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Thursday 22 Feb 18

Physical Training

AM - Force Attunement: 2

Aerobic Conditioning Running

4 x 4:00 tempo / 3:00r


1 - 960m   

1r - 470m    

2 - 920m       

2r - 440m     

3 - 1020m    

3r - 480m     

4 - 1020m      

4r - 560m     


Total - 5870m


Same start point. The speed bump near the HQ

Good work this morning. You have not wanted to do this for a while, especially after missing Tuesday. Made yourself though - well done & probably the best results in this session to date. Good thing, as it was the last one I am likely to do where I am.


Emotional Training

Daily Stoic written and reflected upon



What's Better Left Unsaid

Callum's comment: "Only speak if you're certain you'll improve the silence" - a very difficult practice for all of us. So is anything worthy of our pursuits. I've had some situations this week that have been very emotive, but gee the passage of time gives me new clarity. Where I stand now, I am making better decisions about those emotional topics than I would have a few days ago. Had I spoken, and acted, back then... well... things would have been worse. Just like the over-arching passage of time, as we age we gain wisdom - in all things. Sometimes just don't say anything and think.



Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

Link to comment

Friday 23 Feb 18

Physical Training

AM: Force Attunement: 2

Skipping warm up

- 5 sets of 45s work for each of the below, one after the other (in a random order) with no break. 20s between sets. 

  • Alternating between double foot jump and single foot jump
  • Alternating between double foot jump and star jump
  • Alternating between single foot jump and split jump
  • Alternating between mummer kicks, high knees, rear kicks
  • Alternating between twisting jumps, box jumps, side jumps


- FL PE4 and iM - 4x48 - (Kaizen - additional set of 36 reps, first set was also 54 reps) 

- Side arch holds 5x30 and iM (7lb DB) - (Kaizen - extra set of 16 seconds each side)

- MN PE6 with no iM (no stall bars - instead waited 30s between sets) - 5x3 (Kaizen - all sets 3 reps) - Failed my last rep of the last set - couldn't do the slow, controlled lower. Paused for about 20 seconds then did it. Failure! At last! Now I truly know where my limit is at the moment. Get after it; I am excited to improve this.


PM: Force Attunement: 2

Aerobic Conditioning Running

conducted on a treadmill, and on a different day as a result of changes to feeling sick Monday. Set it up with 1.5 incline.

4 x 4:00 tempo / 3:00r


1 - 16 km/h 

1r - 9 km/h  

2 - 16 km/h       

2r - 9 km/h   

3 - 16 km/h     

3r - 9 km/h     

4 - 16 km/h (2:00), then 16.5 (0:30) then 17 (0:30) then 18 (1:00)     

4r - 9 km/h  


Total distance: 6.14km

Good work getting after it this afternoon. Success


Mental Training

Listened to Learning Leader Episode 244: Bill Curry - Excellent. Just listen to the first 5 minutes. His opening comment alone is worth paying for. What are his six common characteristics of champions (I can see Coach Sommer nodding at this)?



- Show up - on time, be early, every time, read to be your best

- Singleness of purpose - "his focus was powerful" - Like we train at work: just be really good at one thing. Learn to say No! is how Tim Ferriss would describe this.

- Unselfish"he literally gave the shirt off his back for others". Empathy plays a huge part here, and is similar to how Simon Sinek describes exceptional leaders.

- Tough - Don't make excuses. "Be great in the 4th quarter" (a good 'saddle up' quote). Never blame anyone else. Jocko would love that - Ownership.

- Smart - Always prepared, and never perfect - always practicing and trying to be better. Growth mindset is what this reminds me of.

- Never quit & never give up - Enough said.


"I know two types of people. People who are humble and those who are about to be humbled."



Emotional Training

Daily Stoic written and reflected upon



Circumstances Have No Care For Our Feelings

Callum's comment: Again, what can we control? Certainly it is very unlikely we can control everything about a situation. Throwing energy at them may not really help at all - instead invest in what you can change. Viktor Frankl - author of Man's Search For Meaning and survivor of WW2 Death Camps - wrote "When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves." Don't waste your energy giving situations your emotions - they don't care; instead invest it wisely, like a currency (which it is) and grow your internal saving's fund.


Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

Link to comment

Saturday 24 Feb 18

Physical Training

AM: Force Attunement: 2

Skipping warm up

- 5 sets of 1:00 work for each of the below, one after the other with no break. 20s between sets. 

  • Alternating between double foot jump and single foot jump
  • Alternating between double foot jump and star jump
  • Alternating between single foot jump and split jump
  • Alternating between mummer kicks, high knees, rear kicks
  • Alternating between twisting jumps, box jumps, side jumps

V-Ups and Jefferson Curls (35kg) afterwards, just because I wanted to do some Jefferson Curls! So good. Upped the weight to 35kg. Might sit on these for a while.

- 5 x 25 and 5 Jefferson Curls.


Leg Mobility

- 5 x super-set of the following:

     - 5 inside squats

     - 10 Skiers

     - 5 Natural Leg Extension

     - 10 Twisting Squats


Emotional Training

Daily Stoic written and reflected upon




The Real Source of Harm

Callum's comment: I've often said this - there is not good or bad, there just is. It is how we approach things that give them a good or bad context. Same for good or evil - these are only labels we apply based on our biases, culture, morals and ethics. With that in mind, how ultimate is our freedom! Complete, and what an empowering thought.

Marcus Aurelius said "Choose not to be harmed - and you won't feel harmed. Don't feel harmed - and you haven't been."



Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

Link to comment

Sunday 25 Feb 18

Physical Training

AM: Force Attunement: 2

Skipping Recovery Session.

- 10 sets of 1:00 work for each of the below, one after the other with no break. 20s between sets. 


I continue to use this session as a bit of fun. The first few sets are fairly structured, and then I play around, mixing up the jumps. Also it is a chance for some deliberate practice! Today was exceptional for that. 


Wrist Work

- Wrist Warm-Up

- Wrist Pushups SE4 5x5

- First Knuckle Pushups PE1 5x5

- Wrist Rocks SE4 5x5

- Fingertips Pushups SE4 5x2


Handstand 1 & 2

- Free Standing Handstand PE2 & iM - 5 x 60s - iM was a static hold/stretch - no light enough weighted bars in the hotel gym.

- Press Handstand PE1 & iM - 5x5 - keep at this, continues to be great - focusing on the lats and shoulders. 


PM: Force Attunement: 2

Skipping warm up

- 5 sets of 0:45 work for each of the below, one after the other with no break. 20s between sets. 

  • Alternating between double foot jump and single foot jump
  • Alternating between double foot jump and star jump
  • Alternating between single foot jump and split jump
  • Alternating between mummer kicks, high knees, rear kicks
  • Alternating between twisting jumps, box jumps, side jumps


Middle Split Stretch


Emotional Training

Daily Stoic written and reflected upon



The Smoke and Dust of Myth

Callum's comment: Perspective is everything, isn't it? How true all of this is. Why waste our time with things that don't make us better, happier, healthier, saner, and so on. Why waste time on things that are not moving us where we want to be, or making us unhappy or sad? Easier said than done, of course, as is so much philosophy - but you can remind yourself frequently of what truly matters. And, when you find yourself upset, just try to remember: "Is this worth how I am feeling? I only have a short time with this life - is this how I want to spend it?" 
And remember, "when we are no longer able to change our situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.' (Viktor Frankl)



Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

Link to comment

Monday 26 Feb 18

Physical Training

PM:Force Attunement: 2 - didn't train in the AM. Feeling a bit flat. It was a hard workout this arvo too. Need some better recovery I think. Don't know how that is going to happen. Maybe need to reduce some of the work.


Skipping warm up

- 5 sets of 0:45 work for each of the below, one after the other with no break. 20s between sets. 

  • Alternating between double foot jump and single foot jump
  • Alternating between double foot jump and star jump
  • Alternating between single foot jump and split jump
  • Alternating between mummer kicks, high knees, rear kicks
  • Alternating between twisting jumps, box jumps, side jumps


HBP PE3 and iM (8lbs) - 5 x 10 (Kaizen - extra set of 7, followed by 2 deep breaths, then 1) - mixing up the Kaizen now. Extra set of 10, broken by deep breath rests (3 deep breaths) as required

- RC PE 2 and iM - 5x9 - (Kaizen - extra set of 3 reps. Then a quick break an another rep. All low, slow and controlled) - got TRX set up off a heave beam. GTG

- sPL PE5 and iM - 5x18s (Kaizen - extra set of 6 seconds) - dialled it back and increased the lean. Should film this and see how it measure up to GB standards.


