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Found 6 results

  1. This is my second challange! However, part way through my first my iPad wouldn't let me log on Hopefully it's better now. I do figure skating twice a week. Parkour is so fun I would also like to get back into body weight exercises, and maybe try out some jogging. I know I started late, hopefully I will be on time next time xD I chose to do parkour because it combines everything I wanted to do but couldn't, however it is a high impact sport and I have dodgy knees. Not the best idea? I am very much an assassin. For one, the name just calls to me. Then, obviously parkour. However, I really would like to improve my strength. I am pretty flexible already, especially with ice skating, however I still would like to improve. And just about anything else. Main Quest Improve parkour - I love parkour/freerunning, however I haven't been doing it for very long, and YouTube is my best friend on this goal. Sub-Quests Fittness 1) Find the time to go to the park once before the challange ends for the sole purpose of practicing parkour. When at my caravan, go every day while the weather is ok. (Don't want no dying now, do we?) Fittness 2) Complete a body weight workout (I am currently using this one - https://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/beginner-body-weight-workout-burn-fat-build-muscle/ ) at least three times a week (weekend off of needed). Aim for the circuit completed 3 or 4 times by the end. Diet 3) keep up the no refined sugar at all in school, and in no more than a week have no other times at all (honey instead!). Level Up Your Life 4) Get a -minimum- of 8 1/2 hours of sleep a day, better having 10 hours. With the holiday coming up, this shouldn't be too hard. (For future, if at least some of these tasks are completed, include for fittness specific parkour moves I would like to improve on. Perhaps specific stretches as well?)
  2. After refinding is faith, the Vikingr Assassin, Lokesbrah, understood that his calling required more. This life required him to disciplined himself and strive to impress the gods. As such, he drew inspiration from the tales, and begun his life, dedicating himself to work hard. Body: Goal I - Parkour Training (+3 STA, +2 DEX) First up, it's parkour training. have trained once in the small Christmas vacations (one week off school and work, so good) It was clear that I do not need a particular skill in parkour... I NEED ALL OF THEM. I haven't trained in AGES and that worries me, because it is something I love. One PK training a week (if possible more than one, even if it is half an hour at night.) Goal II - Be like Thor (+4 STR, +1 CON) I finally took that one extra step and got a gym membership. I'm in no way leaving basic callisthenics behind me, because let's face it, it's fun as it can be, but I hope to improve in power (and if the looks get better, it's a bonus thing. I'm going to start with a basic 5x5 program, so I guess that's 3 times a week a workout. Goal III - Be like... I dunno, Ullr? since tracking? I don't know... (+1 CON) Still struggling to track my food. I use FitnessPal, but sometimes either I don't have the recipe, or I'm not sure of the ingredients, or something at all (or I am just lazy sometimes) and I loose track. Since I'm still not thinking about a particular diet, and more of creating a baseline, I'll keep doing this until values are set. Spirit: Goal IV - Follow the Nine... AGAIN (+1 CHA, +2 WIS) Last time I started loosing track. however I do want to set up this habit of checking out how I did following the Nine Virtues. So let's give it another shot.
