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Klara goes for a run.

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Hi folks! 


I'm keeping my goals and tracking pretty simple. I've given a long-winded introduction here.


1) Be able to jog a continuous 5k. I recently discovered a route from near my home to a park I love that is just about 5k exactly, so I've made the goal of getting myself to a fitness level to be able to jog the whole thing. Right now, I'm doing a nod at Couch to 5k, with walking/jogging intervals. Zombies, Run! is my companion. I've just completed "Run" 4, and I'm pleased with myself.


My game plan is to walk/jog at least 3 days a week (no more than 6), and steadily increase my jogging intervals along the way. I'm hoping to do this by the time I get to the end of Season 1 of Zombies, Run! (23 runs), but as long as I'm pushing myself just a little more each day, then I'm not going to worry too much about that. 


Once I've achieved this goal, I'll then set the next based on what seems relevant at the time.


2) Get snacks in order. I already eat pretty healthily, but snacks are when I am most prone to falling down as when I'm hungry I'm impatient and poor at decision-making. I largely keep to a Japanese/Korean philosophy of cuisine (rice, vegetables, lean proteins), so I'm going to be aiming to keep ready-to-eat onigiri in the freezer for those times when I need a quick fix. I made about half a dozen last night with a bit of salmon in them, so I'm square for a little while.



Let's see how these tide me over until the next 6 week challenge ^_^



Current Goal: Be able to jog a continuous 5k 

Daily Battle Log

Klara goes the Distance - My first 6 Week Challenge (in progress)



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Feeling queasy this morning, so I'm putting my jog on hold. I may attempt it later in the day. If not, I'll make it priority tomorrow as it'll be my last opportunity this week for Run 3 (heading out of town on Friday morning). If nothing else, I'll still get a small amount of exercise today because I need to walk some errands around the neighborhood.


But I was thinking last night and this morning about Gamification, and what's one of the big perks of leveling up and running missions? Loot. Specifically....




I'm not quite at sweat pants and a t-shirt at the moment, but my gear is definitely that of a starting level character: t-shirt, older yoga-style pants, perfectly-fine-but-older running shoes, big rain coat that I wear mostly because it's a bright yellow-green that makes me more visible on the road (I often have it tied around my waist). Functional, but not exactly ideal or glamorous.


So, here is a potential starting list of gear acquisition:


Upon 10 Runs: Awarded of a new shirt/vest that is better fitting/breathable/visible and can hold my keys/etc. securely.

Upon Jogging Full 5k: Awarded new shoes--probably of the Nike Free or New Balance Minimus design.


I'm trying not to think beyond that second goal right now, but the next one I set will probably be aimed at new running pants. Obviously, if something breaks between now and then (like my shoes suddenly fall apart, or my pants have a big gaping hole), I'll go ahead and replace it. 

Current Goal: Be able to jog a continuous 5k 

Daily Battle Log

Klara goes the Distance - My first 6 Week Challenge (in progress)



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Jog # of the Week: 3/3

Pace per mile: 13:31 - 26 seconds less than my last jog!

Zombies, Run! Episode: 1.5

Soundtrack: The Secret World (MMO) Soundtrack

Notes: Jogged most of the way to the park! Jogged some of the way back. I wanted to push myself today, and I think I did marvelously on that. My next run won't be until Sunday or Monday as I'm going out of town the next couple of days--but I won't be inactive. The Gryffindor and I have plans for hiking over the next two days that are going to total 20+ miles. Luckily, tomorrow's planned hikes are flat desert hikes, so even if I'm sore from today's run, I should be okay.


I've been reading Born to Run by Chris McDougall, and it's crazy inspiring. Not being able to jog yesterday made me antsy. I actually look forward to going out and run. The chubby high school me who walked the "mile run" wouldn't believe it....

Current Goal: Be able to jog a continuous 5k 

Daily Battle Log

Klara goes the Distance - My first 6 Week Challenge (in progress)



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Although I plan to stay to my Gear as Rewards idea, I did order myself a "Hippie" running belt today that I saw someone mention on the boards to securely hold my keys and iPod. My current tactics are clumsy (and heavens knows my poor phone has enough battle scars from getting dropped in the past), and I don't want that to stand between me and my run.


It also buys me time to save up for the vest/shirt at my 10 run reward.

