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Holo-Log - Jedi Physical Preparation

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Saturday 01 Jul 17


Bench Press

- 80x5, 90x5, 90x3


Bench Press with 2 sec pause at bottom

- 70x5x3


DB Floor Press (20kg DBs)

- 20 x both arms, same time

- 20 x single arm alternating (10 each arm)

- 20 x single arm alternating - with arms held in the air, straight (10 each arm)

- 20 x single arm 5 reps each arm, before alternating (10 reps each arm total)

- 20 x single arm 5 reps each arm, before alternating - with arms held in the air, straight (10 reps each arm)


- All super set with kneeling shoulder press on the 'bar wedged into a corner' thing, with a 20kg plate added


Shoulder Press

- 40x5x3


Seated Cable Row / Heave super set

- 77x6x3 - heavy

5 heaves


Sled Push - 40kg added to sled - you go I go with Jack. Went for 20 minutes

- Tied a rope to the sled, push it out ten metres, walk back to start and pull the sled back with a rope.



Simple/Sinister KB Swings. Sets of 10 (double arm)

- 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24

- 04:44

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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ISunday 02 Jul 17


Circuit with Jack

- Do Push Ups, Shoulder Press, Upright Row, Squats (all with 20kg bar - less push ups)

- Rep scheme is 20 down to 1... however at 15, 10, 5 and the end do a 20m sled push with 40kg. Then, after the sled push, start again at 15, 10 or 5.

- Once complete, finish with the same activities but for 25 reps each.


33 mins. Cooker



Simple/Sinister KB Swings. Sets of 10 (double arm)

- 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24

- 04:46


Other Training

- Listened to this interview with Tim Ferris - good, as always, but nothing new. Same Tim rhetoric as of late, but it was always good to hear some of his statements again (they are fairly timeless).


- Reviewed the 10 Overlooked Truths About Taking Action again. Always worth a revisit. Some key take aways that stood out this time:

1. Action is cheaper than planning

- "I don’t let myself plan or research until I’ve taken action." - not a bad idea. Oh, you want to read about Kettlebell swings? Not until you have trained today. Want to investigate painting techniques for miniatures? Not until you have done some work on your many Imperial Assault models. Want to investigate Cyber Security? Not until you have done some of your C++ training. Want to read? Not until you have done your daily writing (even if only just sending a Daily Stoic email). TAKE ACTION - then think about the way forward. 

Most of the time, planning is procrastination. It’s based on theory. It’s going to be wrong. Plans are useless without action. That’s why Step 1 is to take action based on what you already know. Then improve bit by bit. Then begin forming a plan. 


3. Inaction is scarier

- "The pain that comes with action is acute, gives you scars, and makes you grow. The pain that comes from inaction is low-grade, makes you soft, and makes you decay." - How very STOIC!


4. Motivation follows action

- "I don’t feel like working out until I’ve been at the gym for 15 minutes. I’m too tired to have sex until we’ve started. I don’t want to go to the party until I’m there. Motivation (and passion) will follow you if you have the balls to go without them." - So true. Like point 1 above - just start, then treat yourself with the planning and thinking (the comfort) later


8. Action beats the odds

- "More information rarely helps unless you are ready to act on it. The perfect plan doesn’t exist." - Tim Ferriss talks about this with his interview with someone (cant remember the name) - but it goes along the lines of if more information was the answer we would all have six pack abs.


9. Action makes us humble.

- "My wish for you, Kalistos, is that you survive as many battles in the flesh as you already have fought in your imagination. Perhaps then you will acquire the humility of a man and bear yourself no longer as the demigod you presume yourself to be.” - From Gates of Fire (such a good book. Re-read it one day). How true this is... action, consequences, tragedy, death, struggle, life... these are the things that make you humble and a man


10. Action isn't petty

- "Action doesn’t leave room for gossip." - Are you the man that is the subject of gossip? If so, perhaps you should take more action and be better, be tougher, be stronger.


