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Cipher Unlocked

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Hey NF,


So I haven't been on the forums since my introductory post last June (here). It's not because I drifted away from fitness, it's because it became such a large part of my life I don't use the computer much except for a relaxing fight against Pagan Min's army (Far Cry 4), watching a movie with my wife, recording my progress, or researching workouts.


It's incredible to read that post and compare to where I am now today, having stuck to six months of Stronglifts 5x5 and mostly clean eating (80/20 approach to life ftw).


I lost 10-15lbs since then and am hovering around 180-185lbs. I've got some stubborn spare tire parts, but the key is slow, steady, and permanent progress. There's definitely a body recomposition going on, and I now can:

  • Do 2-3 pullups in a row.
  • Do >100 pushups in sets of 15-20 reps, which is now a daily feature. Inspired by Steve's post about PLP last March).
  • Run 5km in under 25min and ~7.5km in 37min.
  • Sets of squats at 120kg (c. 265lbs), and deadliftsets  over 140kg (>308lbs), having started with the bar.
  • Complete 14 reps of "Cindy" after rowing 5km at a 2:05 split (Cindy is a CrossFit workout, which is: 5 pull downs / 10 pushups / 15 body weight squats, repeat as many times in 20 min as you can, but I do it with lat pull downs).

Over the past couple of week I felt like I was getting to the point where my progress was hitting a ceiling. I had to move to weekly increments on squats and deads. That itself isn't a problem, but I also noticed I was simply wiped, struggling to progress,and starting not to enjoy my lifting. 


I suspected my body needed a break from a solid period of heavy lifting (the dedication to which I'm very proud), and I subsequently learned de-loading periods are part of a proper regime.


And then I stumbled across this: The 10,000 Swing Kettlebell Workout. tl;dr:


Workout with a 24kg Kettlebell, doing 5 clusters as follows for a total of 500 reps. Workout 2 days on / 1 day rest, 20 workouts total = 1 month:

  • 10 swings; 1 rep of weight exercise
  • 15 swings; 2 reps
  • 25 swings; 3 reps
  • 50 swings; rest 2-3min
  • = 1 cluster of 100 reps
I'm sure its going to be tough and there are days I'll want to quit. So I'm putting it out there to the Rebellion, and ask for your support to get through this next goal of mine (and here's hoping I find a weight routine to resume with once I'm done this a month).
*edited: added tl;dr to explain the challenge.

Challenge 1 Completed March 2015: 1 month of kettlebell swings for 10,000 total.

Challenge 2 Started April 2015: 12 months of Wendler 5/3/1, starting with 3 month 'bulk' phase + check-in

Battle Log: Cipher Unlocked


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Notations: date, Kettlebell "KB" reps + weight exercise (dips, overhead press "OHP", pullups, or goblet squats), time, KB weight per cluster split by cluster 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5


25 Feb - Day 1:

500KBs + dips. 

Time: 50:44,

Weight: 24kg / 24kg / 24kg / 24kg / 24kg + 20kg on last 25 reps of the 50's set


It has begun ! Progression idea: try weighted dips next time...


26 Feb Day 2:

500KBs + overhead press ("OHP") 42.5kg,

Time: 56:52 

Weight: 24kg  / 24kg then 20kg for last 25 reps / 24kg then 20kg for last 30 reps / 24kg then 20kg for last set / 24kg then 20kg and 16kg for last set of last clusters.


I feel really good, but sore, tired, and its tough mentally on the last set to push through without stopping. I think my upper back is arched too much and I need to engage my lats more (think rows) when I'm at the bottom and top of the swing. Remember to be aggressive, push that KB right back down.


27 Feb - rest day


28 Feb - Day 3:

500KBs + negative pullups,

Time: 50:59

Weight 24kg / 24kg / 24kg / 24kg / 24kg then 20kg for last 30 reps only.


I was mindful to engage lats, abs and glutes. Had more energy and did not feel as challenging as Day 2. I attribute this to the rest day, coupled with having scarfed down wife's delicious chocolate chip cookies last night. Doing that is very unusual for me to do, for it was impromptu and I plan my dalliances with the dark side (read: cheat days), but whatever, today I'm back to normal clean eating and I'll treat it as an accidental carb refeed.


