a nice day! Soooo, this is my first forum post ... ever... in my life... how is that even possible?!!! I've got a few things going on at the moment- I've decided to finally confront my obesity head on and I'm about to start a new career any day now, along with making myself more active physically and socially. So here it goes, my first 5 week challenge! 🤞💪 1. Exercise 3 times per week 2. Stay on track with healthy eating everyday (be mindful of what I eat, why and when) 3. Get out of house every day, even for 10min (in these days, with the cold outside and going out being unnecessary, that can take some will power) 4. Start my internship (I'm in the process of applying, sure to get it but a bit terrified of it, so I believe it is nice to reward myself with some XP upon finally doing it) I'm rooting far all you guys to level up multiple times this month and be content with how things go! 🍀 PS I've discovered NF community only just now and it sounds AMAZING!!! I've always found fitness and health communities a bit fancy, overachieving and pressurizing, but this one... now this one sounds like a place to be in and enjoy yourself! I've always loved fantasy stuff, spent hours watching my brother play games, but for most of my life I haven't quite cultivated that side of myself. Two years ago I started playing DnD and tried out some other games, and it helped me realize just how wonderful nerdiness can be- how it can help you feel free, enjoy yourself and fire you up for some things in other fields in your life. Upon looking over thousands of communities, sites and motivational videos I can easily say that nothing has hyped me up as much as this character levelling, XP gaining approach. I can't believe I've never thought of looking at the process of weight loss this way!!! I'm super excited!
  5. Hey guys and gals, So I've always been a jack of all trades in life, always jumping around to different interests and never quite sticking with any one. I'm fortunate enough to have a good education and a job that can at least give me the income to pay the bills and let me try some new things, but I have always struggled with finding my true calling. I have always known this was a temporary job and didn't know how to make my way out of it. Around the time I started reading Level Up your Life and discovering the community here, something in me clicked into place and told me to wake up, that I deserve better than a job that makes me miserable. While this has been a huge blessing, It's a double edged sword. I have boundless energy, but it always feels as though I can't decide a path to direct it, like a car spinning its wheels in the mud. I desparately want to find something that is my true calling, and while I've been able to eliminate a lot of options, I still get lost in a sea of choices often when I think about it. So I thought I'd poll you guys for some advice. For those of you who know what your calling is, how did you find out? And for those who are still looking, what steps are you taking to find it?
  6. "While Godric was out adventuring, and Salazar was busy scheming, and Rowena was lost in her books, Helga got shit done." - variation on what the Sorting Hat says in a fanfiction I read once upon a time I feel like I need to start with the disclaimer that I'm actually a Slytherin. And a Thunderbird. But this leaves me with a lot of dreaming and scheming and doing in bursts, but not so good with the slow and steady stuff. So this time around, my goals are the same as last challenge, but I'm focussing on consistency. I matters less that I do an equal or great number of minutes running or reps with weights, but more that I get to the fucking gym. Or upper deck. Or something. DAILY. So yes, I'm looking to get some points for Hufflepuff. Or Havik, if you're familiar with that part of the rebellion (I'm currently undercover, i.e. unsubscribed due to lack of internet). Not sure I have anything else to say. If I think of appropriate quest or mission titles I'll update. Otherwise, expect more or less the same as my last challenge, probably with the same number of updates, just larger quantities of information. Because while I may have started paying for internet slightly more efficiently, it still costs too much. >.<
  7. As some of you are aware, in 2017 I began to pursue my dream job. As said in-the-know people know, I also got the job. I know, incredibly exciting. Except... Update: Dream job? Not actually challenging enough for me. I blame NerdFitness. Why? ...Storytime! (Feel free to skip to post 2 for information on my actual challenge. This is a [hi]story and justification post.) Setting: 2015. An idyllic city-town. Dramatis Personae: A 26 year old, unemployed person of indeterminate gender. Out of shape, living a life of internet browsing, role-playing games, and video games. Not necessarily in that order. - Stop me if you've heard this one. ... Oh wait, this is NF. We've not only all heard this one, most of us have lived it. Well, here's my variation: When I signed up for the Academy, I was in a relationship that had turned toxic. We were both starting to realize that it was not only reaching the point of no return, but had in fact passed said point behind months - possibly years - before. Worst of all, however, was that I had changed myself - my goals and ambitions, my life plan, my habits and attitudes to accommodate his - There's a little voice in my head that still whimpers what more could you have wanted? But more importantly, he never asked for any of that. Those changes? All entirely completely my choice. - and I didn't realize the full extent of those changes until we broke up. As I'm sure many of you are familiar with, post-breakup me was briefly in denial. After the denial, I became angry. But one of the things that I will forever thank my parents for is that I was raised not just to get angry but take that anger and think. Now if only they'd taught me to do that while in a relationship, I might have avoided that whole emotional mess >.< So in my post-breakup anger, I realized that while I was angry at him for effective breaking promises - There may not have been literal rings, but the same promises were made. - I was much more angry with myself. Because I while I rarely compromised in arguments or decisions, I compromised on opinions, and attitudes, and lifestyle. It took a little while, but eventually I got over the self-berating phase and started focussing on getting my life and myself back to something that I could at least be somewhat proud of. Enter Respawn #1. And why I blame NerdFitness for my dream job not living up to expectations. During this respawn, I rebooted my Academy account. Erased quests, deleted character stories, erased quotes, and started again from the beginning. Everyone remembers the first step right? If not here's a reminder: FIND YOU BIG WHY. And here's the one I formed then: I closed my eyes and forgot who I was. I looked at others and compromised myself. I stopped learning. I stopped doing. I refuse to let this happen again. When I change, it will be growth, not recession. I want to be aware of who and what I am becoming. We all change over time of course, and my Big Why has evolved along with my emotional state, my mental acuity, and my physical fitness. This is now my Big Why, and also why my formerly dream job just isn't cutting it anymore. Never again settle for the status quo. Know what I want, and go for it. Gain strength, endurance, and mental focus. Increase self-awareness. Practice appreciation. Broaden cultural horizons. Expand spiritual experiences. SO! I first got onto the ship, and it was great for the first month and a half or so. And while my workout routine has greatly improved (there's only so much to do on a ship after all, and hitting the gym is never the worst choice) very little else in my current position actually aligns with my Big Why. Honestly, I can do this job 10 or 20 years from now. Which leads me to this challenge. Working cruise ships was turning left. The Other Left, as it were, is the armed forces. Ambitious maybe, especially considering how out of shape I used to be, but here's something else I took and internalized post- breakup: Ambition is not a crime. Know what you want. And go for it. So. Here we go.
