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Found 2 results

  1. Here I am, after a week off - and, unfortunately, also an off week. I fell off the wagon and had a major relapse into stress / emotional eating, and I need to get a grip on that. I had been doing much better at the beginning of this year, but now that the stress level is rising, those pesky Sugar Monsters are showing their ugly mugs again. My Main Quest is still basically the same - improve my overall health and get fitter and stronger in the process. Goal 1: Keep fighting to get rid of the Sugar Monster. Again. +2 CON +2 WIS I need to dust off those sugar-monster-slaying swords Kiwi gave me for my first challenge - they worked like a charm! Since they worked so well the first time around, I'll repeat the program from my first challenge: start with one sugar free day* per week, add one day each week and hopefully end up with six sugar free days in the last week of this challenge. *) "sugar free" == no added sugar, no sweets, candies, cookies, cake, sweetened desserts... Fruit and honey will be allowed in reasonable quantities (note to self: eating a whole jar of honey as a snack is NOT a reasonable quantity). I'll award myself a point for every sugar free day of this challenge, with a theoretical max (ha!) of 42 points. If I stick to the plan, I should end up with 21 points, which equals an average of 3 - 4 sugar free days every week. Grades: 21 points or more => A18 - 20 points => B15 - 17 points => C12 - 14 points => Danything less => FGoal 2: Keep moving +2 STR +2 STA For the past couple of weeks I have had a rather erratic workout schedule. Instead of working out first time in the morning I opted for sleeping a bit longer and did the workout in the evening. Which meant I was often already tired even before doing any exercising. I'd like to switch at least the BW stuff back to mornings. Since the KB workshop today was tons of fun (and will be tons of pain tomorrow and the days after that), I'll aim for 2x BW + 2x KB practice per week. Plus the usual yoga class once a week and whatever kneehab the Drill Master has in store for me. Each workout earns me a point, including yoga. (Not the sessions with the Drill Master or my kneehab homework, though.) I'll aim for 5 points per week, or 30 points total. Grades: 30 points or more => A27 - 29 points => B24 - 26 points => C21 - 23 points => Danything less => FGoal 3: Keep trucking tracking (+2 WIS) while hitting my target kcal range (+2 CON) Keep tracking my food intake with myfitnesspal every day. Each day of complete tracking earns me a point, max 42 points. Keep the weekly average at 1600 kcal or below. Each week hitting my average kcal-target earns me a point, max 6 points Grades for tracking 42 => A38 - 41 => B34 - 37 => C30 - 33 => Danything less: FGrades for hitting kcal target 6 weeks => A5 weeks => B4 weeks => C3 weeks => Danything less: FSide goal: Food! +1 WIS +1 CON +1 CHA I'm still working on expanding my leet cooking skillz *cough*, so I'll keep that goal from my last challenge. Try at least 3 new (healthy!) recipes during this challenge. (No, brownies and cookies still don't count!) Grades: 3 or more new recipes => A2 new recipes => B1 new recipes => C0 new recipe => F So here's to kicking some serious ass (mostly probably mine - that KB workshop was killer!) in the next six weeks! :triumphant: :triumphant: 'cause... beware of the usual battle cry... WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM??????!!! Goal 1: xxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxxxxxx 26/21 Goal 2: xxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxxxxxx 30/30 Goal 3a: xxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxxxxxx | xxxxxxx 42/42 Goal 3b: xxxxxx 6/6 Side goal: xxx 3/3 Prequel Mini: Check Goals. Check! +1 WIS Mini Quest 1: Find Accountabilibuddies. Check! +1 CHA
  2. Hi So much has changed since my last challenge. So many exciting things to ramble about! I'm really good at rambling. It's a talent, I know. Anyway, I'm technically a college student in the process of transferring schools. I'm currently taking a year off to sort all of that out, and in the meantime, I'm an intern in the marketing department of a healthcare company in Manhattan. On October 1st, I will be moving to the city for a few months, so that's terrifying and cool. I want to expand my horizons and see some awesome things before I go back to school. I'm really trying to use this next year to develop some healthy habits and to better myself and yeeeeeah. Basically, by this time next year, I want to be a happy, healthy bad ass bitch. Can I say bitch on here? Yeah? Right? Here's a random string of things that I like: animals. anything teal. hot yoga. nice teeth. happy people. talking to (friendly) strangers. almond butter. sickenly rich chocolate. paleo food experiments. ron weasley (I have a life size cutout of him in my room...judge me). ukuleles. people who sing in the subway. singing. painting. apples. ingrid michaelson. city & color. exploring. being awkward. things. I also blog sometimes! So here's some shameless self-promoting for you. Peep www.gapyearthings.com if you're interested in hearing about some of the random things I ramble about. CHALLENGE STUFF WOOOOOOOO Main Quest: Lose weight, and get back to the where I was before college. Yeah I went to school and did the whole freshman 15 thing...make that freshman 35. But same thing right? So yeah, this is the main quest. It'll take a while, I know, but I was happy and confident at that weight, so I want to be there again. I'm hoping I'll get there around May. Slow and steady wins the race, right? Goal 1: Complete the 21 day sugar detox. Once that's completed, maintain eating paleo (at least) 6 days a week. I'm hooked on sugar. Specifically fruit sugar. So I'm going to deal with that. Goal 2: Work out in some way, four days a week. If I didn't push myself, it doesn't count. I'll be honest about it, I promise. When I move, I plan on starting up with CrossFit NYC, so I hope that'll keep me motivated. Goal 3: Sleep more. I don't sleep nearly enough. Most nights, I'll get 4-5ish hours if I'm lucky, so I want to change that. So the rule for this is at least 7.5 hours every night. I know I should say 8+, but it's just not really realistic for me right now. It will be in like October, so at that point, that'll be my goal. Life goal: Volunteer. I've wanted to help out the community in some way for a long, long time. And I've just been lazy and not done anything. So now I'm gonna do it. Motivation: Confidence. When I get to work tomorrow, I'll write it, hang it in my cubicle, and post a picture of it. Promise. So yeah . Here we go again. Talk to me if you'd like. Ok. Bye .
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