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Pixie Kitten's Daily Happenings

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It's midday. I have work in an hour until late so I'll say hi now.






I bought a new notebook a couple of weeks ago specifically for NF related goals and planning for this year. It's entitled '2016; The Year She Does It.'

There's a couple of pages on diet goals, exercise goals, other things like getting another tattoo and going abroad and reading and stuff like that. There's a page of six four week challenge ideas, followed by more detailed descriptions of how to achieve them. And there's a weekly regime page for me to stick to on top of the challenges.




Figured I might as well start now. It's almost New Year anyway. So I did the Wednesday workout. Because you know. Its Wednesday.

I decided to do 5x5 of each, easy to remember and not too taxing. Did the bench presses with just the bar because I'm tiny and weak. Did the bodyweight rows under my table with my legs not quite crossed but bent with the soles of the feet together because I just don't have enough room. I know that makes it easier. But hey. When I can find a better space, I'll progress.

And I did something I've never done with the deadlifts


I actually put weight on the bar. Never done that before. But I figure just the bar is a bit pathetic for deadlifts. So a 5kg went on each side.


Yeah. I know. That's not exactly impressive. But it's new and everyone starts somewhere.


Also took Hutch to the fields to feed Queenie so that's those checked off too. All done!


I know it's not a big workout, but what with my laziness and trouble sleeping(I've got a cough at the moment that keeps me up for hours and it's mega annoying) and lack of conviction to get out of bed and then work and cleaning and gah. I need a small thing to start off with. So here we are.


Me and K have a bet to see who can get a 6 pack first this year. She's a cheerleader and fitter than me, so I gotta work extra hard if I wanna win this. What does the winner get?


..A fucking 6 pack. Is that not enough?


Now it's raining.


Like really bad.


And I have to walk to work.


In 20 mins.


I'm not dressed for work yet.


No make up.


Hair not done.



Level 9 Pixie

I may not be the strongest, the fastest, or the bravest. But I'll be damned if I'm not trying my hardest.
17 STR ¦ 17 STA ¦ 13 CON ¦ 17 WIS ¦ 13 CHA ¦ 12 DEX

Latest Challenge! , Battle Log! , CHARACTERYAY


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Today's been a good day.


I'm not one to celebrate the New Year. It's just changing a number. Just like we do every second of every minute of every day. Hutch and I went to bed at 9:30 pm. Hutch is scared of fireworks so he came up for a snuggle. I thought when the fireworks began he might wake me up with his worrying, but we both slept right on through to 9am in the morning. I'm proud of my poochy.


First thing we did was bike to work. I bought some more steak knives but forgot to take the reciept, so I made sure to take it over so I could get my money back! We then went up to pets at home to get some locusts for Lindir the leopard gecko, and some dog shampoo. There's this disease spreading through the nation killing called Alabama Rot, and it's now within 20 miles of where we live. It's some sort of bug that's in the mud and wooded areas. Every single one of Hutch's walks involves mud, so I'm incredibly paranoid. So today he got the scrub of his life, and he's on pavement or treadmill walks until this blows over. Maybe a muddy walk once a week with one hell of a scrub afterwards. And daily paw checks. Hutch is my life, I'm not losing him to bad mud.


Anyway. We did the bike ride, there was racing and chasing and a basset hound intervention, and there was bathing and towels and heaters and blankets.  Then Pixie went back to research.


I'm combing through the NF articles, a couple of hours a day, finding information and following links for me to absorb and include in my notebook. Anything that will help me toward my goals.


Today, I used the gift cards I got for Christmas to buy a bofy fat analysing scale(because I've never officially known my body fat percentage and I'm curious), an alarm clock so I can put it across the room(I've been using my phone and the only place I can put it while on charge is right next to my bed. Snoozing happens frequently), aaaaaand... A Fitbit! I also got the extended edition of the Battle of Five Armies. but Fitbit!!! I'm mega excited. I've been contemplating getting one ever since it came out but now I've finally done it! I went for the Flex, it's got what I need without bells and whistles. I like seeing numbers because it gives me something to challenge myself with. As someone or other said: 'That which is measured can be improved.'