  8. Lilmissbri joins the Game of Thrones Now, obviously, the ending hasn't happened yet. BUT this probably my favorite show of all time besides Avatar: The Last Airbender (for completely different reasons.... obviously). Season 7 started last month and it's all I can think about these days! So let's make it the theme. Mwahaha. - - Become No One ~ Fitness Goal: Complete this 14 day pilates challenge. -- Grow a Dragon ~ Diet Goal: Drink 3 bottles of water and serve dinner with veggies every day. Bonus: New paleo recipes I actually like to make and eat. -- Fight to Be Better ~ Level Up Your Life Goal: Update Voices profile, finish Self-Management for Actors, plan out animated video schedule. Bonus: Complete 5 or more auditions per day. -- Converse with the One True God ~ Spirit Goal: Complete the 5 Day Reading Plan and go to church every Sunday. _.-*-._.-*-._
  9. **Idea totally inspired by Cataleya - Roadmap. ***New PS4 Icon edited by Niilack on Reddit. Thank you! Could not find that image anywhere! I am a gamer who loves to Platinum games. =^_^= If you've seen any of my monthly challenges, this is abundantly clear. I loved @Cataleya's idea of a Roadmap so much, that I decided to make this year like a game that I need to play through and platinum. There will be bronze trophies, silver, gold, and the beautiful Platinum. Horizon Zero Dawn is the title because it's the game I am most looking forward too this year. *I hope it's not a disappointment* EDIT: It was not a disappointment!! Yay! ROAD MAP Overview: Estimated trophy difficulty: Personal Estimate: 10/10 (Platinum Difficulty Rating) Offline trophies: 26 (13, 7, 5, 1) Online trophies: 0 Approximate amount of time to platinum: 365 Days (Estimated Time to Platinum) Minimum number of playthroughs: 1 Number of missable trophies: All of them since there is a time limit on this game. Glitched trophies: 3 District 12, I Volunteer As Tribute, No Hacks Required Does difficulty affect trophies?: N/A Do trophies stack?: Yes. Do cheat codes disable trophies?: N/A Introduction: This game is going to be rough. It's about improving your eating habits, flexibility, knowledge, cooking skills, career, gaming, and weight/strength. There are no cheats available and the difficulty is set. Once you unlock a trophy, the image will appear that way we all can follow along and keep track of how you're doing. Updates, Patches, DLCs Warning: This game is continually updating, patching, and sometimes unexpected DLC is added. So I will keep this guide as updated as possible by editing this post and labeling accordingly. Thank you for being patient. Step One: Play through the monthly challenges. Completing and passing those should lead in quite nicely into achieving the other trophies. Trophy Guide: Nerd Fighter You finished the year and met all of your goals! Complete and earn all of the trophies Is This Easy Mode? Platinum/Play Through 6 Games on the PS3. Heavy Rain, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Red Dead Redemption, The Last of Us (can be done with remastered version on the PS4), Uncharted 1-3 (Can be done with the remastered version on PS4), LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (can be done with the PS4 version) and Fairytale Fights are some options right now. Game options could change with an upcoming patch. Lilmissbri's Update (Jan 18): I have platinum-ed 2/6 (Heavy Rain and Harry Potter) games here so far. Good Progress! Progress Update (Jan 27): Beyond: Two Souls is completed and platinum is obtained. Progress Update (Feb 11): LEGO Marvel Super Heroes plat is obtained! Progress Update (Jan 27): The Last of Us is finally platinum-ed. No Hacks Required! Play through Horizon Zero Dawn, Borderlands, Fallout 4, and The Witcher 3. This trophy is glitched. When one does not like of the games fundamentally, then it doesn't seem to affect obtaining the trophy. As long as the player throughly tries. Odd. Progress Update (Apr 10): I have platinized Horizon Zero Dawn! Huzzah!! Are You Even Trying? Platinum Rise of the Tomb Raider and Ether One on the PS4. - Unlocked February 17th This is time consuming, but completely doable. Progress Update (Jan 18): I have finished RotTR. Just need to work on LEGO. PATCH UPDATE (Feb 14): Patch came through and LEGO Marvel Super Heroes no longer qualifies for this trophy. Need to Platinum Ether One. You can still use LEGO towards Is This Easy Mode? Progress Update (Feb 17): Ether One has been platinumed. I Read About It In Hogwarts, A History Read 12 books. - Earned September 10th They can be any book; however you have to include Lord of Shadows which will be available DLC at the end of May. However, you must read Self-Management for Actors, Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography, Heir of Fire, The Bane Chronicles, and Phantom to complete other trophies. So you might as well read them and they count towards this trophy. Progress Update: I finished Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (May) | Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Jun) | Lord of Shadows (Jun) | Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (July) Don't You Two Read? Read 6 books. - Earned May 22nd Pick up 6 books either at the apt., buy them online, or buy them at the store. However you get them, read them! Progress Update: I finished Scrappy Little Nobody (Mar) | Phantom (Apr) | Queen of Shadows (May) Books! And Cleverness! Read 3 books. - Obtained February 16th Just do it. Progress Update: I finished Heir of Fire (Jan) | The Bane Chronicles (Feb) | Lemony Snicket: The Unauthorized Autobiography (Feb) Black Swan Assassin Achieve the Splits. Stretching consistently and often will help towards this trophy. Heya, Sugar Get down to 18% body fat. This is a very difficult trophy to get. BUT, is completely doable within the time frame. Just continue to focus on the monthly challenges and this should pop without even trying, but lots of sweat. Progress Update: 21.3% body fat (Feb. 8th) Progress Update: 20.3% body fat (Mar. 15th) Progress Update: 18.4% body fat (Apr. 18th) Progress Update: 20.3% body fat (May 24th) AS IF! Clean out and update your closet. Take a month to really focus on this. Get rid of old clothes, put stuff aside to update, and upgrade your closet. The biggest priority are pretty of outfits that are business casual for work/auditions. District 12 Do not drink soda/alcohol for 6 months. - Unlocked July 1st There is a glitch for this trophy. Drinking soda/alcohol on special occasions or at restaurants don't seem to count; however, I would try to keep away if you can. Just in case. Progress Update (Jan): Just drank water and tea all month. Oh and coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. Progress Update (Feb): Lots