  3. I will be spending a week and a half travelling this month, "camping" (in a cabin) at Free Spirit Gathering in Maryland. Given that, I am keeping things simple. Food: same as last challenge. Two big meat+veg meals per day. Any other meals/snacks in addition to that are fine. Eat when hungry. Don't be neurotic about it. Fitness: strenuous and/or skilled full body activitied, for a cumulative 10 minutes a day. Health: a cumulative 10 minutes each day of some kind of mental health or general well-being promoting activity, aside from exercise. Life: same as last challenge. Make task list every evening and use the list during the day. Making the list every evening is 80% solid habit. So for this month - Half credit each day for for USING THE LIST: Before moving on to a new task, check the list. If I get a new task, or think of one, add it to the list. Don't do tasks not on the list. Don't do low-priority items before high-priority ones, unless there is a really good reason. Half credit for RESTRICTING RECREATIONAL COMPUTER TIME until the key tasks are done. I don't have a strategy or hard limit on this yet. I'm still working on it. So I get credit if I actively used any plausible strategy to attempt to limit getting sidetracked by Nerd Fitness, Faceboook, email, etc. No credit for strategies that are known to be unreliable or ineffective, regardless of how well-intentioned or confident I am, or even if (wonder of wonders) they actually worked. Assassin's Mini: full participation, details to be determined once we know what it is. Scoring is the same as last challenge. Each day is scored as full or half credit. For each week, A=6/7, B=5/7, C=4/7, D=3/7. Epic Quest points are 20 each for at least a B average in a category, 10 for a C, 5 for a D. PREVIOUS CHALLENGES: 1. Weasel Gets Things Done Nov-Dec 2015 Eat more protein, veggies, and whole grains (B+). Sleep Routine (A). "Primal Fitness Blueprint" (A++). Laundry! (A++). Order of the Stick (Success!) 2. Return of the Weasel : Consistency! Jan 2016 Handstands (A), Kettlebells - Pavel's "Simple & Sinister" (A-), Daily Routine (A), Ukulele! (C ) Assasnins Mini - Portal Experiments 3. Weasel Takes this Show on the Road! Feb 2016 Continue Simple & Sinister kettlebell routine. (D. Injury.) Track sleep schedule (A). Make a diet plan (A). Write on spirituality blog. (F) Assassins Mini - Jedi v Sith part 1 4. Sith-Weasel's Road Trip Continues Mach 2016 Daily fitness activity (D) Responsible Adult Meals (A++), Hydration (C ), Tasks & Check-in (D). (Travel is hard on routines!) Assassins Mini - Jedi v Sith part 2 5. Weasel Keeps it Simple & Something April 2015 Kettlebelling (F) Healthy Meals (B-) Help partner (C) Task List (B-) Assassins Mini - Final Fantasy 6. Eat When Hungry, etc. May 2016 Eat when hungry. (A) Sleep when tired. (C-) Move every morning. (C) Work when Work needs Doing. (A+) Assassins Mini - Heros & Villans (C+)
  4. I'm keeping the goals really easy this month, but raising the bar for consistency. Eat When Hungry - at least two sensible meals a day. Half credit for one. A sensible meal is: protein - roughly 1/2lb (measured raw, boneless), at least "big enough to share", like two chicken thighs, or a can of tuna. 4-6 eggs. veggies - roughly 2 cups or 1/2lb (measured raw and reasonably packed) of non-starchy veg, or one standard can. (Figure that cooking reduces size roughly by half.) carbs - roughly 1 cup (two handfuls, cooked) of starchy veggies, or fruit, or minimally processed grains. Bread and pasta are okay, but shouldn't be the default. water - total of about a pint (500ml) I generally have water with lemon and salt. Seltzer is also fine. Anything else is in addition to this is okay, but in general, when hungry, eat a sensible meal. If a meal really isn't available or is totally impractical, some fruit and nuts is a good snack, but just waiting until I can have a real meal is also a good option. I'm not going to die of hunger in a few hours. Feeling a little hungry while running errands is not drive-though cheeseburger emergency. Three or even four sensible meals is totally fine, if I am actually hungry. One "carbs with carbs on top" meal a day is okay, especially if I am genuinely hungry later in the day. Other snacking I do at my own risk because if I am not genuinely hungry for a meal, I am NOT going to force myself to eat. I'm just not going to get the points. Really, the goal is EAT WHEN HUNGRY. I'm not expecting to be 100% perfect at this, and occasional treats are fine, but they should be the exception, not a daily habit. Pre-challenge status: This is pretty much what I have been eating for the past few challenges, for at least one meal a day, generally two. I'm aiming to keep it consistent, and more importantly, to have a good attitude about it. Sleep When Tired - No procrastinating bedtime. Start wrapping things up an hour before my scheduled bedtime, which is never later than midnight without a really good reason. Bedtime means in bed, eyes closed, phone OFF. It means actively trying to sleep, not ruminating over various plans. I can always find a reason to stay up a little later. It is almost never a good reason. Half credit if I have a semi-plausible excuse, but decent planning could have prevented it. Full credit if