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Juni's Battle Log

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Day 23


Total steps:  4072

Total miles:  1.15




Today was an easy walking day.  Took a stroll around the block, then got to pass out candy to the kids and then go over our friend's house for dinner and a movie.  The boyfriend and I are going back on Wednesday to cook dinner and to game.  I'm excited because well, gaming is really fun, but also because our friend is going to teach me some basics of ground fighting.  I've always been interested in learning, but I've never felt comfortable in different classes I've looked into.  But now I get to learn one on one from an active duty marine who knows what he's talking about!  Super excited.  My homework is to go buy a mouth guard.


Plans for Tomorrow


Distance running day!  While we were at my friend's house, we briefly got onto the topic of my running and then our friend started asking me about how fast my pace is and all this stuff and I really don't know.  I don't have any fancy gps or smartphone, all I have is a pedometer that I'm pretty sure isn't accurate because the trail map says one distance and my pedometer says a completely different one.  The step count is accurate, and the timer feature works great, which is all I really like to look at.  Tracking distance is just for fun, and I'm sure I could fix it if I redid my step measurements.  But anyway, I'm getting off topic.


I didn't know why he was asking me those things as I'm still very much a novice runner, and he knows I haven't been running for even a full month yet.  But then he asked if he could tag along for a run!  I was really surprised because I know I'll slow him down.  He's an active duty marine, he's in good shape.  I thought it could be fun so I invited him to come along tomorrow since it's my distance day, but I'm nervous and excited at the same time.  Nervous because so far I've only been running by myself and so I've been the only one to see how I perform.  But now, someone else is going to see that, and while I know he'd never make fun of me or judge me or anything, it's just kind of like stage fright, I guess. I don't know how to explain it.  He said he doesn't go very fast, but I'd be real surprised if he was slower than me.  I'm slow.  Working on that, though!  He did say I am doing the right thing running intervals and hill sprints.


I am excited to be able to cross off the co-op mode quest though after we get back.  I thought that'd be one of the harder ones to accomplish because while I can motivate myself, it can be hard to find others sometimes to run/work out with.  Who knows, maybe it'll end up being even better with a buddy and I'll invite him to run with me again.     

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Day 24


Total steps:  9722 (updated at 8:15 PM)

Total miles:  2.75 (updated at 8:15 PM)




Co-op Mode - Complete!


Ohhh, it was so much fun!  It was so fun that I'm writing my report early today, so if I think of it later I'll update my step count.  He came over at 2, and so we probably got to the park around 2:15 or so and arrived back at the apartment around 3:45-ish.  I didn't really look at the time.  He let me take the lead on pacing, though sometimes he'd go a bit faster but I'd keep up until we slowed it down again some.  At one point I was ready to give up but he said, "Come on, two more minutes!" and so we ran for a full 13 minutes and 40 seconds.  That's â€‹double what I was running before!  I must have looked like I was dying though because one girl on the trail was like, "Good job, keep it up, you can do it!" XD XD


After we stopped running, we walked for a bit while I was trying to catch my breath (lol) and we got onto the topic of strength training, and I mentioned I wanted to be able to do a pull up some day.  There were bars at the meadow area, so he said to go down there and he'd help me start, so off we went and I wasn't able to pull myself up on my own, so he assisted by lifting me at my waist.  We did a few of those, then rested for 3 minutes and then did a few more.  I swear he was pretty much lifting me, but my arms do feel a little wobbly so I guess I was using some muscle.  And then during our walk back, he showed me some basic punch moves. Wednesday is when he's going to teach me some ground fighting.  We jogged most of the way back until I thought I was going to die again and then just walked the rest of the way to the car.  We did race at one point though for fun - we reached the area I do my sprints at so he was all, "This is where you start sprinting right?"  and I looked at him and said, "Is this a race?"  And I just took off!  But of course when we were about halfway he passed me and beat me, but it was still a lot of fun.   And before we drove back he had me do 10 push ups.  I could only do them on my knees, but  could do them.


I feel silly now at how nervous I was yesterday, because all I want now is for him to run with me again.  He said Sunday's are best for that, so I'm going to keep training and then next time he tags along, hopefully I'll be able to last longer.  