of water, tea, and coffee. Some alcohol, but it was in celebration of a gig or anniversary. Progress Update (Mar): Definitely some if-y moments of Costco lunches involving soda and stressful days with some alcohol, but overall still just coffee, water, and tea! Progress Update (Apr): All good! Progress Update (May): Continuing my streak! I have really not a taste for soda and alcohol much anymore. Except for when it's paired with a delicious Italian dinner or that sweet In-and-Out burger. Progress Update (Jun): I did it! The Fools Who Dream Earn your first official gig. - Unlocked January 27th There are a couple different ways this can be obtained. Voices.com, CastingCall.Club, through an agent, through connections, etc. One Ring To Rule Them All Get your ring fixed. Though there is transportation, decisions, and some money involved. Therefore it takes some time to arrange. Take a month to focus on this alone and get your ring fixed. It's rather easy, just time consuming. One Ring To Find Them Get your ring cleaned. - Unlocked May something or other. Fairly simple. Just go to the store and get it cleaned. Timeline on this is it has to be done by the end of May or else you don't get the trophy and your warranty breaks. I Wanna Take a Bath In That Sauce Learn 12 new recipes that are tasty and include veggies either as a side or takes up 2/3s of the meal. Just try out new things. I've found the best thing to do is search the internet for easy recipes and just try to make them. This one is kinda hit or miss, but it's the best thing to do. Progress Update: Cheesy Hasselback Zuccini Pizzas (2/6) | One-Pan Chicken & Roasted Veggies (2/8) | Taco Casserole (2/15) | One Pan Healthy Italian Sausage & Veggies (2/18) Progress Update: Beef Stuffed Zucchini Boats (3/15) Progress Update: Green Smoothie with Banana and PB (5/4) | Tomato Spinach Chicken Spaghetti (5/4) | Lemon Chicken with Veggies (5/10) Progress Update: Paleo Pizza Potato Skins (7/20) | Fried Eggs with Roasted Tomatoes and Mushrooms (7/21) | Paleo Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Bacon and Apples (7/25) Progress Update: Bang Bang Shrimp Pasta (Oct) City of Stars Finish and submit your application for a scholarship. - Earned March 7th, 2017 This isn't that hard. At all. Just take it one step at a time. Record your audio and then edit. If you're happy with it. Look over the written portion again for spelling mistakes and grammar issues. Does it still sound like you? If yes, then send and the trophy pops! Azarath Metrion Zinthos Complete 20 yoga workouts. Head to YouTube and find some yoga workouts around 20 minutes long. The length counts. Any shorter and it may not count towards the trophy. Progress Update: I did two yoga routines in Mar/Apr. Progress Update: I did seven yoga routines in Apr/May. Progress Update: I did two yoga routines in July. Progress Update: I did eight yoga routines in September. You Can Brush My Hair Get your hair cut and colored. - Earned Feb. 23rd 2017 In the beginning of this year, your hair looks ratty, very long, and needs to get done. Make an appointment, get it done, and look/feel great! It Is So Choice Pay for your car registration on time. - Unlocked April 4th 2017 This time you have to get your car SMOG-ed so set an appointment and get it done! X-men Evolution Finish the 1st challenge of the year with a passing grade. - Unlocked February 4th Play through normally and complete the first challenge. Should be simple Lvl 1 stuff. The World Could Always Use More Heroes! Finish the 2nd challenge of the year with a passing grade. - Unlocked March 11th Play through normally and complete the challenge. Lilmissbri the Robot Slayer Finish the 3rd challenge of the year with a passing grade. - Unlocked April 15th 2017 Play through normally and complete the challenge. Endured and Survived Finish the 4th challenge of the year with a passing grade. - Unlocked May 20th 2017 Play through normally and complete the challenge. Looking Better in Black... Since 1234 Finish the 5th challenge of the year with a passing grade. - Unlocked Jun 25th 2017 Play through normally and complete the challenge. Mischief Managed Finish the 6th challenge of the year with a passing grade. Play through normally and complete the challenge. You Win or You Die Finish the 7th challenge of the year with a passing grade. - Earned September 8th Play through normally and complete the challenge. Hidden Trophy Finish the 8th challenge of the year with a passing grade. Play through normally and complete the challenge.
  10. Lilmissbri joins Dumbledore's Army Make a Polyjuice Potion As we all know, this potion of transformation takes about a month to make, lots of ingredients, and patience. Goal: 6 hour work day (Tu-Fri) towards my career as a VO artist. (6 points) Prepare for the Triwizard Tournament All the events aren't just foolish wand waving, you have to have smarts, flexibility, and physicality. Goal: Workout MWF and stretch M-F (5 points each) Eat Mandrake Stew Eating the stew makes you non-petrified and ready for the coming events! Goal: Eat a veggie (2/3 meal), a fruit, and drink 3 water bottles every day. (1 point each) Visit the Library You're never going to get any better unless you study up and read! At least, according to Hermione. Goal: Finish Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare and Self-Management for Actors by Bonnie Gillespie. (5% = 1 point) Fashion a Lion Hat In Luna Lovegood style, create a badass costume for a popular event. Like a Quidditch match! Goal: Create, complete, and wear my Pyrrha Nikos costume for Comic-Con. (50 points upon completion) Create a Magic Note Though Draco Malfoy was pretty mean with his note passing, you can use it for good! Goal: Create my first animated video ever for my YouTube channel. (1 hour = 1 point) Talk to Your Mentor Father figure, friend, headmaster... always remember to converse with a higher power. Goal: Write in my prayer journal everyday, go to church, listen to the Debrief. (1 point each) Channel Mrs. Weasley She is a full time mother of 7 children, cleans, knits, and is an overall bad-ass. You can do some housework. Goal: Do small mini-projects around the house. (+1 bonus point each) _.-*-._.-*-._ Welcome, welcome to another 4 week challenge. Before we begin our quest, I would like to say a few words. And they are: Harry Potter gifs are welcome, encouraged, and mandatory. Thank you! ;o) _.-*-._.-*-._ House Cup: Throughout the challenge I will award points to houses for funny HP jokes, references, or interesting thoughts! I will also be stalking your challenges and awarding your awesome-ness each week! Don't know what your house is? Find out! https://www.buzzfeed.com/eleanorbate/accurate-af-sorting-quiz?utm_term=.pr4dwQLzk#.hnLdOk7vR
