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Everlog: Sugar Dragons, Squats, and Sewing

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Day 1: Mango smoothie (woke up late). 1/2 packet coffee, 11g.  Paleo lunch! Salad/tuna/dressing, cheese. 1 full circuit of bodyweight. Chicken and veggie casserole, with 2 biscuits+honey. Approx 10g. 2 small spoonfuls cookie butter. Approx 12g. +3, +1 Normal BBWW.


Day 2: ALL SIDEWALKS CLOSED, HIKE THRU THE SNOW, JERK. Half my neighbors don't clear their walks, so I have to be careful and slow. That took 15 minutes. They never clear one sidewalk near work, so I had to trudge up the hill. An unexpected 25-minute walk to work, which normally takes me ten. I think that's pretty good for my 'off' day. Paleo breakfast! 1/2 coffee, 11g. Lunch was potluck, and I was weak, because there were cornbread biscuits and cookies. 2x7g.  My goal is 2/x day, so tonight will be stir fry night, maybe. Currently at a +2 for today, no sweets tonight. +3, +2.

Sylph Spellblade | Level 10 STR 5.2 | DEX 4.2 | STA 6.2 | CON 11.32 | WIS 6.75 | CHA 7.3

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Day 3: Strawberry oatmeal, 24g. 1/2 coffee, 11g. Hiked up the hill to work again. 10 min to stop (sidewalks and roads are clearer), 15 min to building. My salad went bad, so I had my normal fish and then my backup packet! Yay for emergency supplies! I do feel a bit heavy/groggy from so much protein at one meal, though. As soon as I get home, I'll do my bodyweight circuit (I'm going to add on one additional activity than before, working up to as many as possible), then go out with friends. I know where I'm going has paleo-oriented food, so I can be good with dinner. +2, +1 


Edit: Ended up canceling plans due to weather. Had paleo dinner at the house, with no added sugar whatsoever. Yay me! I did attempt my bodyweight, (1.1 squats, dips, lunges, rows, plank, jacks, squats) but realized that the lunges were throwing off my bad ACL, so I had to stop. My squats on the second set were weak as hell.

Sylph Spellblade | Level 10 STR 5.2 | DEX 4.2 | STA 6.2 | CON 11.32 | WIS 6.75 | CHA 7.3

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Day 4: Eggs/bacon/potatoes, and then...the waffle/crepe thing, which was 46g. It was so much food, all I had for lunch was fruit, so that was good. Dinner was sushi/sashimi/spring rolls, so the rice count was fairly minimal, and I'm going to count that as non-paleo, obviously. +2


I ended up destroying some Crispy MMs during ABCs of Death, because being scared makes me want to nom on things, I guess? It was easily more than 1 serving, which was 25g at minimum, so there's that. Not a good day for sugar. I knew my weekends would be hard. +0


Day 5: All my strawberries are rotten, so I just had yogurt at 7g, and one cup of coffee, at 5g (I love creamer but I am learning to use less). Not too bad of a start. I'm re-learning that I don't need to eat much on my days off; I'm not aiming for fasting but trying to eliminate putting food in me just because it's routine, or something. 


Fruit again for lunch along with some veggie straws, more coffee 5g. Dinner was also paleo, with no dessert at all, and one small drink, which I'll rate at 10g to be fair. +3, +2.


Did my bodyweight at 1.3 so far (squats, dips, lunges, rows, plank, jacks, squats, dips).

Sylph Spellblade | Level 10 STR 5.2 | DEX 4.2 | STA 6.2 | CON 11.32 | WIS 6.75 | CHA 7.3

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Day 6: No Soda Level Up! Woke up late, mango smoothie for breakfast. Can of coffee, 36g. Sigh. I am weak when it comes to my coffee, but leaving late did limit my options. Paleo lunch, standard. Pumpkin spice almonds for afternoon snack, 5g. Spanikopita for dinner, no dessert, 1/2 drink from yesterday, 7g.  +2, Sugar +.5

Sylph Spellblade | Level 10 STR 5.2 | DEX 4.2 | STA 6.2 | CON 11.32 | WIS 6.75 | CHA 7.3

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Also I forgot to mention that I spent all of yesterday fighting on a major step for Cosplay #1. It got me so frustrated, but I learned something at least. So that's one step so far for the Life Quest.

