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Darwinian Fitness -- The Demon takes on Recomposition

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I actually stopped being hungry not too long after that last post, so I didn't eat any more.

I think I drank too much coffee yesterday, that could explain the energy and that I didn't sleep a well last night... I have noticed my sensitivity to caffeine has gone up. I'm gonna try to taper down.

Todays breakfast was 6 eggs with broccoli and potatoes. All scrambled together.

This message was generated by a room full of monkeys typing randomly--as you can see, they are far from producing Shakespeare.



--Stronkey Kong--


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I gave a shitty lab meeting which triggered a depressive episode. I spent all day in bed yesterday. Literally all day.

Finally, I scraped myself of the sheets aroind 11 am and even went to the gym.


Warmup: 45# 2(5), 95# 1(5), 135# 1(5), 185# 1(5)

Workout: 225# 3(5)


Warmup: 45# 1(5), 65# 1(5), 85# 1(5)

Workout: 105# 3(5)


Workout: 275# 1(5)

Asst'd Chinup

-80# 5, -70# 5+3

Felt good. Gonna need some carbs to recover though. Gonna have a little rice woth my chicken and veggies.

This message was generated by a room full of monkeys typing randomly--as you can see, they are far from producing Shakespeare.



--Stronkey Kong--


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In this past week I went from ~266 lbs. --> 256.8 lbs.

And my waistline dropped from 44 in --> 39.5 in (just above the belly button)

And my neck measurement is about 15.5 in around, when back in Jan. it was steadily hanging out at 16.25 in.





--Stronkey Kong--


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That's probably my usual ~10 lbs. of "junk" weight. Running any deficit will get rid of that in a week. We'll see if any new advantages arise by this weekend.


Also, I think I flubbed that waist measurement. I measured again yesterday morning, idk why, and it was ~ 41"... meh, its stilll a reduction. Weight this morning was about 255.6 lbs. ( oh yeah, those measurements were from Sunday, I posted a day behind).


Oh right! Yesterday was a total emotional roller coaster. I had this meeting with my advisor where he basically told me I was not acting my age, that I'm way behind in my project, and that I should consider leaving the lab/grad school. I have kept him informed about the depression/therapy stuff. Anyway, that was a lot to take in and process, we talked it out, and we're kinda over it... but damn. Then later in the afternoon I went to a counselling/therapy appointment and dredged up some other emotional crap.


So last night I cheated a bit. After counselling, I was out with my lab for our journal club discussion. Someone bought a pitcher of beer and some fries. This was pushing my dinner time back to I had a few fires, and probably ~12 oz. of beer. I was pouring maybe 4 oz. at a time and taking little sips so I could enjoy it and stretch it out over a couple of hours. So I'm proud at least for not going nuts with it.


I need to figure out if I'm going to the gym tonight. I absolutely need to do laundry, so that's getting done as soon as I get home. I was thinking of going after, but then I probably wouldn't get home until 9, and I like to be in bed by 10 and to give my dinner and hour or two at least to digest so I can fall asleep and stick to a schedule. It wouldn't be too bad to skip it and get it in tomorrow, but I really want to go to Nerd Nite... at 8pm, which creates a similar dilemma.


I could get it in tomorrow morning... but I sooo hate morning workouts. :/



--Stronkey Kong--


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Been posting on my challenge thread. Here's a couple workouts:


(SL)Ice Cream 3x5
warmup: 45# 1(10), 95# 1(5), 135# 1(5), 185# 1(3), 225# 1(2)
workout: 245# 3(5)

Squat was good. Right about where i left it.

Bench Press:
warmup: 45# 1(10), 95# 1(5), 135# 1(5)
workout: 185# 3+3+2

I moved my grip out a couple inches from previous workouts. Considering this was my highest work weight ever, and that its been a while, I think it gave me an advantage by taking spme work off the triceps amd putting it in the chest.

Barbell Row
workout: 185# 2(5)+4

This was fun cuz this girl at the gym was doing deadlifts and we were going back and forth banging iron on the floor.

Incline Bicep curls
30# 1(4), 15# 3(8)

As you can see from my starting photp, I have no biceps. Gotta fix this.

55# 3(8)

135# 2(8)

This message was generated by a room full of monkeys typing randomly--as you can see, they are far from producing Shakespeare.



I am tired, hungry, and thirsty. The gym was extra hot and humid. I was sweating bullets by the end of my squat warmup. I also didnt eat much. I had bacon eggs and kale for breakfast, and didnt eat lunch until 5. I stayed im the lab until 7, and ate a couple handfuls of stale crackers that i had stashed at my desk.. Walked home, then to the gym.