  11. Hmmm... What to do? Maybe the game that is just about consuming me life at the moment! It may not be a team, but it's what I'm currently obsessed with. Ha! - Main Quest Career Path - Goal: Find my "bullseye" and audition M-F. (2 points) - Side Quest Eating Right - Goal: Eat when hungry, stop when full. (3 points) - Errands Clean - Goal: Clean the kitty litter area thoroughly each week. Bonus for vacuuming. (5 points) - Tallnecks Stretch - Goal: Continue Stretching for the splits M-F. (5 points) - Hunting Grounds Strength Training - Goal: Continue Start Bodyweight MWF. Tracking Link! (5 points) - Cauldrons Knowledge - Goal: Finish Scrappy Little Nobody and Phantom this challenge. - Aloy Poise - Goal: Remain proud, positive, and poised. _.-*-._.-*-._ Trophy Goals AS IF! | Azarath Metrion Zinthos | Lilmissbri the Robot Slayer
  12. For those following along I have two main goals for 2017 and each of my challenges will be based on them and build on the one before it. Body recomposition. Get under 183# and stay there, while also getting tough as nails. Be awesome at my job. Be the one that people say “she gets shit done.” New addition to this visual image: be a productivity ninja! My theme for this challenge is “YEAR OF THE MOUNTAIN GOAT”. Strong, flexible, resilient, tough climbers. To achieve body recomp: I need to be strong, flexible, and disciplined! I want to climb mountains in my fitness. And I need to work on my mobility to get there. Inflexible mountain goats fall off mountains. To achieve my work goals: I need to be strong, flexible, and productive! What do lazy mountain goats get? the bottom of the mountain. And I want the panoramic top of the mountain views. I want to climb mountains at work. Challenge Goals Fitness Goals: 7x per week: Daily mobility, defined as doing at least 3 stretches/holds per day (Repeat from last month. I’m still working on this.) 3x per week: Review my squat form notes before every workout (Should be easy…) 3x per week: Tracked in 5 min chunks, do 15 minutes total of abs/glutes per week (New goal, I will have to work on this.) 2x per week cardio: 1 hike and 1 other cardio per week. If weather dictates I can do 2 random cardios, but only if weather says so. If I want to be a mountain goat I must HIKE! (I have been doing the 1x week hike, so I’m building on that with 1 extra cardio, no time goal at this point for either, just build the habit.) If I’m smart, I would try to do all 15 min of abs/glutes before or after the 1 cardio session at the gym. Work Goals: These compound each challenge. To achieve my daily work goal I must do all three. Maintain a daily to do list (January) Use last 30 min of each work day to catch up on any old emails I have put off. (February) Spend at least 1 hour per day on focused work. No task hopping! Do each task until done. FOCUS. (NEW) Gardening Goal: Do weekly care of houseplants and work plants, track with other goals as 1x week goal Bonus Mountain Goat Checkbox Goals: [ ] By the end of the challenge: Go to the thrift store to look for new cubicle decor. Bought workout/hiking stuff instead. [ ] By the end of the challenge: Create a visual map of my work projects / responsibilities. [ ] In the last two weeks of the challenge prep garden beds for spring seeds Tracking notes:
  13. So, not gonna lie, 2016 was not my year. I had a lot of health problems and I was recovering from the worst depressive episode I've had in almost 15 years. I still have my struggles, but I feel like I'm finally getting a handle on things. My tight budget and getting kicked off my food stamps has forced me to do a lot more cooking at home, so I continue to slowly lose weight. And I'm starting up the habit of using my kettlebell I bought last year to do swings and TGUs in my room in the morning. Beyond that, I'm putting some real steam into my performing career now. I've settled on a decent niche for myself as a thinking nerd's performer, couching my demonstrations heavily in real science and a humanist perspective. This is partly done by making my focus this year on muscle reading. Between that and the expanded ghost tours, I may be able to finally pick myself up out of dire financial straits this year.
  14. Start of the Challenge: October 31, 2016 LEVEL UP YOUR LIFE GOAL Rock HR Interview! 10 XP credits (If I get hired ) Deadline: Nov. 13, 2016 ready interview outfit (5 XP) read interview tips for 10 days (10 XP) practice programming for 2 hours on 10 days (20 XP) Expand business! 20 XP credits Deadline: Nov. 28, 2016 Talk to 15 clients on the duration of challenge (15 XP) Extra credit: Talk to 20 clients on the duration of challenge (5 credits) SLEEP GOAL: Sleep for 7 hours Extra credit: Sleep before 12AM. (2 credits) Frequency: everyday (1 XP) DIET GOAL: Add vegetables on a meal. Extra credit: every meal on a day. (3 credits) Frequency: one meal a day. (1 XP) ACCOUNTABILITY GOAL: Post on the forums Extra credit: 3x a week Frequency: 1x a week (1 XP) End of the Challenge: November 28, 2016 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For this challenge, I'm gonna incorporate an excel spreadsheet. Woot!
  15. So I'm continuing what I've been doing since I re-spawned at the end of August. So far counting all my goals daily has been helping while keeping it slow enough. (Can't find the one with a quote). So continuing on with my goals... Kind of wish I could theme it, but all just going directly at it (the easiest way possible). Trying to avoid adding goals, but the main goal is getting ready for school in January and being hired with extra money in my pocket by then (with a job that I'm able to do and enjoy, instead of the latter). So that's what I'll figure out how to get that out for actual "SMART" goals setting. Since it is one of those "temp:" goals as when needed. Main Goals: Journaling: 29 out of 64 Journals (longest streak) Reading (20 mins): 0 out of 35 Days (20 mins daily) Longest streak: 20 days (gradually going up from 10 mins a day - 20 mins a day) Screens off at Midnight: 13 out of 48 (longest streak) Poison Be Gone (Days w/o Pop): 12 out of 47 (longest streak) (trying to beat my 3 month streak that I did back in 2014 before NF) Weekly Goals: 1 hour weekly (Scheduled for Tuesdays or Thursdays) enter/confirm money transactions: 1 out of 6 weeks Taking Note What I'm doing Toward 2nd job searching (working less this month, so this will be nudged up a bit) (to be tracked when figured out) Only two goals has been missed 1 day each so out of the last 21 days, I only missed 2 habits. Enough to keep a watchful eye (1 night staying on the computer too long, 2nd one was yesterday I missed a day of 20 mins of reading). But yeah! Marching on! With little duckling steps.
