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WinterWalker: Arctic Ranger

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Life is better.  I even fell down cement steps on campus and wasn't hurt!  (Backpack pulled me back, so I hit on my butt and supported with arms.  Knees were twitchy for a few hours, but no lasting effects.)


Upgraded my Farmer's Walk weight to 30 lbs per hand.  Grip strength is much improved.  Looking over the quests on the Academy site where they say "Carry .5 your bodyweight' etc.... made me start to wonder if they meant per hand or in total?


Have been maintaining progress both for scale and for inches lost.  I was able to get my (younger and smaller) sister's jeans that she didn't want (fashion issues) instead of having to buy new ones.  They fit and I've been getting compliments!


Discovered a new goal to work on: Mental Self-Image.  I hadn't realized how screwed up my self-perception was until my sister and I were trying new outfits and she corrected me on a comment I made.  Although I've lost 15 lbs and several inches since May, my view in the mirror hasn't caught up to my real progress.  I still 'see' myself as I was, at least most of the time.  I know the measurable progress I've made, but I don't know how to get my perception to catch up.


(Incident was, Sis recommended I wear a shirt a certain way and I thought it emphasized my belly.  She was quite clear and adamant that it did not.  I had to tell her that last year some guy I was close to made a joke about my 'buddha belly.'  She understood my concern a lot easier then, and continued to emphasize that my belly was not that noticeable to other people.)



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Didn't make any progress while home for Winter Break (as expected) but at least I didn't lose ground either (other than some muscle tone.)

My grandma's weight-loss group TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) has a category for people who neither gained nor lost weight: it's called Turtle-ing.  (As in, "I turtled, but it's better than gaining!")  That's basically my month.

Starting Feb 1 I'm going to have my little pin-up sheet of Color-in Squares to track progress.  It worked really well when I did it before (it was just the transition home that threw everything off.)

It's frustrating.  Kind of stuck in my mindset.  Part of it has to do with the weather (Alaska in midwinter), the cold (it's been averaging - 30 F, though the high today is around - 19 F) which makes walking the mile to the gym very unappealing.  Also the dark thoughts that come up mid-workout ("This won't fix anything / Getting healthy won't get you want you really want / All this hassle just to not make progress / Nobody's noticing the progress you've made anyway..." etc.  Counseling doesn't work anymore because I'm already doing all that a counselor has suggested that I do, and since other than being sad/upset/down there's no actual impact on my life..... 

Kind of wish I could get the exercise endorphins other people talk about.

There's some group fitness classes starting next week that I plan on checking out.  It'll be something different.  My planned exercise class was cancelled due to low enrollment.


Workouts....there's nothing really worth posting for now.  Nutrition is going alright - trying to find alternatives to breads, but bread/noodles/etc are so convenient for traveling and being on the go.  Not to mention being comparatively inexpensive.

  I'm having to put Mindset as my primary focus.

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I'm getting walks in, and doing alright with nutrition.  Surprises keep getting in the way of heading to the gym; surprise birthday party for a friend, grocery-shopping (had to catch a ride, and my fridge was EMPTY), gym was closed due to cold weather.....

But I'm down to 166 lbs, so progress is progress.

After some research, I've decided to give Keto a try.  Grocery shopping yesterday was listed out accordingly.  I don't know about hitting it die-hard from the get-go, but in the past I've done well on low-carb meals so even if I'm not actually in ketosis I'll still get benefits.

Slow progress is progress.


Had some 20 SOC.  Applied for an out-of-state internship for this summer, and they're already checking my references.  That's exciting.


Weird/unusual new occurrences (ok to add since hardly anybody reads this) - Noticed that guys are starting to actually check me out now.  Not an actual big deal, granted, but it's been such a long time that for it to be noticeable is...pretty nice actually.  My head still spends a LOT of time in the 'barely-passable appearance' mindset, so for there to be evidence of otherwise is nice. ----yeah, my self-perception is off.  I know it, I'm working on it, and I've got people to keep my head on straight.  But it's really nice for there to be objective non-friends/family evidence.

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Finally ordered a fitbit!  I'm tired of the discrepancy between the machines at the gym and my fitness app.  Sometimes the difference is huge!  I'm hoping that the fitbit will give more accurate readings.


Community weight-loss challenge ended.  I didn't place but I did win a raffle basket!  Second time in a row!  That's what really keeps me going back....