Practicing Action - Systems over goals

- "A possible solution is to reward yourself for following your system rather than achieving a specific outcome. Select a system you know will lead to success and follow it." - this ties in nicely to all of the above. Reward yourself for doing, not achieving an end-state. You worked on your hobby today - did you finish anything? No, but you feel good for having worked. Did you finish your book? No, but you felt good for having read. Continue to program your emotions to satisfy performing in the system, not the outcome. Think about your running training - train your emotions to give satisfaction for the training, not the result of each interval. And then, when you achieve good results, it is like a bonus - but if not, who cares because you are satisfied you have participated in the struggle.


Now I realise there may be some irony in typing up a reflective piece like the above, discussing taking action from behind a keyboard and someone else's writing work (thank you Art of Manliness). But I have treated myself to plenty of action today. I have trained physically, I have engaged with my strong friend, I have spent cherished time with my wife over walking the dog and a nice, well paced, purposeful meal. I have done some work on my modelling hobby and read for leisure - but I have also listened for learning. Reflectionafter action review, is Stoic and is a form of action in itself.

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Thursday 06 July

Embarked on the ship. Day one


- 10 x 200m/1:30r

- 37.47s average time


Ship PT

In groups of three.

"100 Club" - One person conducts six shuttles along the vehicles deck (up and back was two shuttles), one person holds the Prone hold (forearm), one person does the activity. As a group, we had to do 100 of each.

- Exercises

- Explosive Push Ups

- Sit Outs (thigh on the ground) - these were interesting, hold the push-up position and rotate your leg under yourself to the opposite side, laying the outer thigh on the ground.

- Jumping Squats

- Mountain Climbers

- Wall Walks (on a cargo container) - like a handstand, walking your legs back up the container and down again is one rep.

Sit Ups

- Froggies - holding the deep squat position, with elbows inside the knees, extend the legs but stay hunched over with the elbows inside the knees, then lower again

- Hip Outs - lying on your back, legs in the air and knees bent, flick hips up and rotate from one side to another (thigh on the ground each side)

- Hindu Push-Ups


- finished in 36:00

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Friday 07 July

Embarked day two.

Ship PT

"Frog Jump"

- In partners. One works, the other holds a squat hold. Working reps is 10, 9, 8, ... 3, 2, 1. So one person does 10 reps, then the other does 10 reps, then back to the first does 9 reps... and so on, until both have done down to 1 rep.


- Started with a frog jump around the vehicle deck as a 'buy in'

- Jumping Squats

- Courtesy Lunges

- Froggies

- Split Lunges

- Prison Squats



 Simple/Sinister KB Swings. Sets of 10 (double arm) - did with a 25kg dumbbell

- 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25

- sub 5:00


Rolled Legs

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Saturday 08 July

Embarked day three

Ship PT

Partner Session (did with Des)

- One person runs eight shuttles of the flight deck, the other works through 50 reps (each) of:

- Jumps in the push-up position (feet straight to feet bent at the chest)

- Spider man Push-ups

- Side to Side jumps (push up position, jumping both feet side to side. Once on both sides is one rep)

- Archer Push-ups

- Burpees


- Had 20 mins to do it, finished last rep in the last seconds. Des was a bit slow on the run...



 Simple/Sinister KB Swings. Sets of 10 (double arm) - did with a 25kg dumbbell

- 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25

- sub 5:00


Rolled Legs

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Sunday 09 July

Embarked day five

Weights / GST

- 25kg rotating DB Bench Press with 3 second lower and explosive raise.

- 5 sets of 8

- V-ups and jefferson curls (20kg) - 5 x 15

- Psuedo Planche Push-ups and iM (3kg) - 5x4 - felt good

- Narrow Grip Bench Press




Cadence Push Ups - 5 x 15/1:00r


Simple/Sinister KB Swings. Sets of 10 (single arm) 

- 16L, 16R, 16L, 16R, 16L, 16R, 16L, 16R, 16L, 16R,

- sub 4:46

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Monday 10 July

Embarked day five


- 10 x 200m/1:30r

- 37.26s average time


Ship PT

Partner Circuit (did with Luke)

- One partner holds push-up position, while the other bear crawls 20 meters, conducts the exercise, then bear crawls back for the change over. Rep scheme was 10, 9, 8 ... 3, 2, 1 - so one person bear crawls out, does 10 reps of each exercise, bear crawls back, then partners change. Next time, they do 9 reps of each, and so on.