Plans for Tomorrow


Walking day, though I think I'm going to investigate some strength training so I can add that into my running routine.  I really want to show improvement before he moves in February.  Like running the whole trail (we were close to the end when I died) and doing standard push ups instead of the knee ones.  I've already wanted to accomplish those, but now I'm even more motivated because I am giving myself a time limit.  The trail running will be difficult as it could really start snowing any day, but I'm hoping it won't for another few weeks so we can run again.  

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Day 25


Total steps:  8087

Total miles:  2.29




The boyfriend and I walked around the neighborhood for a good 30 minutes.  My arms are so sore from yesterday, and my ankles, too actually.  I really pushed it.  I get so excited and want to just keep going, but I really gotta remember to not get crazy.  


I have a heart condition, a bicuspid aortic valve heart murmur.  It's supposedly just a mild one, but basically when my heart pumps out blood, a tiny bit trickles back in, and over time the valve dilates with age.  Like just a reeeaallly small amount, but enough that maybe when I'm old I might have to have surgery.  But anyway, because of that, I'm not supposed to strain myself to where I'm grunting with effort.  I was told cardio is okay, but it's with weights where I have to be careful or else I could cause damage, so with that, I have to watch myself for training with these pull ups.  (Also, if I ever decide to have kids, the stress of labor could cause severe injury so I'd probably have to undergo a cesarean).


As I condition, my idea is that eventually I'll get strong enough that lifting my own body weight won't cause me stress because I'll have the strength to do so.  Until then, I will be doing light weights with multiple reps and to just hang from the bar or if I am able to, jump up and slowly lower myself, as that's much easier than trying to fight against gravity.  Yesterday my friend said that just lowering myself slowly will help train my muscles, which seems to match up with articles I read this morning on the forums.  (Which btw, I'm so glad to find out other ladies struggle with pull ups and that it's not just me!)


I think this week I'm going to call my doctor to make sure what I'm doing is okay, because I really don't want to injury myself.  If everything checks out, then I'm going to start doing knee pushups on my running days and also slowly lowering myself from the bar.  I have little 3 pound weights (I want to get some 5 pounders, too) that I want to work with, but I need to look up some exercises.  I don't know anything about strength training, so I will be doing research.  Of course, any suggestions would be wonderful!


Plans for Tomorrow


Interval day!  I'm going to my little spot on the trail to do my 30 second sprints and then walk back, rinse and repeat.  It'll just be me - my friend said Sundays are probably the only days he'd be able to join in on, which is totally fine, cause then I have time to improve in between!

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Day 26


Total steps:  14746

Total miles:  4.18




Whoa, look at those steps!  ~4000 of them came from work this morning, but the rest were all from my trail running today!  It was interval day.  After doing 20 minutes or so of sprinting for 30 seconds and walking for 60 (eventually it was a quick jog instead of sprints because I got tired out), I walked to the end of the trail to attempt those pull up bars.  I did a few slow lowers, which were really more like quick ones because I don't have the arm strength to support my own weight yet.  Kinda felt like I was just awkwardly hanging, but at least I made the effort.


Plans for Tomorrow


Walking day and my friend is going to teach me some basics in ground fighting.  I'm really excited to learn.  I may not bring much strength to the training, but I'll be bringing loads of determination and enthusiasm.  


Also, I'm looking into those fancy gps watches.  Having a hard time deciding to go for the $60 watch that does what I want it to do - pace, distance, intervals, time - or for one that is more expensive because it also includes a heart rate monitor.  Decisions, decisions.  

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Day 27 (yesterday)


Total steps:  unknown

Total miles: unknown




I got home close to 3am, so I promptly fell asleep and that is why I'm only writing my report now.  It was a walking day, and I forgot my pedometer so I have no idea how many steps I had.  It was about a 20 minute walk, though.  


I had my first ground fighting training session - it was awesome.  First he taught me some basics before we moved onto the ground.  He taught me two take downs, two ways to wrist lock someone if they come at my neck to choke me, and then two ways to free myself if pinned to the ground.  Now, it was my first time learning, so I'm still really slow at everything, just making sure I am understanding the movements and where to grab and what pressure point to press.  I'm going to practice everyday (the boyfriend is willing to work with me) and I want to get it to the point where it's more instinct than thought.  


Plans for Today


Hill sprint day!  Also going to work on my push ups and I'm going to go to the pull up bar at the trail and see if I can jump and hold myself for a few seconds.  

