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Annyshay the Hobbit's Quest

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Concerning Annyshay


Annyshay is a hobbit.  She was born in a sleepy farming town of the Shire.  As a young hobbit, she worked the land with her family.  Her nose was often firmly wedged in a book, and she fancied herself quite the scholar.  When turmoil split her family asunder, she began her apprenticeship and long quest to live a good life.  For years, Annyshay found her hobbit-y nature at odds with her training and quest.  The confused hobbit struggled through periods of being “good†and keeping perfectionistic track of everything she did.  Inevitably, she would lose momentum and return to the joy of second breakfast, elevensies, and her hobbit hole. Somehow, she managed to lose herself amidst all the stress, processed food, sedentary habits, and self-doubt.  This was not the good life that she dreamed of all those years ago on the farm.


One day, Annyshay was cleaning out a trunk, when she found an old scroll with “For the Rebellion!†on its seal.  Filled with curiosity, she brought the scroll to her favorite reading chair, so that she could investigate the matter fully whenever she had a chance.  When Annyshay eventually cracked the seal of the scroll, she found it was more than she imagined – a device that allowed her to interact with countless Rebels questing to improve their lives. Although she was cautious at first, the support and tales of these Rebels convinced her to join them.  Annyshay learned from her fellow Rebels and realized that her life was about so much more than safety, comfort, and control.  Annyshay now strives to become resilient and radiant, so that she reflects God among the nations. Herein lies the log of her Quest.






I eat cleanly.  I move daily.  I rest enough.


I accept myself.  I seek truth.  I create beauty.


I worship God.  I love others.  I serve communities.

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Love as thou wilt.

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Daily Log for 5/25

Yesterday was a day of accounting.  I tallied up my points from challenge #6 and started making plans for the next stage in the journey.  There are two weeks to refine things.  I really hope to make progress with my eating habits next challenge.



- handstand practice (wallstand 30s x3 - video taped, wrist work, hollow body)

- split squats for mini-challenge 8min / 36 per leg

- walked 1.4 miles

- ate all whole30 (other than 1/2 and 1/2 in my tea, fish sauce with some sugar, and...)

- several dark chocolate squares for snacks (~6)



- meditated for 10 minutes

- no studying or applications

- wrote about my journey (past and future)

- PMR (progressive muscle relaxation) for 15 minutes



- quiet time with God (Bible and prayer)

- Bible study

- church (invited friend to join Bible study)

- made short ribs for roommate

- watched X-men: Days of Future Past with a friend

Love as thou wilt.

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Daily Log for 5/26


Yesterday went much better than I feared.  I was able to hang out with friends, nap for my switch to B shift, and go on a lovely walk.  Also we played on the playground for a while, which was super duper fun!



- handstand practice (60s once, wrist work, hollow body)

- playground workout (practiced kick ups x10 both legs, attempted chin up - moved maybe 2 inches, ha, "cartwheels" - need to get my legs up, and crow into forward rolls) - basically trying to be less scared falling and being upside down on the grass, but I did earn an epic bruise on my right hip :)

- walked 2.8 miles

- ate primal (1/2 and 1/2 in tea, sugar in dressing, and feta cheese)

- more dark chocolate, but no other snacks at work



- meditated for 5 minutes

- unofficial (phone was acting up) PMR for ~15 minutes

- no study or applications



- quiet time with God (Bible and prayer)

- made brunch with roommate for a friend

- long walk with roommate

Love as thou wilt.

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Daily Log for 5/27



- playground workout (kickups x10/leg, crow to forward roll x4, chin up negatives x5)

- handstand practice (wrist stretches, standing L, upside down L)

- walked 3.6 miles

- ate primal (eggs/peppers/kale/cheddar with avocado, chicken with green beans and dijon, ćevapÄići with ajvar and asparagus)

- dark chocolate and rose



- meditated for 10 minutes

- bedtime 10:30pm

- got up 6am



- quiet time with God

- made dinner for roommate

- Brave and rose with roommate

Love as thou wilt.