- Burpees

- Squat Jumps

- Plyo Push-ups

- Jumps in the push-up position (feet straight to feet bent at the chest)

- Sit outs


- 20:00 cut off. Got down to starting the 4 reps of each

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Tuesday 11 July

Embarked day six

Ship PT

Trio Circuit for 30 mins (went with Marshall and Luke)

- One person runs five laps of the vehicle deck, one person holds a prone hold, one person is working on the activities.

- Each activity is for 50 reps each.

- Mountain Climbers

- Side to Side jumps

- Push-ups

- Froggies

- Crunches

- Hindu Push-ups

- Flutter Kicks


- Finished and started again. 9 reps into mountain climbers, and two laps into the run before whistle was blown.



- DB Bench Press

- 30x5x2, 35x5x5

- Psuedo Planche Push-ups and iM (3kg) - 5x4 - kneeling iM, which changed it up significantly. Should pursue this further

- V-ups and jefferson curls (20kg) - 5 x 15


- Rolled Legs


Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Wednesday 12 July

Embarked day seven

Ship PT

Partner Circuit for 30 minutes (went with Marshall)

- One runs three laps of vehicle deck, the other works through the exercises.

- Rep scheme is 50 of each, then 40, then 30, 20, 10.

- Hollow Rocks

- Mountain Climbers

- Crunches

- Supermans

- Toe Taps

- Hip Outs


- Got into 20's, was 14 mountain climbers in and two laps of the run when whistle was blown.

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Thursday 13 July (D-Day)

Embarked day eight

Simple/Sinister KB Swings. Sets of 10 (double arm) - found a 24kg KB on the ship! wish I'd found it earlier

- 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24

- sub 5:00


Other Training

- Started Matterhorn today. Very good so far and well written. I like the blend of jargon and plain language, and the use of a glossary - makes it feel very authentic. The descriptions are so vivid and dark that it feels like you are there with them... in the land where only Stoics and survive.

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Friday 14 July

Waiting to go ashore

Simple/Sinister KB Swings. Sets of 10 (double arm)

- 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24

- sub 5:00


Cadence Push Ups - 5 x 15/1:00r


Saturday 15 July - field

Cadence Push Ups - 5 x 15/1:00r


Sunday 16 July - field

Cadence Push Ups - 5 x 15/1:00r


Monday 17 July - field

Cadence Push Ups - 5 x 15/1:00r


Simple/Sinister KB Swings. Sets of 10 (double arm)

- 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24

- sub 5:0010% rule), personnel can work on whatever project they want.

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Tuesday 18 July - field

Cadence Push Ups - 5 x 15/1:00r


Simple/Sinister KB Swings. Sets of 10 (double arm)

- 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24

- sub 5:00


- Reading DriveSome take-aways

Only engagement can produce mastery

- Motivation 2.0 sought compliance, whereas Motivation 3.0 seeks mastery


- Mastery is a Mindset (Carol Dweck's work)

- Growth mindset - nothing is fixed - leads to mastery

- Performance goals versus learning goals. Learning goals are nearly always better.


- Mastery is an asymptote. 


- Chapter 6 is worth ready every once in a while to remember the importance of purpose

- Motivation 3.0 focuses on purpose maximisation, not profit maximisation.

Words matter. Listen to pronouns people use (e.g: using 'they', or 'we')

- find ways to infuse business, mundane activities with deeper, soul-stirring ideals like honour, truth, love, justice or beauty.


Wednesday 19 July - field

No PT. AMO night with infil.

What did you learn? Mainly, don't look straight for the quick and easy option when you have time. Move around and assess. Overall, a good job, but could have been improved with a position placed more to the West.


- Reading DriveSome take-aways

 - Type I toolkit.

- Performance Appraisals. Use the 'self-writing' technique in the future. Have personnel write up how they want their reports, or their award citation, and then they should strive to live up to their own 'word picture' at the end of the year.