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Day 28


Total steps:  6555

Total miles:  1.85


Total miles this week:  14.75




Did 6 minutes and 30 seconds of hill sprints today, which was 7 times up the hill.  I was really out of it today and didn't want to go for my sprints, but I made myself get out there anyway.  I knew I would have felt worse if I skipped out, especially since it's almost been a month since I started.


Plans for Tomorrow


Walking day~

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Day 29


Total steps:  4117

Total miles:  1.16




Went on a 20 minute walk.  Also I redid my calendar, I added push ups and planks onto Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, leaving Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays as resting days.  I'm still running every other day, so the strength training will be landing on both running and walking days.  So today i did my 10 push ups (on my knees, not quite strong enough to do them standard yet), and I held a plank for 20 seconds.  


I also thought about what I want me new goals to be.  I want to train to be able to run for 30 minuted nonstop, do 10 standard pushups, hold a plank for 5 minutes, and to be able to do 1 pull up. 


Plans for Tomorrow


Distance running day!  Haven't done a true timed distance since I went running last Sunday with my friend, so I want to see if I can get myself to where we stopped.  It'll be a push, but I want to do it because he told me he plans on running with me again soon.  I'm glad he had enough fun to want to run with me again, but wow, I don't want to do worse than last time.


I picked up a refurbished garmin watch, so I'm going to test that out tomorrow.  I don't really know if I have my pedometer set correctly for distance, so this will be a good way to test it.  Most importantly, I'm eager to learn what my average pace is when I look at the summary when I'm done running.  I have no idea how to judge it, so hopefully this will help me learn by feel.

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Day 30


Total steps:  7967

Total miles:  2.26  (I'm still going to use my pedometer for this part, just because I keep it on me all day)




Went for my distance run!  Made myself go to where I went last time with my friend, just to prove to myself that I could do it alone.  I'm not the fastest, but I was able to plod along until I got there, haha.  I also used my garmin for the first time.  According to the watch, I went for 1.18 miles, while my pedometer said it was only 1 mile.  I'm not surprised there is a difference there since I was pretty sure I didn't put my stride into my pedometer correctly, but I still trust it for my step count, especially since I can slip it into my pocket when I'm working or doing dishes or whatever and not having to wear the watch.  But anyway, I was able to last for about 13 and a half minutes again, which is what I was trying to do.  And I learned my average pace is 11:10.   


I have a lot of goals I want to reach and I feel like I can track them better now.  I want to be able to run a mile under 9 minutes, so I'm going to keep working at my intervals to help me work on my time, and I'm going to keep pushing to go a farther distance so one mile doesn't feel like a whole lot of effort.  The only monster standing in my way between where I am now and the distance I want to go is this really big hill.  There's two in a row, and I can get up the first one, but the second one kills me and I have to walk it.  


Plans for Tomorrow


I'm going to push it and get past that second hill.  Normally it'd be a walking day, but my friend is available to go running so it'll be two in a row for me.  When I got back today, he was actually over the apartment hanging with the boyfriend.  Said he was looking to go running today but missed me by 10 minutes.  It would have been fun, but I'm actually really glad I went by myself today.  Like I said earlier, I had to prove to myself that I could run that distance again on my own. 

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Day 31


Total steps:  8930

Total miles:  2.53




I did it!  I made it up that second hill.  Before we left for our run, I told him, "Don't let me stop, no matter what I say" and well, I'm really glad he stuck to it.  I was so close to the top when I wanted to quit, but he kept encouraging me and pushed a little on my back to keep me going.  I'm really glad I made it.  The end of the trail is not too far after that, so soon I'll complete one of my original goals - be able to run the whole trail nonstop.  I've come a long way in the last two weeks!  He might be able to go for a run Wednesday, and if so I want to get up that hill unassisted.  


After we walked to the end, we did a few strength workouts and practiced some basic fighting techniques.  We reviewed what I learned last week and then he taught me some new stuff, like how to escape a choke hold from the front and back, and if someone tries to trap me in a bear hug from either the front or back.  I have a lot to practice, as I still forget how to move sometimes.  But I'm really glad I'm learning it and that he's been willing to teach me.  