Current Goal: Be able to jog a continuous 5k 

Daily Battle Log

Klara goes the Distance - My first 6 Week Challenge (in progress)



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Jog # of the Week: 1/3

Pace per mile: 13:12 

Zombies, Run! Episode: 1.6

Soundtrack: Kamelot, Poetry for the Poisoned

Notes: I've been out and exploring the last couple of days--hiked a couple of miles around the Ginkgo Petrified Forest, a few miles (plus off path scrabbling!) around the Dry Falls, Grand Coulee Dam (no hiking, alas!), and then a few more miles of hiking around the Lake Chelan areas. And touring wineries ^_^ Got home late last night and collapsed.


And right back to jogging this morning. Read more Born to Run while I was away to keep myself motivated. I felt like I was dragging and figured I'd write it off as a "well, I went out and jogged and that's what counts" but lo and behold, I actually shaved some time off! I think I walked a lot more than usual, but when I was jogging, I was jogging faster, trying to integrate the form I've been reading about.


Now I'm home and the Gryffindor is making me breakfast. Hurrah!

Current Goal: Be able to jog a continuous 5k 

Daily Battle Log

Klara goes the Distance - My first 6 Week Challenge (in progress)



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Jog # of the Week: 2/3

Pace per mile: 12:20 

Zombies, Run! Episode: 1.7

Soundtrack: Kamelot, Poetry for the Poisoned

Notes: I was able to jog most of it, with short walking intervals when I needed a break. I'm a little bit skeptical of the pace per mile my phone recorded, but I am certain that I did more jogging than yesterday, so I'll at least accept improvement.


I've noticed that on run days, I have a tendency to be completely ravenous the rest of the day. I need to figure out how to balance that without overeating as a result.


A realization: When I develop a new hobby/obsession, I read and research about it obsessively (not to mention the actual doing). I've been reading and researching and developing my running skills obsessively. Ergo, running has become my new hobby.


Who is this person I've become?

Current Goal: Be able to jog a continuous 5k 

Daily Battle Log

Klara goes the Distance - My first 6 Week Challenge (in progress)



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Where is Klara?

I mentioned in my intro that I was (amicably) separated from my husband. Now I'm a widow. My husband died suddenly and unexpectedly last week. I've been mired in grief and the responsibility for his decisions regarding what happen to him, his (our) estate, his memorial, etc.. It has been above and beyond a full time job. Some days I might have had time to jog, but the lack of energy, sleep or eating from grief and stress warded me away from trying.


I'm getting into a better state of mind, and while my responsibilities for the estate are far from done, they are no longer taking up the entirety of my time and mind. I still cry, but that's natural. I finally got a full night's sleep last night (for the first time in a week), and today I'm going to take a short walk to turn in overdue library books. Once my appetite comes back, I'll get back into jogging. I don't want to push my body until it's getting it's basic needs back to normal.

Current Goal: Be able to jog a continuous 5k 

Daily Battle Log

Klara goes the Distance - My first 6 Week Challenge (in progress)



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Jog # of the Week: 1/3

Pace per mile: 7:31?! <- I think this is an app error. 

Zombies, Run! Episode: 1.8

Soundtrack: FictionJunction YUUKA, Destination

Notes: My first run since... well, since the hospital called me a Monday afternoon a week past and my world spiraled. My plan had been to just get out the door and walk most of it if need-be, figuring I had lost a lot of endurance and stamina this last week what with grief and not eating or sleeping or running. But in turns out not so much. I think that the pace that Zombies, Run! captured is grossly inaccurate, but I also can say with confidence that I ran more of the route than I have in the past--most of it! I suspect my mind being preoccupied "helped" with that. I think that jogging/marching in place at some very long traffic lights is probably what inflated my route and pace-per-mile. 


Due to scheduling, I may only get in one other run this week, but I'm going to keep trying.

Current Goal: Be able to jog a continuous 5k 

Daily Battle Log

Klara goes the Distance - My first 6 Week Challenge (in progress)



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Jog # of the Week: 2/3

Pace per mile: N/A (see below)

Zombies, Run! Episode: 1.9

Soundtrack: FictionJunction YUUKA, Destination

Notes: The GPS on my phone has gotten all buggery. It still thinks I ran 5 miles, and I assure you that the route I take has not suddenly grown 2 miles in the last week. I'm going to power cycle the phone and see if it behaves better on the next run. The numbers are so wacky that I'm not even going to try to calculate a ppm for today.