Sylph Spellblade | Level 10 STR 5.2 | DEX 4.2 | STA 6.2 | CON 11.32 | WIS 6.75 | CHA 7.3

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Coffee has been a major problem. I knew it would be, but I like my weekend routine, which means Sunday is a Starbucks stop. Tiramisu venti latte 44g. (If I stick to my venti iced, it will only be 30g of sugar, but I usually ask for less syrup.) Yogurt 7g, fruit. Normal lunch at work. Seaweed snack. Did my bodyweight at 1.5 (squats, dips, lunges, rows, planks, jacks, squats, dips, lunges). I hated it the entire time because I'm in a lousy mood, but I did it.


While trying to stretch out my hips after, I accidentally did some sort of move that killed my abs in the best way. Flat on my back, lifting each leg indepently, trying to keep it straight and lifted straight up. It works for my hammies, which always hate me, but it felt like I was also lifting through my abs, so...awesome?


Dinner was fast food due to aforementioned grump, iced green tea, 52g. Good gravy, Sonic is dangerous. +2, 0.

Sylph Spellblade | Level 10 STR 5.2 | DEX 4.2 | STA 6.2 | CON 11.32 | WIS 6.75 | CHA 7.3

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Yogurt 7g coffee 11g. Standard salad/tuna/cheese sticks lunch. Afternoon coffee 5g. Dinner was lazy: sweet baby peppers, cubed cheese, peppered salami. BBWW now at 1.7: squats, dips, lunges, rows, plank, jacks, squats, dips, lunges, rows. The last set of lunges had me wobbling, and the set of rows on my left side had my arm shaking. The 25lb is a good challenge so far, though. +3, +2.

Sylph Spellblade | Level 10 STR 5.2 | DEX 4.2 | STA 6.2 | CON 11.32 | WIS 6.75 | CHA 7.3

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Green smoothie for breakfast. I need to get more of these, some days it's hard to have enough time to eat and walk through the snow to the bus stop, but it's perfect. Coffee 4g. Salad/tuna/cheese, and I'm getting really sick of it. I'll look into some paleo options for lunch, and do some cooking tomorrow. Veggie crisps and hummus for snack. Afternoon coffee 5g. Tonight I'm seeing friends I didn't see last week. I will try ever so hard to be good, but they have really limited good options, so we'll see. +2, +2.

Sylph Spellblade | Level 10 STR 5.2 | DEX 4.2 | STA 6.2 | CON 11.32 | WIS 6.75 | CHA 7.3

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Thursday: bananas for breakfast. Coffee 4g. Peppers/cheese/salami/berries for lunch. Ate a muffin which I saved from work, couldn't find a label for them when we got them. 16g (based on size and a couple of generic labels). Ran an errand with the BF down to my scooter shop, where he got offered a job! I bought a face shield for my helmet. Heading home, we stopped for Starbucks, and I had a dizzy spell soon afterwards. Slept through the afternoon, woke up in time for dinner, so I missed my planned time to workout. Ate steak and lobster and sweet potato and iced tea 16g (based on 4 g per packet and two per tea and one refill). Om nomnom. Went out to a club for a while afterwards. +3, +1.


Friday: raspberries for breakfast. Finished my iced matcha latte from yesterday 69g. I had no idea it had so much. Uuugh. Spanakopita for lunch. Tacos for dinner. +1, +0.

Sylph Spellblade | Level 10 STR 5.2 | DEX 4.2 | STA 6.2 | CON 11.32 | WIS 6.75 | CHA 7.3

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Breakfast: Oops didn't go grocery shopping. Fiber1 bar 10g. Coffee 5g. Yogurt 8g. Lunch: still oops, acts of desperation. 'Diet' protein smoothie 18g. Cheese, tomatoes. Cocoa almonds for snack 1g. Jambalaya for dinner. +0, +1.