After we went over that stuff, we ran our way back.  I worked in a few intervals of sprints and jogs when we hit the boardwalk area.  Some of the planks are loose and he's made it into a game to try to land on the same plank when I do to make it pop up a little bit and so today to counter that, I'd try to make my pace uneven so he'd have a harder time with it, haha.  Actually, making that section into a game keeps me from thinking about how tired I am and makes it really fun.   And then towards the end where I do my sprints, last time we stopped and sort of debated about racing but this time as we came up onto it, we both just took off.  He won again, but that's expected.  It's still a lot of fun, and those little games makes the run back so much better, because I'm so exhausted at that point.  


Before I started running with him, I never ran both ways, so I've been pushing a lot more that usual, but it's been paying off.  I've noticed a huge improvement.  And then after we stretched, we completed our workout with 12 pushups.  I still do mine on my knees, but soon I'm hoping to be able to do some of them, even if it's only one, as a standard pushup.


Plans for Tomorrow


Walking day~  My legs deserve some down time after two long runs in a row.  I'm so proud of myself, though.  I keep thinking about how much better I'll be the next time!

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Day 32


Total steps:  4802

Total miles:  1.36




Went for a walk around the neighborhood.  Followed up with 12 pushups and a 30 second plank.  Mostly took it easy since my arms and legs are sore from yesterday.


Plans for Tomorrow


Running day~ It's interval day, but it's really tempting to see if I can run that same distance again and get up that second hill on my own.  I guess we'll see what happens.  Wednesday might be another co-op run, which is why I want to see if I can do it on my own again, because if I can, then on Wednesday I totally want to try to get to the end of the trail.  That'd be a huge goal for me to reach, and it seems like it'd be even more fun to get there with a friend.

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Day 33


Ahh...nothing to report today.  I was a slacker.  It poured the whole day and the trail was one big muddy mess.  It actually only stopped raining about an hour ago.  Normally I wouldn't let the rain stop me, but it was really miserable out.  To stay at least a little productive, I switched gears and took care of a lot of house work I had been putting off and I made a lot of progress on one of my illustrations.  


Plans for Tomorrow


After work, I'm going to meet up with the boyfriend and his friend for lunch.  Then either the friend will join me on my run or I'll go it alone (hopefully it will have had some time to dry by then).  Either way, I am determined to get up that second hill unassisted.  I was reading Steve's article on the 20 seconds of courage/beast mode thing, and I'm going to keep that in mind.  If I feel myself giving up again, I'll tap into my 20 seconds and make sure I get to the top.  And really, by that point I'll be so close to the end....maybe I'll finish the whole thing!

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Day 34 (yesterday)


Total steps:  7236 

Total miles:  3.04




I didn't get home till after 2 am, so this is for yesterday's running.  Ran by myself and I didn't stop until I got to the top of that hill.  I really wanted to stop when I got close to the top again - my breathing was crazy, my legs hurt, I was so very tired - but I kept going.  Once I reached the top, I began to walk because my breathing was ridiculous, but after about a minute or two (once I could breath evenly again) I picked it up to a slow jog and completed the rest of the trail.  Once I got to the end, I walked the portion that's the meadow and once I hit the tree line I ran the whole way back to the beginning (very slowly, but I still did it!).  If I can keep my breathing under better control, I should be able to run the whole thing one way.  


Plans for Today 


Walking day.  Also going to do a little bit of strength training. 

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Day 35


Total steps:  1202

Total miles:  0.33


Total miles this week:  10.68




Today was a very slow day.  I didn't have my pedometer until I left for my walk, and even then I didn't walk for much more than 5 minutes.  It was another high wind, hard rain day, so I was trying to just walk around the apartment after getting blown around outside, but I just didn't feel very motivated.  It's probably because of yesterday - every week I'm like this after a night of gaming.  Staying up later than usual and also we drink while we game, so the combination leaves me feeling very detached the next day.  We will most likely not game until next Wednesday again, but either way, I decided I'm not going to have anything to drink besides water.  I don't want this detached/restless feeling to continue to fight against my workouts.  I know I also dwell on the story the day after (the story has actually been really intense lately and I wouldn't be surprised if the mental and emotional stress that my character is constantly dealing with is crossing over into my own mindset), so I'm trying to figure out the exact cause.  I'm betting mostly on the alcohol.  I don't drink much of it - only about 2 glasses of wine for me.  Sometimes I'll have more, but I don't drink it intending to get drunk.  Honestly, it's harder to game that way anyway.


I did do my pushups and my plank today though.  So there's that!  