It's above 0 F (above - 17 C) for the first time in over a month.  LOVE IT!  I can actually get outside for a reasonable length of time now!  As long as my homework is caught up.

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Fitbit arrived, and I'm getting used to it.  I'm hoping that it works well with the kickstarter I signed up for (Exantra World - kinda similar to Nerd Fitness in game-fying fitness, except there's an avatar that levels up with every IRL workout.  Fitbits track time and heartbeat to avoid cheating the system.)  Also hoping that the kickstarter gets all the funding; it looks close.


The pedometer seems inaccurate and overestimates the number of steps I've done, but the heartrate seems right.  Much better for tracking.


Taking the bus for a fieldwork assignment and will have to walk back to campus.  It's only about a mile and a half, but there's fresh snow and the sidewalks might not be taken care of by the time I get to them.  It'll slow me down, but increase heartrate, so... that's good.


Been trying to hit the gym, but lost my mindset.  I just... don't especially care.  Part of the issue is the sunlight hasn't quite kicked in yet, partly I'm hitting a milestone birthday this weekend and there are some aspects about it that make me sad.  Partly I'm sick and tired of going alone, the group fitness that actually looks fun is at the same time I'm at work or in class, and people who say they're going to join me keep bailing.  That's also a downer.

So I've been roughly maintaining progress, though not breaking new ground.  At least I'm not losing ground.

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Got fitbit hooked with My Fitness Pal, and been tracking sleep, so seeing how everything ties together is really helpful.  Like last night, I was in bed a good two and a half hours before actually sleeping - mentioned this to my sister and she said she's always wondered how I've been able to spend so much time in bed. Not exactly by choice....


Finally was on time for the new exercise class, but apparently it's been permanently cancelled.  Did a regular workout instead.

Retook measurements so I can compare and contrast at the end of this month.  


There's not really anything interesting to say....

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On day 3 of a migraine, but I've been getting myself to the gym for light workouts.  Yesterday had the bonus of getting shanghaied into a boxing class and helping a newbie work on her form.  That was nice.

Found out fitbit isn't accurate with calorie-burn tracking, so that's annoying.  Just glad I caught it this quick rather than having a month or more of wondering "What's going on?"  I've implemented some fix-its so hopefully that'll mitigate the damage.


Weird thing on a different note has me mildly concerned: I don't typically do Intermittent Fasting, but I've always eaten a bit low-calorie.  My body just doesn't seem to need to burn much (I average 1400-1600 calories a day, and do light/moderate exercise most days - 1-2 miles cardio, followed by weights, and that's enough for me to maintain weight, or drop very slowly).  The weird thing is, yesterday my last meal was mid-afternoon and total calorie intake was just under 1400.  I went to the gym, was well-hydrated, and just didn't feel hungry.  But then this morning comes around (so nothing but water for nearly 16 hours)...and I'm still not hungry.  I did get a powerbar because I was heading to fieldwork and wouldn't have the chance to eat until noon.  Thought that would be pushing it, and since I have to walk the mile and a half back to campus I didn't want to risk getting light-headed.


I was hungry enough for a light lunch, but I'm at the point where I can see myself skipping dinner because...I'm just not hungry.  I don't know if it's the migraine or what, but something is making this not a food day.  I don't want to make myself sick or anything, so I'm probably going to boil some eggs for dinner just to have good content in my stomach in case I need it.  


I kind of want to push myself with exercising, get more of a sweat going, but that'd be a bad idea with my head and vision how they are.  Definitely wearing out faster; but getting my blood pumping that little bit helps a lot for making me feel better.

Lately, it's been 2 miles on a treadmill (or 30 min, whichever I feel like, though I try for whichever comes second.)  

Then whole-body workout with weights as appropriate.  Trickiest thing has been getting space in the weight room, and privacy for stuff like jumping jacks (maybe nobody else notices, but I sure do, and it's just embarrassing....)  If the boxing group keeps up, I'll probably keep dropping in.  They're also working MMA and I'd like the chance to rough-house a bit and refresh my self-defense moves.

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Invested my birthday money into renting cross-country skis for the week.  That'll be fun!


Didn't workout yesterday; needed to crash and sleep.  My body thanks me for it.  Nutrition was on point!  Scale is finally showing progress again, so we'll have to wait and see if it sticks.  Retook measurements the other day.  Lost some ground, but not terribly surprised.  Two steps forward, one step back has a net  progress of One step forward.  I'll take it. 


