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Countess D'If - Battle Log of Awesomeness!

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27 Days!

SO. . .  I got a little busy and I got a little I don't care about working out or eating well. Then I got in a big fight with my family about their big day. You know, the day I graduate from law school. Turns out it's actually all about them! Who knew? 


Me. I should have known. What was I thinking?! Silly Countess. 



Anyway. I've been busy AF. I'm trying to make money. I need to pay that rent! Then Bar prep starts. I have one more day of one class and two more of the other. I have a mock trial to prep for. I have to build a shit load of resumes. (five). I have a graduation party to go to on Tuesday, a brunch with people I like, a bunch with people I FUCKING adore. Then I have to finish my externship. Then I'm done with law school! HOLY SHIT!


I have to buy my regalia and my announcements next week. (I need to remember to buy stamps. . . .) And I have an appointment to get my car serviced. 




I ALSO have to practice for graduation because, fuck me, I said I'd sing the national anthem. Yay? 


27 days!


I can't even believe this.


TODAY I played softball (sort of), and I did some squats and some pushups. Now I'm at work and later I will be at UNLVino

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20 DAYS!!!

This is amazing and I am super duper happy, but I LEGIT thought that the end of the semester would be super chill because I only have one thing to do. No. No, that's wrong. EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING!!! Brunch, brunch, party, trial prep, trial, bar prep, work, externship, externship exit memo. And of course making sure that my family's big celebration (formerly known as my graduation) is everything they ever dreamed it would be. I feel mean, but I also feel happy to announce that I am not the only one this is happening to. Misery loves company. My friends' families have all lost their gad dam minds in the last four days and found hideous ways to remind us - in that way only our families can - that our graduation is actually all about them. Silly us. I mean, we're smart, we're about to graduate law school. But we clearly forgot that this is not about us, because we are all dumb AF.


AND, on top of all that family joy, I am PMSing like a bitch. I AM SO HUNGRY! UGH. I just ate and I am FLIPPING STARVING. And I have a MURDER ZIT right under my lip. What is a murder zit, you ask. THIS IS A MURDER ZIT!! MY FACE INVENTED IT! IT'S A THING NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WTF, uterus? You are not the most important here. Remember? (That's my family's spot)

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8 DAYS!!

I am actually all done, except for the graduation bit. I sent out my announcements. I finished my externship. Now. . . we wait. And draft cover letters (FFFFFUUUUUUuu!!!!) and practice the Star Spangled Banner (because I said I'd sing it at graduation. WTF was I thinking?) 


I got SUPER SUPER SUPER sick last week, so my paycheck barely covered my ass. But it covered. Then I had to make it through my last three days at the public defender's office. I mostly did. I got straight up kicked out on monday, but they let me stay Tuesday and Wednesday. Now I literally don't have anything to do and it's freaking me out. I mean, I have work. But that's just work.


No home work. No School work.


So, my options are house work (which needs to get done any way) and Bar prep, and . . . . . . . . chilling out. . .? whaaaaaaT?! I don't get it. . . .


It's like. . . I'm not a law student anymore?











My plan is to just kind of go with the flow for a second.

  • I have stuff to do at work. 
  • I need to refill my prescription
  • I need to do laundry
  • I need to do some cleaning 
  • I need to do some meal prep for the week ahead
  • I need to get back into a working out groove
  • I need to practice singing
  • I need to do some early bar prep
  • I need to draft those GD cover letters (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!)
  • I need to get all those hours at work so I can. . . you know, eat/pay bills/cover the rent
  • I need to. . . . errrrr. . . I think that is literally it?




Also, I have a $55 gift card for amazon. I was SO excited! I was gonna be all SPEND SPEND SPEND! Now I have it in my hot little hands and . . . I can't think of anything to spend it on? I have pens. I have paper. I guess I could but movies? I'm so conflicted!

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7 Days!

Today has been rough. I really miss my Marine and Midget Mayhem. I get to see them in less than a week and I feel like I wish it were a year because being this close and having to wait it TORTURE!!!!!! I miss them SO MUCH!


Today, I slept in. I did not run. I did not go to the gym. And I'm OK with that. I mean. . . I JUST finished law school. I deserve a break, right? I am almost done with work for today. I might to to a social thing. Or I might go home and go to sleep. Who knows? 

I did not eat any fast food

I did not drink any soda. 


Yay me!