I also did this workout while watching Obese: A Year To Save My Life




Guilty pleasures. I like the show. Also, this made me sweat. I know it's not much, but I can't remember the last time I got my pull up bar out.


Today's been a good day. Everybody, have a Hutchy.



Level 9 Pixie

I may not be the strongest, the fastest, or the bravest. But I'll be damned if I'm not trying my hardest.
17 STR ¦ 17 STA ¦ 13 CON ¦ 17 WIS ¦ 13 CHA ¦ 12 DEX

Latest Challenge! , Battle Log! , CHARACTERYAY


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'THE FORUMS and rules to post your challenges will be posted in the evening, CDT (texas time), FRIDAY, JANUARY 1st.'
*downloads texas time on her world clock*



I'm really not a patient person.

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Level 9 Pixie

I may not be the strongest, the fastest, or the bravest. But I'll be damned if I'm not trying my hardest.
17 STR ¦ 17 STA ¦ 13 CON ¦ 17 WIS ¦ 13 CHA ¦ 12 DEX

Latest Challenge! , Battle Log! , CHARACTERYAY


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Aaaaaaaaaargh I may have overdone it with the negative chin ups yesterday... MY ARMS WON'T MOVE PROPERLY.


So far today I've done my Hutchy walk, fed Queenie, and I'll admit. I was so excited to get my post up on the challenge forums that I'm using my morning Yoga slot to be on here. My post is up now! =D But I'll do a quick yoga sesh before I get ready for work, promise!


It's raining this morning. Again.


Gonna go have a  mocha now.

Level 9 Pixie

I may not be the strongest, the fastest, or the bravest. But I'll be damned if I'm not trying my hardest.
17 STR ¦ 17 STA ¦ 13 CON ¦ 17 WIS ¦ 13 CHA ¦ 12 DEX

Latest Challenge! , Battle Log! , CHARACTERYAY


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My arms yesterday. Gods. I was officially on stiffness level penguin. Useless, useless arms.

The manager didn't let me go until 10:30, when it became obvious that the one table that was still in was going to be there for a while. Lazy bastard didn't want to do it himself, but eventually his need to cut down on wages made him send me home.

Another 12-finish shift today whoooooooooooonot. -_-


Ok guys. It's raining(again.. Welcome to England...). It's cold. I'm still sore. I really don't wanna go outside. I'll see Queenie tomorrow, rain or shine. And Hutch has had a treadmill walk. So I'm kinda cheating today.


I couldn't find my yoga dvd, but luckily I have a box set that has another copy of the yoga section. So yay. Did that. And I had a hot bath as soon as I woke up, where I did my meditation. Because where else is more isolated and relaxing than in a hot bath at 8 in the morning?


Yoga was actually quite difficult, because of my soreness. There was a lot of raising the arms above the head. Which I did, eventually. With much effor and straining and 'oh my gosh my arms don't work anymore'. I think next time I do the negative chin ups I'll be doing a few less reps. Just until I get back into the swing of things.





I may be shifting my workout rota around. I asked the nice manager if I could permanently have thursdays off. It's not a big ask because I only ever work thursdays once in a blue moon, and other coworkers have days that they can't do, so I thought it wasn't too much for me to ask.


I want to start swimming again, and from what I can see, thursday mornings is the only one that doesn't get interrupted by school swim lessons, which was why I had to stop in the first place.


I want to start having riding lessons again.. Not on Queenie. because let's face it, we don't ride much together. And I need to up my fitness for her, and I can't do it on her. So that's the afternoon.


And I probably won't do this until a challenge in the future because it ties in with those goals('cause you know, I've already got a good 8 challenges planned out and ready to execute) BUT

In the evening, in the same place I go swimming, they do Tae Kwon Do lessons.

I wanna do that.