(SL)Ice Cream 3x5

warmup: 45# 1(10), 95# 1(5), 135# 1(5), 185# 1(3), 225# 1(2)
workout: 250# 3(4)

Maybe i coulda got the fifth on each set, but i really didnt feel like i had the gas to do it in the moment.

warmup: 45# 1(10), 65# 1(5), 85# 1(3)
workout: 105# 3(5)

workout: 295# 2, 1

I dont knpw.of i got cocky, or tried to compensate for the fours on mu squat, but jumped up from 275# on my last deadlift work set. I'd done 295# DL sets before my recent depression shit, so I figured I could just plow ahead now that I'm getting my momentum back. Nope.

Barbell Row
workout: 135# 3(8)

After the first set of these, the world.got a little blurry. I gave myself se extra time between sets.

Close Grip Bench Press:
135# 4, 115# 8, 3

First set, my grip was too narrow. My wrists were hurting. Also, i could feel that 135# was too much to do even one set of 8 so i dropped down to 115#.

Incline curls:
20# 2(8), 5

Cable crunch:
108# 3(10)

I found out my gym is open on Easter. My plan os to rest up good the next two days, go in Easter morning, crush the fuck out of myself, then stuff my face all evening while hangong out with my friends.

This message was generated by a room full of monkeys typing randomly--as you can see, they are far from producing Shakespeare.



--Stronkey Kong--


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Forgot to mention...


I've added the Ice Cream 5x5 accessory work to my SL 3x5 workouts. This is really destroying (in the good way) my upper body. It makes me crave carbs for recovery though.


There's been a big discussion on my challenge thread on keto diets. I recently read /u/darthluigi 's TKD protocol and am thinking of giving that a go to make gainz and shred some fat.



--Stronkey Kong--


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Found a really detailed calculator for keto dieting.


Here's the feedback.


*Generated by [Keto Calculator](http://keto-calculator.ankerl.com) 7.3*

30/M/6'0" | CW 256 | 27% BF | Moderately active

* 2678 kcal Goal, a 20% deficit. (1358 min, 3348 max)
* 25g Carbohydrates
* 186g Protein (113g min, 186g max)
* 204g Fat (58g min, 278g max)


I decided to start with the 20% deficit which might be a little tough, but it'll set me up for future success. The site has nice graphs that show where I'll be if I stick to it and it has me at 10% body fat by new year.


I personally don't care to get quite that low, 12-15%  BF seems good to me, but I'm being ambitious, because I'm going to modify this plan as per the recommendations on ketogains' TKD, which means carbing up with about 50g high glycemic carbs before workouts followed by eating lean meat/protein post workout.


I'll be tweaking that number as I go based on progress, but moreso on how my workouts feel. I'll be aiming to complete reps and sets, but getting exhausted at the end.


I'll start Monday.



--Stronkey Kong--


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So why all this keto business now...


I was reviewing my progress pics this morning


Here's where I started, when I first joined NF last June (260-265 lbs., I don't remember exactly)




Look at that gut.


Compare to after my first challenge... Sept 04 2013 - 248 lbs.




And here's where I am now, 260 lbs. ( 255 + 5 lbs. -- a little swollen from chinese food and beer )





--Stronkey Kong--


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I'm really satisfied with all my progress on gainz.


I went from not being able to complete 3x20 BW squats, to a 1 RM of 315 lbs. and doing reps at 250 lbs. 3x5 (err 3x4)

I could not do 10 pushups, now I can do at least 20 (been a while since I tried to max these out) and can bench 210 lbs. and doing reps at 185 lbs.

I went from not having ever attempted a deadlift. Now I can deadlift 330 lbs, and am doing reps at 295 lbs.


A year ago I fatigued really easily carrying groceries home and was always feeling weak, and fat, and lazy...

Now I can just pick shit up and throw it around without even a second's thought.

Moving is just easier.

I'm actually starting to feel comfortable in my own skin again.

I can see muscles moving under my skin when I move and flex.

I have some smooth lines forming around the muscles in my extremities, and in my legs, arms and back.

My shoulders look big, especially my traps.


However, I've been stuck around the same weight.


That spare tire, butt, and man boobs have got to go. Its time to ramp things up and commit to cutting.


Yeah, I know I sound impatient which could be my or anyone's demise. But, I know I can do more. I know I can work harder at this, at the very least, I can be more consistent and stay the course.


It's time to get ripped. And I'm convinced that going keto (TKD) and kicking ass at the gym is gonna be the best way for me to do it right now.



--Stronkey Kong--


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Hey Darwin! How you feeling?


Pretty good overall.


I was getting keto adapted and got some really good workouts in. My new accessory work f***ed up my arms quite a bit so I had to take a break.