I am pleased I went out this morning despite that it was raining buckets. Mind you, I didn't go out while it was raining buckets. I just did admin/chores and about half an hour later, the rain had stopped. I did not feel energetic today. I don't think I set any new records, but I went out and jogged, and that's what important at the moment.


Running tomorrow morning is questionable, depending on how the days pans out, but the Gryffindor asked if we could try jogging together in the evening, so it may work out after all.

Current Goal: Be able to jog a continuous 5k 

Daily Battle Log

Klara goes the Distance - My first 6 Week Challenge (in progress)



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Jog # of the Week: 3/3

Pace per mile: N/A (see below)

Zombies, Run! Episode: N/A

Soundtrack: N/A

Notes: Evening run with the Gryffindor. I kept a pace fairly consistent with my usual pace, but I was a bit more sore and low energy this evening so I didn't push it. The Gryffindor managed to keep pace, although he strained a bit more than I did. I didn't use the Zombies app or track this one digitally since I didn't want to fuss with that while doing my first partner run.


This is technically run #10, which means GEAR TIME. It may be a few more runs before I actually get the gear, though... I'm not very fond of shopping XD

Current Goal: Be able to jog a continuous 5k 

Daily Battle Log

Klara goes the Distance - My first 6 Week Challenge (in progress)



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Jog # of the Week: 1/3

Pace per mile: N/A (see below)

Zombies, Run! Episode: N/A

Soundtrack: N/A

Notes: Another evening jog with the Gryffindor. I don't have much energy these days by the evening, and I think I would be impressed if I even managed to jog half of it. But hey, I got out the door and I'm thankful for that. Tomorrow I need to go to the courthouse in the morning, so I'm hoping for a Wednesday morning run, and maybe I'll feel like I'm making progress on that 5k goal again....


(Note to self, this counts as Run #11.)

Current Goal: Be able to jog a continuous 5k 

Daily Battle Log

Klara goes the Distance - My first 6 Week Challenge (in progress)



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Jog # of the Week: 1/3

Pace per mile: 13:45

Zombies, Run! Episode: 1.10

Soundtrack: FictionJunction YUUKA, Destination

Notes: 5k training... Take 3! Apparently, my really awful run a week ago Monday was a sign of oncoming sickness (in addition to the other stress I was going through). Finally felt well enough (and didn't have other obligations) to get out of the door this morning. My GPS seems to be back on track, and although my ppm was abysmal, I actually did jog the majority of the route. Just... very slowly, apparently.


Well, it's a start. Again.

Current Goal: Be able to jog a continuous 5k 

Daily Battle Log

Klara goes the Distance - My first 6 Week Challenge (in progress)



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Jog # of the Week: 2/3

Pace per mile: N/A (see below)

Zombies, Run! Episode: N/A

Soundtrack: N/A

Notes: A friend of mine texted me this morning asking if I was running and if she could join me. So we did just that. I find that companionable running doesn't tend to make for my "best" runs, statwise, but I still enjoy getting out with someone once and a while.

Current Goal: Be able to jog a continuous 5k 

Daily Battle Log

Klara goes the Distance - My first 6 Week Challenge (in progress)



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Jog # of the Week: 3/3!

Pace per mile: 15:36 (ouch)

Zombies, Run! Episode: 1.11

Soundtrack: The Secret World OST

Notes: I would like my run times to improve rather than get worse... but at least I made my 3/3 run goal this week. I'm trying not to overthink the worsening stats, but I've always been bad at not overthinking things... maybe not enough rest days? (I did do three in a row.) Maybe just low energy from all the crazy in my life right now? I don't know. 


I'm thinking about trying he Zombies to 5k program. I think I'm a little bit beyond the initial runs, but I seem to be plateauing a bit on progress. Or maybe I'm just overthinking it....

Current Goal: Be able to jog a continuous 5k 

Daily Battle Log

Klara goes the Distance - My first 6 Week Challenge (in progress)



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So then I got sick (again) for two full weeks >_< I went for a run yesterday, but by the time I got my shoes tied it was pouring down rain. I went out anyway, but only got halfway through my route before turning back--my feel were soaked and squishy, and water kept dripping into my eyes and blinding me >_>;


Still, I'll try to get a couple of more runs in this week now that I'm healthy, and the rain is supposed to clear up. Hurrah!

Current Goal: Be able to jog a continuous 5k 

Daily Battle Log

Klara goes the Distance - My first 6 Week Challenge (in progress)



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