Mental Training

Finished Chapter 8 of GRIT. Really good book so far.



This chapter spoke about Purpose - and how it is a key ingredient to 'Gritty' people. Interestingly, you can cultivate purpose, which was the real benefit of the chapter. Doing things for others was the key purpose - which, if you find a way to realise this, it makes any task interesting and desirable. 

The analogy was there are three types of people 'Brick layers', 'People who are building' and 'People who are constructing a Grand Chapel' <- the last person has purpose, and we can all transition our feelings towards this with some reflection - finding ways to do it for others and a grand purpose.



Discovered and read this great article at JimWendler.com - The Seven Truths About Strength Training.


Number 1 is gold dust IT'S NOT REALLY ABOUT THE TRAINING PROGRAM. IT'S ABOUT BELIEF. Believe in your training, and be 'All In'


Number 2 is THINK SMALL, WIN BIG. The greatest success comes from those that love the process and focus on getting a little bit better. You have heard this on so many podcasts and in so many books. I think it is also in Greene's Mastery book. Love the process! Think Small and focus on Doing the Work today - and enjoy it for where you are. You will never be back here again. Or, another way is what the SEALs say, "the only easy day was yesterday"


Number 3 is IT'S THE AVERAGE DAYS THAT RESULT IN THE PAYDAYS. You know this. Its about what you do when you don't want to train that matter. Anyone can train when they want to. "three years is also about the time things get really hard with lifting weights and the physical changes and strength gains really slow down." ... and then some for Gymnastics. So stick at it.


Number 4 is THE BIGGER YOUR TOOLBOX, THE MORE OPTIONS YOU'LL HAVE. "Having a huge toolbox allows you to seamlessly move on without being stuck in old ideas or what I call "honoring ghosts." Remember that you don't have to use everything now, but the more you learn the better you'll be." It's easy to get stuck in one way of thinking or one modality. But the bigger your toolbox, the more you have to draw upon when you need to.


Number 5 is WHAT WORKED ONCE MAY NOT WORK AGAIN. As you change, so must your training, diet, and mind. You can't get anywhere if you don't evolve.


Number 6 is SCIENCE IS FICKLE. NOTHING REPLACES COMMON SENSE. "The bottom line is that whatever you want to believe, you'll have a friend in science. There are numerous experts out there, especially in the diet world, who constantly cite research to prove their way is the best. And hell, how can they be wrong if the science backs them up? It's always entertaining to see a couple of diet gurus go head to head, spouting studies in an effort to win a virtual battle." How true this is. Remember the Tim Ferriss interview with Mark Rippetoe? The academics catch up to the practitioners...


Number 7 is IF YOUR SHIT IS GOOD, IT'LL SHOW IN THE RESULTS. "People will disagree with you. Get over it. The training world is full of huge egos. And these huge egos are very fragile — especially in the age of the Internet. Lots of tough guys get a lot of butt hurt. But those who truly believe have no reason to scream." Amen. Just go about your business and get the work done - if it's good, then the results will prove it (in time, don't jump around aimlessly and remember point 1!)


Emotional Training

Daily Stoic written and reflected upon



To Each His Own

Callum's comment: What an interesting technique Abraham Lincoln used - he could get the anger out of his system and not have any regrets. Further, he probably even found his anger quite unfounded once he put it down on paper. Getting angry at others rarely serves any good purpose and doesn't lead to a positive outcome. 



Listened to Tim Ferris interview Terry Crews - He shared some incredibly personal stuff and it was beautiful.



Terry’s advice to a new or expecting parent. [59:26]

Two ways of confronting an abusive father. [1:03:40]

"I have to use my strength for good. Anybody can knock somebody out, but to give a hug, with muscles, is a whole other matter." 

"Shame wants punishment - it just wants to get back! It is temporary. But guilt, develops discipline - When you admin 'I was wrong'. Shame is secrets, you don't say anything."



Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

Link to comment

Tuesday 27 Feb 18

Physical Training

AM:Force Attunement: 3


3 x 1000m / 2:00r

8kg of gear, boots, airsoft rifle


4:05 - GPS kicked in about 2/3 way through

- 4:46

- 4:54


PM:Force Attunement: 2

- Front Split Stretch


Emotional Training

Daily Stoic written and reflected upon



Cultivate Indifference Where Others Grow Passion

Callum's comment: Another story about Seneca is, despite his wealth, he used to spend time (every few months from memory) living as a poor person. He would take only the clothes on his back, leave all his wealth, and go and live on the streets for a while. It would remind him that you can live without all your possessions, and you actually don't need anything else for your happiness but you. Partake in the game of life but don't be slaved to its material rewards. Everything can change over night. Like the lines of the song "Everyone Must Wear Sunscreen" - "don't congratulate or berate yourself too much; your choices are half chance, and so are everyone else's."

It is tough to be clear-headed, calm and objective - nobody can be it always. But it is worth trying to be. That is the worthy struggle Stoics speak of when they talk about life.



Read this article at

Gymnastics Bodies - Life as A Junior Olympic Athlete: Living the GB Philosophy

 - Nice read and refreshing. Reminds me of how good GST is.


Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

Link to comment

Wednesday 28 Feb 18

Physical Training

AM:Force Attunement: 2

Skipping warm up

- 5 sets of 0:45 work for each of the below, one after the other with no break. 20s between sets. 

  • Alternating between double foot jump and single foot jump
  • Alternating between double foot jump and star jump
  • Alternating between single foot jump and split jump
  • Alternating between mummer kicks, high knees, rear kicks
  • Alternating between twisting jumps, box jumps, side jumps


- FL PE4 and iM - 4x48 - (Kaizen - additional set of 37 reps, first set was also 54 reps) 

- Side arch holds 5x30 and iM (10lb DB) - (Kaizen - extra set of 20 seconds each side)

- MN PE6 with no iM (no stall bars - instead waited 30s between sets) - 5x3 (Kaizen - all sets 3 reps) - Didn't fail at all this time. Was tough. I gave myself an additional 10 seconds rest before the last set. This is tough, but still excited to improve and it is an opportunity to 'get after it'.


Mental Training

Listened, again, to High Intensity Health Podcast #193 - High Salt Diets are Back & The Salt Fix


Still so much great information. End state is just eat more salt! It helps micro-biomes, blood oxygen transportation (try having a dose of salt before training!), works with Magnesium to produce ATP (I think... something like this - anyway, another one is have heaps of magnesium, particularly when training hard like you do). Lastly it is near impossible to over-eat salt because of the regulators on your tongue. If you eat too much, you won't want to next meal - unlike sugar that has no 'off switch.'


Continued Learn or Die. So far it is a great book.



Emotions - Positive emotions generally enable higher level System 2 thinking (Thinking Fast and Slow), while negative emotions are more likely to favour the activation of System 1 - a reflexive response. The area of our brain that is utilised for emotion is networked the our memory and recall


Positive emotions are associated with openness to new ideas, better problem solving, openness to dis-confirming information, less rigid thinking, better recall of neutral or positive stimuli, and mitigation of ego defences (which helps combat cognitive dissonance). 


You can increase your positive emotions - smile more, note things you are grateful for, keep a journal that records positive things that happened to you, take time to think about the good things in your life. All these have been proven to increase overall happiness and positive emotions.


Positivity is a powerful, enabling force in learning.


Don't let your emotions hijack your thinking - literally, when considering how they influence System 1 and 2. Be sensitive to and manage your emotions. This takes deliberateness -  Stoicism and mindfulness practices!



Emotional Training

Daily Stoic written and reflected upon



When You Lose Control

Callum's comment: The line it's not as if your reasoned choice has permanently abandoned you is so good. How true! It isn't like you lose a bit of control and all of a sudden you are no longer you - no longer human - no longer without good, or friends, or loved ones, or anything that really matters. Only your soul is disturbed, not your skills and virtue. So use those skills and virtues to settle your soul. We are all human, and losing control is perfectly human, but so is learning and development and critical thought - but a few of the many tools you have. Take some deep breaths and continue. The real you is always there, so get back to it.



Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

Link to comment

Thursday 01 Mar 18

Physical Training

AM:Force Attunement: 3


3 x 1000m / 2:00r

8kg of gear, runners, airsoft rifle


4:18 - GPS kicked in with ~250m to go

- 4:18

- 4:32


Great session today - was really motivated and amped. Had meaning and purpose. Did some dry drills while resting between sets.


