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Guardian Training - Grow Fat From Strength

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New year, new forum post. I've gotten lazy with working out and I can tell it in my body. Resting heart rate is higher than it used to be, less stamina, HUGE loss of flexibility, especially in my hips. I had some lower back pain last year that's still with me. Grip strength is still bad from my pinky injury a couple years ago. So, I gotta get back into it


What worked before:

 - Abs diet (low carb, moderate fat, high protein, lots of veggies) or paleo-ish

 - Gym 4x a week with lots of cardio, full body workouts

 - Meditating occasionally



The last time I felt well and strong was right before I found out I had to move, in March '17. I want to get back to that point where I feel physically competent and go past it. Usually I get there and then get lazy again. I seem to go in a pattern: March, August, and November/December are the times I lose motivation.


Goals for 2018:

 -  Run a 5k - there's one in June at a theme park

 -  Less scrolling facebook incessantly

 -  At least one vegetarian meal a week (that's not breakfast)

 -  15,000 step per day 

 -  More outdoor time - biking, walking, hiking, biking, swimming


Shouldn't try to fix it if it keeps getting better,
Just let it go, forget it for ever and ever and ever
Don't ever resent a letter inside a single word written,
A little change can pave lanes with the right vision.

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Successfully made it through the March slump. I've been hiking and averaging at least 12,000 steps a day, usually more like 13-14,000. Went camping and got 22,000 one day, and kayaked for 2 hours the next. This feels great! My resting heart rate is down to 60-70 rather than 80s, and i can get to 90 degrees on a pull up again. Did yoga at the Carillon a couple weeks ago which was AMAZING. I want to keep this going. I might get the gym membership that includes the pool. 


Summer goals: Kayak more, hike a bunch, hang out at the river/beach/etc in a hammock, bike around town

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Shouldn't try to fix it if it keeps getting better,
Just let it go, forget it for ever and ever and ever
Don't ever resent a letter inside a single word written,
A little change can pave lanes with the right vision.

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Apparently the March slump is now the May slump. I feel burned out at work, lazy, and just want to eat nachos and play video games. I've got to find motivation to get back to the gym, or at least work out outside.


I did hike most of the Dragon's Tooth last weekend which was fun. I want to go to the top next time. Rocks are scary.

Shouldn't try to fix it if it keeps getting better,
Just let it go, forget it for ever and ever and ever
Don't ever resent a letter inside a single word written,
A little change can pave lanes with the right vision.

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