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I want to live by the motto "today is the day." Every day I have a struggle, such as a conference where food will be served that is really of an unknown calorie count, I decide I will start over on my journey tomorrow. But I want to remember that today is the day. One meal might not be the best, but that doesn't mean I can't make the next meal better! I want to make the changes I need in my life now.


So I want to try to start tracking my meals a bit better, and making more movements in my day (even just regular walks). I want to drink less alcohol. But I also want to maintain a great social life with friends. I need to find balance in that.


I will post about my daily struggles and accomplishments here. I'm excited to see the support that the NF world can provide!!

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Today was a super tough day! I am just getting into the NF world, and it seemed pretty overwhelming. I also had a low body image today. But the day is coming to a fantastic close!


For one thing, I am lucky to have a great supporter in my life. I was able to discuss how I was feeling with my boyfriend, and he was so reassuring and supportive. Additionally, I reassured myself that I am starting with small goals, and not a complete overhaul of my life. I just need to take this journey one step at a time. 


It also turned out to be a good day at work, as I received positive feedback on a project. 


So I am ready to take on the day tomorrow! I will keep track of what I eat, go for a 10-minute walk, not drink alcohol, and attempt to meditate. Let's see what tomorrow brings!


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