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Daily Log for 5/28


I made myself use some down time to finish my CV and send emails to the programs that I'd like to apply to.  Boom!  It used up all my motivation for the day though, so my roommate came home to find me wearing my cloak curled up in a ball on the couch.  We got me up with the promise of tzatziki and wine.  :D  Not the best food choices ever, but it was delicious and fun to hang out.  Feeling awfully sore from my playground workouts, so I took it easier.



- handstand practice - read through GMB tutorial again then did wrist prep and hollow body

- walked 0.9 miles

- ate primal for breakfast and lunch

- had some dark chocolate

- went to Greek restaurant for dinner (truffle fries! skordalia! tzatziki!) and had a lovely Riesling (not primal... but delicious)



- meditated for 5 minutes

- PMR for 15 minutes

- finished CV

- sent letters of interest to 10 program coordinators (!!!!)

- worked on acknowledging my "mistaken beliefs"

- bedtime 10:30

- got up 6:20



- quite time with God

- Doctor Who and lots of chatting with roommate

Love as thou wilt.

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Daily Log 5/29


I am beginning to truly love walking around town and then working out at a playground for a while.  Excellent!



- handstand (5 minutes of hollow body, wrist prep, and 45s wall handstand)

- playground workout (5 minutes of 5 negative pull ups, kick ups to handstand, crow to forward roll)

- walked for 3.2 miles

- ate primal all day

- several dark chocolate squares



- meditated for 2 minutets

- PMR for 15 minutes

- read several fellowship letters

- bedtime 10:00

- got up 8:00



- quiet time with God

- talking with roommate and friend after work in the garden

Love as thou wilt.

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....And then I spent all my free time roaming around the forests instead of updating...  It was a very full weekend!


Daily Log 5/30



- handstands (60s wall handstand, wrist work, hollow body at 45 degrees)

- walked 0.9 miles

- ate primal breakfast, lunch was crap, dinner was primal, crappy midnight snack



- meditated for 2 minutes

- PMR 15 minutes

- bedtime 11:00

- got up 9:00



- quiet time with God

- expressed frustrations and desire for change at work meetings


Daily Log 5/31



- handstands (60s wall handstand, wrist work, hollow body at 45 degrees)

- hiked 4.5 miles

- ate primal (the MOST delicious BBQ for dinner)



- PMR for ~10 minutes

- bedtime at 2:00am

- got up at 1:00pm (many interruptions)



- missed quiet time!

- roommate made me breakfast and did my hair all fancy!

- hiking and dinner with roommate


Daily Log 6/1



- handstands (60s wall handstand, wrist work, hollow body at 45 degrees)

- walked 4.5 miles

- primal breakfast and lunch, potluck of delicious foods for dinner (lemon bars! crockpot cookie!)



- meditated for 5 minutes

- bedtime 11:00

- got up 9:00



- quiet time with God

- Bible study - asked for prayer re: driving next weekend

- church was awesome (great songs, great message)

- watched Vincent and the Doctor

- hiking with roommate

- potluck with many friends :D

Love as thou wilt.

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Daily Log 6/2



- handstand practice (45s wallstand, wrist prep, hollow body)

- playground workout (5 pull up negatives, 5 kickups on both legs, 5 dips, 5 split squats on both legs, repeated thrice over!)

- walked 6.1 miles (!!!)

- ate primal all day

- lemon bar, chocolate square



- meditate 10 minutes

- PMR 15 minutes

- worked on applications 45 minutes

- studied for 30 minutes

- bedtime 10:30

- got up 6:30



- quiet time with God

- solitude!

Love as thou wilt.

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It's been crazy busy this week at work, unexpectedly.  Still, slow and steady wins the race, right?


Daily Log 6/3



- handstand practice (45s wallstand, wrist prep, hollow body)

- walked 0.9 miles

- ate primal for breakfast and lunch

- off the rails at dinner (stress eating, NO!) - sushi and mango smoothie



- meditated 2 minutes

- PMR 15 minutes

- applications for 25 minutes

- bedtime 11:00

- got up 6:00



- quiet time with God


Daily Log 6/4



- handstand practice (45s wallstand, wrist prep, hollow body, shoulder stand)

- walked 1.6 miles

- ate primal for breakfast and lunch

- dinner ok, but had 3 desserts (social and stress eating, BOOOO)



- meditated 2 minutes

- PMR 15 minutes

- knowledge for 15 minutes

- bedtime 11:00

- got up 9:00



- quiet time with God

- chilling with roommate


Time to start gearing up for the challenge!  Yay!