  16. As a technomage, Beerzerker himself rarely understood on the planets he visits. His armor appears to be smoother than steel and generates its own light in the conditions. Able to summon illumination, even fire at times, and the ability to boost his strength has granted him legendary status in some worlds. He has battled ruffians before, and they made the mistake of assuming his clear faceplate was a point of weakness. The easy distraction proved their undoing. Beerzerker faces some new challenges. He has heard rumor of the Bandersnatch. An evil creature no one has been able to fully describe to him. Everyone he encounters has given different descriptions. In fact, it doesn't even seem like one creature at all. Maybe the Bandersnatch possesses some of the lost tech the leader of the technomages told him about. There was a mirage pack that disappeared from the mothership eons ago. No one has been able to replicate its abilities, because its maker worked on her own and didn't create plans for her devices. She believed part of creation was experimentation, and you don't get that following a diagram. The mirage pack gives its wearer the ability to create a fully interactive mirage surrounding themselves. 3-dimonsional, solid, and powered by the pack so it doesn't drain your armor. Since it's not fully an illusion, the mirage functions as a bulky set of armor protecting the wearer. It sounds like whoever has this pack has used it while wearing the guise of a rancor, a Balrog, and something Beerzerker doesn't recognize from the tales. But Beerzerker recognizes a weakness. In order to fully use the mirage pack, a warrior must possess strength in three areas: 1. Their work must bring them joy and allow for improvement of those around them. 2. The user must pursue improvement of their own body. 3. They must work to improve their relationships with others. In order to be worthy of facing and conquering this Bandersnatch, Beerzerker commits to the following: 1. Searching for and discovering a new job which allows more personal interaction and makes better use of my skills as a writer and ability to build rapport quickly. 2. Exercise at least 5 days per week. This includes Tae Kwon Do lessons on Monday and Wednesday, and can include mountain biking or other activities. But on the days there is no class, I will practice my forms to work toward the next test. 3. I will support my wife and kids as they pursue their interests, offering encouragement and help as I am able. I will also make an effort to do something special for each of them at least once per week. Recognizing work needs to be done, Beerzerker enters his meditation pose to allow the power cells in his armor to charge from the sunlight and from his own body. This is the thing his encouragers don't understand. While his armor can do amazing things, it must be powered by energy from within or around Beerzerker. The power from the sun allows short bursts of strength, even flight, but anything that lasts must be drawn from within his own body and mind.
  17. Hey all! I'm a bit late to the party, but that's just me -- fashionably tardy. How is everyone?!? Is anyone else considering going to camp?!? Wouldn't that be AMAZING. I just don't think I could afford it unfortunately. Anyway, we are back at it again. I was doing really well until Easter, where I broke my diet and it has all come tumbling down and I have reverted to old habits. Starting today, I will get my shit together again. I don't want to eat like crap because 1) it costs me too much money and 2) eating poorly makes me feel like bad physically. I delayed coming up with a challenge this time because I wanted to focus more on career stuff, but I am at a bit of a loss of what to do. On the one hand, I would like a whole new job in a whole new field, the problem is that I am not sure what that field would be. On the other hand, I would like to earn extra money on the side until I figure out where to go next. However, what ends up happening is that both seem very overwhelming so I do nothing. It is not awesome. I want to take concrete steps in either direction but am finding it hard. If anyone has made a successful career change or has found a way of making decent money on the side writing/editing, I am all ears. May as well use that MA for something! Anyway, on to the Challenge! MAIN QUEST 1 (Weigh 175 by the end of the challenge) Unfortunately, I have been on such a binge that I believe in only 10 days I have put on 4.5 lbs. This has got to stop. At the moment I right the ship. MAIN QUEST 2 (Career/side job progress) GOALS 1) Track calories using MyFitnessPal and stay below the minimum every day until the end of the challenge. I have no idea why, but I have fallen off COMPLETELY. Today I ate so much that I hurt my stomach and then felt sluggish at BJJ class. Not cool. Time to get back on track. 2) Nutrition: Eat vegetables three days a week and no soda or sweets until July 4. I do wonder if I am the type that doesn't do well with sugar and overdoes it and am too all-or-nothing with 'cheat' days. So, with this in mind, I will have no sweets or soda until July 4. I will make exceptions for 1) Red Sox games and 2) if I am meeting up with the lady friend and she wants sweets. Other than that, I need to get this under control. 3) Meditate 10 minutes every day. I got away from this last challenge. I will bring it back. 4) Take concrete steps toward a career pivot of some sort. OK I had this as a goal last time but nothing concrete. I will have some concrete things I can do by the end of the week. Two things! I will do one for career and one for money on the side. 5) BJJ 2x a week and run 3x a week Pretty self explanatory. I would like to run a 10k in June at the beach and need to start training now for it! 6) Make sure I don't push the hurt elbow too much. It has been sore the last few days which is frustrating. I went to BJJ class tonight and it felt OKish, but I will monitor it. 7) Post to other monk challenge threads at least 2x a week I was a crap forum member last time. This time I will be more active. OK that is what I have for now. I will post tomorrow to update my food just as a way of being accountable to myself. Happy spring!
  18. Brace yourselves, graduation is coming. And I have no idea what I'm doing. If I can't get a civilian job I've pretty much settled that I will go into the Navy. I would probably do supply, because I'm an MBA. Boring! I want to do intelligence. Honestly, I think I would do well in either path. I have two big problems: 1) I hear the Navy relies heavily on BMI, but according to BMI I am obese. Everyone I told that do said "I don't believe you" Even when I tell people that I weigh 177lbs they're like "I don't believe you" because I'm not big. I'm quite muscular and therefore dense. But I honestly don't think that I can drop 30lbs at this point. At one point that was my goal but now that I'm powerlifting, I can see that dropping 30lbs isn't exactly in my best interest. What's a buff girl to do? problem #2) I won't be able to take my dog... but there's not much I can really do about that. Any current military or former military wanna give me some tips? Pros and cons of active duty vs reserve?
  19. Who is looking for a job? Who is hiring? I'm going to graduate May 2016 from my MBA program (master of business administration). One of my professors made a point today about leveraging your circles of influence. Obvious interests: nerd-dom and fitness. Less obvious interests: human trafficking prevention/rescue/awareness. Mostly, anything helping people (MBAs are flexable). I have experience with Event coordinating/planning, volunteer coordinating, organization creation (I've been a part of 3 creations), Microsoft office, spreadsheets, etc. If any one is hiring or knows an organization who is hiring grads/MBAs, please let me know. Comment or message me and I'll send you/whomever my resume. Bottom line is I love you guys and this community is the coolest, most supportive conglomerate of total strangers that I have ever come across in my life. I feel like you guys (even though I don't actually know you) are my friends. Thanks!
  20. It's good to have a list of successes. It helps to look back to gain courage to move forward. Today .... minor ..... But I finished BBWW 2! Some exercises are still modified.