BBWW completed at 1.9! I would've almost pushed to 2, but the final set is jacks, and my ankle didn't much care for it. I did my first 15-second plank EVER. And I did it TWICE.

Sylph Spellblade | Level 10 STR 5.2 | DEX 4.2 | STA 6.2 | CON 11.32 | WIS 6.75 | CHA 7.3

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Breakfast: paleo egg pancake frittata! So good. Paprika, prosciutto, spinach, and pepper. Omnomnom. Just had 1, it seems to be really filling. Large coffee, 3 pumps syrup, 15g.


BF and I always go to Starbucks for the weekend, and I was sorely tempted, so I tapped him in for the ongoing fight with the Sugar Dragon. "Do I need a lemon loaf?" "No. You already ate breakfast." "Oh. Hmph. Well, ok." BF rolls for Reasonable Thinking, scores a critical hit! The Sugar Dragon backs off, whimpering.


Lunch will be jambalaya since I can't find my bento box to pack up all my new stuff. Almond snack, 1g.


Dinner ended up being pizza. I canceled my night out with friends due to some anxiety/weirdness again. And from said anxiety, munched on an awful lot of chocolate animal crackers 21g. That's still less sugar than the lemon loaf would've been, and was more satisfying. +1, +1



-End Week 2- [2, 2, 12, 8]

Sylph Spellblade | Level 10 STR 5.2 | DEX 4.2 | STA 6.2 | CON 11.32 | WIS 6.75 | CHA 7.3

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Egg thingy omnomnom! I learned from yesterday it's not quite enough food on it's own. Greek yogurt with honey, 5g. (Eventually I'll stop doing that and just blend in berries and stuff.) 1 and 1/2 coffees, 9g. Jambalaya for lunch, golden mini tomatoes. Tonight is workout night, and there aren't good leftovers at home for dinner, so that means I'll just force myself to have a salad. Edit: Had quick dinner before Ingress night with friends, peppers/salami/cheese/peach. Had a box of PandaSnacks on the way 16g. 1 small beer at the bar, then home. Small late snack of cheese-its and chocolate chips 12g. +2, +1



Sylph Spellblade | Level 10 STR 5.2 | DEX 4.2 | STA 6.2 | CON 11.32 | WIS 6.75 | CHA 7.3

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So, yesterday was not the best. Part of my new plan of attack against the Sugar Dragons is avoiding any excess sugar/snacking on workout days. It's no good to undo all that work. I didn't really need either of the sweet snacks; it was definitely emotional eating. Grrr.


Today: egg pancake. Plain greek yogurt, NO honey. Yay me. 3/4 coffee, 7g. Poptarts, 33g. (I know, I know. I had them from a prior day at work. I can't throw away food. I should've foisted them off on someone.)


Lunch: pizza, golden mini tomatoes. Snack: blackberries.


Got home and cooked polenta and sausage for the next day. Dinner: cheese, fruit, sunflower seeds, veggie crisps. No extra sweets.


+2, +1.

Sylph Spellblade | Level 10 STR 5.2 | DEX 4.2 | STA 6.2 | CON 11.32 | WIS 6.75 | CHA 7.3

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Breakfast: egg pancake, unsweetened yogurt. 2 cups coffee 8g. Yogurt for midmorning, 7g. Lunch will be pizza. Dinner will be polenta.


Tonight is a scheduled BW night, but thanks to hormones, I'm in a lot of pain, so that may not happen.


Due to said hormones, the Sugar Dragon was extra ferocious. Ever attacks with Sugar Free Red Vines! The dragon is confused, and backs away slowly, but recoups with a vengeance! I also destroyed a lot of Mango Salsa chips 16g. 


+1, +1

Sylph Spellblade | Level 10 STR 5.2 | DEX 4.2 | STA 6.2 | CON 11.32 | WIS 6.75 | CHA 7.3

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Breakfast out: eggs, bacon, potatoes, crepe-waffle 46g. Several cups coffee 24(average sugar packet is 4).