Emotional Training

Daily Stoic written and reflected upon



You Can't Always (Be) Get(ting) What You Want

Callum's comment: I feel like today's comment is directed at me! Thankfully, with philosophy, I have learnt to start individual focus. I still love exploring new ideas, but I am able to keep on track in projects I commit to (at least, better than my younger years). Goal setting helps this - particularly SMART goals (look it up). You establish a 'pie in the sky' idea - learn the guitar for example - and then slowly break it down until you have something you can do right here, right now. Using the guitar example, your monthly goal might be to play Wonderwall (by Oasis), your weekly goal might be to play the opening riff, and your daily goal might be to learn the chords (or even just one chord) associate with the opening riff.

Many people make a lot of money off arousing our attention to something new (and sell-able). It is hard to resist, but Epictetus' questions are great. Ask yourself these before pursuing something that catches your interest. Another few questions I have heard, specifically regarding purchasing things, are: 

  1. - Will it make you happier? 

  2. - Think about it longer, procrastinate, see if the desire goes away. If you still want it, think about how much space it would take up.  

  3. - Think about how you would feel if it breaks? 

  4. - Is this removing a negative in my life? Happiness is mostly effected by removing negatives in your life not by adding positives.  


Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

Link to comment

Friday 02 Mar 18

Moving around at the moment - some big things happening - so training on the go for the next few days. Gotta be flexible and see what I can get done with time / sleep / food, etc

Physical Training


Brought the recovery session forward because I have a skipping rope and some space outside.

Skipping Recovery Session.

- 10 sets of 1:00 work, mixing up random jumps, one after the other with no break. 20s between sets. 


Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

Link to comment

Saturday 03 Mar 18

Physical Training

Similar conditions to yesterday. Thought I'd give skipping another go to just do something



- 10 sets of 1:00 work, mixing up random jumps, one after the other with no break. 20s between sets. 

Broken by a phone call and conference for ~20mins after the third set

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

Link to comment

Sunday 04 Mar 18

Physical Training


Busy day again, but last one before I am stable again.

HICT Pushups

12 reps every minute for 200 reps. Equates to 2 reps every 10 seconds (two in a row, followed by about eight seconds rest). Focus on exploitative press away from floor (hands not leaving floor).

4 mins rest approx


Been a while since I have done some of these - good to go.

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

Link to comment

Monday 05 Mar 18

This is a catch up post - internet wasn't established until 08 Mar

Physical Training

AM:Force Attunement: 2

Skipping warm up

- 5 sets of 0:45 work for each of the below, one after the other with no break. 20s between sets. 

  • Alternating between double foot jump and single foot jump
  • Alternating between double foot jump and star jump
  • Alternating between single foot jump and split jump
  • Alternating between mummer kicks, high knees, rear kicks
  • Alternating between twisting jumps, box jumps, side jumps

HBP PE3 and iM (8lbs) - 5 x 10 (Kaizen - nil)

- sPL PE5 and iM - 5x18s (Kaizen - extra set of 12 seconds) - dialled it back and increased the lean. Should film this and see how it measure up to GB standards.


Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

Link to comment

Tuesday 06 Mar 18

This is a catch up post - internet wasn't established until 08 Mar

Physical Training

AM:Force Attunement: 3


3 x 1200m / 2:00r

8kg of gear, boots, airsoft rifle



- 6:02

- 6:05


First half of the track was uphill - Juicing! Enjoyed it this morning. Big emotional surges made it fun and purposeful.

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

Link to comment

Wednesday 07 Mar 18

This is a catch up post - internet wasn't established until 08 Mar

Physical Training

AM:Force Attunement: 3

Skipping warm up

- 5 sets of 0:45 work for each of the below, one after the other with no break. 20s between sets. 

  • Alternating between double foot jump and single foot jump
  • Alternating between double foot jump and star jump
  • Alternating between single foot jump and split jump
  • Alternating between mummer kicks, high knees, rear kicks
  • Alternating between twisting jumps, box jumps, side jumps


- FL PE4 and iM - 4x48 - (Kaizen - additional set of 38 reps, first set was also 56 reps) 

- Side arch holds 5x30 and iM (10lb DB) - (Kaizen - extra set of 25 seconds each side)

No heave beam to practice the other elements.