The challenging part today was how tired my grip was, which the negative pullups didn't help with either. I had to rest for a couple of seconds in order to complete the set of 50 reps. We'll see how tomorrow goes. I expect it will be worse. Proud moment: on the first cluster I was able to push myself to complete the 50 reps. 


Chalk was a good idea.


Tomorrow, keep up the attack on the sets, use those legs, and push through to 50 reps on that last set.

Challenge 1 Completed March 2015: 1 month of kettlebell swings for 10,000 total.

Challenge 2 Started April 2015: 12 months of Wendler 5/3/1, starting with 3 month 'bulk' phase + check-in

Battle Log: Cipher Unlocked


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1 March - Day 4:

500KBs + 35kg goblet pause squats

Time: 47:03

Weight: 24kg for all clusters


Noticed yesterday that when I was getting tired my swing would engage a partial squat motion. Big no no. Focus for today was "attacking the zipper" - hiking the KB hard towards the groin and hinging at the hips to avoid it. KB stays above knees at all times. Doesn't float too far in front of the body nor do I let it float at the top of the swing. I'm pushing it back down.


I attacked it all right and pushed myself to go for shorter rest periods. It never ceases to amaze me how one can vary intensity with the same weight by the simple application of force e.g. try exploding out of the bottom of your squat and you'll feel it heavier.


Still having trouble always going straight through the set of 50 reps. Tend to need a rest around rep 30. I know I can do it. so push through. It's in your mind.


For Day 5 I'm going to continue to bring it together: hinge, engage muscles, be aggressive with that bell to reduce set times, and PUSH.

Challenge 1 Completed March 2015: 1 month of kettlebell swings for 10,000 total.

Challenge 2 Started April 2015: 12 months of Wendler 5/3/1, starting with 3 month 'bulk' phase + check-in

Battle Log: Cipher Unlocked


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3 March - Day 5:

500KBs + no weight

Time: 44:03

Weight: 24kg for all clusters


It's coming together. Worked on keeping rest time down. For two clusters (#1 and #3) I was able to push myself to do all 50 reps in one go. Famous last words but this workout felt easy. May have been something to do with the +650 cals over TDEE I ate on my rest day. I have no doubt tomorrow will be tough.


So all I can do is crank the music, dust the chalk, and push myself to leave it all at the gym. I've got this!


[Note to self: next time, come up with a more imaginative Battle Log title, doesn't appear to be much interest unfortunately...]

Challenge 1 Completed March 2015: 1 month of kettlebell swings for 10,000 total.

Challenge 2 Started April 2015: 12 months of Wendler 5/3/1, starting with 3 month 'bulk' phase + check-in

Battle Log: Cipher Unlocked


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4 March - Day 6:

500KBs + 7.5kg weighted dips

Time: 46:01

Weight: 24kg for all clusters but last 28 reps at 20kg.


I can reduce time in one of two ways: (1) shorten rest periods, or (2) speed up the swing. I think the movement is now coming together and I can speed through the 10 and 15 rep sets. It works my grip and posterior chain quite hard though and made me quite tired for the sets of 25 and 50 reps. I did do 50 reps straight in the first cluster.


For Day 7: Just push it. That is all.

*Edit: forgot to added weight for last reps.


5-6 March - rest days

The 5th was a scheduled rest day. The 6th was accidental. My team at work has putt in long hours for an extended period. I took them out on the 5th for a thank you and stress relief. I wasn't going to workout on limited sleep and a hangover. 


Need to review schedule to accommodate training plan, esp. as I am travelling the weekend of the 13th. Perhaps I train straight through the next six days ...?


7 March - Day 7:

500KBs + OHP 45kg

Time: 44:34

Weight: 24kg for all clusters


I'm proud of this time compared to the first time I did KB +OHP (>56min), also as I increased the weight of the press. Grip was tough and arms were burning because of the press, but did complete set of 50 on clusters 1 and 3, but had to rest for others.


