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Heigh Ho, two point O

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Day 30 I think

So I started a thread in the general fitness section, wrote something like :


Posted July 27

Day 1


Felt like starting a journal and update the day counter up above whenever I finished a workout session for the day. The objective is to get to 90 days somehow. Felt like it was a good way to stay accountable with this whole challenge (is this even the right word? Bah, I don't know).   (CHANGED FOR A BIT, SEE EDIT 9/8/2022)


Also, secondary objective, 1.01 (9/3/2022) : GET UP!!!

- Wake Up at 6h15 am

- Have a small warm up routine after getting out of bed


Also, tertiary objective V1.00 (9/3/2022) : Eating healthy

- Stop drinking soft drinks

- Stop eating junk food

- Eat 5 portions of vegetables / fruits per day



Making the secondary objective my main objective for a month. Will try to wake up at 5:30 am after that, and go back to the main main objective (does that make sens?)


Also, tertiary objective is now my secondary objective.


Edit 9/11/2022

Adding a new objective : Go to sleep at 10h30

Can't accomplish my main objective if I keep going to bed at 11h30



Then this monday someone pointed out that this section of the forum existed, I am now here.

I did yoga today, and I am also sleep deprived, going to bed.

Good night



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Day 1, main

So yesterday I didn't end up working out, so damn, I guess.

Today I was able to workout (isometrics), so yeah!


Also, felt like adding a few more objectives that I've been thinking about for a while now, mostly about getting out of bed (and warming up) and eating healthier food.


Day 0, secondary



Day 02, tertiary

Yep, started getting some cravings... not going to lie.





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Day 0 ,  main


Day 0, secondary

Nope, for some reason I literally couldn't sleep today. Starting to think that I might need to stop drinking so much coffee


Day 03, tertiary

This is actually not going too badly, this is nice.

Made myself a red bean salad, tasted good, but now I feel like a balloon slowly deflating by releasing gas.

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Day x,  main

Not going to lie, I've had difficulties exercising recently. If this problem persist I'll lower the bar a little to get myself to actually do something.


Day 1, secondary

Actually managed to get up and did a thing today! Nice! The Big objective is to eventually get myself to do this at like 5h00 am, that way I'll also have time to do my workout as well before going to school. But right now, 6h30 am will have to do.


Day 4, tertiary

This is still going well. We have like 2 bags of chips in the house... damn things have been CALLING MY NAME at night, I swear it. Next time someone show up at my house I'll just give it to them, same thing for that chocolate bar I've got in the fridge.

Why do I even HAVE those things?! I dont even remember buying them.


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Day 1, main

Ok! Changing my objective, again. Or more specifically, I'll be making my secondary objective my primary objective, for at least a month. After a month, I'll try to wake up even earlier, (something like 5.30am), do my 15 minutes warm up AND the actual exercise. Turns out it's way too difficult for me to do all of this right now, so I'll be doing this by steps.

Day 7, secondary

Or tertiary I guess. Anyway, that has been going well, so that's nice

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On 9/9/2022 at 12:34 AM, ParylPanda said:

Adjusting is such an important part of keeping going sometimes - good luck with the waking up!

Thanks a lot! I'll probably need a bit of luck too, waking up is difficult...


Day 0, main

Nope, did manage to get up early though, so that's nice. I'll try this again tomorrow


Day 8, secondary

I feel like this is going fine, so thats nice

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