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Hey there....

So I've always been into fitness, expecially strength training. I work full-time as a physical preparation coach in Northern Kentucky. I've qualified for Strongman Nationals the past 3 years and have placed top 10 in the worldwide Tactical Strength Challenge BUT......


.... I've always had body image issues. I wanted to look like a super saiyan, but my damn appetite always sabatoged my efforts. I have a bottomless pit of a stomach. Well this past March I took my annual sabbatacal to the Arnold Sports Festival and had a revelation. I realized there was only one difference between me and all these jacked people and it wasn't genetics, drugs, or luck, it was determination. 


From that date I decided to completely commit to my training and nutrition, I quit using chewing tobacco on the spot, and generally decided to stop making excuses and being lazy. Shortly after my grandpa died. He was the most influencial person in my life. I wanted to climb into a cave and drown my sorrows in food and alcohol, but I could here his voice calling me a pussy and telling me to keeping going forward.


 Since then I won my local strongman competition, dropped 15 lbs, and have read about 20 books (most sci-fi). I overhauled my evening and morning routines to keep myself on schedule. I did my own nutrition for the first part of the year, but have since moved to working with a nutritionist. Below is a progress picture from March to now. 


I didn't really come to Nerd Fitness to learn more about fitness, but to be in a community of people who are aiming for a goal like me that aren't total meat heads and jocks. Even though I excel in the weight room I always feel out of place training athletes. I hope my story can help others and hopefully I can be there for anyone who needs encouragement. My journey is still going and anyone is welcome to join me on the path!


Insta: @kettlebellkungfupanda

youtube: BEstrong


Trying to be Superman to 2 little girls

"I got a fever, and the only cure is more kettlebell"

Panda Feeding Log

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