I'm attacking the swings on the sets of 10 and 15 reps, and going faster. My body seems to be "getting it" and it feels good. Every time I push myself forward it's encouraging, feeding on itself, like a snowball rolling downhill. 


I added a wicked track to my playlist: Party Animal (Extended Remix) feat. Timati, DJ M.E.G. I can't wait for tomorrow morning's workout ! 


8 March - Day 8:

500KBs + negatives (pullups) or regular chinups

Time: 40:58

Weight: 24kg for all clusters


I pushed hard today. My glutes feel it! Speeding through reps was quite tiring though. Still having trouble on sets of 50 reps, but did complete sets on clusters #1 and 3, and almost full (between 30-40 reps before resting) on clusters #2 and 4. This day is hard because my grip is taxed on both the swings and the pull/chin ups. 


Nevertheless, comparing my time, it's clear my body is adapting. Amazing. Need to plan how to accommodate the travel next weekend and "catch up" to maintain my schedule. This is going so well, I don't want anything to slip.


9 March - Day 9:

500KBs + 40kg goblet squats

Time: 45:43

Weight: 24kg


Meant to be 2 on / 1 off but I was trying to make up for the missed day last Friday. I vacillated between congratulating myself for pushing through it and berating myself for doing the same. I've got great calluses, but a blister formed on further up from my knuckle to where the base of my finger meets my hand and then tore. I can't bandage it, I can't do anything to it. It oozed all workout (nice, I know - I cleaned my gear properly). I noticed the pain after finishing the second cluster; the first and third I did the set of 50 reps and nearly did on the second one too so pat on the back for that. It was so aggravatingly distracting. Form went to rubbish on the last set of cluster 5. I kept on worrying about the damn thing instead. Also probably why one is not meant to be doing this three days in a row?


I decided that I would be proud for having pushed through, after seriously thinking of stopping after completing 4 of the 5 clusters. I'm glad I did, because (1) I would have been more disappointed for having given up after getting so close, and (2) the fact that it felt so hard is an affirmation that I'm pushing myself during the workouts.


So while the time hasn't improved as much as I had hoped because I was distracted, it's still better. And hey, as many who've done this say, don't start adding new goals. The goal of this is just to complete the program. It's rare enough for people to do it.


So I can do one of two things,

  1. Maintain 25th March completion target: do another triple back-to-back days on 11-13th March (so right before my trip, I'll head to the gym), take Saturday 14th off as scheduled as I'm away, and then continue back with 2 on / 1 off on Sunday 15th after returning that afternoon, OR
  2. Go back to 2 on / 1 off as of the 11th, get two rest days in this weekend on 13th and 14th, and target is pushed out to 27th.

In any case, tomorrow is rest, so I'll decide based on how my hand is doing after the workout on the 11th. I suppose I could wear gloves, but...really ? Superglue would keep it closed (Kidding. Sort of).



*Subsequent edits: doesn't make sense to continuously reply to my own thread, so will add remaining daily logs to this post.

Challenge 1 Completed March 2015: 1 month of kettlebell swings for 10,000 total.

Challenge 2 Started April 2015: 12 months of Wendler 5/3/1, starting with 3 month 'bulk' phase + check-in

Battle Log: Cipher Unlocked


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March 10 & 11:

Rest days. Really tough decision for me because I love working out and seeing the changes, but an important part of working out right is listening to your body so you can continue in the long-term, where success lies.


So I'm going with option 2 above, except that my 2 days off are now and I'll go back to 2 on / 1 off as of tomorrow since I can squeeze a workout in after I'm back on Sunday, which will push my end date from the 25th to the 27th.


I'm surprised at how disappointed I am about this. We all think we're rational beings and here I am moping like it's the end of the world. Interesting to observe, I'll need to consider this more.


Long and short of it is, I'm giving my hand a rest so hopefully the torn blister above my callus heals up sufficiently, and also my knees. They are sore from the swings. Need to be mindful to stretch more I think, it's a lot of force working on those joints otherwise...

Challenge 1 Completed March 2015: 1 month of kettlebell swings for 10,000 total.