Taste buds have definitely changed.  I don't drink soda anymore, and now apparently even fruit juice is too sweet.  That's what I get for putting ACV in my water for so long.


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Rented cross-country skis.  3rd-ever time out I went for a 6-mile jaunt (about 2 hours) and ended up at the Alaskan Pipeline.  When I was almost back to the lodge (spent the weekend away) they sent snowmachines to get me because there was apparently a wolf-pack around the area.  Which ended well, because I was pretty worn out by then and would have taken another 20-30 minutes to get back on my own.

I think skiing is going to be my new winter sport.  It's good for both solo and in groups, outdoors, and I just like it.


That's my main thing.  There was a lot of skiing, snowmachining, sledding, and running.  The running was because I have a weakness for pranking people bigger than me, and the usual go-to revenge involves snowbanks.

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I've had 5 solid workouts this week! And been on point with nutrition - as evidenced by a HUGE drop with the scale!  As of this morning, I weighed in at 163.5 lbs.  New lowest in four years!  The whoosh effect is so real!  I had been at 165, then rebounded and stagnated at 170 for several months.  Something about this past weekend and all the skiing finally got progress going again.

Donated blood again, so went light on Thursday and Friday.  I think I'm starting to get better stamina when running though, which is one of my goals.  I was able to maintain a slightly faster pace for about 5 min instead of gassing out after 2 or 3 like I typically do.


Free-weights for rows, curls, etc I keep to 15 lbs.  3x12 (3 sets, 12 reps.  That's the format, yes?)  I think in a couple weeks I'll be ready to move to 20 lbs, with maybe 3x9.  Have to see.

I really want to work my triceps - minimize or stop the chicken-wing effect.

Farmer's Walk is 1 lap (about 655 ft) with 25 lbs.  Grip is still a struggle by the end so it'll be awhile before I move to the 30 lbs.

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Thanks to friends and spontaneity, I ended up with two workouts yesterday.  A friend got a Planet Fitness membership and invited me along as a guest to help her get used to the layout.  In the same 5 minutes, my sister asked if I would go to the school gym with her.  It's been awhile since she's gone, and she has social anxiety, so I said yes.  So I spent about 30 min working out at PF (not counting the 30 min spent on paperwork for my friend), and then went straight to meet my sister and spent another 45 min doing cardio and some weights for arms and abs.


Tomorrow I'm taking my scale to the gym and testing its calibration.  I'm all for progress, but it's to the point I'm getting suspicious of success. Going by what the scale says, I would expect to have lost several more inches and to be starving.  This is a bit more than simply two pounds down weekly.  The scale COULD be accurate, and it's just water-differences from changing my diet (not necessarily 'low carb' but lower than it used to be)....but it's worth testing all the same.


Other markers of success: More energy overall, better sleep, just better mental well-being in general. 

And I had a doughnut for breakfast, since I was on the run, and regretted it almost immediately.  It tasted fine, but my stomach did NOT like it.  Changing health and body indeed.

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Doubling up on workouts again today.  I went from no gym buddies to two gym buddies, with the corresponding energy expenditure.  Crazy hungry, but self-controlled enough to mix together a delicious mosh of tuna, habanero cheese, cilantro, mayo, and bell pepper.  Lots of tuna.


I took the scale to the gym as intended, and the darn thing is actually correct.  Go figure.  I don't know why it's taken so long for weight loss to kick in at anything faster than 'agonizingly slow', but I'm glad it has!


My one friend is a proponent of the 'lift light, more reps' theme, so I followed suit to keep pace.  Mostly.  We did do our own thing a little bit.  I probably could have done heavier weights anyway on the bicep curls (3x20 at 15 lbs) but the next one up was 20 lbs and I wasn't sure about the pace.

Tricep-rows and chest press were also 3x20 at 15 lbs.  Right call for sure with triceps, since that's a weak spot.  Definitely should have gone up to 20 lbs for the chest-press, though.


Leg work was fun - hip abductor and inner thigh machine (can't remember name) 3x20 at 100 lbs each.  It wasn't the weight that got me so much as some of the stretching.  Next time I'll stretch better and go a little bit heavier.

Squat machine: 3x20 at 115 lbs.  Feels ok.  Would like to crank that up.  I think I finally have something to really focus on.  Not sure what a reasonable goal for that would be.  Research!  I do have some friends who are really into mountain climbing and hiking, and I'd like to eventually get to the point where I can ask to join in.  To do that, I'm going to need really strong legs and stamina for the climbing and pack-carrying.

