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Hey everybody, reckoned I might as well start me a log on here. Let's see now background info

Height. 6 ft. 1.83 m.

Weight. 195 lbs. 88.5 kg.

Neck. 15 in. 38.1 cm.

Chest. 42 in. 106.7 cm.

Waist. 38 in. 96.5 cm.

Hips. 39 in. 99 cm.

Thighs. 24 in. 61 cm.

Calfs. 15 in. 38.1 cm.

Biceps. 14 in. 35.6 cm.

Forearms. 11 in. 27.9 cm.

Reason for working out

My family has a history of heart disease, diabetes, and all in all bad health. I'm working to put that off. I've already been sick enough in my life. In 2012 I spent five months not being able to keep anything down. Had to have my gallbladder out in June. That's after having an appendectomy( I'm proud of myself right now cause I spelt that right on the first go) in January. So two surgeries, 60 pounds lost and a whole lot of missed school later I decided I needed to take better care of myself. That and I want to look good.

Primary goal

Be as healthy as I can. My main aim here is to get to around 200 lbs. with 10% body fat.

Secondary goals

Publish a book

Do 6 pushups with body weight on back

Run mile in under 5 minutes

Finish a qualifying course on American Ninja Warrior

And lots of other stuff.

My ultimate goal above all others is to be the best man I can be. To serve the Lord, do his will, and make it to Heaven when I die.

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Okay so update for the day.

Martial arts.

10 minutes lower body techniques

10 minutes upper body techniques

I wrote 3 poems the first of which can be found on Ilham's challenge thread and the second on mine if you're truly interested.

Practiced my guitar for an hour.

Would've done more but had a game night with the family instead.

Most likely won't do much tomorrow but you never know.

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Diets no good, sleep schedule is horrible, workouts are nonexistent. Try and get back on track tomorrow. No energy to do anything today.

There's a new poem up on my current challenge if you want to read that. And here's one for if you don't.

My mind doth wonder to and fro

And keeps me wake till the cock doth crow

My alarm clock I want to throw

Oh how I hate the morning so.

Second poem I ever wrote. I do most of my writing late at night when I can't sleep. Sometimes because I had a great idea for a poem.

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Allright got me a workout in. Not much but better then nothing.

3 sets 6 bent over rows 150 pounds

3 sets 10 shoulder shrugs 150 pounds

3 sets 10 wide pushups 35 pounds on back

3 sets plank with 35 pounds on back. 2 45 second ones and 1 30 second. Had nothing left here.

3 sets 6 shoulder presses with 30 pound dumbbells.

Try for some cardio tommorow. Most likely won't be able to get any in though.

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Diet disaster today. For breakfast I had six rather large pancakes with butter and syrup. So too much there. A hot dog and some chips for lunch so not to bad, then came supper. Went to a golden corral and ate way too much. Let me see I remember about a plateful of mashed potatoes, a steak, three large slices of ham, a good sized serving of macaroni and cheese, three slices of pepperoni pizza, a roll, a lot of rice, some pot roast, spaghetti, black eyed peas, fried shrimp, yam chips, watermelon, cantaloupe and a whole lot else. All that and I wasn't even full when I left. In any event I'm not going to be doing that again anytime soon so nothing I can do but buckle down and work harder from now on.

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So my diet wasn't good today though not as bad as my last entry. I had a steak, two hot dogs, some nachos, three or four big scoops of baked beans, and some other stuff. I've gotta start watching what I eat more.


30 minutes martial arts practice including 100 front kicks and 100 straight punches.

10 minutes of meditation.

This will probably be my only workout this week do to a camping trip I'm taking but I might be able to work something in.

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Bit of a workout today

2 sets 12 lunges with 30 pound dumbbells

2 sets 6 bent over rows with 145 pounds

2 sets 10 shoulder shrugs with 145 pounds

2 sets 10 wide pushups with 35 pounds

2 sets 30 second plank with 35 pounds

2 sets 8 shoulder presses with 75 pound barbell

2 sets 6 bicep curls with 75 pound barbell

2 sets 6 bench dips with 35 pounds

Diet for today wasn't very good. Lots of pizza for supper. Lots of soda.

Other things. Went to a party and was very sociable(for me).

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Long workout. Tired me out.

3 sets 6 pushups with 50 pounds!! For reference the record for this is 28 so I got a new goal :D

3 sets 6 barbell bent over rows with 160 pounds

3 sets 6 barbell shrugs with 170 pounds

3 sets 30 second plank with 40 pounds

3 sets 6 dumbbell squats with 50 pounds

3 sets barbell shoulder presses with 80 pounds

3 supersets of 6 barbell curls with 80 pounds and 6 tricep dips with 40 pounds

After 5 minutes I did

2 sets 15 pushups

2 sets 15 dumbbell bent over rows with 50 pounds

2 sets 15 dumbbell shrugs with 50 pounds

2 sets 15 Russian twists with 25 pounds

1 sets 15 dumbbell lunges with 30 pounds. Easier on legs to do cardio later

1 sets 15 lateral raises with 20 pounds. I was going to do two but supper was ready and I was hungry.

Later on in the day I did 5 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of martial arts.

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Lots to record.

At one am this morning I did the Neila Rey Nightwing workout. Three of the circuits with no rest

15 minutes martial arts

Then after about 4 hours of sleep I did

2 sets 10 decline pushups

2 sets 15 tricep dips

2 sets 10 bent over rows with 130 pounds

2 sets 15 dumbbell curls with 20 pounds

2 supersets of 15 body weight squats and 15 body weight lunges

2 supersets of 15 situps and 15 Russian twists

2 sets of 6 tricep dips with 40 pounds because my biceps felt more worked than my triceps

During this workout my rests were 30 seconds between sets and 1 minute between exercises.

Hours after that and a lot of non working out work I did 15 more minutes of martial arts that were somewhat disappointing.

Busy day. Very tired.

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Have not updated this in a long time. My bad. Not going to do a full dump here and post all my workout but I'm going to put big achievements and the like since I last updated and hopefully remember to post here more often.


On the night of Aug 7 and the early morning of the 8th I did 300 push-ups across 28 sets total. Later that day I did 100 squats in one set. Lots more but not going to post it.


On Aug 14 I did 500 sit-ups in 15 sets.


Today I did


2 sets 5 one armed knee push-ups

2 sets 5 assisted pistol squats

3 sets 4 pull-ups

And worked on L-sit a lot. 

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