So Thursdays are gonna be lesson days! And I can totally fit my usual Thursday things in with all of that. It can be another of Queenie's come-in-but-not-exercised days. She needs days where she comes in and just has a fuss. It stops her from running away whenever she sees me with a headcollar.


I'm also confused about my posting now that the challenge is up. Do I copy and paste every entry in the challenge forum? Just paste a link to here, and maybe post challenge only related things there? Can I be bothered to write two seperate posts daily? BWAHH.


What I do like is that I have just under two hours before I have to be at work. So that's an hour of chilling and 50 mins of slowly getting ready for work.. and going to work.

And then 10ish hours of working, but let's not think about that.

I would go to the shop to grab some food for at work, but I really don't want to go anywhere more than I have to.

But I'm hungry and there's not much food here.

I'll get a nice carvery at work.

but that's only one meal.

And I won't eat when I get home because that's detrimental to my sleeping habits. That I'm attempting to form.





I am actually just rambling now so I'll jog on. Have a lovely day guys, let no one bother you and stay stress free!!

I'm saying this because I know I won't, and I don't want anyone to feel the way I do when I'm at work.






Decided to make fried eggs. Only had two left. Though that wasn't much but didn't want to cook more.

Hey! Let's try a fried egg sandwich!


Not gonna lie guys. I don't like it. I'm eating it, but I do not like fried egg sandwiches.

Level 9 Pixie

I may not be the strongest, the fastest, or the bravest. But I'll be damned if I'm not trying my hardest.
17 STR ¦ 17 STA ¦ 13 CON ¦ 17 WIS ¦ 13 CHA ¦ 12 DEX

Latest Challenge! , Battle Log! , CHARACTERYAY


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We'll figure it out! :)




Guys. Neo's sick. I think he has a respiritory infection >.< He's making horrible gurgly noises and it makes me sad.



This is Neo, attempting to eat the watermelon on the Lidl bag. He was unsuccessful.


I have to pop up to the vets tomorrow to book Pancake(the bunny) in for his annual booster so I'll make an appointment for Neo too.

This is why I always try to have an emergency vet fund in my bank. I never let it go under £1000. If I'm near to £1000, I'm broke because I will not touch that money. But I think I'll have to, I'm pretty sure vet bills for tortoises are rather expensive.


Gah. My poor scaly baby :(

Level 9 Pixie

I may not be the strongest, the fastest, or the bravest. But I'll be damned if I'm not trying my hardest.
17 STR ¦ 17 STA ¦ 13 CON ¦ 17 WIS ¦ 13 CHA ¦ 12 DEX

Latest Challenge! , Battle Log! , CHARACTERYAY


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Also, much flooding at the stables.

Had a battle with Queenie to wash the gunk off her face.

Her leg's swollen and no-one's sure why.

Scales and alarm clock have also arrived :D


Gonna set fitbit up and eat and get ready for work. Which is in an hour. Eek.


Also got my scale. I'm officially 50.2kg/7st9/110lbs. Whoo numbers!

Level 9 Pixie

I may not be the strongest, the fastest, or the bravest. But I'll be damned if I'm not trying my hardest.
17 STR ¦ 17 STA ¦ 13 CON ¦ 17 WIS ¦ 13 CHA ¦ 12 DEX

Latest Challenge! , Battle Log! , CHARACTERYAY


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Ick. Ick. ick. ick. ick. ick.


For the record, I'd like to state that it is 6:45 AM and I am awake at 6:30 because that is my goal.


The plan for last night was have one or two drinks at the bar with not-boyfriend, then go home and have an early night.


We had two drinks AND I had a cheesburger because I was trying to make sure I had enough to eat.


We went home.


We cracked open the whiskey.


Honestly, I can't remember a lot of what happened. At some point we were both wearing dressing gowns (he was wearing my fluffy pink spotty one and I was wearing the fluffy leopard print), but I can't for the life of me remember getting undressed :/ He made some food and I remember itting there watching him cook it but I can't remember what he had. So much is unknown and I really want to go back to bed. I think my exercise for today is going to be done after work today.


