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  1. Y’all. I’m back and I didn’t die in yoga school - it was just overwhelming. I’m back to “normal” life - my version, at least, and am now a certified yoga teacher! I’ll update later with a laundry list of shit I need to do to get all that off the ground, but wanted to jump on while I was thinking about it and remembered that @DarK_RaideR pinged me what I thought was a couple days ago, but must have been almost a week? A short thing on the horizon y’all should absolutely yell at me if I don’t post a link for in the next 24 hours: I’m starting off my yoga career by offering a weekly online class! 9am EST / 2pm London / 4pm Doha time on Sundays. It’ll be free - details coming soon. Promise. Along with more details on my whole practice. And, like, my class. Which was amazing.
  2. Good day fellow gents and lovely ladies! What a BEA-utiful day it is at that. How are you? Ohhhhhh that’s soooo good to hear. Me? I’m doing great. Wait...BETTER than great! Why, you ask? Well, I could go into all the gory details but then it would ruin the surprise wouldn’t it? What surprise? Opps! Wrong surprise! Oh well...I guess since it’s all out in the open, might as well just roll with it. Ok, I lied. There’s no surprise. I used media tactics called “click bait” to lure you into my devious Spider-Man web of gross euphemisms and hard(y) metaphors. #SorryNotSorry. Hopefully you’ll stick around for the good stuff, and if not, then you shall have the most prestige pleasure of licking my BIG, hairy-- And yeah….that’s how I REALLY feel. So, sue me. No wait, don’t. It’ll look bad for Deadpool 2. Moooooving on! We have a new challenge beginning and now that Wolfpool is an official thing I would like to go into an explicitly long explanation of how things are gonna work going forward... Right. Important parts. Important parts like, “how to manscape without the mess.” and it’s wildly popular sequel “it’s not just hair down there.” But I digress. I feel like I’m losing some of you… It’s a pleasure to be back in full swing for the second challenge of 2018. For those of you that missed the drama last challenge, than, “Oh Well”. If you feel like sifting through Bloodlines, than by all means, go for it, but I’ll leave that up to you, the reader, the fangirl, the friend. I’m all about moving forward and making things better from THIS point on. Cool? SWANKY! I’m not gonna pitter around with much fluff so let’s get down to brass tax and silver balls. A lot of things have been going on IRL. A lot. Too much to go over but today, right now, I have a positive attitude and a great outlook towards the future. God is sooo good and I want to thank Him first and foremost. I also want to thank each and everyone of you guys and gals for the overwhelming support I’ve received. It’s been a true blessing. I’ve never been the most consistent person. I know this. Y’all know this. It’s just well known (like @Mr_Willes un-endowed problem). This challenge is not only about developing some consistency but more importantly, discipline. Not motivation or relying on hype. But good ole fashion discipline. Deadpool may not have much but Wolfpool will. I’ll make sure of it. The goals will be laid out as follows: Swordplay Gunplay Foreplay Childsplay Under each goal will be various things I think fall under the “disciplined umbrella”. It may seem like a lot but really it’s just accentuating what I already do each day and week. I need some accountability BAD and I'm relying on you fine folks for some help. Are you game? Wolf
  3. Disclaimer: This has been a hell of a year!! Plus, keeping it positive here Secondary Disclaimer: Really, I'm going to really respawn this time This is going to be a respawn of Intergalactic (and sometimes inter-dimensional) proportions I have been on a roller coaster of a year and with 40 right around the corner, it's time to really get back on the ball and get myself in shape in all ways. This is something I really need to commit to in a major way. So, without further ado, here comes the challenge!!! This challenge (and for several more to come afterwards) will be themed Star Trek (Next Generation and beyond). Why? Mostly because I've figured out my answer to the whole Star Wars/Star Trek debate and yes, the winner is Star Trek for so many reasons. So, with a definite rewatch of ALL of TNG, DS9 and Voyager (maybe Enterprise but I've seen it recently enough), we are going to start this one with becoming the embodiment of our favorite acting ensign of the 1701-D, Wesley Crusher (plus I just freaking love Wil Wheaton!). He learned much of what he knows and believes in because of the positive role models he had so what I will do is try to embody some of the traits that they have including: Being Stronger like Worf! Worf, even in his earliest days aboard the Enterprise, was very stalwart and strong learning what he could of the ship as a junior officer then to his promotion to Chief of Security. Pushing his boundaries, becoming better than he was before, usually with his calestetics programs on the Holodeck. In that respect, I need to make sure that I am making myself stronger. Less physically frail, less weak in the knees (literally), and able to do more on a day to day basis. So straight up, what I need to do is take just 10-15 minutes daily to do some kind of activity. Initially I'm looking to do things that will focus on the