it was entirely out of my control. Pre-challenge status: This goal seems like it ought to be easy. I don't know why I am not doing it. At the very least, this month I need to take a good look at WHY it isn't happening. Move Every Morning - do at least 20 minutes of some kind of vigorous and/or skilled movement first thing in the morning. I'm flexible on what type for this goal. Yoga or stretching. Kettlebelling. Any parkour-type stuff. Handstand practice. Rev-war musket drills. Anything. (Just walking the dog is not vigorous or skilled activity, but that is a good time to do something while I am in the woods. Neither is mediation, though it can be part of yoga practice.) For full credit, the only things I can do before fitness are using the bathroom, doing a tiny bit of room tidying to clear my practice space, taking my pills, and having a quick tiny snack (because I need to take the pills with food, but nothing heavy and nothing that needs preparation. Fruit and nuts, a glass of milk, etc). Half credit if I do up to one hour of other activity prior to fitness, including more than fifteen minutes TOTAL getting ready to practice - whether that is cleaning, looking something up, snack preparation, finding gear, etc. No credit for doing it later in the day, but that is okay, because the Assasin's mini will get me to do stuff even if I miss the early morning slot. Pre-challenge status: I usually take a 5-10 minute walk with the dog, pretty much first thing in the morning. I know how much more effective this timing is than trying to fit it in later in the day, but it is easy to get sidetracked. Being able to do 20 minutes of ANYTHING makes this a lot more plausible. Life Goal - Work when Work needs Doing. Every evening check the calendar and make a task list. Use the list daily. Half credit for only doing one and not the other, or for a serious system malfunction. Pre-challenge status: Doing the evening check in is a pretty solid habit. I just need to keep on it. Actually USING the task list I create is.... less consistent. Assassin Mini-Challenge. Check out my super powers! The Assassin's mimi-challenges are a huge motivator to me. This month, they are directly tied in with two of my goals. Yay! Spend as much time as I can practicing the following things: Elemental Affinity - kettlebelling! Shapeshifting - yoga and any flexibility/mobility work. Super Agility - freerunning and parkour-type stuff. Also handbalancing. Scores are tallied up for each goal, either full credit or half credit for each. Passing score is 20 days out of 28. A=25 24 days, B=20 days, C=15 16 days, D=10 12 days (out of 28 days) [EDITED TO MAKE DIVISIBLE BY 4. Each week is 6=A, 5=B, 4=C, 3=D.] Each of these is 20pts towards the Epic Quest for a passing score, plus 20pts for enthusiastic participation in the Assasin's mini. PREVIOUS CHALLENGES: 1. Weasel Gets Things Done Nov-Dec 2015 Eat more protein, veggies, and whole grains (B+). Sleep Routine (A). "Primal Fitness Blueprint" (A++). Laundry! (A++). Order of the Stick (Success!) 2. Return of the Weasel : Consistency! Jan 2016 Handstands (A), Kettlebells - Pavel's "Simple & Sinister" (A-), Daily Routine (A), Ukulele! (C ) 3. Weasel Takes this Show on the Road! Feb 2016 Continue Simple & Sinister kettlebell routine. (D. Injury.) Track sleep schedule (A). Make a diet plan (A). Write on spirituality blog. (F) 4. Sith-Weasel's Road Trip Continues Mach 2016 Daily fitness activity (D) Responsible Adult Meals (A++), Hydration (C ), Tasks & Check-in (D). (Travel is hard on routines!) 5. Weasel Keeps it Simple & Something April 2015 Kettlebelling (F) Healthy Meals (B-) Help partner (C) Task List (B-)
  5. Have you guys seen this video? I found it on ICanHasCheezburger. Some of these are hilarious (like the guy getting pantsed by the pole), but most just hurt to watch! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuXju71wMts#t=321
  6. Hey everyone, I'm back from the dead. The new challenge guidelines are... interesting to say the least. So here's to the next six weeks. (And Wolve, I stole your goal layout. ) MAIN QUEST Get back on the path of becoming a Parkour beast. GOALS Flexibility Stretching, light yoga or beginner's body contorting every day to limber up and improve my flexibility. (No, I'm NOT having a secret affair with the Druids... okay, maybe a little.) Body Weight Training Basic body weight training and at LEAST four days a week. Endurance Running at least twice a week. Not as much as I used to do, but there's a lot going on in my life for now. Life Goal- Juggle This might seem a bit off, but there's a method to this madness. I have no idea what I want to do with my life,but one option is that I've seriously considered joining the circus. I know, right? So, it might be a good idea if I learn a few marketable skills, like juggling. So I want to be able to juggle three balls, or at least be well on my way, by the end of the challenge. Just to find something to juggle...No Diet/Fitness Goal for me. STARTING STATS Height: 5'2" Weight: 145 lbs (approx.) Chest: -- Waist: --Motivation I want to amaze someone. Anyone. I want them to see me do something out of the ordinary and be inspired to exceed their own limitations.
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