  21. Hey Everyone. I decided to add a little Role-Playing into this challenge to spice things up. Role-Play stuff is in Blue Italics. Real-Life stuff is in regular font. Bottom-Line Tactics are at the bottom. Enjoy! Big Adam the Blue Rogue has long sailed the wild skies of the world in search of adventure, glory, and booty. For many moons he has braved the shifting currents of fate - pursuing adventure and sailing through skies both fair and foul. In his travels, he has seen many great and wondrous things. But weeks ago, the Blue Rogue received an invitation to attend a gathering the likes of which the world has never seen. It was a great gathering of Adventurers from all over the world. There, the Rogue met fellow warriors of all types: Brave Swordsmen and Swordswomen, Agile Ninjas, Stealthy Assassins, Brave Rangers, Wise Druids, Inexhaustible Scouts, Acrobats, Berzerkers - too many to name. There were even a few fellow monks. The Blue Rogue found himself both humbled and honored to stand among such a mighty company. For they welcomed him gladly as one of their number. For three days, the warriors feasted, danced, performed great feats of strength and skill, and exchanged tales. And oh, the Tales! Journeys undertaken, Battles won and lost, the shared glory of all those who strive against mighty forces. Bonds of Friendship were formed, vast quantities of rum imbibed, and the Rogue learned much from his new friends. But Alas. All things must come to an end. True Adventurers cannot long tarry from their quests, and the pleasures of revelry must be enjoyed in moderation. So the diverse Heroes returned to their respective Lands. The Blue Rogue returned to his ship with a new fire in his heart and new lessons engraved upon his mind - ready to set forth and do great deeds, so that if ever he finds himself among such mighty company again, he may regale them with new tales of danger, victory, and defeat. Thus! With all this in mind, the Blue Rogue knows he must continue to train himself. With the Lessons of Great Masters on his mind, he sets forth on the following training plan - that he may be fit to face whatever challenge comes his way: 1) Drilling the Basics: Eat, Sleep, Move “The minute you get away from fundamentals – whether its proper technique, work ethic or mental preparation – the bottom can fall out of your game, your schoolwork, your job, whatever you’re doing.†- Michael Jordan There are plenty of little things I can do to shore up my fitness, but the basics are the most important. Eat Well. Sleep Enough. Move Frequently. Goal: Get 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Eat 80-90% Primal. Move and Stretch Every Day. 2-3 Strength Training Sessions/week. 2) Intermediate Drills: Meditation In addition to my current Morning Meditation, add an Evening Meditation every day to start the evening off right. After Dinner each night, do a 10-Minute Meditation to breathe out the day’s BS and re-center myself. I’m hopeful that this will help curb post-dinner snacking and mindless eating, but even if it just puts me in a better mood and nothing else, it’s still a worthy addition. Goal: Daily Post-Dinner Meditation 3) Sparring / Find a Crew "As Iron Sharpens Iron, so one person sharpens another" - Proverbs 27:17 I haven’t really made a solid effort to make friends in my new town. I joined a Kung Fu club, but haven’t really connected with anyone there. I connected with a few people through Meetup, but didn’t reach out to follow up and hang out further. There’s really no good reason for that. I think there was a good bit of “not good enough†syndrome preventing me from being the one to take the lead, reach out, and turn acquaintances into friendships. But I’ve made some strides in the headspace department recently and want to keep on pushing myself in that area. Meeting new friends and reaching out to existing ones seems like an excellent way to do exactly that. Plus I need some local community in my life. Aye, every good pirate needs a crew! Goal: At least once/week, hang out with a Local friend, go to a Local Meetup (Other than Bible Study), or go to some Social-Oriented Event in Town. I thought a lot about this challenge and looked back on my past challenges for lessons about what works and what doesn’t. I came up with two things: 1) Small, sustainable habit changes over temporary measures. 2) Add things that make me happy and put me in a good headspace instead of trying to restrict myself. Hence: making some local friends, using meditation to get out of post-work funk, getting the basics right, and perhaps most importantly… Setting Sail: Finding a New Job Training is necessary and important, but a Sky Pirate cannot only train. He must explore new lands and test himself on new challenges! For too long, the Rogue has tarried at his current Port. It has grown comfortable and easy and no longer presents a challenge. His ship has begun to grow barnacles from sitting at harbor and the sails long to be filled with new winds - carrying the scents of new lands. He feels the pull to remain where he is. To be grateful that he has found a place where he can live comfortably with plenty of food and security. But he knows that if he stays, his heart will die. He will neglect his training - for what use is training where there is no battle to fight or challenge to overcome? - and allow the fire in his eyes to grow cold and dim. The once proud ship will be chopped up for firewood, the cutlasses be set aside to rust, and the pirate’s hat hidden away so as not to stir up the old longings. He will cease to be the Blue Rogue and allow others to name him. But this shall not come to pass! For the Rogue has resolved to set sail within the next fortnight. Each night until then, he will research and attempt to map a new course. But when the fated night comes - whether he has mapped a course or no - he will up anchor and let the winds take him where they will. For come what may, a Sky Pirate must heed the call of the open sky. No further comment. End of November / Annual Review Results is my resolved-upon cutoff date. Summary: Daily Disciplines: (New/Challenge-Focus Disciplines are in bold. Old/Continuing disciplines are not) Meditate after Dinner.Daily Movement and Stretch10 mins career work5 mins self-workMorning RoutineBedtime Routine Guidelines: 80-90% Primal Food Choices.Hang out with Local people 1x/weekGet Sufficient Sleep
  22. I'm just not enjoying college so far. Almost the entire time I've been in college, I've hated it. I've only enjoyed certain times in college, and the only semester that I ever really loved was the first Freshman semester, and that's because everything was so new, and shiny, and I was thrilled to meet new people. Now it just feels like a chore or grind, and like everyone moves too fast for me to ever have a meaningful connection with them. Especially since I go to a commuter school, in one of the most dangerous cities in the country, which is another reason why I hate it here. Right now, I'm trying to decide whether if I want to stay with Earth Science and join the military afterwards, stay with Engineering Technology and possibly join the military afterwards, or quit after this current school year and enlist, or try going to college while in the military. It seems like all the things I want to do in life, like seeing the world, helping others directly or in-directly (like doing rescue work), learning how to take care of myself, how to defend myself and others, how to save others, how to build, repair, and drive/pilot vehicles and drones, and so on, are either not easily done in civilian life, or are expensive, or the pay-off isn't good. To do rescue work outside of the Coast Guard, I would probably be an EMT or firefighter, which from what I hear, isn't a very good-paying career path, and not worth leaving college for. To travel, I would have to pay to do so. Besides that, I just want to pursue my other goals and hobbies. Like parkour and martial arts, learning how to play the harmonica, piloting drones and taking photographs (or at least until they're outlawed). But those are just hobbies, and I'm still not entirely sure what