But I woke up and got up and came down here to post so feeling the way I do, I'm calling that a win. Gonna gingerly sip some water and see how things go.

Level 9 Pixie

I may not be the strongest, the fastest, or the bravest. But I'll be damned if I'm not trying my hardest.
17 STR ¦ 17 STA ¦ 13 CON ¦ 17 WIS ¦ 13 CHA ¦ 12 DEX

Latest Challenge! , Battle Log! , CHARACTERYAY


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Went back to sleep for a couple of hours.

Had a bit of bedroom exercise. Gotta love that. Did my yoga, then went to work. Felt much better after that extra sleep.. And I'm sure the 3 pints of water I'd downed before going back to bed helped too.


Work was dead. Like, all day. It was never busy. It never even reached steady. I think our highest amount of tables being used at one time was 10. It was ridiculous. I paced around being bored a LOT. After a few hours my fitbit buzzed at me, and for the rest of my shift I just wanted to get home and check the dashboard to see what it was. Turns out I'd walked 10000 steps. Sweet.


I love the fitbit dashboard. It has so much information on it. It's so interesting! There are graphs, and diagrams, interactive displays... As someone who is faily obsessed with recording information, it's a dream come true. And al I have to do is wear a little black strap on my wrist. And enter my food intake in. 'Cause you know. Fitbit doesn't know what I eat.





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Level 9 Pixie

I may not be the strongest, the fastest, or the bravest. But I'll be damned if I'm not trying my hardest.
17 STR ¦ 17 STA ¦ 13 CON ¦ 17 WIS ¦ 13 CHA ¦ 12 DEX

Latest Challenge! , Battle Log! , CHARACTERYAY


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Apparently I was rather restless last night.




Might explain why I don't really feel as rested as I should. Gosh this is interesting!


The last 3 and a half hours have been spent doing animal maintenance. It was beardy feeding day. One of them's disabled from a bout of MBD as a baby so he can't move very well and you have to feed hhim one mealworm at a time with tweezers. he can't really get them properly, I think his depth perception is shot too, so you have to wait for hiim to attempt to get it them quickly shove it in his mouth, then try and get as many more as you can in while he's chewing. You also have to hold him up because he kinda falls over a lot. 10 mins after feeding him I heard a thunk, and found he'd decided he was thirsty.




Sat by him until he seemed to be finished to make sure he didn't drown.


But yeah. I've also got two vet appointments tomorrow on saturday. Pancake needs his booster jab and teeth check, and Neo needs some antibiotic for his respiritory infection. At least I hope that's all he needs. Whatever happens, I know it's going to be expensive. But I suppose you can't own the third largest tortoise breed in the world and expect it to be cheap :/ I'mn gonna have to find him a box that will fit him and a hot water bottle in it, and hopefully the receptionist will be able to re-fill it for me on the way home. And I guess Pancake will have to go in his carrier. Pancake HATES his carrier. Usually for vet trips he just goes in my shoulder bag with his harness on. We go on my bike, and he loves it! He adores racing around outside when I let him out so I suppose he loves the speed. But I dont think I can manage him in the bag and Neo in a box at the same time :/ Unless Neo goes in the carrier and Pancake goes in the bag.. We'll see how it goes.


Anyway. I gots exercises to do now. and work at 4. And Not-boyfriend's coming over tonight.  AND I STILL HAVE TO SEE QUEENIE

Level 9 Pixie

I may not be the strongest, the fastest, or the bravest. But I'll be damned if I'm not trying my hardest.
17 STR ¦ 17 STA ¦ 13 CON ¦ 17 WIS ¦ 13 CHA ¦ 12 DEX

Latest Challenge! , Battle Log! , CHARACTERYAY


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Today was hibernation mode day. up at 6:30, did yoga with hutchy on the treadmill. went back to sleep. woke up at 10, had some between the sheets exercise, biked in the rain to the stables, rode jake in a private lesson, fed queenie, went home, back to sleep. woke up a little later, more between the sheet exercise, ordered pizza, ate pizza, back to sleep. Woke up again because not-boyfriend had to go do stuff, said goodbye, went back to sleep. Up now and drinking 4 pints of milk to up my calories, then probably gonna go back to bed and read my book.