Love as thou wilt.

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Too busy being awesome to post daily.   :pirate:   I've kept up with my exercises and walking (substituted crazy dancing at graduation for two days).  I'm staying true to my mindfulness practice, although I think it's becoming too much a routine at this time.  Luckily I've started reading Full Catastrophe Living, which should get my head back in the game.  Similarly, my time with God has gotten a bit too much like a check list.  Routines are lovely, and they need my full attention to be fruitful.  Eating remains the most challenging area for me.  There have been so many celebrations this week.  My social overeating was better at these, but still present.  Also, I've just been lazy about cooking.  Perhaps spending more time on the forums will kick my motivation back into gear.  Here's hoping!


Daily Log 6/12



- handstands (50sec wall stand, challenge stretches, wrist work)

- 30+ minutes dancing at peds graduation

- breakfast - bone broth, bacon, mango

- lunch - taco meat, lettuce, tomatoes, sour cream, diet coke, tea, half and half

- dinnner - cheese, fruit, and 3 crackers, beef tenderloin with horseradish, potato skins with toppings (cheese, sour cream, bacon!), salad with dressing, bacon, raisins, ice cream sunday



- meditated 5 minutes

- bedtime 11:30

- got up 9:00



- quiet time with God

- celebrating friends!!

Love as thou wilt.

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Daily Log 6/13



- handstands (50sec wall stand, challenge stretches, wrist work)

- REST day

- breakfast - omelet with 2 eggs, kale, mushrooms, and blue cheese

- lunch - ground beef, zucchini, marinara, olives

- dinnner - chocolate chili



- meditated 5 minutes

- personal statement for 25 minutes

- bedtime 11:30

- got up 9:00



- quiet time with God


Daily Log 6/14



- handstands (60+sec/10sec/50sec wall stand, challenge stretches, wrist work) ~8 minutes

- walked 2.4 miles

- playground workout (chin up negatives 5x3, split squats 5x3 per leg, handstand kickups/cartwheels 5x3 per leg, dips 5/6/10)

- breakfast - classic pork bangers, sauerkraut, mustard, russian dressing

- lunch - chicken drumsticks, herb salad

- dinnner -zucchini noodles and chocolate chili

- glass of rose!



- meditated 10 minutes

- hope to work on personal statement for 25 minutes

- bedtime 1:30

- got up 10:00



- quiet time with God

- fight/drama with my father

- planning vacation to Acadia National Park with roommate

- silly animal videos


I'm digging these playground work outs.  Here's hoping I can slowly expand them as the summer progresses.  :pride:

Love as thou wilt.

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Daily Log 6/15



- handstands (wall stand, shoulder stretches)

- walked 2.6 miles

- paleo breakfast, then pizza and oreos (eeps!)



- meditated 10 minutes

- personal statement for 50 minutes

- bedtime 12:10

- got up 7:00



- quiet time with God

- walk with roommate in the park

- How to Train Your Dragon 2 with a bunch of awesome people


Daily Log 6/16



- handstands (shoulder + wrist strength, wrist prehab, jump to tuck 3x10, wall walk 1 :) fail)

- walked 1.9 miles

- playground workout (chin up negatives 5/2/2, split squats 6x3 per leg, dips 7/7/8)

- all paleo!

- skipped chocolate chip cookies at the end of the day!!!



- meditated 10 minutes

- personal statement for 25 minutes

- bedtime 2:30

- got up 10:30



- quiet time with God

- read lots of Full Catastrophe Living

- got fun book from library

Love as thou wilt.

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Daily Log 6/17



- handstand practice (wrist strengthening, wrist prehab, and walk walk - got up and half way down)

- walked 1.2 miles

- all paleo except for brownie with dinner



- meditated 10 minutes

- read lots of Full Catastrophe Living

- lights out 1:00

- got up 10:30



- quiet time with God (listened to old sermon I missed)

- picnic with roommate

- read a bunch of Divergent

Love as thou wilt.