arms and core. Daily, I can do it!! Being Smarter like Data! Data, oh my wonderful mechanical man!! He was smart clearly due to his positronic brain and being an android though new experiences were always some of the best teachers. This plan will focus on getting back into reading and not of the fictional variety. Technical magazines, non-fiction of various subjects (history, technology), that is what I will delve into with this goal. I plan to find a book to read through the entire challenge and magazines as I can but at least one a week. Being Emotional Braver like Troi! Troi has always worn her emotions on her sleeve considering that she feels the emotions of just about anyone and anything out there being a Betazoid. Even in the throws of some of the most terrifying adversaries and entities she has been stronger than the largest Klingon and braver than the most daring Starfleet officer. I have had quite the emotionally baffling year so my goal is to be more aware of my emotions, my feelings, and my effect on others in my life. In a more concrete way, I will show my gratitude on here in the form of a devotion to someone or something that has been transformative for myself, whether it be something that I've done within the year or more recently (needless to say, especially to my friends here, we've got a lot of catching up to do). Three times a week should be sufficient for now. Be in Command (of my life) like Picard! Captain Jean-Luc Picard, what can we say about him and Wesley.... besides an inescapable amount of "Shut up Wesley"s? Outside of some underlying father issues, quite a bit actually. Commanding officer, father figure, teacher, mentor, personification of a proper officer. Quire frankly, what I need to do it take a more firm command over my life in so many aspects along with the fitness. So, my overall goal will be to do this in increments and a different aspect each month. This month I'm going to go right for the financial jugular and start hitting the finances. Now, unless I decide to just copy and paste every single statement and bill I have, this is going to take some work. The plan starts like this: Beginning tomorrow, I will need to be more conscious of my spending habits which will include fast food purchases, entertainment decisions, the whole enchilada. I will provide baselines for all my financial data shortly and then give updates for my (hopefully really good) decisions. At least twice weekly updates will come about. The challenge starts tomorrow... ENGAGE!!!
  4. Hey all - It's been almost 2 years since I've been on these forums and, as one might predict, I have de-leveled by quite a bit. My weight is back up from around 200 when I left these forums, to 240. I'm 27, male and 6'4. I'm tall and the weight doesn't show dramatically, but I certainly don't feel great as I look in the mirror. My diet and fitness routine has essentially vanished, and I've just simply found it harder to get motivated for most things that aren't relationship or work related. With the tough recap out of the way, it's time to look ahead! I'm in the busy season at work right now, but I've got the drive in me to start making some changes, particularly as I know it will help build my energy back up overall. So, without further ado: CHALLENGE 1 Diet: Habit: Create a meal plan each Sunday for the work week (10 meals total) and follow through with it. Reason: I barely cook at all anymore. Building up the habit to cook for myself and my partner is an important step to better fueling myself. Additionally, my partner is great at motivating me to work out but cooking is where I can be of most help to her as we work towards better taking care of ourselves. Grading: 5 for each meal plan finished (20 possible) 2 for each meal that is home-cooked and not take out. (80 possible) 90% or above = New cookbook 80% or above = Geeky cooking apron (something like this) 70% or above = Better tupperware 100% = Pick 2! Fitness: Habit: Make theYMCA spin class Mon, Wed, Fri. Reason: Spin is fun and is early enough (6am) to fit in with my work schedule. I'm all for strength building, which I intend to get to, but right now I need a group activity that's near work and this is what's available. Grading: 10 classes or more = New workout bag (currently using an old, slightly broken duffel) 8 classes or more = One new item of workout clothing 6 classes or more = New carabiner for my water bottle Make all 12? Pick 2! Level up my life: Habit: Make 10 minutes for meditation each day Reason: I meditate on an irregular basis at this point, but I always feel better when I do it. Making 10 minutes each day to meditate is good for my overall well being and my time management more generally. Grading: 90% or above: New Zabuton (meditation mat) 80% or above: New Zen Zafu (meditation cushion) 70% or above: New incense 100% Pick 2 So that's it! I could definitely use some encouragement as the positive feedback from my last experience on this board was Incredibly helpful, particularly as life got hectic. Also, if I messed up anything in terms of forum etiquette with this post, please let me know and I'll edit it right away! All the best, TwoTone