Plans for Tomorrow


Running day, so I want to get up that hill again.  I want to try to get my breathing under control so I can continue and run the rest of the trail.  I really want to be able to run the whole thing on Sunday when I'll most likely run with my friend again.  After I get all the way to the end, I think instead of running the whole way back, I'll stop and rest before just working on my hills.  I sort of got away from my hills and intervals because I got excited about my distance running, so I need to get those back into my training again.  It's been getting a lot colder, and I won't have too much more time before the snow starts.  It's also supposed to rain really bad again tomorrow so...I'm hoping for a break in the weather or else I might have to change plans and just run stairs constantly or something else.  

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Day 36


Total steps:  5822

Total miles:  1.65




Well, the rain from the hurricane is still pouring down really hard, so I didn't get to the trail again.  To make up for it, I did the level one workout from Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 DVD.  That thing used to destroy me, but since my stamina has increased from running this past month, it wasn't that bad.  I don't move as fast as the girls on the DVD and I don't do the hardest versions of the moves, but I completed it without stopping.  


I looked at the weather for the weekend, tomorrow is supposed to be only cloudy and Sunday showed sun, so the trail should be dried out by then.  I'm hoping my friend will be able to run Sunday again and that I can defeat the trail all in one go without walking.  I want to destroy that hill!  And if the weather stays good, I think next week I'm going to just practice running that hill over and over again.  Monday I'm going to go join the gym I found that has an indoor track and swimming pool. I'm still hoping for good weather for as long as possible, but I need to have a back up plan in place.


Plans for Tomorrow


Walking day, though I think I'll do another DVD since I feel like I didn't get my full workout today.  I'll be out for most of the morning and afternoon with another friend going to a craft show and an art gallery.  It'll be fun, and it'll involve lots of walking, so double win!

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Day 37


Total steps:  9011

Total miles:  2.55




Today was a lot of fun!  Went to a craft fair, where I got a sweet photo print of the waterfall that's along the trail I run.  Then, we caught lunch and then went to the art gallery where my friend's paintings were displayed.  It was really inspiring seeing her work hanging up!  One of my goals on my stat sheet was to get my website and Etsy shop up and going by Thanksgiving, and I haven't been doing ANY progress at all on it, but I told her my homework this week is to get my Etsy shop up, even if I only have one thing for sale in it.  I told her to text me Friday to see if I did it or not.  She's going to help keep me in check and also help me get my art into galleries and fairs.  


After I got back, the boyfriend and I went for a walk.  He wanted to go on the trail and see what this hill is that tries to destroy me so we walked to the top of it and then walked our way back.  It got dark and we brought flashlights, but for fun we turned them off and tried to see who could walk more quietly in all the leaves like ninjas haha.  


I didn't do a DVD today because while I felt like I didn't do much yesterday, I feel it today.  All those lunges and squats.  Whew.  


Plans for Tomorrow


I'm hoping to go on another distance run with my friend.  I really want to run the whole trail nonstop!

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Day 38


Total steps:  7353

Total miles:  2.08 (overall)  1.74 (running)




I did it!!  I ran from the start of the trail all the way to the end!  And I did it all by myself, too.  My friend couldn't make it today so I didn't have any encouragement or anyone to keep pace with.  I'm so proud of myself.  It was just about 2 weeks ago that I could hardly run for 10 minutes and here the trail took me a total of 21 minutes.  My average pace was around 12 min/mile.  


Now the challenge is to see if I can drop my time next run.  Try for 20 minutes.


I also did my 12 knee pushups today.  I can do 1 standard pushup, but I can't get number 2 yet.


Plans for Tomorrow


Walking and more pushups.

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Day 39


Total steps:  2450

Total miles:  0.69





Took it easy today and didn't walk as much as I usually try to do.  My ankles feel...not sore, but different.  I hesitate to use the word "weak", but that's actually how they felt this morning.  I also noticed sometimes when I start to run, the first little bit takes some getting used to.  When I ran yesterday, my ankles felt weak until I got into my standard pace and then they were fine once I was plodding along.  I guess to better describe the feeling - when I'd lift them during my strides, they'd get a feeling as if I twisted them, but not so severe that I'd stumble or anything.  They'd be fine when they contacted the ground, but for that second in the air, they'd be weird like that. 


I've been trying to stretch them out a little, keeping them elevated and doing circles.  I even took a bath last night because my leg muscles were really tight, too.  I feel like my flexibility is getting lost since my muscles feel so tight anymore, so I'm going to give the NF Yoga a try.  I have a yoga DVD that I've done before, but I never really knew what exactly I was doing, so maybe this will work out better?