Front Split Stretch

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

Link to comment

Thursday 08 Mar 18

Physical Training

AM:Force Attunement: 2

HICT Pushups

12 reps every minute for 200 reps. Equates to 2 reps every 10 seconds (two in a row, followed by about eight seconds rest). Focus on exploitative press away from floor (hands not leaving floor).


Single set of above, a rest, then the intervals:



3 x 1200m / 2:00r

8kg of gear, runners, airsoft rifle



- 5:43

- 5:49


Mental Training

Completed Learning How To Learn MOOC for the second time.


Emotional Training

Daily Stoic written and reflected upon



Don't Unintentionally Hand Over Your Freedom

Callum's comment: How true is this? Our minds are our most valuable resource. It is what makes us human. Yet there are so many distractions that serve us no purpose! We all know how much we can achieve when we 'put our mind to it' (as the saying goes), yet we allow ourselves to be distracted. To overcome this requires incredible discipline - but first you need to be aware of it. Every moment we should pause before starting something and ask 'Am I giving this it's due attention? Am I concentrating on the task at hand?'

That being said... I do enjoy a good park sitting judgement session:) 



Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

Link to comment

Friday 09 Mar 18

Physical Training

Skipping warm up

- 5 sets of 0:45 work for each of the below, one after the other with no break. 20s between sets. 

  • Alternating between double foot jump and single foot jump
  • Alternating between double foot jump and star jump
  • Alternating between single foot jump and split jump
  • Alternating between mummer kicks, high knees, rear kicks
  • Alternating between twisting jumps, box jumps, side jumps

HBP PE3 and iM (5lbs) - 5 x 10 (Kaizen - nil) - I've decided to film these tomorrow with better internet and upload them for critique

- sPL PE5 and iM - 5x18s (Kaizen - extra set of 18 seconds) - Splayed my fingers out this morning and focused on their sensation, trying to remove weight from my feet. Also tensed the glutes. Good neurological trainingI've decided to film these tomorrow with better internet and upload them for critique


Mental Training

Finished Module 1 of BioForce Conditioning Program. Good so far. Great way to differentiate Fitness and Conditioning (and I agree with his model). Time to get into the meat of it over the coming modules.


Emotional Training

Daily Stoic written and reflected upon



Find the Right Scene

Callum's comment: How can anyone not see this for truth? I have been blessed with many, many great influences in my life - without them I would be nothing. My perfect soul-mate, my steadfast friends who push me to be better, my workmates who challenge me, my superiors who have mentored me, and my parents who helped me grow, with character, to be ready for the world and meeting all these people. I've given away many people because they are not good for me - thankfully I recognised the virtue of this early in life (with much of Dad's help I think). I'll be doing the same for Liam.



Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

Link to comment

Saturday 10 Mar 18

Physical Training

AM: Force Attunement: 2

Skipping warm up

- 5 sets of 1:00 work for each of the below, one after the other with no break. 20s between sets. 

  • Alternating between double foot jump and single foot jump
  • Alternating between double foot jump and star jump
  • Alternating between single foot jump and split jump
  • Alternating between mummer kicks, high knees, rear kicks
  • Alternating between twisting jumps, box jumps, side jumps


-V-Ups and Jefferson Curls (25kg) - 5 x 25 and 5 Jefferson Curls. Its kind of nice doing these on Saturday. V-Ups are great and Jefferson Curls are priceless.


- RC PE 2 and iM - 5x9 - (Kaizen - extra set of 3 reps. Then a quick break an another two reps. All low, slow and controlled) - Hanging handles from the Smith Machine. Did these because the equipment is here, and I didn't do it during the week.


Leg Mobility

- 5 x super-set of the following:

     - 5 inside squats

     - 10 Skiers

     - 5 Natural Leg Extension

     - 10 Twisting Squats


Emotional Training

Daily Stoic written and reflected upon



Find Yourself a Cato

Callum's comment: What greater accolade than to be considered someone else's Cato? I can't think of one. To influence others so greatly, and to have your character so respected, that you become the angel on their shoulder - challenging the little devil on the other side. I'm not going to share who my Cato is, but I have one. I respect them immensely. But it doesn't matter who they are, only that they exist. They could change, and mine has, and will - but that isn't the point. Keeping yourself honest is. 



Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Sunday  11 Mar 18

Physical Training

AM: Force Attunement: 2

Skipping Recovery Session.

- 8 sets of 1:00 work for each of the below, one after the other with no break. 20s between sets. 


This morning was difficult. I kept missing jumps and it was confusing. I played around with rope length, got unbalanced, got frustrated, but perservered for 8 sets. Also, the rope began to break and I threw it out afterwards - it had served its purpose well! Still, I was my best today, I can say that at least. Not concerned with being better, I was my best (something I am learning from the book Elite Minds - which is bloody fantastic). 


Wrist Work

- Wrist Warm-Up

- Wrist Pushups SE4 5x5

- First Knuckle Pushups PE1 5x5

- Wrist Rocks SE4 5x5

- Fingertips Pushups SE4 5x3


Handstand 2

- Press Handstand PE1 & iM - 5x5 - keep at this, continues to be great. My newfound desire to really train my lats makes this a good exercise! Get those shoulders working.


Emotional Training

Daily Stoic written and reflected upon



Living Without Restriction

Callum's comment: You had me at Their work demand they wear a suit. No thanks, haha. Seriously though, it is important to remember what is worth living for. If it isn't moving you in a direction that you want to go - towards your happiness - then why do it? This doesn't mean we jump ship the moment something is difficult or frustrating. But, if it is truly making you a person you do not want to be, then why the hell are you doing it? We live one life - why on earth would we spend it in pursuit of that which hurts us?



Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Monday 12 Mar 18

Physical Training

AM:Force Attunement: 2

Skipping warm up

- 5 sets of 0:45 work for each of the below, one after the other with no break. 20s between sets. 

  • Alternating between double foot jump and single foot jump
  • Alternating between double foot jump and star jump
  • Alternating between single foot jump and split jump
  • Alternating between mummer kicks, high knees, rear kicks
  • Alternating between twisting jumps, box jumps, side jumps


- FL PE4 and iM - 4x48 - (Kaizen - additional set of 38 reps, first set was also 57 reps) 

- Side arch holds 5x30 and iM (10lb DB) - (Kaizen - extra set of 28 seconds each side)

No heave beam to practice the other elements.

HBP PE3 and iM (5lbs) - 5 x 6 (Kaizen - 1st set was 8 reps) - After the feedback I dialled this back to 5 x 6 focusing on getting a strong protraction for the whole set.


Mental Training

OK, so to be better and to learn, you need to spend as much time as possible in the uncomfortable zone. So, let's start by trying to remember what you've read in the excellent book Elite Minds:



- What you focus on, what you believe, is what becomes true. Your brain controls your body, so what you believe will manifest in your performance.


- Better is the enemy of Best. Don't focus on being better. Do your best. Trying to be better means you are not being your best! It also sets you up to be concerned with your performance and how it compares to where you want to be. This is foolish - how can you be any better than where you are right now. As Rosevelt said 'Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.' Change your mindframe - you are doing your best, you are not trying to be better. Staying in this mindset will see you improve your best over time. As an activity, can you recall when you did your best? I can - performance in Tough Bloke and Urbanathlon, Selection, Selection prep. Now what is different? Actually not a lot! I am still the same person. Be like this every day and be your best.


- Failure is how we learn. Similar to what Black Box Thinking speaks of. It is how we fail that matters - learn and understand from failure. But remember it isn't a reflection of who you are, rather just a snap-shot of your performance in the moment. It will be different in the future.


- Competition is great. But we need to consider it differently. The word competition means 'discovery' with 'a group of people'. The key here is that together we can all be better. Compete with yourself, and with others. You do not compete against others. You compete with others. If you compete against others you will only damage your feelings about self, by unrealistically comparing yourself to someone else. You can only compare you against you.

- This is like Pete Carroll's work (Win Forever - a great book). If you want to win forever, you have to compete.


- Ask yourself at the end of each day: Did I do my best? Most of the time your answer will probably be no - but it soon it will become yes. Mark that day in your diary with a W (for win). If you didn't, mark it with a L (for loss). Aim for only 6-7 L's per month.

- In line with the point immediately above, it is unreasonable to give 100% (or stupidly 110%) to anything. At best, humans are likely to only really understand how to give 90% - and that is when you are red-lining. Most of the time, our hard effort is probably 70-80%. Cultivate this. Give 80% each day and soon you will be a super-star!