  5. A New Year, A New Beginning 2016. I can't believe we are here already. With a new year and a chaotic end to my 2015, things have come to the surface that has really made me WANT to reevaluate my life. What it is, what it isn't, what I have and don't have, but most especially, what do I really want. I know what I want, I want to be happy. Can't phrase it any other way, I want to be truly, blissfully, uncompromisingly happy with my life. And with these new 4-week challenges, this will be a perfect challenge to get myself in a better place before my 39th birthday How am I going to do this... let's figure this out: 1. Redesign the Breastplate -- OK, I know I've attracted some perv nerds so get your heads out of MY gutter LOL This goal is going to focus on working on this junk food gut and get that work helping me form my exercise habit. I'm going to focus purely on upper body workouts instead of trying to go with both halves this time. Three times a week sounds like a solid amount of time each week to work out, as for the variety of those workouts, those are coming. Ok, let's be real!! Three times a week I've been trying to do since challenge one and I have gotten varying results. But has a habit actually started.... not so much. So we're going to go this route. Since I decided to participate in the Assassin Mini, that's where I'm going to start. I need to fully try to participate in the Mini for the four weeks (to be decided by special tribunal). Pass/Fail 2. Lighten the Gauntlets -- With big, bulky gauntlets it's hard to grab onto things like proper liquids for drinking. The holidays and visiting my parents does sometimes lead to poor drinking habits so I need to get back on that. So this is a straightforward goal, get more water in, keep more of the crap out. 64 ounces of water minimum daily consumption and all other drinks need to be avoided, especially the deceptive ones that look like they are no calories but are full of sugars and such. 3. Ventilate the Helm -- Having the brain overheat doesn't lead to thinking very clearly. So we need to get this helmet ventilated so that I make fewer poor choices with my eating habits. At this point, I think I'm just going to map my intake with MFP, if something else comes from that I will integrate it now or next challenge. 4. Bracing the Leggings -- I need to get moving this year. In so many ways. Moving physically, moving mentally, moving emotionally, and moving for my happiness. So, for starters, this challenge, I have one and only one life goal, to use my legs and get myself out of the most toxic relationship that I have. I'm reminded that there is so much more in the universe and what I am and have been experiencing since my late 20s is highly toxic. It must be cut out of my life immediately. This will be a straight up pass/fail goal. Now, where is my hammer and anvil?!?
  6. 'SUP EVERYONE!! PixieKitten here, reporting for early morning duty! I do a lot of 12-10 shifts at work, and I've gotten into the habit of sleeping in as much as possible, sometimes til 11:30. Wake up, panic, go to work, work, come home, go to bed. What kind of life is that? So, my main quest this challenge, is to be out of bed by 6:30 every morning. or as many mornings as possible. I will achieve this by: -Being in bed by at 11pm at least 6 days a week, -Eating at least 2 meals a day but never after 8pm, -Taking my herbal sleeping tablets an hour before bed, and vitamins immedietely upon waking up. Doable? I think so! SIDE QUEST TIME!! SORT. QUEENIE. OUT. She's a mess. She's covered in lice, her mane's outgrown and scruffy, she's got bald patches on various body parts for various reasons, and her eye's still puffy from the incident with the bush. She hasn't been ridden in ages, you can't clip her, can't hack her out, can't put her in a trailer... She's a joke of a horse. But she's my horse. And she's gonna be a show stopper by the time I get through with her. Queenie Itinerary: -De-louse -Pull mane -Exercise in-hand walking -Buy bit/borrow one from yard -Put new tack on her -Attempt to de-sensitize to clippers, maybe buy electic toothbrush or install vibrating app on iphone? SIDE SIDE QUEST I have a new workout rota kinda thing, as shown in my battle log(link in siggy). Do that. Every day. Grading wise, I'm gonna be going for one point per goal per day. The 6 goals are in purple. Everything Queenie-wise comes under one goal, else I'll be here forever. So I'm looking for a weekly score of 42, with an overall score of 168. As far as stat points, I'm not sure whether we do that here or on the character creation thingy so I'll wait until that comes up and sort it out then. But for now, this is what I've got. LET'S DO THIS
  7. Introduction: Hi, I'm Mosquito Girl (or, y'know, Matilda) and this is technically my second challenge, but I gave up on my first one way back when (about a year ago), and this is a fresh start. I'm 21 years old, 5'9" and weigh about 125 pounds (I'm a bit iffy on that since I haven't stepped on any scales for about a year and a half, but my body hasn't gone through any noticeable changes). I've always been slim, but don't have a lot of muscle on me. I have a pretty stationary job and need to be up and moving to feel good. Work will be crazy busy for most of this (for example, I'll be working 16 days straight somewhere in the middle of the challenge), but I need to take this time for myself and for my future. Life is short and fragile and I want to be the very best I can be, so that I can battle what might be to come. Main Quest: Get stronger and build endurance. Quest 1: Be able to run for 30 minutes without stopping. At the moment, I can run for about 