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Daily Log 6/18



- handstands (jump to tuck 3x10)

- walked 3.9 miles

- playground workout (chin up negatives 3/3/3/3/3, split squats 6x3 per leg, dips 8/8/8)

- mmmmm paleo



- meditated 10 minutes

- personal statement for 25 minutes

- bedtime 1:30

- got up 10:30



- quiet time with God

- read Full Catastrophe Living and Divergent


Daily Log 6/19



- handstands (wrist strength, wrist prehab, wall walk 1/4)

- NO walk :(

- paleo except half and half, 1 cheesy breadstick

- meal plan for next week made



- meditated 10 minutes

- fellowship application for 25 minutes

- bedtime 3:00

- got up 10:30



- quiet time with God

- brunch with roommate

- read some Divergent

- helped an intern learn to do a procedure and stay in an acute situation in the ER

Love as thou wilt.

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6/28 Daily Log



- handstands (45sec wall handstand, jump tuck 10x, forward rolls 2x5, cartwheels 2x5 per leg, wrist strength)

- walked 1.0 miles

- playground workout (chin up negatives 3/3/3/3/3/3, assisted pistol squats 3/3/3 per leg, dips 10/10/10)

- had snacks and too much food yesterday... BOO! (doughnuts, candy, trail mix, wine)



- fellowship application for 60 minutes

- bedtime 10:0

- got up 7:00



- quiet time with God

- carpool with roommate

- read some Full Catastrophe Living

- helped second year learn to do a procedure

Love as thou wilt.

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Daily Log 7/21


- walked

- playground workout (3x3 negative chin ups, 3x3 chin up hangs, 3x3 assisted pistol squats, 3x3 push ups, 3x5 dips, 5/7 cartwheels)

- handstands (kick ups and wall handstand)

- foam rolled ITB

- day 8 of whole50

- tracked and ate ~1800 calories, <15% carbs


- body scan 45 minutes

- sitting meditation 10 minutes

- bedtime 10:00

- get up 6:00

- wrote out quote for next challenge


- quiet time with God

- taught interns at clinic

Love as thou wilt.

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Challenge 7 - Annyshay Stops Second Breakfast




Main Quest: Lighten the Load


Any hobbit that has gone on a long adventure knows that extra pounds from extra food are just added weight.  I’m planning to hike the presidential traverse this fall, and I do not need any extra weight to carry!  I could buy fancy gear, or I could get my body to a lower weight.  Losing weight is 80% related to food, which remains a struggle for me.  True to my hobbit nature, I LOVE food and LOVE to have multiple delicious meals.  Second breakfast has become normal again.  And yet, it is possible for me to have a healthy relationship with food when I am proactive – planning ahead and remaining mindful.  Reclaiming this healthy relationship with food is the crux of my challenge.


1) I plan my meals. [+3 WIS]


Each week, I will have a meal plan for all meals in a day.  Hopefully I will expand this to include shopping and cooking plans that are realistic and back up plans for crazy work days.


2) I don’t snack. [+4 CON]


Pretty simple.  No snacks.  No deviations from the plan!


3) I enjoy company without copying their eating habits. [+2 CHA]


Social and stress eating are two of my biggest challenges, especially because large social situations stress me out.  Double wammy of extra food... no more!  I do not need to eat like a dwarf just because I'm surrounded by them!


Side Quest – I love Handstands!! [+2 DEX, +1 STR]


This is super fun and doable all the time.  I will do at least 5 minutes per day.  Some times I'll do two sets of practice.  Goals are continuing to improve my wallstand and work on kicking up into a outward facing wall stand.


Life Quest – I Will Apply to Fellowship!!! [+3 CHA]


I need to apply to fellowship (the next step in my training) now.  No more delays.  I work 25 minutes per day for at least 5 days per week.




I plan my meals. - 5/6 - A     +3 WIS


Did well with this.  Even if I didn't exactly follow the plan, it got me thinking about my food in general and planning ahead.  Flirted with the idea of posting daily meal pics, but this DID NOT WORK once I got behind and made everything feel a bit onerous, which probably played into...