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Went light at the gym today because I gassed out a bit quick, and I have an exam tomorrow that I need to study more for.


12 min on the stair-stepper.  Going to make this a more regular thing because even though it's slower, it gets me working a LOT harder than elliptical or treadmill (and I really don't have the patience/discipline to properly push myself running laps.)

Squat machine again - this time I did 3x15 at 190 lbs.  Felt a lot better than yesterday's set.  Could still go a bit higher.

Lateral pulls - 3x10 at 70 lbs.  Shoulders started twinging (probably too much too soon after yesterday) so I quit before I hurt myself.

Torso-twist machine at 100 lbs - 2x13.

Stretches and cool-down walk.  

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Haven't been going to the gym because Finals are inclement, and there is an overabundance of paperwork that goes into applying for a student internship.  I have been getting my miles in, so that's still good.


I've been monitoring nutrition closely, and macros fairly close, so I'm still making progress.  It's nice to be maintaining in the mid-160s after so long in the 170s.

Fallen away from hydration and need to get back to that.

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Dang, a lot happened in the past year and a half.  For starters, I fell off the wagon and my weight went back to 186 lbs.


I joined a local TOPS chapter for the in-person accountability I need, and it thankfully meets on Saturdays so I can actually attend.  (Other groups met during the weekday.)  It's been a couple weeks and I've been back to keeping a food log and tracking nutrients and calories.  Slow and steady progress.  I've managed to lose a few pounds, even after attending my cousin's wedding with the full-course meal.

Haven't made it to the gym in months, but I've been getting outside activities.  Took myself for a walk, and next thing I knew it's 3 miles later.  Also getting my bike out a bit.


But the real major change in activity and nutrition is: being a first-year elementary teacher.  I'm on my feet constantly (easily getting 8 thousand steps before 4 pm), and since I don't really have time for a proper 30 min lunch (too much to do before the kids come in from recess) I'm inadvertently intermittent fasting from 7:30 am to 4 pm.  I bring a lunch with me (home-made smoothie with veggies, greek yogurt, protein powder, etc).  Then when I get home for dinner, I'm too full/tired to do much.  So then it's more nutritious yet simple stuff.  (ex: today I used some bone broth I made with moose meat, veggies, and rice.  Two cups later....full.)


New hires were warned that we're likely to really pack on the pounds this year, but if I keep this up then I might just beat the system.  It's pretty convenient not having sweets and etc in the house.  (And convenient for my new-teacher paycheck.  Ouchies.)


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How to 21-hour fast: 


Eat dinner at 7 pm.  Sleep.  Wake up for Day 3 of being a 1st grade teacher.  Skip lunch because nobody's got time for that.  Realize at 4 pm that you never actually ate breakfast.  Eat a protein bar tucked into your bag.

Try not to repeat immediately.


Good thing I had my water bottle today.  I was well hydrated if nothing else, and certainly got my steps in.


And really, if you don't rearrange tables midway through the first week, are you even a newbie teacher?

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Nutrition truly is the majority of the battle.  I'm walking a LOT in my job, but not doing much else exercise-wise.  Despite this, I've had noticeable continual weight and size losses for the past month.  I'm going to have to up my step goal because 5k per day is just too easy.


I think the biggest 'set myself up for success' is that I finally have full control over what's in the kitchen.  There's not really anything to snack on, so I can't be mindless about it.  If I feel hungry, I actually have to get up and make something.  Or grab a piece of fruit.

I had a doctor at my last check-up recommend intermittent fasting and even though I didn't plan to do it, it's happening just as a matter of course.  I don't feel like I'm starving and that's good.

I don't like eating breakfast early in the morning so I just grab a protein bar.  Lunches are 30 min and mainly used to prep lesson materials for the afternoon, so I have some crackers if I remember.  I get snacks (cheese, usually) to tide me over while I cook dinner and that's my big meal of the day.  (So rest assured, I AM getting a good amount of quality calories.)  Throughout the day I drink black coffee / water.  And I feel good.  I would never have thought it, but it seems my body likes this system.  I've got plenty of energy, not  hangry, and I don't feel deprived.

I think it also helps that it's mainly meat and veggies.  Occasional sweet-potato noodles, beer, cheese, etc.....but VERY heavy on meat and veggies.   I like this system.  It works for me.

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