- Type I toolkit Business

- Use the '20% time' idea for future commands. One day per week (or start with 1 afternoon, so a

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Sunday 23 July

First day post field


Bench Press

- 80x4, 80x5x3



- Straddle Body Rocks and iM - 5x24 - Felt good, move up reps next time

- Ring Rows and iM - 5 x 8 - Felt good, move up reps next time

- V-Ups and Jefferson Curls (20kg) - 5 x 15

- Psuedo Planche Push-ups and iM (3kg) - 4 x 4

- Straight Arm Plank and iM - 5 x 60s


Simple/Sinister KB Swings. Sets of 10 (double arm)

- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28

- 04:44

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Monday 24 July


Push-ups and iM (3kg) - 5x15

Side Lever PE7 & iM (5kg DB) - 4x8

Wrist Work

- Wrist stretches warm up

- Wrist Push-Up SE4 - 5x5

- Wrist Rocks SE4 - 5x5 - going too quick. When reviewed the video, learnt I need to slow down. It isn't a full push-up either

- Fingertip Push-Ups SE3 - 5x5

- First Knuckl Push-Ups - PE1 - 5x5 - regression here wasn't as bad as I thought. Still need to get to 90 degrees though, probably at 80 at the moment


Simple/Sinister KB Swings. Sets of 10 (double arm)

- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28

- 04:44

  • Like 1

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Tuesday 25 July


8 x 400m/1:30r with no gear (just PT gear and runners)










This would be a PB, probably for my entire life, when it comes to 400m intervals. This was my first running session post field, and I am a little stoked at the result.

Throughout the whole activity, I was thinking about myelin and perfect practice. I was focusing on what it felt like to run a 400m interval, in sub 1:15, with good form - and sustained that focus through to the end of the final interval. I visualised the myelin being wrapped around my synapses by the Oligodendrocytes. It was a powerful visualisation experience - sustain for all future practice, no - for all future deep practice.


Other Training

- Listened to Tim Ferriss interview Jason Khalipa - a Crossfit champion - and it was surprisingly good. It wasn't about Crossfit, or even physical training in the main. Key take away for me was his idea that his Wife comes before his Children, for without happiness and communication in his relationship with his partner, the conditions could never be set for good parenting. So they carve time out of their routine, and defend it, for just themselves - date nights, morning walks, whatever. I like this idea, and I'll be making sure I maintain Candice and I time when our children arrive.

- He also brought up the questions he asks himself at the end of each day. If he did them? Great. If not, then he just tells himself there is always tomorrow. This way, you stay on track. What questions do I want to ask myself? Maybe:

- Was I a good Father?

- Was I a good Husband?

- Did I train my body?

- Did I train my soul?

- Am I moving closer to my goals?

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Wednesday 26 July



- Push-ups and iM (3kg) - 5x15

- FL PE4 and iM - 4x36 - Sustain this scheme for a while

- HBP PE3 and iM (2.5kg) - 4 x 6

- sPL PE3 and lying straddle leg raises (5 reps) - 5 x 60s

- RC PE2 and iM - 5 x 8 - No rings at the gym - did them from a low heave beam


Other Training

- Listened to the Myths and Legends Podcast about Beowulf (actually three episodes - 60A, 60B, 60C). It was good to hear a simple take on the classic. Probably the key take away is how arrogant Beowulf is. He travels around the land, boasting and looking for challenges - and appears to have little humility. Beowulf lives life in the pursuit of glory, and wishes to accrue as much as he could before death. Whilst this is seemingly reckless, I'd also say that he is driven by a strong purpose and that it is a fine line between the two. Think about work and personal projects? It is great to be driven by them, with purpose, but how easily can we let them consume our lives to the detriment of other aspects (our families, relationships and health for example).

On a side note - the podcast is a great way to understand some classic / mythical folk stories. The presenter does a really good job with his narration, and is getting better as he produces more and more.


Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Thursday 27 Jul


8 x 400m/1:30r with no gear (just PT gear and runners)










Other Training

- Listened to a new PodCast - Bounce, with Larry Weeks. Episode 6 was an interview with Scott Carney (who I have heard interviewed on another podcast, perhaps Art of Manliness or Tim Ferriss) and subsequently bought his book 'What Doesn't Kill Us' (yet to read). I enjoyed the bits about breathing at 16:30 - and is worth reviewing, and carving some time out a few days a week to practice it and give it a go. Otherwise, the podcast was mainly about 'cold environment training' to toughen you up, similar to how our ancestors would have had to live. To be honest, after that recent freezing cold morning in the field, I can appreciate how difficult living in the cold without proper equipment can be! It encouraged me to elevate his book in my 'to-read' pyle.

  • Like 1

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Friday 28 Jul

Physical Training



- Push-ups and iM (3kg) - 5x15 (Kaizen - 1st set was 16 reps)

- V-ups and Jefferson Curls (20kg) - 5x15 (Kaizen - 1st set was 16 reps)

- SL PE7 and iM - 4x8 (Kaizen - 1st set was 9 reps)

- sPL PE3 and iM - 5 x 60s (Kaizen - 1st set was 70s)


Simple/Sinister KB Swings. Sets of 10 (double arm)

- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28

- 04:44

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Saturday 29 Jul

Physical Training



- Push-ups and iM (3kg) - 5x15 (Kaizen - 1st & 2nd set was 16 reps)

- FL PE4 and iM - 4x36 - Sustain this scheme for a while (Kaizen - 1st set was 40 reps)

- RC PE2 and iM - 5 x 9 (Kaizen - 1st set was 10 reps)

- HBP PE3 and iM (2.5kg) - 4 x 6


Wrist Work

- Wrist stretches warm up

- Wrist Push-Up SE4 - 5x5

- Wrist Rocks SE4 - 5x5 - better this time - as per video

- Fingertip Push-Ups SE3 - 5x5

- First Knuckle Push-Ups - PE1 - 5x5 - keep on trucking


Simple/Sinister KB Swings. Sets of 10 (double arm)

- 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28

- 04:44


Widsom Training

- Listened to Learning Leader Podcast (first time - quite good). Interview with Ian Robertson on the Winner Effect and how stress can make you better.


The bottom line is that winning promotes more winning (which is the winner effect). The best way to win, and continue winning, is set intrinsic goals - e.g. don't aim to win the race, aim to perform better than you did last time.

He also discussed the work by Carol Dweck, and about the importance of growth mindset. This was nothing new, but good reinforcement to what you recently read. Key here was how detrimental a fixed mindset is to children, and to all of us.


He also talked about a challenge mindset - which is understanding that the physiological responses to fear anxiety is the same as excitement. Therefore, when anxious, nervous, or scared, tell yourself 'I feel excited' not 'I feel anxious'The reason for this is it is far easier to convince yourself you are excited than another option (such as saying 'I am calm') because it matches what your body is telling you.


Remember, it isn't about how much stress you have, but your thoughts towards it.


- Listened to Interview with Jason Redman - Power of Humility from a Wounded Navy SEAL.


This was similar to the stuff from the book Resilience - "I begin with humility, I act with humility, I end with humility. Humility leads to clarity. Humility leads to an open mind and a forgiving heart. With an open mind and a forgiving heart, I see every person as superior to me in some way; with every person as my teacher, I grow in wisdom. As I grow in wisdom, humility becomes ever more my guide. I begin with humility, I act with humility, I end with humility." 


He also speaks about "there are no bad teams, just bad leaders" - more reinforcement to the same message from Jocko Willink


A key take away was at 48:10 where he cites an example of how Deep Training works - it is a citation of his wounded brother in war and his actions.

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Sunday 30 Jul

Physical Training


Simple/Sinister KB Swings. Sets of 10

- 24, 24, 24R, 24L, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24

- 04:44

First time with my new KB. Good grip on it, happy with the buy. First time introducing single arm as well. Will slowly build this up over the coming weeks until they are all single arm. Note my right shoulder felt a bit iffy during the 1 arm swing - take note and manage/improve.