I would be doing as an Engineer Technologist. I would assume more work with things like wiring and robotics, if I went down the Electrical Engineer path. If I stick with Earth Science, I may get to do more surveying work that involves more interaction with people, and surveying and examining certain wild locations, as well as potentially make good money from working with GIS systems, which is what I'm more interested in, and it would let me graduate sooner. The only problem with it, is that I have to learn how to speak another language. Now, I think it is important and very useful for any being to learn another language. It's just, I really, really don't enjoy learning how to speak Spanish. To me, it's too similar to English. Some words are just like the English version, some are swapped all around and are spelled completely different. Also, I still can't roll my R's. But everyone said "Spanish is the best language for business", they said. "It's the easiest language to learn", they said. It's fairly uninteresting to me, and very difficult for me to learn, and it doesn't help that I took a year off from Spanish because I was major-hopping, and learning a secondary language is a requirement for Earth Science, but not for Engineering Technology. Everyone tells me it's best to stick with the language I started learning, but I'd rather learn French or something. At least with French, there are other pronunciations I can handle (correct me if I'm wrong), and I can practice by watching an anime I really wanted to watch called Wakfu. I'd even rather learn Japanese or Arabic. From what I've heard, Japanese and Chinese, although quite different, are more systematic than English or Spanish. Also, they look like an alien language to me. Yes, that makes them a fuck-ton harder to learn, but at least it's interesting. Like learning some language from an ancient alien civilization. Plus, there's plenty of animes and mangas I can read that use Japanese. Virtually all of them. Hell, I'd LOVE to practice learning how to speak and read another language by watching and reading something I already love. I can't easily think of anything I would want to, or can, watch in Spanish, unless I try to watch some Spanish dubbing of some show, which is kind of hard without a TV. Hell, I'd say I recognize more Japanese phrases when I hear them than Spanish phrases. I can even learn another language and graduate on time, if I can take a course over the summer, although that's a fair-sized IF. Besides that, everything is OK, it's just I have no interest in most of my courses this semester, and I almost feel like putting no effort into Spanish. The only courses I'm really interested in, are one of my Earth Science classes that have to do with natural events and how they affect people, and a First Aid and CPR class that I chose to take because I felt it was something I needed to know for my own sake and others. I think if I just find some way to keep myself occupied, and once I've gotten a handle on or drop Spanish, I'll be alright for this semester, at least. But I don't want to just be "alright" and make it through each semester. I want to be great. I've been working on some personal issues and trying to figure out why I don't feel motivated to do anything (other than work on my fitness, play games, do CPR, and learn how to fly drones, and learn how to fight) since my second Freshman semester, but I haven't had much success. Some suggested that it might be depression, so I took anti-depressants, but then my dad tried talking me out of using them, and then someone told me that it wasn't depression. Then someone told me it might be ADHD, but I haven't been able to get tested for it because I didn't think I could afford it, until recently. So I'm gonna get tested for it ASAP. I've grown and matured in many ways, and have gotten more control over my social anxiety (mainly by not caring about others and what they think nearly as much), and I actually do have an idea of what I want to do in life, but I still don't feel like doing this school business. That's why I think I went to college too soon. My family's poor, I was eager to get out of my parents' house, I didn't think it was possible to travel or join the Peace Corps or something for a few years before going. The college I'm attending doesn't teach me all the things I'm interested in, and I'd rather go to trade school, but I'm here now, and if I continue down the Earth Science path, I'll graduate in two academic years, if I get no Fs or Ds, and my language classes go OK. It's tempting to drop out and join the military, but that won't impress the Coast Guard, I need time to get in shape, and if I decide I don't want to join, I need something to fall back on. OK, rants over. I just needed some time and space to write my thoughts out and organize them. I think I know what I have to do now.
  23. In 2013 I went Paleo, Started lifting weights three times a week, quit my sedentary cafe job (all the free pastries and lattes I could drink and 13 hour days that were 50%+ sitting on my ass) to take up dog walking- 5 hours a day of walking around in the sunshine, rain, hail, whatever. It was glorious and by Jan 2014 I lost upwards of 30lbs. Then I moved to an apartment with an in building gym (but a crappy one, hamster wheels and smith machine) and therefore quit my gym membership because "Hey! In building gym!! How lucky am I??". Then I quit dog walking to take up studying programming full time. I was still eating mostly paleo/keto, but I was drinking more, and I never did use the in building gym. And it turns out that eating makes sitting on my ass for hours more bearable, and now it's 2015 and I've gained about 20lbs back again and I vowed never to see 190 on the scale ever again but the other day IT APPEARED and OMG I really gotta bust my ass and fix this. So right now I'm studying at home (with an in building gym right down stairs) and tightening up my keto/paleo diet (ie. drinking less and not eating out) and my main goal for this challenge is to lose weight and start to feel STRONG again. To do that I will: - Get in the stupid gym and deal with the Smith machine Monday, Wednesday, Friday. - Do 10mins of Yoga every morning (I can do this in my own apartment while the coffee is brewing in the morning. There is totally no excuse to skip this.) - Eat Whole30 style meals for lunch and dinner: half a plate of veg, palm size protein, thumb size fat. Breakfast will continue to be BP coffee. My secondary goal is to get a programming job. I'm talking to companies now, and hoping to start interviewing in the next week or two. This would be a primary goal, but even money making has to come second to health I think. To do that I will: - Spend a minimum of 2 hours each weekday working on algorithms/data structures type interview problems or whiteboarding pseudo code. - Initiate a conversation with a new company or do an online code challenge or an interview every week. Starting: Weight: 189lbs Strength: Very low. Will do a baseline run tomorrow. Job Status: Unemployed. End of Challenge Goal: Weight: 2lbs/week over 6 weeks... 177 by end of challenge. Strength: Squat 100lbs Job Status: Employed Ultimate: Weight: 150lbs Strength: Squat 1.5 x bodyweight, Bench bodyweight, Deadlift 2 x Bodyweight, Get my chin over a bar! Job Status: Retired to a farm in the country where I can work remotely if I want to, eat fruit, veg, meat and dairy from my own land and spend hours riding my horse around the forest/beach/countryside. This last point is really my motivation for losing weight/getting fitter/earning more money. I really want to retire ASAP and be fit, healthy, independently wealthy so I can do what actually matters to me, and not just what I can get paid for. Pretty sure living off what I can grow on my farm and spending days weeding, milking, riding, splitting firewood, shoveling horse shit, swimming, and taking long walks in search of wild mushrooms is about as good as it gets, and also that it will probably keep my weight in check on it's own!! Wish me luck and self discipline! TansyPants, the horseless, farmless, city living country girl.