I feel like I should feel bad. But I've actually done everything I wanted to do today. just spent all the in-between time sleeping. Hutch has been ignored all day so he's gettign a cuddle now. And I've still got two slices of pizza for breakfast tomorrow. tpday's been good.


*trying to see if she has a photo of jake on facebook*


Wow. This was taken in 2009. Old photo is old, but here's me and jake!



Level 9 Pixie

I may not be the strongest, the fastest, or the bravest. But I'll be damned if I'm not trying my hardest.
17 STR ¦ 17 STA ¦ 13 CON ¦ 17 WIS ¦ 13 CHA ¦ 12 DEX

Latest Challenge! , Battle Log! , CHARACTERYAY


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Today's gone well. Up on time, done my workout, cycled to pets at home and bought pet supplies, cycled home, had a little foodies. Watched Hercules while I was doing my workout. I did my lunges with 10kg on the bar. I struggled getting it over my head. Didn't make me feel very strong.




Remembering how much last week killed my arms, I brought the negative chinup reps down to 4. Much easier.


I don't wanna go to work. I wanna have another lazy day like yesterday :(


Vets tomorrow. Not looking forward to that either.

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Level 9 Pixie

I may not be the strongest, the fastest, or the bravest. But I'll be damned if I'm not trying my hardest.
17 STR ¦ 17 STA ¦ 13 CON ¦ 17 WIS ¦ 13 CHA ¦ 12 DEX

Latest Challenge! , Battle Log! , CHARACTERYAY


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Level 9 Pixie

I may not be the strongest, the fastest, or the bravest. But I'll be damned if I'm not trying my hardest.
17 STR ¦ 17 STA ¦ 13 CON ¦ 17 WIS ¦ 13 CHA ¦ 12 DEX

Latest Challenge! , Battle Log! , CHARACTERYAY


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Yesterday was icky and not fun. Today is also looking icky.


Period is here. yay.


I have a 12-finish shift. yay.


Yard Owner gave me a little dig about not seeing Queenie in two days yesterday. yay.


Not-boyfriend had to leave at half 8. Meh. :(


Doing my workout now,(typing very quickly between sets) then dashing to feed Queenie, then a tiny bit of shopping, then work.













I got the wrong day. Was supposed to do a 12-6 shift. It was dead, and my hands were shaky(took too many nurofen.. oops) and I kept dropping and breaking things. Oops. So I got sent home at 4 instead.

Spent some time playing with Hutch, eating some more and watching the extended edition of The Battle of the Five Armies while on the treadmill. Thought I should up my steps a little. Got a bit sweaty, and I'm still 2400 steps away from meeting yesterday's. But I probably shouldn't get too competetive with that just yet.






Level 9 Pixie

I may not be the strongest, the fastest, or the bravest. But I'll be damned if I'm not trying my hardest.
17 STR ¦ 17 STA ¦ 13 CON ¦ 17 WIS ¦ 13 CHA ¦ 12 DEX

Latest Challenge! , Battle Log! , CHARACTERYAY


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I feel I haven't said much about Queenie recently. So here you go.




She was not happy that day. I attacked her face with scissors so her eye gunk wouldn't matt anymore, then put antiseptic healing cream on the bald patches where she'd scratched the matted fur off.


Also, Neo and Pancake had a successful trip to the vet. Pancake was very good for the vet and had his injections and health check with nothing untoward to report, and Neo co-operated in having a check over, and I assume he was good for the vets when they gave him an antibiotic injection while I waited outside to pay. I now have to give him an oral administraion of antibiotics twice daily, and neither of us is liking it. But bless him, he's being a good boy, considering someone is pinning his head so he can't retract into his shell, forcing his mouth open with tweezers then shooting propably not-very-nice tasting liquid down his little tortoisey throat. I certainly wouldn't be behaving as well as he does.