I don't snack. - 25/42 - C      +2 CON


This really fell off the wagon as things got more time stressed in the last 2-3 weeks.  Pictures of food made some sense, but I started sneaking sweets into my meals to avoid the technical "snack" issue.  Snacks are dangerous for hobbits, for they quickly turn into extra meals.  I've restarted a whole50 to get my brain and body back in sync with an appropriate relationship to food.


I enjoy company, without eating like them. - 39/42 - A     +2 CHA


Not bad at all.  I am learning to be sociable while making healthy choices.  People have learned to assume that I won't eat something and then are surprised when I partake.  I am slowly learning that food is not crucial to being social.  Whole50 will ratchet up the difficulty here, but I hope to remain a paleo butterfly... not a hermit.


I love handstands!! - 32/42 - B     +1.5 DEX, +0.75 STR


Fell off the wagon at the end.  Mostly I think I got sick of doing them.  They require so much patience.  That said, my handstands and cartwheels are definitely better than at the start.  Will think hard about whether this is a goal next challenge or not.


I will apply to fellowship!!! - 23/30 - B+   +2.5 CHA


I have fully submitted my application to fellowship on time.  Still, I was slightly less consistent than I hoped at the outset.  I already got my first offer for an interview, although it won't be able to happen until September.  It's indeed a long road that I tread.


S.H.I.E.L.D. Training

- 1+ DEX, +1 STR, +1 WIS, +1 CON, +1 STA

- SHIELD security badge, S.H.I.E.L.D. Field Medikit, honourary X-Men Badge, Webshooters, Arc-Blasters


Overall, I'm giving myself a B for this challenge.  I did well on many of my goals, but petered out at the end and was a bit more absent from the forums than I'd like.  It was good that I set out grading standards at the beginning of the challenge, so that I didn't grade myself too harshly at the end.  Apparently, I'm still working on being kind and gentle to myself as I learn how to better walk the path of health.

Love as thou wilt.

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Challenge 8 - Annyshay Seeks Wholeness




I'm a very driven hobbit who works harder and harder until she accomplishes her goals. Often I push a bit too hard... until I fall completely to pieces. Last challenge ended with the threat of falling to pieces. I don't want to go there. Maybe if I take enough time to stop DOING new stressful things, I will enjoy BEING the hobbit I am. Maybe it's time to simply be my whole hobbit-y self. Maybe it's time to refocus on the things that I know are good for me.

Main Quest: Lighten the Load

At the end of this challenge, I plan to hike the presidential traverse in New Hampshire with friends. I'm going to use this challenge to care for my body as a whole and hopefully drop fat in order to tackle this challenging new hike!

1) Whole Mind [+4 STA] - Meditate 6 days per week I need to get my mind back in the right place. I've been flirting with meditation for a while and finding that it really helps me to be aware and accepting of myself in the moment. I'm commiting to follow the plan outlined in Full Catastrophe Living and use the matching app that has the guided meditations. One week down, seven more to go.

2) Whole 60 [+4 CON] Last challenge showed me that I will game any food system that I come up with. Also it's too easy for me to "get behind" and give up on posting photos of my food. I started a whole 60 (my longest yet) on 7/14, which means that I'm currently finishing up day 12. Sept 11th (the first day of our hike) will be day 60. Perfect! I already feel so much more at home in my skin. Anybody wanna be good food buddies?

3) Whole Body [+3 STR] - Bodyweight Training 3x per week. I love doing bodyweight stuff at the playground (or at home when it's raining). Plus, this will give me the functional strength that I need to lug my pack through Mordor the Presidentials.

Side Quest - Foam Roll [+2 STA] Time to get my IT bands ready for the mountains. No more excuses.

Life Quest - Make Music [+2 CHA] - 3x per week This is good for my soul, mind, and mood. Sounds like the perfect supplement to a challenge searching for wholeness.





1) Whole Mind – 42/42 – A+


Did an excellent job with consistency on this one.  I’ve seen HUGE progress in my ability to be mindful both in and outside of formal practice. 


2) Whole 60 -  55/56 – A     I decided to go off the strict whole 9 rules a few days early for a couple of reasons…

- I have broken my cycle of addictive behaviors

- I would like to have some carbs in my body before the big backpacking adventure

- I really wanted a brownie at the beach picnic we had on Saturday!