Challenge 2 Started April 2015: 12 months of Wendler 5/3/1, starting with 3 month 'bulk' phase + check-in

Battle Log: Cipher Unlocked


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Yes ! I love walking. Great idea. Nice way to get some time disconnected from the world too.


12 March - Day 10:

500KBs + no weight

Time: 39:15

Weight: 24kg


Though I was gunning for a 38min finish, I still improved my time by nearly 5min versus this workout on day 5. I was able to do 50 reps on clusters #1-4. I had to take breaks on the last one because I felt my grip going, it was a matter of safety (and principle). Really felt it in my biceps too. I spent a lot of time on my two off days visualising my swings, and I'm convinced that it helps. See it. Believe it. Do it.


It felt so good to get back in the gym. I've been unusually exhausted the past few weeks, starting in the afternoon and culminating in my wanting to crash at 7-8pm. Interestingly I still wake up before my alarm - no doubt the benefit of having cut out tea and coffee during the week - but this morning I was wiped and nearly talked myself out of going to the gym. As I was doing it, I forced myself to get ready, cranked my music, and went off.

Challenge 1 Completed March 2015: 1 month of kettlebell swings for 10,000 total.

Challenge 2 Started April 2015: 12 months of Wendler 5/3/1, starting with 3 month 'bulk' phase + check-in

Battle Log: Cipher Unlocked


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This type of workout sounds unbelievably intense, so congrats on sticking to it and getting those days in! And I used to talk myself out of the gym all the time; I'm too tired, it's late so there will be too many people, I forgot my headphones, etc. We have to do what you did and just get over whatever it is we're feeling that day and get to it! 

"If you die, you die. A man must constantly exceed his level." - Bruce Lee

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13 March - Day 11:

500KBs + 42.5kg goblet squats

Time: 41:50

Weight: 24kg


Throughout yesterday I was thinking to myself the power of the mind and visualisation e.g. picturing in your mind the activity before you do it, or those stories where your spotter adds more weight without you knowing it and you rep it out, breaking through a plateau, because you aren't aware that it is any heavier. Coincidentally, Steve put out an NF email about the topic and how the mind can make or break one's goals.


I was thinking how I stalled on OHP for the longest time, at 42.5kg, and last week I could do it at 45kg. I was pumping myself up to do OHP today and trying it at 47.5kg. Unfortunately the barbells were in use so I did goblet squats instead. In both cases I completely forgot that I was really meant to do dips according to my rotation!


Anyways, I was able to use a higher weight for my goblet squats and continued to push the swings. My watch says I completed in 40:23 but I know I stopped it when a gym regular talked to me, so I added nearly a minute and a half to my time. As I walked back home from the gym I was a bit upset thinking I was slow and should have focused on the workout, though I do enjoy chatting to that guy. Even still, it's 4 min faster than my last workout with goblets.


The best part abotu today, I had no knee pain after the workout. I streched a lot last night, used the roller, and read up on technique. I was pointing my feet outwards too much. Today they were forward. I also had a stance that was probably too wide. I do need a wider stance because otherwise the KB handle hits my inner thighs, like today, but I'll work on finding the right spot.


I was able to do full sets of 50 reps on clusters #1,2, and 4. Almost did it on 3, and on 5 I had to break 3 times. My mind wasn't in it and just wanted to quit. I read that many people start getting annoyed, bored, or disengaged rather, with the workout near day #14. Maybe I hit it sooner? All comes back to the mind. Whatever, push through. More than halfway done.


Oddly, my hams and glutes aren't tired from these swings anymore. Sunday it'll be about faster swings and powering through with the posterior chain. Remember to flex and get into a vertical plank, for maximum benefit.


Thanks for the support everyone, I appreciate it. It's helping tremendously and I can't wait to write up the final post analysing the results over the month.

Challenge 1 Completed March 2015: 1 month of kettlebell swings for 10,000 total.