15-17 minutes a a pretty high speed (about 8,5 km/h/5,3 miles/h) before slowing down to a walk, but I can probably run a little further if I push myself. I have a couple of races coming up (one of which will happen during the 6WC) and I want to do somewhat good. Grades: A+: Being able to run for 30+ minutes. A: Being able to run for 30 minutes. B: Being able to run for 25 minutes. F: Being able to run for 20 minutes. Quest 2: Work out every other day. I'll include both going to the gym and taking gym classes into this. Grades: A+: Working out 25+ times. A: Working out 21 times. B: Working out >15 times. F: Working out <15 times. Quest 3: Eat a minimum of two fruits per day. I do love fruits (and some veggies and berries too), but more often than not, I opt for something else, like chocolate. I want to change that. Grades: A+: Eating 90+ fruits. A: Eating 84 fruits. B: Eating 70 fruits. E: Eating <50 fruits. Quest 4: Try new/other types of exercises. As it is now, I go to the gym, run on the treadmill, lift some weights and then get out of there, but I want to keep trying new things (and semi-new things that I'm just not doing at the moment). This includes new classes. Grades: A+: Trying 6+ new things. A: Trying 5 new things. B: Trying 3 new things. F: Trying >3 new things. Quest 5: Sleep more. My sleep schedule is pretty messed up, but I know that my mind and body needs sleep. Grades: A+: Getting six hours (or more) of sleep for 40 nights. A: Getting six hours (or more) of sleep for 30 nights. B: Getting six hours (or more) of sleep for 25 nights. F: Getting six hours (or more) of sleep for 20 nights or less. Life Quest: Unpack. I recently moved to a new city and still have things in boxes. This needs to change. Grades: A: No longer have things in boxes at the end of the 6WC. F: Still have things in boxes at the end of the 6WC. Motivation: I want to feel my absolute best. I want to feel strong and capable and maybe even get a high-five from one of those big, muscular guys at the gym. Reward: If I complete 4 or more these quests with a grade of A or higher, I'll treat myself to a full-body massage.
  8. I return from the darkness of winters night to let my inner light shine Excuses only serve to dampen this burgeoning fire of mine Like the Phoenix, I rise, reprised, and resolved to abandon the refrain Stretch out my wings and bring my life to full flame Hello! I return, but with a new name. I have abandoned the old moniker of Broken Raven, as I am not broken. Cleansing my life with the fires of my ignited Will starts with positive thinking. I have entered this new year and new era of my life with vim and vigor, resolved to make the changes I always said I would. I WILL hone my drawing skills by regular practice. I WILL hone my body through regular exercise. I WILL hone my mind through self-education. I WILL abandon my lazy, procrastinating ways through hard work and determination. "May steel break before my resolve." Greetings, Nerd Fitness.. it's nice to meet you again..
  9. Hello all! I have been subscribed to Nerd Fitness for a couple of months now, but up until now I did not venture in the NF community. Well, I became intrigued by a whole community centered around health, fitness, and positive motivation that I decided to take a leap and join. So far I've been just shimming around, looking at this and that, but I do enjoy very much what I've seen so far and cannot wait to delve deeper. A little background on myself: I'm a 18 year old female, weighing 170 pounds and at a height of 5'4" from the United States. After years of disliking how I look, but never really doing anything concrete about it, I became more committed during my senior year. I was introduced to the paleo diet and tried my hand at running, and then later on weight lifting. The problem I have is that I will become highly motivated to become fit and eat well, but then after the initial motivation wears off, I slouch in my commitment. For example, I'll eat paleo for 2 or 3 days straight, but then binge the next day on really unhealthy foods or I'll go to the gym for three days one week and not go at all the next week. I'm here because I want to turn my motivation into healthy, concrete habits. Also, I want to do awesome things with my body. I want to pull myself onto a branch and climb a tree, or play soccer with friends and not be left behind, or free run, or do a hand stand, or any one of the other millions of amazing things one can do with their body. Basically, I want to turn the world in my playground. Right now, I'm doing my own challenge, trying to eat more paleo, and focusing on body weight exercises, biking, and running. My challenge is that for 30 days I score myself on a point system of 10, where 7 points are my based on my diet, 1 on exercising, 1 on if I wake up on time, and 1 on if I read that day (I am an avid reader, but I don't always find the time). If I fail more than 5 days (getting less than 9 points) then I have to give my best friend my phone... for good. If I pass the challenge, then I allow myself to get the update that I've wanted (goodbye Apple, hello Android!). Today was day 7, and so far I have already failed 3 days... But! I believe that I can do this. Anyway, that was just a snippet about myself. Tell me about yourself. Dreams, goals, failures, successes, even hobbies. I do love a good story. - B
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