- Goal setting: Most of us set goals we know we can achieve. This is pointless, and just a self-parade. Work out these goals, then ask yourself what that goal would be if there was only a 90% chance of success. Then go down to 80%... and so on... until 60%. This should be your goal. Yes, that is right! Make your goal something you are only likely to succeed at with 60% chance. Now get after it and don't fail you pussy.



This is a great article - How To Become Expert at Anything

Good take away - ask yourself this after every activity:

“Was it difficult enough? Was it too easy? Did it make me better? Did it not?”

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Tuesday 13 Mar 18

Physical Training

AM:Force Attunement: 2

1. Intervals

3 x 1000m / 2:00r

8kg of gear, boots, airsoft rifle



- 4:57

- 4:50


The hill that is the first half is a crusher. Really slows you down :D


2. Middle Split Stretch


Mental Training

Finished Elite Minds. Exceptional, and now rests in my top 5 non-fiction books. I should aim to read this yearly.

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Wednesday 14 Mar 18

Physical Training

AM:Force Attunement: 2

Skipping warm up

- 5 sets of 0:45 work varying jump types, one after the other with no break. 20s between sets. 



HBP PE3 and iM (5lbs) - 5 x 10 (Kaizen - nil) - Uploaded for critique. Good feedback. I'll stick at them and keep working on protraction

- sPL PE5 and iM - 5x18s (Kaizen - nil) - Uploaded for feedback. Good work, now work on the lean getting hips to hands. Consider dialling back the duration to achieve this and work up

- RC PE 2 and iM - 5x9 - (Kaizen - extra sets of slow concentric reps. 1x2, 4x1) - Uploaded for feedback. Got told it was good! Just need to work on endurance. Started using the cue of bringing my elbows to my body to activate the lats - made it harder but more engaged, which is good

- SLS PE 7 and iM - 5x10 (Kaizen - nil) - Decided to start this progression again, just as something to add and work the legs up again before going into weighted work when I return home. Why I ever stopped doing pistols I don't know, because they are great


Mental Training

Continued with the BioForce Conditioning course. So far it has been interested, and it just commenced the components of breathing and assessments for breathing capability. 

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Friday 16 Mar 18

Physical Training

AM:Force Attunement: 2

Skipping warm up

- 5 sets of 0:45 work varying jump types, one after the other with no break. 20s between sets. 


1. GST

- FL PE4 and iM - 4x48 - (Kaizen - additional set of 40 reps, first set was also 59 reps) 

- Side arch holds 5x30 and iM (10lb DB) - (Kaizen - extra set of 30 seconds each side)

No heave beam to practice the other elements.


2. Mini-Circuit

As quickly as possible

10 Burpees

10 Squats

9 Burpees

9 Squats


1 Burpee

1 Squat




3. Thoracic Bridge Stretch (less all elements that need a stall bar - so about 50% of it)

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Saturday 17 Mar 18

Physical Training

AM:Force Attunement: 2

Skipping warm up

- 5 sets of 1:00 work varying jump types, one after the other with no break. 20s between sets. 


Wrist Work

- Wrist Warm-Up

- Wrist Pushups SE4 5x5

- First Knuckle Pushups PE1 5x5

- Wrist Rocks SE4 5x5

- Fingertips Pushups SE4 5x3


Handstand 1 & 2

- Freestanding Handstand PE3 & iM - 5 x 36s - Filmed the iM for review

- Press Handstand PE1 & iM - 5x5 - Filmed it and need to get reviewed

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Sunday 18 Mar 18

Physical Training

AM:Force Attunement: 3 - Great this morning

Skipping Recovery Session.

- 10 sets of 1:00 work for each of the below, one after the other with no break. 20s between sets. 

Excellent session. Got right into flow - nothing could stop me. Really fun.



- sPL PE5 and iM - 5x18s (Kaizen - nil) - Really got the lean better. Well done.

- RC PE 2 and iM - 5x9 - (Kaizen - extra sets of slow concentric reps. 1x2, 6x1) - Felt much better today. Felt good. On the smith machine with handles hanging at hip height.

HBP PE3 and iM (6lbs) - 5 x 10 (Kaizen - nil)

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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