Challenge 2 Started April 2015: 12 months of Wendler 5/3/1, starting with 3 month 'bulk' phase + check-in

Battle Log: Cipher Unlocked


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15 March - Day 12:

500KBs + 10kg weight dips

Time: 36:23

Weight: 24kg


I can't believe today's time to complete. I had to check and recheck to make sure I didn't miss a cluster. Completed full reps of 50 swings on clusters #1 thru 4.


Looking forward to tomorrow and the OHP. Two weeks to go and I don't know what I'm going to do after this. Will need to do some serious research asap.

Challenge 1 Completed March 2015: 1 month of kettlebell swings for 10,000 total.

Challenge 2 Started April 2015: 12 months of Wendler 5/3/1, starting with 3 month 'bulk' phase + check-in

Battle Log: Cipher Unlocked


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I started with stronglifts 5x5, and kept at it for 6 months.


I found myself getting frustrated by my squat progress in particular, having reached the weight sets in my first post in this thread. I was expecting progress to slow, it just has to, but I felt like it was becoming a big strain. I'm not doing a good job explaining it, but it just didn't feel right, and was negatively affecting my mood. Nothing I tried around food intake helped energy levels.


On top of weights every other day I was layering in cross training - rowing, bodyweight exercises, etc - and thought perhaps I was doing too much, too soon and a change would be a good way to keep at the fitness. What I later learned was that deloads are part of proper weightlifting regimes, so it's just as well I gave my body a rest and focused on the swing challenge instead.


As for what next, I'm thinking perhaps Wendler's 5/3/1 ? I'm learning as I go along and am not afraid to try new things.


What I do know is this:

  • I really enjoy the swings and want to incorporate them into my regime.
  • I want strength, not size, but if the latter is a consequence of the former that's OK.
  • I love my big lifts.
  • I also love having a decently good level of cardio fitness. Not endurance runner, but being able to sprint or run 5km.
  • I want to be stronger in terms of body weight exercises e.g. do a handstand, a set of 10 pullups (and starting weighted pullups), and pistol squats.
  • I want to lose another few pounds of fat to further lean out. I'm guessing about 10lbs would do it and then I'd be c. 175lbs, all else being equal.

*edit: @The Most Loathed: Thanks for the Tracy Reifkin article by the way.


16 March - Day 13:

500KBs + 45kg OHP

Time: 40:36

Weight: 24kg


Full sets all clusters, my grip strength is improving. I wonder how I'll do on the 18th when it's my pullup day. I may try chinups instead and blast my biceps.


The OHP is my weakest "big lift" (a group in my mind further comprised of squats, bench, deadlift, and row), and I found this morning taxing. The first cluster I tried lifting 47.5kg and struggled a fair bit, which isn't surprising since I only lifted 45kg for the first time last week, after having stalled at 42.5kg for weeks.


I really feel it in my hamstrings. I kept rest time low and just kept swinging. It feels good.

Challenge 1 Completed March 2015: 1 month of kettlebell swings for 10,000 total.

Challenge 2 Started April 2015: 12 months of Wendler 5/3/1, starting with 3 month 'bulk' phase + check-in

Battle Log: Cipher Unlocked


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Regarding next steps:

I've had pretty good luck with pairing kettlebell lifts and barbell lifts. I like squats with sets of one arm swings between each squat sets and deadlifts with jerks paired between each pull set. I don't bench but you could easily do a row or clean between. It's not a full program but it's something you can build into your program if you want.

You can't spell Slaughter without laughter

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18 March - Day 14:

500KBs + mixed pullups and chinups

Time: 34:16

Weight: 24kg


Whew. What a workout. It was a good idea to mix up the pullups and chinups. I didn't have to revert to negatives, and got to work on my biceps and back at the same time. Knees don't hurt anymore. I'm certain it had to do with pointing my toes out. Completed all reps on all clusters.


19 March - Day 15:

500KBs + no weight exercises

Time: 28:08

Weight: 24kg


Completed all reps on all clusters. I like these days because I don't have to do a lift in between sets. It's just me and the bell. So I attacked it. I can't believe my time. I had to triple and quadruple check in my mind to make sure I did 500 reps but yes, I did. 100 in < 6 min, another 100 by minute 11, another 100 by minute 18, another 100 by minute 23 and the last 100 by minute 28.