  24. Hi everyone! I'm not quite at the point yet where I could claim any major victory in my body recomposition and fitness projects, but that'll come. Buuuutttt... I HAVE TO share this with everyone I know (and everyone I don't). I'm currently doing my computer science degree. Maths is involved. This is the third time I've been to university, and the first time I've been for the right reasons, and it'll be the first time I graduate. To put this in context, when I went to university the first time round, I picked a MSci in Physics & Mathematical Finance at age 16 because I wanted to escape the village I lived in ASAP, and that degree was the hardest looking one, which meant I could prove something to everyone who thought I wasn't worth ****. Got glandular fever on my second day after leaving home, wrestled with the course for 3 years, and ended up having to leave. I was scraping 10% in exams and getting by on cramming for resits to get the bare minimum and by the time 3 years of this was up I really believed I wasn't ever going to be worth anything, I wasn't as smart as I thought, and I was destined for a life of unwanted minimum wage jobs. Via some kind of magical warp device I ended up chilling out in a bar job 10 years later, had fallen in love with gaming, and decided maybe a little programming course might be a nice idea. I quietly started up a CS degree at the Open University, so I could take my time and add extra modules if I felt like it later, or just walk away with a one semester course if I wanted to. I've been studying now for just over a year, start my software development courses in September, and have just got to grips with the first year maths that made me feel like such a failure the first time I tried it. I was wrong! I CAN do it! I just got my first ever university result that made me cry with happiness. I REALLY AM SPECTACULARLY BADASS AT THE MATHS. Here, I have to tell everyone! Scores out of 100! The most recent one was the hardest paper of the year I'd always wanted to do something absolutely fascinating with my life, and I'm seriously considering changing to CS with applied maths. It would only take me 3 months longer. I'm going to hit up my tutor for a chat ASAP. I got this result 2 days ago and I'm still excited about it, so naturally, it was time for me to make my first post in the woot room! I hope I can come back and update this thread in 3 months to say I got a distinction, because that's the result I'm headed for. I need 85%. To maths: Gotta go, I have a robotics assessment to hand in on Wednesday!
  25. Hi there <3 Whoever you are, I am VERY glad that you are here! I've decided to make the switch from challenging back to a battle log for the time being. I think that having short term goals with the pressure of a challenge isn't the best formula for me right now. I think that I need the accountability of something far more long-term and flexible. I need to be able to focus on whatever goals I think are necessary at the time, and I need to be able to change my goals in a time frame that I decide, but most importantly, I need a longer commitment than just 6 weeks. This battle log will hopefully stand as a constant reminder to me that being healthy and fit and successful and peaceful and happy is a lifelong journey. To give you a little background on what's going in my life right now, I am 22, currently living in a suburb of Sacramento, and working in another suburb of Sacramento. I am in management on a Congressional campaign here in the area, and I work 75 hours a week currently. Election Day is 8 days away, and life is crazy! I live in a house with a 32 year old woman who has become my newest best friend and sister, and I'm loving Cali. I'm moving home on November 5th and feeling very bittersweet about that. I'm interviewing for a couple new positions, and I will update you when things are more concrete. I'm not sure where I'll move next, but it looks like D.C. is the main possibility. As far as health and goals and such, I have been TERRIBLE. I've been eating lots of non-paleo things, and too much of them. I've been drinking a lot, and I haven't run in 3 weeks. I've stopped doing yoga, and reading the Bible, and generally anything that isn't working or partying with my colleagues, roommate and friends. Although I absolutely love my job and it's a complete dream to work on a winning Congressional campaign (we're absolutely smashing the opposition and it was never truly a contest), they're super draining and consuming and life-sucking I'm having a hard time finding time to do everything I need to do, or the willpower to stay on track. Politics is the #2 least healthy field in the professional world, and I understand why! Here are my goals for rght now: 1. I must eat/track my calories on MFP and eat between my BMR and TDEE of mostly paleo food. As far as priorities go, I am going to prioritize eating exactly my calorie goal rather than making everything absolutely paleo. If I'm eating 85% paleo and not eating under or over my calories, that's fine with me. The only thing completely not allowed is sugar..... except for alcoholic beverages I don't have a scale with me, so I'm going to guesstimate my weight to calculate my BMR and TDEE. If you would like to friend me on MFP, I'm politicosnow Consequence: I have realized that I am a sneaky, self-justifying, tricky bastard, so I am going to have consequences for not staying on track for each goal. My consequence for not eating within a range of calories (which I will re-determine every 2 weeks) is that I MUST eat entirely paleo the next day; no cheats allowed. 2. I must drink 100 oz of water each day. This one's pretty obvious. Consequence: I can't have any other type of beverage (besides coffee and tea) until I have done so. 3. I must exercise 3x a week. With my crazy schedule right now, I'm not going to specify what type of exercise or when or anything. I will plan it out week by week and try to get it in whenever I can. It could be a run before work, walking during my lunch break (if I get one that day), or body weight exercises after work, or riding my bike once I get home. I just need to do something active 3x a week! Consequence: No Grey's Anatomy for the week. It's my guilty pleasure binge show right now that is my stress reliever when nothing else works. If I fail to work out 3x by next Monday, I can't watch Grey's until the following Monday. 4. I must read my Bible every day and read from a career-related book every 2 days. I had a schedule ALL worked out for this and I was doing great, until I wasn't.... haha....so here's the new plan. I will read 2 chapters from the Bible every single night after work. There is NO EXCUSE for being able to take half an hour or less every night to read the Word before bed. And every two days, I need to get an hour of reading done. That's just an hour. And I can find time every two days to do that. So I need to have an hour of reading done in Political Confrontations by Wednesday morning. Consequence: I must perform a random act of kindness! 5. Every morning, I must post on this battle log: 1. One positive thing about my body 2. One positive thing about food 3. Three things that I am thankful for 4. Someone in my life that I am going to reach out to (and then actually reach out and either text, Facebook, call, message, etc them) 5. Things I want to accomplish that day Consequence: I cannot use any social media each day until I complete all of this. Thanks for reading! I'm grateful you're here on NF! -Snow <3
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