It always amazes me how much better I feel when I’m eating whole9 compliant.  I’m pretty sure I continued to drop a lot of weight and improve my body composition, but the best result is always in how I feel.  I feel capable.  Capable of making healthy choices and trying new amazing things!  :D


3) Whole Body – 16/18 – A-


I only did BW twice this week, mostly because on Sunday I went on a test hike with a loaded pack for a few miles.  This is some of the most consistency in strength workouts that I’ve had.  :win:


4) Foam Roll – 39/42 – A


So glad I did this.  No pain with the hike on Sunday.  I’m hoping this really helps with the crazy backpacking adventure!


5) Make Music – 17/18 – A


Totally forgot once this week.  Ah well.  This was an awesome goal.  Fun, easy, good for my happiness.  Not to mention I’m reacquiring my guitar skillz.  This is a GREAT habit for me.


Lessons Learned
- I love slow mindful yoga
- stress makes me crave sugar and nuts, but laying in the grass is a better way to detox from work
- any time I think I deserve to “give myself a break†is a RED FLAG
- sometimes sleep is more important than working out, but never twice in a row
- if I don’t want to do a workout, do another one!
- if I want to skip something, a few minutes reading through the forums cures me
- consistent strength workouts and foam rolling mean that I can run up stairs and mountains without knee pain
- grip strength and deadhang are important foundations for future pull ups
- putting things physically in the way of my established routines makes them easier to remember to do
- make more time for music and cooking, they are perfect rewards :D
- read and post more often


Overall Challenge – A – I was a consistent beast of wholeness.  I’m hoping it shows in my numbers tomorrow morning, but even if it doesn’t, I’m really proud of what I accomplished in these 6 weeks and feel SO READY to tackle the Presidential Traverse starting Thursday.  Thanks for all the steady support and congrats on rocking out your own challenges!



Love as thou wilt.

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Log 10/29

- sun salutation
- whole30 day 18

- slept from 8:30pm to 5:30am ( a few interruptions to heal the sick)

- read some of my roommate's kid books

- quiet time with God (Bible and prayer)


I'm still exhausted from switching back to day times, but I'm really loving work (it's what I want to dooooooo).  Maybe today I'll get some more energy back.  At least, I'm learning to rest when I need to rest.

Love as thou wilt.

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Respawned again today, really.  New workout plan...


Sun Salutation warm up, the Level 1 version of the BWW behind the spoiler, PT exercises, and NF coold down.  Took me less than 45 minutes with 2 minutes of rest between sets.  :)



Also trying to catch up in Candy Land with lots of water and freggies.  So far, 8 squares of success today.

Love as thou wilt.

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I am beginning to wonder if it counts as a respawn if it's only been a few days, but whatever. Trial and error. Each failure is another way that I know won't work sustainably. This community is my accountability. I need to fix my eating habits first and foremost. So it's time to use you guys for the accountability that I truly need.

Tracking felt so gross to me, but that was when I was being really specific about counting calories. I need to be mindful of what I am eating in a deeper way than just accepting it or thinking about it or not being distracted. Mindfully Overeating helps me not at all. I have tried MFP, photos of everything I eat, trackers on my phone, etc. maybe it's time to be even simpler. I will post everything I consume here at least once a day. If nothing else, I can get a picture of what I'm actually doing. What gets measured gets changed after all. First I need to make a habit of honest tracking that won't drive me nuts, then we can start tweaking. Here goes.


B- 2 eggs over easy in butter, 2.5 pieces of bacon, 1 cup cooked kale with mushrooms in butter, black tea x2

L- 1 cup carrots, celery, and leeks with .25 cup shredded cheddar, 1 cup spaghetti squash, .5 cup tomato sauce, 8 small meatballs, water

S- medium ginger chai latte, orange

D- cepvacici x3, .5 cup ajvar, .5 cup butternut squash soup, .5 cup of Brussels sprouts with Parmesan cheese

S- 1 oz cheese, .5 pot of herbal tea


B- 2 eggs over easy in butter, .5 grilled eggplant, 1 cup hash - sweet potato, onion, ground beef, pork, milk black tea x2

Love as thou wilt.

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