The oddest part was it didn't feel too difficult. Then again, I've been at this for almost a month. Three weeks ago I would have been winded and seeing white, no doubt - actually I nearly was. Mental stamina must have increased too.


Into my last week and on track to complete on 27th March. Nervous to see what has happened to my lifts when I try them out that weekend. Can't wait to put up the graphs to track my progress over the past month.


Mildly annoyed I haven't seen any physical transformation (e.g. leaning out). Looking over my food journal I'm convinced it's the sugar in the protein bars. I thought I needed the carbs, buts its processed stuff at the end of the day. If I need extra protein, I'll whip up a batch of coconut flour protein muffins. And if I need carbs, I'll try Staci's suggestion and eat a sweet potato with cinnamon.

Challenge 1 Completed March 2015: 1 month of kettlebell swings for 10,000 total.

Challenge 2 Started April 2015: 12 months of Wendler 5/3/1, starting with 3 month 'bulk' phase + check-in

Battle Log: Cipher Unlocked


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The past couple of weeks I've been researching ideas for what I should do once I'm done this month of KB swings. I also thought it worth revisiting eating, which is easiest described as paleo if it needs a label at all. Several months ago I learned 1800kcal a day wasn't enough to lift heavy, so bumped to 2650 and am at 2450 now. Stable scale-weight, but body composition is changing slowly for the better.


Last night I was browsing for ideas and came on a lot of technical stuff about lean gains. I really want to keep it easy. My ideal eating state is continuing with paleo with adjustments. I mentioned in my intro post that Waldo was a source of inspiration. His site was back on this morning and I took a read through some posts and believe I have a straightforward, tried and tested, way forward.


Right now, I need to stop trying to continue leaning out by cutting calories and exercising - I was considering reducing intake even more - and instead work on a bulk (link from Waldo's site). Having been finally successful in recent years with losing weight, it's anathema to consider purposely gaining weight, even if it's the right kind.


But I won't be eating junk, and I won't be sitting still. I work out hard, and I eat "clean" (very minimal processed foods). Plus, I think I need the break, mentally and physically from restriction. I already meticulously monitor my food intake - which wouldn't change on the bulk to ensure I'm growing properly and eating quality food - but I suspect trying to lose weight while lifting, at a faster pace than otherwise the body would do by the simple introduction of lifting vs. having done nothing before, was the reason I ultimately stalled on my lifts and felt (and still) feel tired many afternoons and evenings 6 months in.


And hey, I can hope Waldo's experience will be the same as mine to take care of that loose skin (his post suggests that can be rectified on a bulk); Maybe I can "fill it in" with some larger muscles ?!


So, my plan is this:

  • Resume Strong Lifts 5x5. I only did it for 6 months before this month of KB swings. Keep at the basics for a total year of lifts to give it time to work and my body to adapt to steady lifting.
  • But add in accessories to work towards various bodyweight exercise goals, which include handstands, more pullups and chinups, pistol squats.
  • On the non-weight days, with the free time I have by not going to the gym, resume 5mi walk into work. Requirement: actually getting bright enough to do safely.
  • Start bouldering on the weekends. Ultimately, you're doing all this to enjoy life. Not that I don't enjoying lifting, but doing something different that one loves is important too.
  • Calorie intake is currently 2450 and I've been a stable/slow declining weight. According to IIFYM with 4xweek exercise my TDEE is 2586. I think I'll be cautious and add 10% to IIFYM, roughly 2850kcal. So I'll work up over two weeks i.e. +200kcal week one then another +200kcal the following week.
    • Where will the energy come from ? Increase carb and fat intake. Each day I routinely eat roughly >200g protein / 125g fat / 95g carb. Shift to somewhere between 214g protein / 125g -145g fat / 175-214g carbs will get me to 2850. Sources will be more veg, some fruit like apples / clementines / bananas / melon (already eat berries), greek yogurt and/or cottage cheese, sweet potatoes, cold rice (resistant startch).
  • Goal: gain +15lbs, a bulk up to 198lbs. It's hard to fathom that will bring me back, weight-wise, to where I was at the beginning of 2014. However, I am stronger and leaner now than I was then, and will be working out and eating right to get there.