And all the other animals are good too. Tomorrow we start work on Queenie with the electric toothbrush!

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Level 9 Pixie

I may not be the strongest, the fastest, or the bravest. But I'll be damned if I'm not trying my hardest.
17 STR ¦ 17 STA ¦ 13 CON ¦ 17 WIS ¦ 13 CHA ¦ 12 DEX

Latest Challenge! , Battle Log! , CHARACTERYAY


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I am gluten intolerant.


I should not eat things with wheat in them.


But sometimes, when I do, nothing happens. I'm fine.


And I love pizza. And cake. And yorkshire puddings.


But sometimes, I have one slice of buttered bread, and this happens:




I can't stand up straight, everything is on fire, I look 4 months pregnant and I feel like I'm dying.


This is me the next morning.




When things like this do happen, I tell myself: Never again. No more wheaty things. No pizza, no cake, no bread, no doughnuts, not yorkies with my carvery, no pasta....


The next day I'm frying up sausages.



Level 9 Pixie

I may not be the strongest, the fastest, or the bravest. But I'll be damned if I'm not trying my hardest.
17 STR ¦ 17 STA ¦ 13 CON ¦ 17 WIS ¦ 13 CHA ¦ 12 DEX

Latest Challenge! , Battle Log! , CHARACTERYAY


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Queenie's doing much better. we did some more phone vibration work, she had her eye hibiscrubbed, and the farrier did her front feet, with him, his apprentice and the yard owner praising her feet. Proud pixie is proud.


Then today I brought her on the yard for her feed and everyone looked at her then either laughed or shook their heads.


She really is a scruffy, scabby looking thing right now.




I bought an electronic toothbrush for her, but it had a european plug, so I couldnt use it. Today I bought an adapter plug, and it's now charging. I also bought a men's cordless razor. It's quieter than the toothbrush. It's probably only good enough to do her legs and/or face, but it will be good as a step toward the big scary horse clippers. And once she's clipped and doused once more in lousepowder (note to self: buy more louse powder), she can have the big rug I bought for her. And she'll stop scratching so much and her scabs will heal and her spring coat will grow in and she'll look SO PRETTY and then we can work on the big stuff. Like riding. And not decking me when the foals are about.




Look how much better her eye looks now ^_^

Also, nice little photobomb by prince there!

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Level 9 Pixie

I may not be the strongest, the fastest, or the bravest. But I'll be damned if I'm not trying my hardest.
17 STR ¦ 17 STA ¦ 13 CON ¦ 17 WIS ¦ 13 CHA ¦ 12 DEX

Latest Challenge! , Battle Log! , CHARACTERYAY


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Pixie has had a few days away from the forum.


Pixie hasn't seen Queenie in a few days. Figured she'd want time to settle after the clipping trauma(read: Pixie has been busy working and too lazy)


Pixie's boss at work has been extra mean for no valid reason all week.


Pixie is also feeling under the weather.


Pixie played hooky from work today. Well, it feels like it. I didn't go in because I felt too sick to work, but then I realised I had no dog food. Or salad for the beardies. Or carrots for the rabbits, tortoise and horse. Or food for me. While I may prioritise my health over my job, I also prioritise my animal's wellbeing over my health. So I biked to the shops. Unwell. In the rain. When I wanted to sleep.




Bumped into a couple of friends in the supermarket. I haven't seen them since last winter so we had a nice, if brief, catch up. Then, on the short walk from the shop to the bike(only about 20 metres or so) my carrier bag broke. So I had to dash back into the pet store(which i had conveniently parked my bike outside of) and buy a new bag. I re-distributed the very heavy shopping load and cycled home. Unwell. In the rain. When I wanted to sleep. Carrying half my weight in pet food.