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I don't mean to freak anybody out, but


So there's that.


My brain bots have decided that I am worthless because I'm fat. This makes no sense because I'M A FUCKING JD, BITCHES.






And I'm aware of that. I signed up for this ish. 




My brain does not need to be sabotaging me, thank you very much. So I had a chat with my brain bots and we've come to a compromise. In that I am the boss and they need to STUF.


So, as the boss, I need to prepare for the bar exam. According to everyone everywhere, this is going to suck my soul out of my eyeballs and I need to take care of myself better than I've ever taken care of myself before. I have money covered first because as we all know, that is my A#1 freak-out trigger. 


So my brain bots looked for a secondary freak out to freak out over. They chose being fat.  Which seems silly, because I've always been fat. I mean, they may as well have chosen "YOU'RE BRUNETTE!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"


I've tried to redirect the brain bots as much as I can and head them off by appeasing them where I can. I've taken like a million steps toward self care. I used my $55 amazon gift certificate for a waterpik and fancy charcoal toothpaste. I'm going to buy a sonicare toothbrush this evening. So the brain bots can't attack me for my oral hygiene. 


I have food at home so the brain bots can't attack me for eating fast food or drinking soda.


I have pens and notebooks and everything beautiful and fancy to keep the brain bots happy during the bar study course.


I have work out clothes set out and a dedicated hour in the morning to lift weight and do cardio and run and keep the brain bots from calling me lazy. 


I have friends and taco tuesdays to remind me that the brain bots are liars. 


Let's see, what else are the brain bots clamouring for?


Oh, yeah, I have melatonin and Dear Scooter's Sleep With Me podcast to distract the brain bots while I try to sleep. 


The house is on its way to tidy so the brain bots can't harass me for being lazy there, either. 




So, yeah. I don't know when the next brain bot attack will occur, but we'll burn that bridge when we cross it. 

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Day four - WAAAAAAY overslept (fr sis, didn't wake up until 8. Class is at 8:30. Womp womp!). Got coffee. In class. Going to have to redo this class tonight. Barrrrr.


(NOTE: Not most late person)


Need to workout and make bed and stuff. Oops. . . . . . . . 




Note to self: Do not beat self up for not being best self this morning. Self clearly needed sleep.






LATER: I did the things!!!

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Woke up late Again. Had to haul balls to class. 


I just got got home from Target and I narrowly escaped stopping for raising cane’s. Fr srs, I went to target to get chicken stock and olive oil for dinner and had to talk myself out of blowing a good week on chicken fingers. 


. . . But I love chicken fingers. . . . .


I did buy some of this barkthins snacking chocolate with almonds. Because I ain’t dead. 

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I did not do the things yesterday. But I did things to make sure I do the things in the future. I bought a coffee pot (I haven't had one for about a year). I took some advice and hired myself an administrator/secretary to be in charge of admin stuff. Her name is me, she's a sagittarius middle child and she loves movies. She's in charge of things like, packing my bag so I have the correct book, shopping for snacks so I'm not hungry during class. 


It's crazy to me how many responsibilities go into this bar prep bull shit and how much I have to divide my time and attention and, IDK, self? to keep it all together. So, I am 

  • prepping for the bar
  • keeping myself alive during the bar
  • fighting off the brain bots
  • and now apparently fighting off body bots, because. . . .


I had a panic attack yesterday, but like, a super weird one. I had the feelings of a panic attack, but none of the thoughts/brain shut down of a panic attack. It was a below-the-neck panic attack and it was weird. 


And TODAY! I slept until 9, because I'm a rebel (That's a UNLV joke -- but please note, I am not a Rebel. I am a Wolf Pack girl, 100%)

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Bar Prep, Day 8. I got a lot of admin stuff done, and I have a dedicated admin notepad now. My pens got here! The Vegas Golden Knights are duking it out in the Stanley Cup on my TV. The San Francisco Giants are. . .  doing whatever it is they're doing over on hulu on my computer. I just learned that canada dry makes a lemonade ginger ale and now I want that. I paid my bills. I'm prepped for tomorrow. I bought a bunch of snacky snackys. The weather is divine. I made an awesome lunch.



It's a pretty good day.

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So. . . needless to say, I left when everyone else left. Because CRIME??


I want to go buy food and stuff my face with it. I have so much feels. How am I supposed to get things done this evening? SO MUCH FEELS

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