Whew. Having a plan is exciting, but purposely trying to gain weight is scary, even if it's gaining it the right way and the right kind.


Here goes nothing.


p.s. Does anyone know how to change a post title? I'd like to change this thread to: "Cipher Unlocked"...

*Edit: range on macros

Challenge 1 Completed March 2015: 1 month of kettlebell swings for 10,000 total.

Challenge 2 Started April 2015: 12 months of Wendler 5/3/1, starting with 3 month 'bulk' phase + check-in

Battle Log: Cipher Unlocked


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21 March - Day 16:

500KBs + 12.5kg weighted dips

Time: 31:45

Weight: 24kg


Completed all reps on all clusters but the last set of #5. It was an intense workout, I got distracted "in the zone" and lost my grip which had to be fixed. I immediately picked up the bell and continued. Amazed at my time. Encouraged now that I have a plan after the month is up. Excited to write about my thoughts looking back on a month of bells.

Challenge 1 Completed March 2015: 1 month of kettlebell swings for 10,000 total.

Challenge 2 Started April 2015: 12 months of Wendler 5/3/1, starting with 3 month 'bulk' phase + check-in

Battle Log: Cipher Unlocked


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Looks like  a good plan. I decided it was time for me to finally eat more instead of always in a deficit. It's only a bit over maintenance, so not sure if it is an official bulk or not. Started a couple of weeks ago, and this week I could really feel the difference. My KB swings were stronger than before. Sometimes eating more really is what your body needs

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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Thanks Elastigirl. I'm so pleased to hear your swings are improving as a result.


22 March - Day 17:

500KBs + ohp 47.5kg clusters 1-3, 45kg cluster 4, 40kg cluster 5

Time: 35:14

Weight: 24kg


The workout with the OHP is always the toughest for me. It's my weakest lift and it also works out my core, and deltoids, both of which are integral to good swings. I'm pleased that I could push the weight up again to a new pr, but I consciously brought it back down when I saw my form was suffering. This was tiring and I didn't care how long it took me to finish it. I just wanted it done, and done right.


Scratching my head as to how I'll hit my calorie goal today, healthily. I'm trying to attack it with the approach of making many small changes that will add up over the day e.g. using a bit more olive oil in my eggs, some butter on steamed veg, not exclusively eating lean meats such as leaving skin on chicken, having some fruit. Going to search NF and Mark's Daily apple for some recipes ideas.

Challenge 1 Completed March 2015: 1 month of kettlebell swings for 10,000 total.

Challenge 2 Started April 2015: 12 months of Wendler 5/3/1, starting with 3 month 'bulk' phase + check-in

Battle Log: Cipher Unlocked


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Thanks Elastigirl. I'm so pleased to hear your swings are improving as a result.


22 March - Day 17:

500KBs + ohp 47.5kg clusters 1-3, 45kg cluster 4, 40kg cluster 5

Time: 35:14

Weight: 24kg


The workout with the OHP is always the toughest for me. It's my weakest lift and it also works out my core, and deltoids, both of which are integral to good swings. I'm pleased that I could push the weight up again to a new pr, but I consciously brought it back down when I saw my form was suffering. This was tiring and I didn't care how long it took me to finish it. I just wanted it done, and done right.


Scratching my head as to how I'll hit my calorie goal today, healthily. I'm trying to attack it with the approach of making many small changes that will add up over the day e.g. using a bit more olive oil in my eggs, some butter on steamed veg, not exclusively eating lean meats such as leaving skin on chicken, having some fruit. Going to search NF and Mark's Daily apple for some recipes ideas.

Home made mayonaise - a super good easy way to up the calories.Fruit is good too. My husband was wondering why the fruit was all gone. Usually he is the only one eating it, but since I'm upping my calories I love an apple with almond butter as an snack.

Wisdom 22.5   Dexterity 13   Charisma 15   Strength 21  Constitution-13

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind' Luke 10; 27

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