Wisdom Training

- Listened to an interview with Barry Schwartz – The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less


Key points were to always do something for your beliefs and purpose - let that guide your choice. You need to continually seek decisions that stretch you and improve you - and set work environments for this to occur (consider this for future command positions).


Happiness is low expectations - What does this mean? It means purposelly choosing not to have the best of everything, in the interest of your overall pleasure and happiness. If you keep your expectations low, you will be happy easier. For example, choosing to drink the $15 bottle of wine, and selecting to have pleasure from it, means when you do have a $30 bottle it is all the nicer - even though you can afford to continually drink the $30 bottle. If you did that, then it would become the norm, and your pleasure would only be elicited from a $50 bottle... and so on.


Limit choice for happiness. When shopping, just get what is the best price for you. Don't um and ah about what to buy, go for the cheapest that is worthwhile - choice paralyses us and is the catalyst for buying things that are more expensive than what you need. Make a choice, then leave and not worry about the other choices. How true is this? Many times in your life you have bought something cheaper and not been convinced you did the right thing - only to then have what you bought to be absolutely fine and perfect for what you wanted.


Skill Training

- Set up my airbrushing table outside (finally) and practiced some airbrushing. Undercoated some models using the zenethil technique, with black transitions to white - then went over them with Orange Vallejo Air. Undercoated on ~30-35 PSI, but then dialed it back to ~20 PSI. What I found was 20 PSI produced too many spectles, so I went up to 25 PSI and it produced a good, smooth transition. At higher PSI it really applies quickly though so keeping the airbrush moving was essential.

- Similar to applying paint with a brush, it seems that it was beneficial to do a number of layers of the orange colour - and this depends on the strength/opacity of the colour in question. Black, for example, applies rapidly and smoothly in one coat. The orange didn't apply well to the black elements (when I pre-shaded the models) but after a few coats of orange ended up looking very nice, with the shaded transitions not too stark.

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Monday 31 Jul

Physical Training


Stuffed around with Jack in the gym - no real outcomes.

- Bench Press

- 5 x 80kg, 5 x 85kg, 3 x 90kg, 1 x 100kg

- Squats

- 2 x 5 x 100kg



Simple/Sinister KB Swings. Sets of 10

- 24, 24, 24R, 24L, 24R, 24L, 24, 24, 24, 24

- 04:44

Felt good. Felt easy and powerful doing double hand after the single hand sets.

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Tuesday 01 Aug

Physical Training


Early start, for some GST prior to work

- Push-ups and iM (3kg) - 5x15 (Kaizen - 1st, 2nd and 3rd sets were 16 reps)

- V-ups and Jefferson Curls (20kg) - 5x15 (Kaizen - 1st and 2nd sets were 16 reps)

- SL PE7 and iM - 4x8 (Kaizen - 4th set was 10 reps)

- sPL PE3 and iM - 5 x 60s (Kaizen - 3rd and 4th sets were 70s)


Work training - hill runs, being the three sisters and a tiny circuit thing at the end. Good session - just general running, but the hills juiced you.



Simple/Sinister KB Swings. Sets of 10

- 24, 24, 24, 24R, 24L, 24R, 24L, 24, 24, 24

- 04:44

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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Wednesday 02 Aug 17

Physical Training



- 5x60, 5x80, 5x85, 5x90, 5x95

Shoulder press, supersets with 6x heaves

- 5x40, 5x40, 5x45, 5x50, 5x50



3 times of:

- 10 mountain climbers

- 10 hanging knee raises

- 40m sled push

- plenty of rest between. Sleds were hard



- 15 mins:

- 12 push press with 12.5kg DB

- 40m lunges

- 6 burpee heaves

- 20 cal on C2 rower


Finished 4 rounds



Simple/Sinister KB Swings. Sets of 10

- 24, 24, 24, 24R, 24L, 24R, 24L, 24, 24, 24

- 04:44

  • Like 1

Race - Human

Class - Jedi / Sentinel Level - 4 / 0.5
Battle Log: Holo-Log

Current Challenge: Nil

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