I did my daily knee pushups.  Still can only do one standard pushup, but I think I'm getting close to be able to do two!  Maybe by next week!


I finished my illustration this past weekend so I started a new one.  I think I'm getting better at coloring with my Copics...the blending is looking way nicer.  This time I'm practicing at getting better with highlights and shadows, so we'll see how it goes.  


Plans for Tomorrow


I want to see if I can complete the trail again tomorrow (maybe even have a better time!).  Then, I plan on walking back to that dreaded second hill and just practice running it a few times before heading back home.

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Day 40


Total steps:  10695

Total miles:  3.03




The trail defeated me today.  I slowed to a walk after the first hill and after the second.  I still managed to jog my way to the end, but I didn't do it all in one go like last time.  A few things I think that were working against me:  1) I didn't drink a lot of water yesterday and felt dehydrated.  I normally try to drink a lot more the day before a run, but yesterday I got lazy with refilling.  2)  I've been running in the low to mid 50s, and today it was around 63 and very sunny.  Between the lack of hydration and the added heat, it destroyed me.  


I think I did 2 pushups today though.  Maybe.  My form may have been off.  But if not...then 8 more to go for my goal!  I'll have to see if I can do it again later.


Plans for Tomorrow


My ankles are still feeling sore, so I'm going to take it easy tomorrow.  I have work, so I'll be up and moving on my feet there, but once I get home I think I'm going to take the day off from training.  Still gonna do my pushups though!

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Day 41 (yesterday)


Total steps:  6536

Total miles:  unknown~ the pedometer reset past midnight...I was going to check it at our friend's house and completely forgot (we were out till 2am again)




I tried to keep off my ankle for most of the day, though the boyfriend and I did walk to his friends house last night.  He recommended getting a brace, so I'll probably swing by a shop and grab one tomorrow after work.  It's still mostly sore in the mornings, and if I'm walking on it a lot, and the pain is coming from just underneath the ankle bone on the outside of my foot.  I really don't remember ever rolling it.  I have rolled my other ankle, but I don't remember tripping or anything on my right one.  


Plans for Today


Still going to go for a run, though I'm not going to push myself so hard.  I'll keep it to light jogging and maybe do a combo of walk/jog.  I don't want to make it worse, but I also don't want to sit out for too long and lose everything I've done.

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Day 42 (yesterday)


I took the day off.  Didn't go on my run as planned.  My ankle was still really sore so I gave it a day of rest.


Day 43 (today)


Total steps:  10843

Total miles:  3.07




My ankle felt much better and so I went on my run.  Used a brace and it helped.  I wasn't able to run the whole trail again since I had some off days, but I can tell my stamina will get back to where it was.  Just gotta keep at it.  I got up the first hill and had to walk some and then ran the second hill and walked a section that was a small loop and then ran my way back.  Made it most of the way, so I consider it a good running day.


Also, had some last minute plans form - saw I had been texted an invite to go to a meet up for the Toys For Tots at a local sports bar with my friend and his wife.  The boyfriend didn't want to go, and I was hesitant to go myself (I get anxious sometimes when it's a social event and I have to go alone) but I texted back "I'll be there" before I could talk myself out of it and I'm very glad I went.  I don't get out much with people since moving up here as I don't really know anyone, so it was fun hanging out with them outside of their house and to meet a few of their friends.  And then I was invited back for a movie.  I stopped home to see if the boyfriend was interested - still a no - so I walked over and watched The Dark Crystal.  I think that was the name.  He was almost insulted that I had never heard of it.  I enjoyed it a lot, and they let me borrow it since we were all falling asleep halfway through (and I have work very early tomorrow), so I'l finish it tomorrow after work.


Plans for Tomorrow


It'll be a walking day.  I'm still keeping up with my pushups.  My friend already planned our outing Sunday if he's able to make it.  Run the whole trail, do 15 pushups (it was 12 before), then go straight into more knock downs and other combat fighting he's been teaching me.  Then we'll probably run our way back.  It'll be exhausting, but I'm going to do it.  And if he can't make it Sunday, I'll just run the whole thing by myself again.   