I had a ton of swelling in my arms from working them too hard. Supposedly the muscle tears created some toxic buildup and my system couldn't clear that crap fast enough. My kidneys may have been a bit taxed from the keto and working out, and not getting enough water and electrolytes. Then a friend came to visit me and bought me a bunch of delicious pizza and beer.


So derailed for a couple days, but not bad.



--Stronkey Kong--


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Thanks Laini!


The swelling is all gone so I'll be returning to the gym tonight. Gonna go for a 1 RM on squat and get some vids during the process.


BTW... most of the action is going on on my challenge thread if you wanna join that party. The link in my sig is up to date.



--Stronkey Kong--


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Last Night's Workout:


warmup: 45# 1(10), 95# 1(5), 135# 1(5), 185# 1(5), 225# 1(5)

I decided to start working on my asymmetry issues, so instead of a work set of squats, i did:

Single leg press:
Workout: 100# 1(5), 140# 5(5); each side

I led with the right side. 5 reps of 5 @ 140 was a good workout for my right side, old lefty just steamed rigjt through it barely getting phased. I already feel more sore in the right leg so I know I did good.

Bench Press:
warmup: 45# 1(10), 95# 1(5), 135# 1(3)
workout: 185# 3, 2, 2

BB Rows
workout: 185# 2(5), 4

145# 3(8)

Skull crushers
25# 1(8), 35# 3(8)

Incline curls
20# 2(8), 6

35# 3(10)

Cable crunch
97.5# 3(10)

I'm on day five of straight keto. I'm pretty sure its effecting my big lifts, as evidenced by the bench press, but I felt like I had a lot more endurance on the small stuff.



--Stronkey Kong--


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In this past week I went from ~266 lbs. --> 256.8 lbs.

And my waistline dropped from 44 in --> 39.5 in (just above the belly button)

And my neck measurement is about 15.5 in around, when back in Jan. it was steadily hanging out at 16.25 in.





Saw the scale hit 253 (point something) last week.

Waistline this morning was a hair under 39 in.




Didn't check my neck.


I'm not really tracking things right now, but it seems keto and lifting heavy works well for me.


Although I did have a bowl of oatmeal to help recover from last night's workout. Hopefully it didn't hurt ketosis -- I was on my tenth straight day.



--Stronkey Kong--


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Yesterday's workout:


Today's workout (dedicated to all you nerdy moms out there)

warmup: 45# 2(5), 95# 1(5), 135# 1(5), 185# 1(3)
workout: 225# 2(3)

I used a wider stance today which kept the weights lower. But form was much better. Also used a narrower grip, but im gonna need some wrist wraps soon.

warmup: 45# 1(5), 65# 1(5), 95# 1(3)
workout: 115# 2(5)

warmup: 135# 1(5) (sumo), 225# 1(5) (reg)
workout: 305# 2, 1

Shrug: 155# 3(8)
CGBP: 115# 3(8)
Incline curls: 20# 2(8), 1(5)

Good workout. I dont know what my deal is with those damn curls. I guess im stalled at 20# per arm, lame.



--Stronkey Kong--


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Here's a recent progress photo. I went from ~260 to ~255 in the past 7 weeks.




Now I'm starting a weight loss PvP challenge to lose 20 lbs. in about 8 weeks.





--Stronkey Kong--


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First one at the gym this morning:

12 HIIT cycles on a stat. bike 30/30

3 supersets of asst. Chinups -80# x 5 & pushups 10

2 ss of 10 Hypers 45# and weighted decline situps 25#

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--Stronkey Kong--


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LEVEL: 7 Furyan Ranger - Battle Log - in lieu of this challenge

don't look back, we aren't going that way:

Rebirth - Wrestlemania Dark Raider vs KZacher

From Tartarus with Love - Wrath of the Furyan - it's a secret! - FIGHT! - You can go your own way - The Rational Gaze - Rise from Death to Knife this Beast(part 3-the agony) - Demonized(part 2) -  By Demons Be Driven(part 1) -

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Todays macros

Cals: 2346 / 2335

PRO: 179 / 175 g

FAT: 183 / 156 g

CHO: 52 / 58 g

Something was off on mfp... I

These numbers are the fixed version I think, either way I'm still on a deficit, on goal for keto, and have enough protein.

Had a couselling appt. today. She asked me a lot about my diet and exercise. I wound up giving her some gym advice and we exchanged a couple.chicken recipes. She also said I'm making really great progress against my depression and that I looked like I lost weight. I also told her about NF and she said she was going to check it out and that she had other patients that would benefit from something like this.

This message was generated by a room full of monkeys typing randomly--as you can see, they are far from producing Shakespeare.

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--Stronkey Kong--


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