Lunch: fruit. I wasn't hungry due to the large breakfast.


Dinner: capicola, cottage cheese, sweet peppers.


Exercise: cleaned out bunny cages. 


Dessert was one small drink made w/sweet tea 11g.


+3, +0

Sylph Spellblade | Level 10 STR 5.2 | DEX 4.2 | STA 6.2 | CON 11.32 | WIS 6.75 | CHA 7.3

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Day 19. 


Breakfast: egg pancake, 4 mini sausage patties. Coffee 10g.


Lunch: yogurt and berries. 


BBWW x 2.


After workout snack: cheese and crackers.


Dinner: salmon and salad. 


Two truffles 15g. 


+3, +2.

Sylph Spellblade | Level 10 STR 5.2 | DEX 4.2 | STA 6.2 | CON 11.32 | WIS 6.75 | CHA 7.3

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Day 21: Breakfast - Banana, yogurt parfait 30g, venti iced 15g.


Lunch: pizza, kumquats.


Afternoon: sunflower butter 6g.


Dinner ended up being family wanting to go out to Old C's. I should've gotten a salad. I got pasta. It was so, so good. And then there was Cold Stone. I got a small chocolate cake batter, which was, at minimum 32g. Beyond that, I shudder to think.


+1, +0.


I did attempt my BBWW, but I pinched the nerve in my trick shoulder. Squats, modified dips to wall push-offs, lunges, plank (only reason this didn't hurt the way the dips would've is that it's static and not movement) and jacks.


-End Week 3- [13, 5.5, 3, 1]

Sylph Spellblade | Level 10 STR 5.2 | DEX 4.2 | STA 6.2 | CON 11.32 | WIS 6.75 | CHA 7.3

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Breakfast: 4 mini sausage patties, unsweetened yogurt. Coffee 8g. Donut (fie, someone brought them in) 22g.


Lunch: polenta and sausage, kumquats.


Hazelnut cocoa butter 8g.


Dinner: shepherds roll, cheese, salami.


Animal crackers 16g.


+2, +.5

Sylph Spellblade | Level 10 STR 5.2 | DEX 4.2 | STA 6.2 | CON 11.32 | WIS 6.75 | CHA 7.3

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Breakfast: bacon, banana, poppy bar 10g. Coffee 4g , donut 18g. Lunch: salmon, cheese, white cheddar popcorn 2g, kumquats.


BBWW x 2.1, added on a third set of squats. They. Hurt. So. Good. I almost bailed on the full set, since I was getting the trembles by rep 9 or 10, but realized I hadn't felt that tremble since first starting out, so I think it's a great sign.


Dinner: cottage cheese, baby peppers, salami. Sugar-free energy drink. 1 frosted cookie (the big fluffy white ones) 16g. What's weird is that I didn't really enjoy it. I grabbed it because it was there, and I did want some sugar, but it tasted so...dry, sort of powdery. I used to LOVE those cookies.


What I've definitely learned from the past 2/3 days is that I'm great about self control in my own home. I portioned out all of my sweets, got rid of the ones I didn't want, and hid the rest until the current stash is gone. However, if there are donuts, or cookies, etc....I am so done.


+3, +.5

Sylph Spellblade | Level 10 STR 5.2 | DEX 4.2 | STA 6.2 | CON 11.32 | WIS 6.75 | CHA 7.3

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Breakfast: strawberry oatmeal 24g, banana.

Morning: poppy bar 10g.

Lunch: I keep letting my salad go bad. Argh. Tuna, cheese, sweet tomatoes.

Afternoon: almond butter 1g.

Dinner: chicken sliders, sweet tea 20g. Sugar-free red vines.


+1, +.5

Sylph Spellblade | Level 10 STR 5.2 | DEX 4.2 | STA 6.2 | CON 11.32 | WIS 6.75 | CHA 7.3

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