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Day 44


Total steps:  4066

Total miles:  1.14




I did three standard push ups today!  I love knowing that I'm getting stronger.  I even got myself some new weights to work with...I had 3 pound ones, and now I have some 5 and 10 pounders.  I'll definitely be able to do 10 pushups by February, but I'm not so sure I'll be able to do a pull up by then.  I'm going to keep working on it though.


Plans for Tomorrow


Hopefully go on my run.  It's supposed to snow, but I think it'll just be flurries.  

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Day 45


Total steps:  8586

Total miles:  2.43




My running friend cut out on me again this week (he said it'd be too cold and wet, bah!), but no worries, by the time he does run with me again, he'll see major improvement.  I shaved a whole minute off my time today!  I ran the whole trail again.  Last time it took me 21:10 and today I was just under 20 at 19:51.  Yeah!  Then I went back and did a few hill sprints up that ridiculous second hill.  It wasn't that bad actually.  I have this terrible time of it when I'm running the distance, but on it's own, it isn't that much of a monster.  I think that mentality shift will help me defeat it like how I can easily run up the first hill now.  What I need to do is practice them back to back because that's what really kills me out there.  There's very little downtime between the two.  So I'll keep working on that.  I called my friend a slacker for not going out today, and he shot back that I can call him a slacker when I can keep up with him.  So I told him to watch out - that day will be sometime this coming year because I've been making great improvements.  


My average pace is still around 11:30 and I really want to drop that into the 10's (my first goal is 9!).  My fastest pace was 6:10 according to my Garmin but I must have been going downhill or something because I know I didn't hit that speed on my own, haha.


Plans for tomorrow


Keep moving, keep training.  Walking, pushups, maybe a work out DVD.

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Day 46


Total steps:  6555

Total miles:  1.85




Whew, during my last hour at work today I got really tired.  I've been feeling off ever since and actually laid down for a nap.  No walk today or DVD.  Instead I bundled up in some blankets and sipped soup and took tylonel for a headache.  I did do my pushups though to see if I could still do 5 standard ones - I can!  I'm feeling better now, so I hope I'll still be okay tomorrow.  



Plans for Tomorrow


If I'm still feeling okay, I'm going to go for my run and practice those hills.  

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Day 47 (yesterday)


Total steps:  12921

Total miles:  unknown - my pedometer reset at midnight




I totally forgot to log in here and do this!  I went for my run and tried to go faster than I usually do.  I even made myself sprint with whatever energy I had left up that second hill and I made it to the top but then I stopped because I was completely drained.  After catching my breath in a few minutes, I walked down and ran up it two more times.


Day 48 (today)


Total steps:  7557

Total miles:  2.14




My friend felt bad for ditching me Sunday so he texted me asking if today was a run day.  Technically it's my off day, but sure, why not?  So we went out to the trail.  We ran the whole thing, and since I knew I could run up that second hill, I poured it all in and got up there much faster than the snail pace he saw me do weeks ago, and then slowed it down some to catch my breath before running all the way to the end.  I showed off my 5 pushups and then we went into ground fighting.  We did a little bit of sparring and then he taught me arm bars (I think that is what he said it was called?).  It's all still very basic, and we go through it very slow because it takes me a bit to get the movements down.  It's a lot of fun though, and as I get more comfortable with it I don't hesitate as much during the movements.  I'm so proud of myself.  Like, I knew I was improving, but it's so awesome hearing someone else say how well I'm doing.  He was quite impressed!  And the idea of getting faster and stronger is just...such a good feeling.  When we were done, we ran the whole trail back.  Now...to get to the point where I can run it to the end and then back without stopping!  That's a huge goal for me!


Plans for Tomorrow


Well, it's the holiday, so really, my plan is to just not stuff myself.  I don't want to use Thanksgiving as an excuse to go all out and lose everything I've been working towards.

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Day 49 and 50




Yesterday was Thanksgiving.  It was nice seeing all of the family, and I feel that I was successful in my quest of not taking too much food.  Go, me!  I had to drive back last night since I had to wake up for work at 4:30 this morning.  I feel completely exhausted because this whole week had me waking up earlier than usual and plus the drive to Pittsburgh and back in one day was tiring.  So, no running today.  My eyes are burning, I should just go crawl into bed right now.


Plans for Tomorrow


If the weather permits, it'll be a running day to get back into my routine.  Also going to do my pushups and try for 6!  If the weather is bad, I'll do one of my DVDs instead.

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