And, after feeding everyone and putting extra shopping away, I put the heating on and snuggled into the chair for some youtubing. And, 5 hours later, here I am still. I havent even taken off my hat. I have eaten half a box of chocolate. Because I feel icky and want comfort.


But I'm gonna go and tidy my room up now. Because as much as I want to just go and sleep, I also am expecting to be sharing it tonight so I should probably make some sort of slight, snotty effort.





...I just realised I forgot to buy more straw.



Level 9 Pixie

I may not be the strongest, the fastest, or the bravest. But I'll be damned if I'm not trying my hardest.
17 STR ¦ 17 STA ¦ 13 CON ¦ 17 WIS ¦ 13 CHA ¦ 12 DEX

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Taking yesterday off may or may not have gotten me fired. Only rota'd on for saturday and sunday this week. Gonna take the opportunity to catch up on cleaning, sleep, and jobseeking. Just in case.


Clipped up Queenie's neck today. Couldn't get a photo because it was dark by the time I called it a day.

Level 9 Pixie

I may not be the strongest, the fastest, or the bravest. But I'll be damned if I'm not trying my hardest.
17 STR ¦ 17 STA ¦ 13 CON ¦ 17 WIS ¦ 13 CHA ¦ 12 DEX

Latest Challenge! , Battle Log! , CHARACTERYAY


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Clippers have gone blunt. Yard owner has no blades for her clippers. Queenie's stuck with one side of her neck and one shoulder clipped, and fluff everywhere else. Good thing her rug hides it, she looks ridiculous.


Even so, I feel good today.



Level 9 Pixie

I may not be the strongest, the fastest, or the bravest. But I'll be damned if I'm not trying my hardest.
17 STR ¦ 17 STA ¦ 13 CON ¦ 17 WIS ¦ 13 CHA ¦ 12 DEX

Latest Challenge! , Battle Log! , CHARACTERYAY


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Day two of the seemingly eternal frost. I've spent the last 2 and a half hours outside walking Hutch. My fingers aren't working very well. I've already walked 5.15 miles and reached my step quota of the day. Might be able to get the 25,000 steps badge. Oooh.


It's so cold. Hutch was skidding around on the ice. It was funny because he was the only dog in the park who was light enough. All the others were going straight through. Hutch seemed to notice. He seemed amused.


Gods I'm cold.


I got a nice photo of a redwing. Will have to upload camera photos up to the computer and show you guys. Redwings are so pretty.


I'm so cold.








I can't be bothered with the camera, so I took a photo of the photo on my phone xD



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Level 9 Pixie

I may not be the strongest, the fastest, or the bravest. But I'll be damned if I'm not trying my hardest.
17 STR ¦ 17 STA ¦ 13 CON ¦ 17 WIS ¦ 13 CHA ¦ 12 DEX

Latest Challenge! , Battle Log! , CHARACTERYAY


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I am gluten intolerant.


I should not eat things with wheat in them.


But sometimes, when I do, nothing happens. I'm fine.


And I love pizza. And cake. And yorkshire puddings.


But sometimes, I have one slice of buttered bread, and this happens:




I can't stand up straight, everything is on fire, I look 4 months pregnant and I feel like I'm dying.


This is me the next morning.




When things like this do happen, I tell myself: Never again. No more wheaty things. No pizza, no cake, no bread, no doughnuts, not yorkies with my carvery, no pasta....


The next day I'm frying up sausages.




I get this too! it's infuriating when sometimes you're ok and sometimes you're not :/ I've been told it could be a fibre-thing rather than a gluten thing but I cant face the 8 week restricted diet it would take to work that out :/ 

Love all the animal pics btw :) 

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Cephalopod Dreams

Halfling Monk

Challenges: Level 4 | Academy: Level 10

Str 4 | Dex 4 | Sta 4 | Con 7 | Wis 5 | Cha 2


My Character


I'm aiming for my black belt in Shotokan Karate, training to defeat the monster that is chronic pain.


Battle Log | Current Challenge | Previous 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


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